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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Лабораторний практикум 4_eng.doc
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3 Local aws

Local AWS is designed for:

control of PDO, namely the timely detection of an emergency of pollutants concentration in the air by technical measuring means in PDO certain places and transfer of information about the threat to the operator;

stuff warning of potentially hazardous objects about accidents and emergency situations, and alert the population in the area of ​​possible contamination of emergency situations using various warning tools;

officials warning of potentially hazardous object, city (district) and the rapid deployment force, using of communication systems, where subscribers are officials;

implementing the interaction with other systems related to a single state system of civil protection.

Local warning systems should cover not only potentially dangerous object, but also the territory of a possible population defeat, which is the basic data for the design and construction of the local system. This system is based on a object system with notification area extension on the territory of a possible defeat. Local warning system is based on a base of warning facilities control panels (WFCP) using of computers management devices of terminal warning facilities (MDTWF). WFCP software has an additional module that provides calculation of dangerous substances clouds spreading in operational weather data coming in automated mode from meteocomplex, located in potentially dangerous object.

WFCP is based on a computer using the equipment used in regional systems providing connectivity to a regional warning system by MDTWF-03.

Algorithm of local warning system WFCP work coincides with the algorithm of regional systems control panels work in filing coded signal-wide commands and receiving confirmations from the end notification tools about execution or non execution of commands.

Additionally are performed functions of meteodata requesting and receiving from meteocomplex AWS, and calculation of dangerous substances cloud spreading zone while cloud forthcoming to localities within the destruction zone.

Meteocomplex AWS consists of device of weather data processing and transmission, weather information measuring and processing module with a set of sensors (sensors of wind, temperature, humidity, pressure), which can connect the sensor detecting harmful substances (Figure 3.3).

If it is necessary both of the functions of public notification and monitoring of the environment MDTWF-AWS is used, which is based on a combination of elements MDTWF and AWS.

Physically meteocomplex can be located near the site of a possible release of chemicals in the potentially dangerous object. And also has an auxiliary input for connecting the controller system for controlling the PDO and the transfer of information about the threat to the operator.

As local systems MDTWF both in the object and beyond may be used:

MDTWF connected with electromechanical sirens and street loudspeakers used in the construction of regional systems;

MDTWF with street loudspeakers that also play the voice message also reproduce the signal "WARNING TO ALL" using electronic sirens, which are also used in the construction of regional systems.

Structural diagram of the local AWS based on radio communication is shown in Figure – 3.1, based on wireline in Fig – 3.2.

Functionalities of local AWS technical means.

Local AWS WFCP performs following functions:

receiving and displaying information about the concentration of hazardous substances;

determination and display of the hazardous chemicals release (if several discharge points are possible);

reception and display of meteocomplex weather data;

calculation and display clouds of hazardous substances spread areas;

warning of facility stuff and the population living in the possible defeat zone;

remote control of MDTWF and mass notification;

officials alert;

information exchange with regional or district WFCP;

record and preserve all the information about events in system.

WFCP of local warning system

Potentially dangerous object

To regional WFCP (district)

Settlements in the possible damage area

Figure ­3.1 – Local AWS on radiocommunication base

WFCP of local warning system

Potentially dangerous object

To regional WFCP (district)

Settlements in the possible damage area

Figure 3.2 – Local AWS on wire communication base

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