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МУ по грамматике для технарей(англ) .doc
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Бессоюзные дополнительные придаточные предложения

Помните, что признаком бессоюзного дополнительного придаточного предложения является стык глагола и существительного (местоимения), за которым следует глагол в личной форме. На русский язык такие предложения переводятся дополнительными придаточными предложениями с союзом «что».

I think что the drawings will be…

Я думаю, что чертежи будут…

Scientists announced что they had discovered…

Ученые объявили, что они обнаружили…


I. Переведите предложения, определите какие союзы можно вставить в следующие придаточные дополнительные предложения.


1. The Curies found polonium was many times more active than uranium. 2. The scientist showed in his report American science had made good progress in space exploration. 3. Roentgen found out new rays influenced photographic plates. 4. Newton thought the difference in the colours of spectrum was due to the different velocities of the particles. 5.We know electricity produces heat. 6.We know radio and radar systems play a very important role at any airport.


1. They claimed radium radiations were a hundred thousand times more active than pitch blend from which it was obtained. 2 .When heating gases we find they act in exactly the same way as liquids. 3. We know the specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the unit weight of a substance through 1o of temperature. 4. Examining a piece of table salt with a magnifying glass we see its crystals are of cubical form.

Бессоюзные определительные пидаточные приложения

Помните, что признаком бессоюзного определительного придаточного предложения является стык двух существительных или существительного и местоимения, при котором за вторым существительным (местоимением) следует глагол в личной форме. Переводится такое предложение на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением с союзом «который».

The discovery of the radiationкоторыйon radioactive substances emit…

Открытие радиации, которую радиоактивные вещества излучают…

Any elementкоторыйwe choose

Любой элемент, который мы выбираем…


I. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите какие союзы можно вставить в следующие определительные придаточные предложения.


1. The purposes electricity is used for are numerous. 2. The laws of physics and mathematics the astronomers use help them to find out the size and mass of new heavenly bodies. 3. The time each planet needs to revolve around the Sun is called its year. 4. The new materials the chemists developed were used in space technology. 5. Every substance a man comes in contact with consists of molecules. 6. The field of science they are concerned with is rather new. 7. The Einstein developed an absolutely new idea of the world we live in. 8. One of the problem Newton has worked at was the problem of gravitation. 9. A computer needs a program it can use for performing various operation.


1. The discovery of the radiations radioactive substances emit was of the greatest importance for research work in the field of the structure of the atom. 2. The application the radioactive isotopes are finding in different fields of life is of growing importance. 3.The properties of composite matter are always quite different from those of the elements it consists of. 4. The equipment we use today in our coal mining industry guarantees complete safety. 5. Every day millions of tons of paper are needed for books we read and study, for newspapers we get the latest information from, for innumerable industrial purposes the rise of the cultural level of the people depends upon. 6. The place paper occupies in modern life makes it as necessary as food and water. 7. Wood the forest supplies in unlimited quantities has become the main source of obtaining cellulose pulp is made from. 8. The art of papermaking was already known some thousand years ago, bamboo fibers and rags being the principal materials paper pulp was made of.

II. Переведите предложения, укажите виды придаточных предложений.


1. The great ocean of air the Earth is surrounded by is in constant motion. 2. The instruments our plant produces help to automate production processes. 3. He was not sure whether the research the group had fulfilled was important. 4. The food man ate, the air he breathed he conditions he worked in, all these determined the amount of work he could do.


1. Newton proved that mechanical laws acting on the Earth that is in the world we live in were the mechanical laws of the Universe. 2. The results of research they are engaged in depend on proper X-rays examination of the metal parts of the measuring devise are made of. 3. Carbon steels are the most common steels used in industry, their properties depending only on the percentage of carbon they contain. 4. As with a human robot can be “taught” a job, can “remember” instructions it has been given, can be “retaught” when the job content changes, and can be transferred to a different job when the first job ends. 5.Their most notable feature-aside from the revolution computers effected in business, government, military and scientific methods were the banks of vacuum tubes they contained. 6. We can now calculate how many atoms there are in 1 gramme of any element we choose by making use of our knowledge of the relations between the atomic weights of the elements. 7. The rays uranium compounds emit cause the air they pass through to become a conductor of electricity. 8. The state of a substance depends upon the temperature and pressure it is subjected to.