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 Dialogue invention

Look at what Mrs Hope and Mr Wayne say, then work in pairs and make up a dialogue between them on the subject of comprehensive schools. Use phrases like : “It’s wrong to...; the point is...; on the other hand...; the trouble is...; it’s no good... -ing...; that’s all very well, but...; in favour of -ing...”.

Making a speech

The problems of secondary education aren’t only British problems. They exist in all countries. What’s your personal opinion? Write a short speech on the subject of secondary education, and give your views on these points:

  • Should all children go to the same school?

  • Should “clever” children be selected at the age of 11 and have a separate education?

  • Should parents have the right to pay for a special education for their children?

Points of view

Give me a school where we can talk on equal terms with our teachers on sex, morals, religion, etc.; a school where personality and brain-building come first and diplomas and certificates last. After all, a diploma or a degree isn’t the perfect vaccine against stupidity.

Cosette age 17

What’s the point of taking facts from a book and teaching them to pupils? In a book, facts are in a logical order and correct. In the brain of most pupils they’re muddled and frequently wrong. Surely it’s far better to leave the facts in convenient books and to teach the pupils to think.

Alan age 17

I’m tired of hearing that the hope of my country lies in my generation. If you give me the same indoctrination, how can you expect me to be different from you?

Diana age 15

The only imagination I use in arithmetic is when I guess the answer.

Melissa age 11

 What do you think?

Do you agree with Cosette? Do you think that pupils should be able to talk about important, personal things with their teachers? Or do you think they prefer to talk to their parents or simply to each other? Give your reasons. In most schools, exams are very important. Cosette thinks they should be less important. Do you agree with her? Do you want to pass a lot of exams? Give your reasons.

Do you think Melissa would agree with Alan? Why?

Is Diana right? Do you think you’ve been indoctrinated? Have older people told you: “You must believe this, you mustn’t believe that”? If so, give some examples, and say where you agree and where you don’t agree.

 Conclusion

What do you think of school? What do you like, and what do you dislike? Write a list of your opinions, using expressions like : I believe that...; I’d like to...; it’s no good... -ing; it’s wrong to...; the trouble is...; what’s the point of... -ing?; surely it’s far better to...; I’m tired of...; we should...

Part III Postsecondary Education: Admissions Active vocabulary

ENTRANCE INTO UNIVERSITY вступ до університету

break n. перерва; to deserve a ~ заслуговувати на перерву, відпочинок

career n. кар`єра; take up a ~ братися за професію / кар’єру; choose a ~ вибирати кар’єру

decide v. вирішувати; Syn. make up one’s mind

entrant n. вступник до учбового закладу, абітурієнт, Syn. applicant

entry n. включення, занесення до списку; to apply for ~ подавати заяву про вступ (до учбового закладу), to be eligible for ~ мати право вступу (до університету)

priority n. пріоритет, старшинство; enjoy ~ користуватися пільгами першорядності прийому; мати право щодо позаконкурсного зарахування до вищого навчального закладу

ADMISSION TO UNIVERSITY прийом до університету

accept v. приймати; to ~to the University прийняти до університету;

admission n. прийом; be refused ~ відмовити в прийомі; high standards for ~ високі вимоги для прийому (до вищого учбового закладу)

admit v. впускати, давати право на вхід; to be ~ted to the university вступити до університету

assemble v. збиратися

board n. 1)дошка, 2)рада, колегія, комісія, the Entrance Examining B. приймальна екзаменаційна комісія, notice ~ дошка об’яв

ceremony n. церемонія; обряд; inaugural ~ церемонія посвяти в студенти

groupmate n. одногрупник; meet ones ~s знайомитися з одногрупниками

enroll in evening classes вступити на вечірнє відділення

expense n. витрати; at the ~ of за рахунок

hall n. 1) зал; 2) вестибюль, хол; Audience Hall актовий зал; entrance ~ вестибюль

meet the demands of the time відповідати вимогам часу

out-of -town students приїжджі студенти

qualify v.1)готувати(ся), навчати, 2) оцінювати, кваліфікувати; make a (highly) ~ed teacher (interpreter) ставати (високо) кваліфікованим вчителем (перекладачем); to start qualifying for an interpreter розпочати здобувати кваліфікацію перекладача

qualification n.підготовленість, кваліфікація, придатність

school-leaver n. випускник школи

student’s identity card студентський квиток

train v. виховувати, навчати

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