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Времена группы continuous (Active. Passive)

Активный залог

to be + participle I

Пассивный залог

to be + being + participle II


They are discussing a new plan now. (Они сейчас обсуждают новый план)

A new plan is being discussed now. (Новый план сейчас обсуждается)


They were discussing a new plan when we came. (Они обсуждали новый план, когда мы пришли)

A new plan was being discussed when we came. (Новый план обсуждался, когда мы пришли)


They will be discussing new plan tomorrow at 5 o’clock. (Они будут обсуждать новый план завтра в пять часов)


Времена группы Continuous выражают продолжающееся, незаконченное действие, происходящее в какой-либо момент в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.


I. Употребите времена Continuous или Indefinite.

1. She usually (to read) English books in the evening. 2. He (to help) his brother in mathematics when I rang him yesterday. 3. We (to listen) to the classic music on Friday evening next week. 4. They (to have) seminars twice a week. 5. Don’t make such noise, I (to prepare) for my report. 6. Yesterday when I came home my brother (to read) a book. 7. It (to take) her half an hour to get to the institute by tram. 8. When the professor (to enter) the class-room, he (to greet) the students. 9. What you (to do) when I came in. – I (to read) an article on internal combustion engines. 10. At the corner of the street we (to see) a car. The driver (to examine) its engine. 11. Where you (to go) when I met you. I (to go) to Dzerzhinski Square. I (to intend) to visit the exhibition in the Politechnical Museum.

II. Определите функцию Participle I в предложении и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire. 2. Waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 3. They remained at home refusing to go anywhere that day. 4. Going into chemical reactions elements entirely change their properties. 5. When moving cold masses of air chill warmer air masses. 6. The mechanic examining the new machine-tool works at this plant. 7. Heating a substance we cause a more rapid motion of its molecules. 8. The changes affecting the composition of materials are chemical changes. 9. Being a good conductor, copper is often used in industry. 10. A molecule is a compound consisting of 2 or more atoms. 11. Our scientists are preparing programs for automatic devices.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время и залог сказуемого.

  1. a) The staff of the laboratory is finishing the work on the apparatus. b) The work on the apparatus is being finished. c) The work on the apparatus is almost finished.

  2. a) The plans are usually discussed at the beginning of the year. b) They are discussing the plans of the next year. c) The plans of the next year are being discussed at the meeting.

  3. a) While he was having dinner his car was being cleaned. b) Do you know who was cleaning the car?

  4. a) The problems were worked at. b) The group of experts were working at the problems. c) These important problems are being worked at in numerous research institutes.

IV. Измените следующие предложения, сделав центром высказывания объект действия. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец : We are translating the articles from English into Russian. – The articles

are being translated from English into Russian.

1. The students are speaking about the Universities of Great Britain. 2. They were watching the TV programmes. 3. The teacher is dictating the task for the test. 4. He was explaining his point of view for some minutes. 5. The Ukrainian scientists are successfully solving important problems of mathematics, chemistry, electronics, medicine and biology. 6. They are introducing automation in building work. 7. They processed the necessary data with the help of a computer. 8. The Soviet State is doing everything necessary to improve the material and communal condition of the students. 9. The monitor of the group is making a report new. 10. Our cosmonauts are making many important observations.

V. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1.When I came to Baku in 1962 the first Metro line was being built. 2. When questions are being discussed now? 3. Professor N. was being listened to with great attention. 4. Who is being examined now? 5. The experiments were still being made in some laboratories when the new term began. 6. All the way home he was being followed by astrange-looking man. 7. Numerous questions are being considered by the commission. 8. He was being told the news when I entered the room. 9. New metro lines are being built in Moscow in different parts of the city. 10. On Thursdays the foreign students were being shown lecture halls and laboratories of the Moscow University. 11. Modern buildings are always looked at with interest. 12. The experiment was very interesting, it was being watched with great attention. 13. More and more is being learnt about outer space and the conditions for life there. 14. The designers will be making different improvements in the construction of space ships. 15. Within several years nuclear power plants will be generating a great amount of electrical power. 16. The day will be come when space ships will be flying to the planets in the solar system and their satellites. 17. Numerous new instruments are being used in many branches of science and technology.