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МУ по грамматике для технарей(англ) .doc
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Функция окончания –s


І. Определить в каких словах окончания –s- является:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite,

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного,

в)показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1.Our works are equipped with new machinery. 2. The Novopolotsk chemical works produces polyethylene and nitron. 3. A valve is a device which allows to flow in one direction only. 4. Transistors can be made from germanium, selenium, silicon, and other substances. 5. The strength of cotton fibres is relatively high in spite of their fineness and it further increases when wetted. 6. The materials scientists must deal with are radioactive. 7. Besides, the equipment used in obtaining and studying them is dangerous for man. 8. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds that exist in the world, the air that man breathes, the ground on which he walks man is food. 9. Export and import are important factor in the country is economy. 10. Water supplies power for industry. 11. The collector has large supplies of books. 12. Most of London is places of interest are to the north of the river Thames. 13. The new building of our institute houses a student is reading-room, students' and teachers’ dining-room, physics and chemistry laboratories and workshops.


1.A worker times the speed of this machine. 2. You must repeat the experiment many times. 3. Many young people want to choose the teacher's profession. 4. Geological exploration shows that the continent is the not too distant past had a rich flora and fauna. 5. What lies under the cover of the ice? 6. Man needs electricity for industrial uses. 7. He uses electricity for his needs. 8. In the morning we see the Sun's disk in the East. 9. Tallinn has Europe's Gold Medal for preservation of architectural relics. 10. In two-and-four stroke internal combustion engines the petrol-air mixture is ignited within the engine's cylinders.

Имя прилагательное. Сравнительные конструкции

I. as……as - такой же …как

(в утвердительных предложениях)

This problem is as important as the one discussed yesterday. – Эта проблема столь же важна, как и та, которую они обсуждали.

II. Not so ….. As – не такой (не так)… как

( в отрицательных предложениях)

It is not so easy as I thought. – Это не так легко, как я полагал.

III. the… the…- чем -тем

The smaller (is) the value of “a” the farther are the points from the axis of symmetry. – Чем меньше величина “а”, тем дальше от оси симметрии расположены точки.


I. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение сравнительных конструкций.


1. The speed at which the Earth revolved the Sun is nearly as high as that of Venus. 2. When Mars is at its greatest distance from the Earth it is nearly as bright as the Polar Star. 3. Water is as necessary as air. 4. Gold is not so light as aluminum. 5. Their computer is not so modern as the one we have in our lab. 6. The lecture we were given yesterday was not as interesting as the one he gave us last week. 7. The sooner we decide on this question the better.8. The more specific definition you give the better. 9. The later he begins his research the less time he will have for writing his thesis.


1. The text you gave me are as short as those I was given last week. 2. The name of Leibniz is as familiar to us as that of Newton. 3. This system is not so interesting as one you are studying. 4. The definition given by you is not so specific as his definition. 5. I am not so concerned with this problem as he is. 6. The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the motion of the molecules. 7. The device under consideration is not so precise as we wish it. 8. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance at which its influence may be detected. 9. The finer the filament, the greater the resistance which it offers to an electric current.10. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere.


1.The more experiments scientists make, the greater is their knowledge of the structure of the matter. 3. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body. 4. The nearer the centre of the Sun, the higher the temperature. 5. The more the scientist studied the problem, the better he understood its importance for man. 6. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance through which it acts. 7. The lower the centre of the gravity, the greater is the stability of the body. 8. The better we the laws governing the transformation of matter and energy, the more we understand the fundamental relations between them. 9. The more satellites the scientists and engineers launch into space, the easier it will be to assemble orbital observatories. 10. The more hest is supplied to a liquid, the quicker it evaporates.


Помните, что сочетания типа as high as, as long as и т.д. могут выражать не только сравнение. Если после такого сочетания стоит числительное, то это сочетание обычно не переводиться cсравните:

The speed of this plan Скорость этого самолета такая же

is as high as the speed высокая, как скорость звука

of sound.

The speed of this plan Скорость этого самолета 1200

is as high as 1,200 kilometers километров в час

per hour.

  1. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is as great as 150 million kilometers. 2. The speed of our first sputnik was as big as 8 kilometers per second. 3. The temperature in the Sun's centre is as high as 20 million degrees Centigrade. 4. The Moon is as far as 384 thousand kilometers from the Earth.


Помните, что сочетание типа 5 metres + прилагательное, указывающее меру (long- длинный, wide – широкий, high – высокий и т.д.), на русский язык переводится длиной (в) 5 метров и т.д.

The walls of this experimental Стены этого экспериментального этого

house are 10 centimeters thick . дома имеют толщину 10 см

1. The mass of the Sun is 11 times as dense as lead. 2. Every square mile on the sunny side of Mercury receives seven times as much heat as a square mile on the Earth. 3. The year on Mars is nearly twice as long as that on the Earth.