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МУ по грамматике для технарей(англ) .doc
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Сослагательное наклонение


I. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на сослагательное наклонение.


1. There could not be modern science without modern technology. 2. They would have sent us information but there was none to send. 3. They gave him the plan of the district lest he should lose his way. 4. In many operations it is important that the frequency of the oscillator be constant. 5. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind.


1. They recommended that thorough laboratory tests should be conducted before the system is installed in the airplane. 2. Later developments in physics have shown that the electron cannot be accurately considered as if it were in orbital motion about nucleus. 3. It is necessary that you should know that the selection of the proper metal or alloy for a given use is an important part of the practice of metallurgy. 4. He proposed that this fact be used to define a temperature scale which would be independent of the properties of any particular substance. 5. Mendeleyev found it necessary to alter some atomic weights in order that the elements should fall into positions in the periodic system assigned to them by their chemical properties. 6. Such specialized tubes may usually be analyzed as though they were two or more separate tubes.

Условные предложения


Главное предложение

Придаточное предложение

I тип

реальное условие

Shall/will + Indefinite Infinitive

Форма глагола в Present Indefinite

The reaction will proceed if the temperature is low.

Реакция будет проходить, если температура будет низкой.

II тип – маловероятное условие

Should/would/could/might + Indefinite Infinitive

Форма глагола совпадающая с Past Indefinite

We should test the device if we got it.

Мы бы проверили этот прибор, если бы получили его (сейчас, вскоре).

III тип – нереальное условие

Should/would/could/might + Perfect Infinitive

Форма глагола, совпадающая с Past Perfect.

The plant would have carried out the plan, if the new device had been introduced.

Завод выполнил бы план (тогда), если бы новый прибор был внедрен.


I. Определите тип условного предложения. Переведите на русский язык.


1. If the laboratory gets new equipment, we shall test it. 2. If the circuit is closed, current will flow it. 3. If the wire is thin, much heat will be generated when current flows through it. 4. If highly durable metal alloys have not been developed, there would be modern rockets and aviation today. 5. If there were no friction we could not even walk. 6. Provided the laboratory continued this experiment, it would take them 3 years to complete it. 7. Were there no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 8. If the bar magnet were broken in two, it would still retain its magnetism. 9. We all realize that if it were not for the friction between our shoes and the floor, we could not walk. 10. If the Earth neither rotated nor revolved, one side would always have and the other side would always have night. 11. If the conductor had been moved slowly, the galvanometer deflection would have been smaller.


1. Were there no loss of energy by friction, motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 2. Had you a more delicate instrument than the compass, you recognize smaller electric or magnetic changes at greater distances. 3. Were the molecules separated slightly the force between them would be attractive. 4. Should the falling body stop all friction would disappear. 5. If Michurin had used only method of artificial selection, he would not have fulfilled his gigantic task. 6. If the whole cylinder would have to be of sufficient strength to withstand the high initial steam pressure. 7. The solar constant is the quantity of energy measured in calories, which would fall in one minute on an area of one square centimeter at the Earth’s surface placed perpendicularly to the radiation, if the Earth had no atmosphere and was at its mean distance from the Sun.

II. Переведите сложные предложения, в состав которых входит бессоюзное условное предложение.

Помните, что бессоюзное условное предложение можно определить по порядку слов. На первом месте в таких предложениях стоят вспомогательные глаголы should, would, could; were, had.

Перевод предложений следует начинать словами «если бы».

1. Should the falling body stop all friction would disappear. 2. Were friction removed walking would be impossible. 3. Were test data available the calculation of the parameters for designing a rocket motor would be made from these data. Should an electrically neutral atom attain an additional electron, the negative charges would predominate, resulting in a negative ion.

5. Should the engine fail, the airplane would have to make a forced landing. 6. Had the first satellite been placed into a much higher orbit, it would have been of far less use, as the point of greatest interest is the manner in which its movement is affected by drag. 7. The gondola of Explorer II stratospheric balloon was made of magnesium metal and it weighed 450 lb; had it been made of steel, the weight have been a ton.

III. Используйте, где возможно инверсию и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. If you had asked a reputable scientist in 1930 whether large-scale atomic energy were possible, his answer would have been probably not. 2. Provided all the data of the experiment had been important, they would have been tabulated. 3. If friction could be entirely eliminated, a body set in motion or a level surface would continue to move indefinitely. 4. If we discover that the moon is appreciably radioactive it will provide further proof of the hypothesis of the moon’s origin. 5. Unless the temperature rises, the speed of the motion of the molecules will not increase. 6. If we could compare the energy to be found inside the atom with other known power sources, the enormous store of the energy of the atom could be fully appreciated.