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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Практика 1 англ.doc
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Event Planning personnel protection

Enterprises, institutions CONNECTION

Purpose - to learn to plan activities for Civil Protection (CZ) for enterprises (institutions) connection. Work out an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations (NA) of man-made and natural disasters object communication.

1. Scheduling a unified system of civil protection

Planning work to prevent emergencies and respond to predictable options for their possible development is based on tracking changes in the natural and man-made environment and relevant documents on the procedure and methodology of planning.

The extent and consequences of a possible emergency situation are based on expert assessment, forecasting or modeling results of experiments conducted by qualified experts. Depending on the results developed a plan to respond to a specific threat of an emergency.

The main objective of the plan to respond to an emergency or threat of it is to preserve life and health, minimize material losses. To this end, the effective measures to protect the home, preschool, educational and medical facilities, places of permanent residence of people addressing the urgent evacuation of the territory, which can spread dangerous effects predicted consequences of an emergency.

Responding to the threat of an emergency defined

source of funding approved by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, heads of regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations, heads of state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In order to advance the implementation of measures to respond to the threat of an emergency and the maximum possible reduction of losses made planning activities within a single system of civil protection, according to the plans of interaction between central and local executive bodies, the operational plans of the ministries and other central executive bodies. The scope and content of these measures are defined in compliance with the requirements of reasonable sufficiency and maximum use of existing capabilities.

The bulk of the work associated with emergency response or elimination of the threat of its occurrence, perform emergency forming units or potentially dangerous object or subdivision providing them with the necessary assistance from the structural units of the Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and others.

To perform these activities should be involved primarily rescue and search and rescue units from central authority, the object of which the accident occurred, which led to an emergency situation, the relevant units of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state Administration, the executive body of the council, in which there was an emergency. Organizational guidance action planning unified system of civil defense exercises MOE.

In the MOE, its crisis center, a focal point of rescue and search and rescue operations, the authorities of Emergencies and Civil Protection Department is responsible for:

providing strategic and operational planning within a single system;

collecting, processing and communicating information to the performers needed for planning and management, including information on the status and potential threat objects and natural phenomena, potential threat, risk assessment (including projected and actual meteorological, seismic and other circumstances).

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