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4. Central or more suburban areas?

Central areas offer a wide range of opportunities. That can mean finding a job easily, whether full-time or part-time, travelling to and from there without big inconveniences, getting easy access to banks, post offices, city center etc. For some, especially young students, night life is a crucial aspect to consider, something, which varies from city to city. In smaller cities, there will be less night clubs and bars than in the central ones. Although some find it dull and not at all exciting, for others it is a relief not having too many distractions during their studies. But everyone should choose according to their own personal likes and dislikes.

5. Tuition fees/financial aspects

The tuition fees is another fact to take into account before making your final decision. Most universities have tuition fees. If you or your parents can afford them, it is not a problem. If not, there are ways to get the necessary amount such as scholarships if you have good grades, student loans, student jobs. There are many part-time jobs for students, who want to work and study at the same time. There are also part-time study programmes. It does take longer to graduate, but you can study and make some money at the same time. Of course, there are countries which don’t demand fees in most cases, like Greece for instance. Since last year, most universities in Germany are without tuition fees.

6. Weather/climate

The weather is probably the last and less important thing to think about. If it is just for 2 years, I think most of the people could put up with a not-so-perfect-for-them-weather. For a longer period of time, it might be something to consider, if a place like Finland or maybe Sweden is unbearably cold or on the other hand countries like Spain, Italy, Greece etc. are too warm for people coming from northern countries or not warm enough for others coming from more southern countries.

A little advice

Apply in many different universities, even if you are not that interested in going. Things don’t always come the way we would like them to. You might not get accepted in the university of your first choice, but maybe you will get in the second one. Minimize the search by excluding universities, which don’t have the programmes you are looking for. Start by putting the most crucial factors in an order, taking into account the priorities you want to set. For example, programme of studies is the most important; the second one is the language or the tuition fees... This may clear some things up and help you make a decision.

This process is sometimes hard and exhausting, but it is really worth it! Having a diploma in something you really enjoy or even love, is something huge and with big value and importance! Besides for the diploma you receive in the end, you win so much more. You learn about different cultures and have the chance to live multicultural experiences, you meet new people in your life and you see the world with a different eye than you used to in the past!



Listening ‘What's a University Education Worth?’

Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university. Students are graduating with larger and larger debts. So is a university degree really worth it?

Do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the audio file and do the first task to check your comprehension, and the second task to test your vocabulary.

  • Tuition fees

  • Student loan

  • Interest

  • Summer job

  • Salary

  • Struggle

  • Having a career

  • Repayment

  • Wage

  1. Challengingmoney a student pays to a university _____

  2. money borrowed from a bank or finance company _______

  3. extra money paid on a loan or bank savings ________

  4. money paid back on a loan _______

  5. fight _____

  6. difficult but rewarding _____

  7. work between academic years _________

  8. a regular monthly or annual pay packet _________

  9. money paid for a week’s work __________

  10. getting a better job or salary within a company over time _________


Listen to the tapescript. Decide if each of the statements about the text is true or false.

1. More than three quarters of all university students in England and Wales borrow money to study

2. Students tend to buy a house soon after graduating

3. Paying back a student loan is always voluntary

4. A degree gives people an advantage when applying for white collar jobs

5. Graduates often feel their first job doesn’t live up to their expectations

6. Numbers of British university students began to decline after the credit crunch

7. Students sometimes break the law to finance their studies

8. More international students are coming to Britain because the UK currency is weaker


Complete the sentences using vocabulary from the preparation activity.

1. We will lend you £3,000, which you will need to repay with .................... of 3% after three years.

2. Paying my fees every year has been a constant .....................

3. With such a small loan, I don’t know if I’ll be able to pay the .....................

4. I’ve got a good job, but I just wish the work was more .....................

5. When term ends, I’ll have to get .................... just to make ends meet.

6. The .................... is £140 a week, but it’s cash-in-hand, so you don’t pay tax.



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