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Software syst1.doc
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Speaking module

III. Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe requirements phase, compiler, coding phase, programming tools

using the suggested words and expressions:

requirements phase

define\ system\ constraints\ a requirements document\product overview\ a specification\operating\ maintenance \environment\ high-level\ conceptual model of the system\ functional requirements\ listing \enhancements


covert\written in high-level language\an object\a source program\special program.

coding phase

software life-cycle\ code\ concerned\ design\ development\ implement \ formal language\ programming language

Programming tools

Debugger\ find errors\ profiler\ in the code\ parts of a module \ executing\optimizers \run faster.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: A software system consists of executable computer code and the supporting documents.

2. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: The higher-level languages can be categorized as functional languages, declarative languages, and imperative languages.

3. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: Most coding today is done in one of the higher-level languages.

4. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: The best-known life-cycle model is the waterfall model.

The writing module

IV. Writing exercises:

Exercise1. Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

executable program / programming language / executable computer code / modularity / coding phase/

A software system consists of …..and the supporting documents needed to manufacture, use, and maintain the code. For example, a word processing system consists of an….. (the word processor), user manuals, and the documents, such as requirements and designs, needed to produce the executable program and manuals. The …..of the software life-cycle is concerned with the development of code that will implement the design. This code is written is a formal language called a……. Following the principle of……., code on large systems is separated into modules, and the modules are assigned to individual programmers.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences:

In the design phase, a plan is developed for how

Most coding today is done in one

Following the principle of modularity, code on large systems is separated

The purpose of the requirements phase is to

Exercise 3. Compose a story on one of the topics (up to 100 words):

“Systems programming as the activity of programming system software.”

“History of programming”

“Phases of system programming”


Lesson 1

II.Reading exercises:

Exercise 2

1/Computer software is a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system.

Applications software is a collection of related programs designed to perform a specific task—to solve a particular problem for the user.

Systems software starts up the computer and functions as the principal coordinator of all the hardware components and applications software programs.

Middleware controls and co-ordinates distributed systems.

2.The six major categories of applications software are general business management, industry-specific, special disciplines, education, personal/home management, and general- purpose for the user.

3/At the lowest level, software consists of a machine language specific to an individual processor.

4/High-level languages are compiled or interpreted into machine language object code.

5/Systems software starts up (boots) the computer and functions as the principal coordinator of all the hardware components and applications software programs.

Exercise 3

1d 2a 3c 4b

Exercise 4 1 hardware 2.starts up , hardware