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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Лабораторний практикум 4_eng.doc
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220/12 V


12 V

Module of measuring and processing weather data with sensors



Sensors controller



380 V, 50 Hz

Management commands, voice messages


Siren ≥ 120 dB



Figure 3.3 – Block diagram of radio-meteorological complex AWS - Р

4 Special aws

Special AWS is designed for: performing all functions of a local warning system for potentially dangerous pipelines, nuclear power plants (NPP) and hydroelectric power stations (HPS).

Special ASO built along ammonia pipelines, backbone and drainage oil and gas pipelines as well as areas of possible defeat NPP and HPS. They have their own specific features, such as the great length of gas and oil pipelines and a large area of possible damage from NPP and HPS. Therefore, the functional structure of such systems should take into account the peculiarities of these objects. Around the NPP possible defeat of the population is 30km.

The possible defeat area of population is the source data for the design and construction of a special system. This system is based on a technical means of local and regional warning systems. Special warning system based on a base of warning facilities control panels (WFCP) using of computers management devices of terminal warning facilities (MDTWF). WFCP software for product pipelines has an additional module that provides calculation of dangerous substances clouds spreading in operational weather data coming in automated mode from meteocomplexes, located along the area of potentially dangerous object (gas and oil pipelines).

A typical piece of special AWS block diagram for product pipelines are shown in Fig – 4.1. Block diagram of the special AWS for NPP is shown in Fig – 4.2, for HPS – Fig – 4.3.

Functionalities of specific AWS technical means.

Local AWS WFCP for product pipelines performs following functions:

receiving and displaying information about the concentration of hazardous substances, as well as the place of their release with definition of the highway corresponding section;

automatically determine of the harmful substances maximum volume, which may be spilled from this section;

reception and display of meteocomplex weather data, which is located in this backbone section;

calculation and display areas of hazardous substances clouds spreading;

warning of stuff and the population living in the zone of possible defeat;

remote control of MDTWF and notification tools;

officials warning;

information exchange with regional or district WFCP;

record and preserve all the information about events in the system.

Special AWS WFCP for NPP performs the following functions:

receiving information about the level of ionizing radiation on NPP and human settlements in the 30km zone;

displaying terrain maps with information about the levels of ionizing radiation;

reception and display of meteocomplex weather data, located within the NPP;

warning of stuff and the population living in the zone of possible defeat;

remote control of MDTWF and notification tools;

officials warning;

information exchange with regional or district WFCP;

record and preserve all the information about events in the system.

installing of the ionizing radiation sensors as well as calculate and displaying the area of ​​ radioactive cloud spreading is an additional opportunity and is determined at the stage of designing.

Special AWS WFCP for HPS performs the following functions:

reception and displaying of information about water level on specified territories;

warning of stuff and the population living in the zone of possible flooding;

remote control of MDTWF and notification tools;

officials warning;

information exchange with regional or district WFCP;

WFCP of special warning system

Product pipeline

To regional WFCP (district)

Settlements in the possible damage area

Figure­ 4.1 – Special AWS for product pipelines

WFCP of special warning system

Potentially dangerous object

To regional WFCP (district)

Settlements in the 30 km zone

Figure 4.2 – Special AWS for NPP

WFCP of special warning system

Potentially dangerous object

To regional WFCP (district)

Settlements in zone of possible flooding

Figure 4.3 – Special AWS for HPS

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