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Самоучители / How_to_Draw_Comic_Book_Heroes_and_Villains.pdf
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denizen of the street

Don't bring this one home to meet your mother. Trust me on

this. However, no one said you couldn't have a little fun with her on the pages of a comic book. The "tough" bad girl wears clothes that are so scanty she could cause a traffic accident in a parking lot. She is muscular, but drawn with plenty of feminine curves, lots of legs, and an attitude. She is resourceful and deceitful, and frequently has a crush on the hero, consequently leaving him with a moral dilemma: Does he stay loyal to the good girl, or give in to his darker impulses? Ah, to have such problems.

slighty shady ladies

Gray Morrow notes, “The good/bad girl,

the tramp with a 'heart of gold,' is similar, still seductive, but a bit less obvious. She undoubtedly has designs on the hero, but realizes that because she has a 'past,' she's not worthy. Therefore, she should be depicted as torn, uncertain, and moody, yet still alluring."

The classic “good girl”

According to Morrow, "The 'Good Girl' is the gal next door: fresh, open, a pal. She's definitely sexy, but less obvious, and less affected, than her 'bad girl' sisters. She's exuberant, perky, sympathetic, pensive, and unsophisticated. The examples below are, of course, all stereotypes,

presented as takeoff points or guidelines from which you can extrapolate your own."

big eyes, wide-eyed expressions, dimples, carefree or tousled hairstyles all help to define the “good girl”. also check with the women you know for make-up and fashion tips. women’s magazines can be a big help.

Beauty in all shapes and colors

Morrow observes, "For some strange reason-perhaps because it's a hard skill to master-many, if not most, cartoonists, when

drawing their version of a pretty girl, draw virtually the same girl all the time. Clothing and hair styles are changed to make one distinguishable from another, but features and figures remain the same. Since in real life there is an astonishing variety of attractive females, it seems a shame not to indicate that on paper."

all different types, all different features, all attractive. variety truly is the spice of life. note that eyebrows are not all solid black lines. liplines vary and the expressive hands add much to conveying the expressions.

“Agood-looking girl can be short or tall, slender or voluptuous, with a wide array of facial characteristics-a beauty mark, full or thin lips, a cleft chin, an aquiline

nose, high cheekbones, full lower lashes, and so on. Look around you and take note of the fact that not all 'gorgeous babes' are cookie-cutter Barbie Doll clones.”

mother nature is bountiful in her provision of model types. seek to make them convincing by giving them distinctive characteristics, gestures, expressions, attitudes. Costuming

is rarely “sensible”, but not to worry-These gals never seem to catch cold.