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DESIGN 2010.doc
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X Speak on the topic using the following words and word combinations:

drawing with light, the process of recording pictures, a film or electronic sensor, a sensitive silver halide based medium, both business and pleasure, artistic endeavour,

“one picture is worth a thousand words”, various specific branches of photography, commercial photography, a photographer, to specialize in


I Read and remember:

        1. elaborate – ретельно продуманий, розвинутий

        2. sophisticated – витончений, складний

        3. elevation – підвищення

        4. movie sequences – послідовність кінофрагментів/кадрів

        5. resolution – чіткість зображення, роздільна здатність

        6. frames-per-second – частота кадрів

        7. scale – масштаб

        8. rotation – обернення

        9. opacity – каламутність відбитку

        10. transparency – діапозитив

        11. keyframe – ключовий/опорний кадр

        12. to interpolate – робити вставки

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Video design

Video design may be referred to as motion graphic design, interactive design or designing for interactivity via user motion. Motion design is the art of graphic design within the context of motion graphics such as film, video or computer animation. Examples include the typography and graphics seen as the titles for a film, broadcast design like show opens for television or the spinning, three-dimensional logo at the end of a TV commercial. Although this art form has been around for decades, it has taken quantum leaps forward in recent years. If you watch much TV or see many films, you will notice that the graphics, the typography, and the visual effects within these mediums have become much more elaborate and sophisticated. The dramatic elevation of this art form is largely due to technology improvements. Computer programs for the film and video industry have become vastly more powerful, and more available. Probably the leading program used by motion graphic designers is Adobe After Effects, which allows to create and modify graphics over time. Adobe After Effects is sometimes referred to as "Photoshop for film." A newcomer to the market for motion graphic design programs is Apple Computer's Motion. Motion is an inexpensive and user-friendly program that promises to hugely enlarge the ranks of motion graphic designers. A typical motion designer is a person trained in traditional graphic design who has learned to integrate the elements of time, sound and space into his/her existing skillset of design knowledge. Motion designers can also come from filmmaking or animation backgrounds.

A lot of people when using a graphic motion design application, find it is an object-oriented application. These media files can be still images in pixel or vector format, movie sequences and audio files. Inside the application a 'new composition' with its own and independent timeline, resolution, frames-per-second and pixel size can be created.

When creating a composition, one or more of media files can be inserted. The files appear on the composition window, as well as in the timeline.

Layers have properties which can be manipulated such as position (x, y and sometimes z), scale, rotation, opacity, etc. Layers merge with each other by using transparency information provided by the alpha channel and blending modes, which change the way a layer affects the layers below. Almost all the modifiable properties can be keyframed, which means that its value can be stored at certain positions through time. And this is one of the basic principles in computer animation, the use of the computer to interpolate values between keyframes through time.

Since motion design is created using images and video sequences, a great complementary tool is a 3d software package. Cinema 4D is widely used for its intuitive interface, layered export to Adobe After Effects, and the additional MoGraph module, but there are also several others. Such packages can generate images or video sequences with an alpha channel, which stores all the transparency information. Other motion design applications include Autodesk Combustion, Apple Motion/Shake, Max/MSP, Apple Quartz Composer and various VJ programs. 3D programs used in motion graphics include Maxon Cinema 4D Softimage XSI, etc.

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