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Міністерство освіти і науки україни


Кафедра іноземних мов

Рег. №____________

Методичні рекомендації

та індивідуальні завдання для самостійної роботи студентів

з дисципліни __Іноземна мова (англійська)_____________________

для студентів ____І-ІІ____ курсу

напряму підготовки 6.050201 „Системна інженерія”________

галузі знань __0502 „Автоматика та управління”_________________

факультету _______кібернетики_______________________________

Херсон – 2008

Методичні рекомендації до самостійної роботи студентів спеціальності на ступені бакалаврату призначені для розвитку навиків та вмінь читання автентичної літератури з фаху студента з метою вилучення інформації. Кожний урок (Unit) містить тексти, що підібрані з сучасної технічної оригінальної літератури на англійській мові, тестів та комунікативних завдань для контролю розуміння тексту. Пропонуються тестові завдання закритої форми з множинним вибором, завдання відкритої форми на доповнення, на встановлення співвідношення з множинним вибором, завдання на встановлення правильної послідовності фактів змісту тексту, завдання на вирішення вірної чи невірної інформації тексту. Також надаються тексти творчого характеру для розвитку навиків усного мовлення по темі заняття. До кожного уроку надається тематичний словник, що складається з термінів відповідного фаху. До тестів і до окремих завдань надаються ключі з вірними відповідями для самоконтролю та самокорекції.

Unit 1 lesson 1 niels bohr (1885-1962)

1. Bohr is a Danish scientist, one of the most ingenious inter­preters of his generation of the problems of modern theoretical physics. Born in Copenhagen on October 7, 1885, he did physics at the University of Copenhagen. Having obtained his doctor's degree in 1911, he proceeded immediately to Cavendish Labo­ratory at Cambridge for further study under Sir J.J.Thompson. In 1912 he moved to Manchester University, where he was as­sociated with Ernest Rutherford in the letter's atomic research. In 1914, following a year as lecturer at the University of Copen­hagen, Bohr returned to Manchester and remained there until 1916, when he was appointed professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen.

2. Bohr proposed a new model of the atom in 1913. His model, based on Rutherford's earlier model, was originally developed to explain the structure of the simplest atom, hydrogen. Ac­cording to Bohr's model, every atom except ordinary hydrogen consists of a small nucleus containing protons and neutrons, and has electrons around the nucleus. He proposed that these elec­trons move in a well-defined, concentric, circular orbits. It is now believed that these well-defined orbits do not actually exist.

3. In 1920, largely to Bohr's efforts, the Institute of Theoreti­cal Physics was established at Copenhagen. He became its first head and under him the Institute has become an important centre for the development of theoretical and experimental physics. Prior to World War II Bohr's Institute had become the world centre for atomic physics.

4. Just before the war, Bohr advanced the idea that the com­pound nucleus was fundamental to the phenomena of nuclear disintegration, a concept that proved fruitful in later work. In collaboration with John Archibald Wheeler he proposed a theo­ry of nuclear fission that led to the atomic research which pro­duced the atomic bomb.

5. In 1943, after the Nazis had occupied Denmark, Bohr es­caped to England in a small boat. Making the way to the United States, he took a leading part in the atomic bomb project. In 1945 he returned to Copenhagen to resume his duties as direc­tor of the Institute of Theoretical Physics.

6. Bohr's great achievement was recognized internationally by the Nobel Prize award to him in 1922 for his study of atomic structure and radiation. In 1957 he was the first recipient of the Atoms for Peace award. That same year the delivered his lec­ture on the Philosophical Lessons of Atomic Progress.

Exercise 1. Give the English equivalents to the words and words-combinations:

1. бути призначеним 6. явища

2. запропонувати 7. висунути ідею

3. існувати 8. нагорода

4. добре визначені орбіти 9. досягнення

5. світовий центр атомної фізики 10. плідна праця.

Exercise 2. Match the pairs of synonyms in A and B:

A: modern, to do the subject, to obtain, to proceed, to associate, research, to remain, due to, to establish, head, prior to, to advance, fundamental, disintegration, concept, collaboration, to recognize.

B: basic, to connect, to continue, to acknowledge (to evaluate), cooperation, idea, fission, up-to-date, to get, to study, investigation, to stay, thanks to, before, to propose (to put forward), to organize, director.

Exercise 3. Say if the statements are true or false:

1. Bohr did not stay in Denmark after the Nazis occupied the country.

2. Bohr worked not only in Denmark but in Germany as well.

3. Bohr took an active part in establishing the Institute of Theoretical Physics.

4. The great Danish scientist delivered the lectures at Cambridge, Manchester, Copenhagen Universities.

5. N. Bohr was a distinguished philosopher.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate ending. Put the sentences in the right

оrder according to the text:

1. He escaped to England in… 1. 1885

2. He was the first recipient of the ATOMS FOR PEACE award in… 2. 1911

3. He was born in… 3. 1912

4. He returned to Manchester and remained there until… 4. 1913

5. He proposed a new model of the atom in… 5. 1957

6. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize in… 6. 1943

7. He moved to Manchester University in… 7. 1916

8. He obtained Doctor degree in… 8. 1945

9. He retuned to Copenhagen in… 9. 1922.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What idea did Bohr advance just before the war?

2. Where and with whom did Bohr begin to carry on atomic research? What was the result of this work?

3. Why did he return to Copenhagen from the USA?

4. When did Bohr become the head of the Institute of Theoretical Physics?

5. Why was Bohr the first recipient of the ATOMS FOR PEACE award, however he proposed a theory of nuclear fission that led to the atomic research which produced the atomic bomb?

Exercise 6. Describe Bohr’s new model of the atom. Explain why it was not true for ordinary hydrogen.

Exercise 7. Explain why Bohr escaped to England from the Nazis.

Exercise 8. Examine how Bohr established a new field in Physics.

Exercise 9. Prove that a) N. Bohr was a patriot;

b) Bohr was a philosopher as well.

Exercise 10. Discuss the text according to the points:

1. Bohr’s new model of the atom.

2. The importance of the idea that the compound nucleus is fundamental to the phenomena of nuclear fission for further atomic research.

3. Bohr’s activities in establishing a new field of Physics.

4. International recognition of Bohr’s great achievement.


1. ingenious – геніальний 4. collaboration/cooperation - співпраця

2. nucleus – ядро 5. the Nazis - нацисти

3. fission/disintegration – розпад 6. recipient – лауреат