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u + u T n = 0,

p = pvacuum pump V0


where V0 is the flow rate across the boundary, pext the pressure at the device outlet, and pvacuum pump(V0) is he static pressure function of flow rate for the vacuum pump.

Equation 4-6 corresponds to the compressible formulation.

Equation 4-7 corresponds to the incompressible formulation.

In 2D the thickness in the third direction, Dz, is used to define the flow

rate. Fans are modeled as rectangles in this case.


Figure 4-4: Fan at the outlet. The arrow represents the flow direction, the green circle represents the fan (that should not be part of the model), and the blue cube represents the modeled domain with an outlet boundary condition described by a lumped curve for the attached fan.

Theory for the No Viscous Stress Condition

For this module, and in addition to the Theory for the Pressure, No Viscous Stress Inlet Boundary Condition (described in the COMSOL Multiphysics User’s Guide), the viscous stress condition sets the viscous stress to zero:



u I n = 0

u + u T --





u + u T n = 0

using the compressible and the incompressible formulation, respectively.

140 | C H A P T E R 4 : S I N G L E - P H A S E F L O W B R A N C H

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