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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Практика 1 англ.doc
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2. Planning for the protection of personnel

The atmosphere in the emergency necessitates the development of specific action plans for production staff, management and protection in emergencies.

The level of event planning for emergencies for different regions and objects can not be the same. On the other hand, any best plan may not be perfect, because can not anticipate all possible emergencies.

When planning measures in case of emergencies must consider the following factors:

emergency - a situation in which the amount of ordinary material resources, usually is insufficient to eliminate the consequences;

emergencies can occur at any place and at any time, repeated in the same place;

to respond to an emergency situation requires a certain time, which underlines the importance of reliability of the warning system and communication;

action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations shall coordinate the work of the staff working at the scene of the accident, give him some leeway and authority to make independent decisions;

follow the principle of achieving efficiency, strive to personnel performing the usual duties for them. If this can not be achieved, and people will be forced to work under new conditions, it is necessary to provide them special training;

possible change of the environment, destroys normal industrial relations;

anticipate the need to interact with various executive agencies, the MOE of Ukraine and the military command, which must be agreed with all the interacting parties;

plans should be improved and adjusted based on the experience gained in similar situations;

emergency possible misunderstandings between groups of people, so staff may need psychological and medical care.

Planning takes place in two stages:

first - identify and evaluate potential hazards for the given object (district, region);

second - planning activities that will provide at least a basic priority actions.

Action Plan for the protection of personnel must undergo three phases of action, according to the phases of emergency situations, which depend on the timing of their implementation.

First stage. The main goal of the first phase, which lasts from several minutes to several hours after the emergency situation is an urgent assessment of the situation that has arisen, and to determine the scope of the National Assembly and of the priority measures for protection of personnel and location of emergency.

At this stage implies the following:

alerts, information on emergency production staff, relevant authorities and the public to take measures for the protection, cessation of production activities, withdrawal from hazardous areas;

Immediate assessment of the situation and extent of an emergency;

call emergency personnel and crews;

rescue work and work on the localization of secondary factors (fires, landslides, floods, etc.);

the special prevention.

The implementation of these measures requires the involvement of all the capabilities of the object (district, region). In addition, the involved capabilities that stand out the plans of interaction.

Second stage. The objectives of the second phase, which can last several days are:

clarification of the situation that has arisen;

continuation of rescue and other emergency operations;

additional measures of security of personnel facility (facility) connection;

determining losses and damages;

assist victims;

restoring life support systems and life;

compensation for lost property, buildings and so on.

Third stage. This phase is a transition from emergency to normal

environment. At this stage studies:

loss of life and human health, damage the economy and the economy of the object (school) communication;

been gradually removing restrictions that have been imposed (evacuation of personnel returning to the circulation of agricultural land, the restoration of the shutdown, etc.);

reduced regional infrastructure;

continues to provide compensation and more.

Experience in emergency response revealed weaknesses in unpreparedness of government, heads of objects, individuals to make the right decisions on protection measures in extreme conditions. Often, delayed a decision on protection measures lead to unnecessary casualties, losing health and large financial losses in the economy. Therefore, the development of clear and effective measures and criteria for decision-making is an urgent task.

Multivariate emergency does not allow to work out common criteria, but in all situations, mainly for immediate action should be the criteria for the preservation and maintenance of life and health of the staff, both during the emergency, and in the remote period.

In urgent measures to protect operating personnel and the public include the following:

alert and inform;

Emergency evacuation of personnel from hazardous areas;

the use of personal and collective protection;

use of prophylactic medications;

restrictions stay in open areas or in areas of damage, restrictions on entry to the disaster zone and out of it;

emergency aid to the victims, their admission to medical schools;

prohibition or restriction of consumption of contaminated food, water, products industries.

Соседние файлы в папке Практика ЦЗ англ