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DESIGN 2010.doc
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

  1. Why do flowers have various different meanings in different cultures?

  2. What flowers are used to remember fallen soldiers in Ukraine?

  3. What usually determines the choice of flowers?

  4. What special meanings of colours can you remember?

  5. Do meanings of colours coincide when being used in different areas of design? Explain your answer.

  6. What flowers are presented for various occasions? Give examples.

  7. How can flowers be used in interior design?

  8. What can flowers communicate?

  9. What specific meaning of flowers do you know?

  10. What differences in colour choice exist in different cultures?

VI Render the text in brief in a written form.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

    1. bloom – цвітіння, квітка

    2. twig – гілочка, пруть, лозина, гілка, вітка

    3. scalene – нерівносторонній

    4. to delineate – схематично змальовувати (те, що має бути створене), робити нарис; накидати, обкреслювати

    5. spirit – дух, духовний початок, душа

    6. overtone – натяк, нотка, підтекст

    7. priest – священник, жрець, служитель культу

    8. nobility – дворянство, родова знать

    9. prescribed – встановлений, прийнятий, укорінений

    10. upright – вертикальний, прямий, прямовисний

    11. stem – ствол, стебло

II Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. Ikebana is the Chinese art of flower arrangement.

  2. The structure of Ikebana is based on a scalene triangle delineated by three main points.

  3. Ikebana is the art form dependent on its religious origins.

  4. Twigs usually symbolize heaven, earth, and sun in some schools.

  5. In Ikebana arrangements all three elements must be different.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

      1. What flower arrangement is typical for western cultures?

      2. What is the main rule of creating Ikebana?




I Listen and remember the following words:

  1. to suggest – радити, пропонувати

  2. circularity – округлість

  3. sleek – гладенький сяючий

  4. bang – чуб

  5. temple – висок

  6. jaw – нижня щелепа

  7. chin – підборіддя

  8. rinse – нестійка фарба

  9. streaks – окремі пасма

  10. tint – фарба, тон

II Read and learn the following phrases:

  1. easy-to-manage style – зручний для укладки

  2. to round off – розширяти

  3. hair style – зачіска

  4. hair colouring – фарбування волосся

  5. hair shaft – корінь волосся

  6. to achieve a natural effect – досягати природного ефекту (вигляду)

  7. comb out – причісуватися

  8. to add bulk – додати об’єму

  9. rattail comb – гребінець з тонкою ручкою

III Read and translate the following text:

Modern hairdressing procedures

Styling The most important qualities for hair are that it should be healthy, shining, and in a flattering, easy-to-manage style. Many fashion magazines suggest hair styles according to the shape of the face in order to make the face resemble as closely as possible the perfect oval. The circularity of a round face may be minimized by a sleek, controlled style with side bangs. A square face needs a style that cuts across the square corners at the temples and is full around the jaw. The best style for a long face also rounds off the corners at the temples and is short. For a triangular face, a narrow chin should be filled out with chin-length hair, while a wide chin may be minimized with wide bangs. In finding the right hairstyle, however, a woman should also consider the proportions of her whole figure, the texture of her hair, her skill in handling it, and the character of her life.

Once a hair style is chosen, it must be maintained by regular washing, setting, and, usually, cutting. Some women care for their hair principally at home, going to the hairdresser only in­frequently for a cut or a shampoo and before a special occasion. Many women go to the hair­dresser once a week, while still others may see him every day for a combing.

Washing Clean, healthy hair is the basis of any hair style. In addition to brushing, dry hair requires shampooing once a week, oily hair perhaps every day. Shampoos are soapy or synthetic detergents in liquid, gel, lotion, or cream form and may have special uses.

Colouring Because hair colouring is constantly being improved and tested scientifically, more women than ever before can colour their hair safely and achieve a natural effect.

There are three types of hair colouring available. Temporary rinses, highlights and blend in discoloured streaks. Semipermanent rinses, which also coat the hair shaft but last through four to eight shampoos, make hair slightly darker and can effectively cover gray hair. Permanent tints penetrate the hair shaft and permanently change the pigment inside.

Permanent Waving Some women, especially those with straight or fine hair, may want a permanent wave, which gives the hair adaptability to a set. The hair is wrapped around plastic rods and treated with a permanent wave solution.

As a result, the structure of the hair is actually changed so that after the set that must follow each shampoo, the hair falls easily back into line. Permanent waves may be in several strengths: super waves for hard-to-curl hair, regular waves for more casual styles or relatively curly hair, and body waves to give hair a soft, curving line. There are also permanent waves for gray hair and children's hair.

Combing Out The final step in creating a hair style is to comb out the hair. Once the set hair is dry, the rollers or pins are removed, and the hair is brushed to distribute the curl evenly and to achieve a smooth line. If hair lacks desired height or fullness, it may be "teased" (back combed) to add bulk under the top hair, which is then smoothed down to follow the contour of the head. Then the hair is lifted slightly by the handle of a rattail comb, and hair spray is lightly applied to help hold the hair style in place.

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