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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Лабораторний практикум 4_eng.doc
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2 Object aws.

Object AWS is intended for:

control of potentially dangerous objects (PDO), namely the timely detection of an emergency by technical means of measuring the air pollutants concentration in the PDO designated places and the transfer of information about the threat to the operator;

warning personnel of potentially dangerous objects about preemergent and emergent situations using various warning tools;

warning officials of potentially dangerous object and rapid deployment force, using communication systems, to which officials are subscribed.

Objects warning systems have their own characteristics in terms of an organizational structure building that is determined by the warning object structure. Therefore that is possible to construct several options for the system structure. Regardless of construction structure object warning system is constructed on a base of warning facilities control panels (WFCP) and management devices of terminal warning facilities (MDTWF).

WFCP can be based both on a computer using the equipment used in regional systems, and in simplified versions using microprocessor components, with providing connectivity to a regional warning system by MDTWF-03 or by the built-in modem.

In the minimal version of the system that do not need high power amplifier and using of electromechanical sirens, control panel with built-in low frequency amplifier (LFA) is used. In this case, the signal "WARNING TO ALL" is played by electronic siren.

As MDTWF of object systems can be used:

MDTWF connected with electromechanical sirens and street loudspeakers used in the construction of regional systems;

MDTWF with street speakers which instead of voice message playing also reproduce the signal "WARNING TO ALL" using electronic sirens, which are also used in the construction of regional systems;

wire communication device (WCD), which allows to manage stationary low frequency power (LFP) amplifiers that are loaded by street speakers and (or) network subscriber radios in PDO buildings premises, and sirens control unit (SCU) to manage only electromechanical sirens.

Simplified devices WCD and SCU are used in object warning system constructing using physical lines as the control channel and voice communication.

For PDO also can be used systems environment monitoring and PDO control.

These systems include:

sensors of hazardous chemicals concentration detection;

controller of processing and transmission of the content in the environment chemically hazardous substances, as well as identifying the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of hazardous substances with excess alarm edition.

As communication channels of object warning systems can be used:

physical lines;

switched or dedicated telephone lines;

different types of communication on a radio channel (GSM, CDMA, DTMF etc.).

Structural scheme of object warning system WFCP in case of ECM usage Fig. 2.1.

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