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Corporate logo design

A logo is a name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition by the public. A company that invests in a solid logo design is telling its clients or consumers that "we are here to stay", it shows a sign of longevity, which is not only attractive to clients, but is also attractive to potential investors. It's an indicator that you are serious about being successful.

The logo plays a pivotal role in your business. It is often, and should always be one of the first things your customer or client sees and often is a part of what you leave them with. Consider your business card, stationery, business signs, brochures, and all other marketing material; all of these items have or should have your logo on them. Your logo essentially is your signature, your idea of your company that you want them to remember. The three types of corporate logo design are: descriptive, abstract (symbolic), typographic.

Descriptive corporate logo design uses an image to depict or suggest the firm's name or business. Because they are so specific, they work best when conveying an image of a single product line or the character of a company or organization. They are never appropriate for large corporations with a diverse line of products or services.

Abstract or Symbolic is a non-literal and nonfigurative corporate logo design. As such, it doesn't convey an immediate association with a product or service. Abstracts work well for diversified corporations and conglomerate businesses, although they can be used for any business wanting to convey an "abstract look".

Typographic corporate logo designs are sometimes called logotypes. The company name or initials are graphically represented. Descriptive names such as Ford Motor Company verbally identify a company's business and are often appropriate to include in a logo for new businesses. Initials are sometimes used in designing a typographic logo for companies with long-standing reputations.

Tips for a successful logo design:

Keep it simple. The best corporate logo design for businesses are simple and memorable. A good strong image will be remembered and recognized at any size.

Make it clear in Black and White. A corporate logo design and style should reproduce clearly in black and white for photocopying and faxing purposes.

Select colours and stick to them. Corporate logo design colours are an important part of corporate style. Choose your corporate logo colours and then get a colour reference for them to pass on to printers and other suppliers producing goods using your colours. This will maintain consistency of your colours throughout all media.

Minimize colours. By choosing one or two spot colours instead of a full colour design, reproduction costs can be greatly reduced for a range of media, in particular for stationery and corporate literature.

Vector format for Logo. A corporate logo may need to be reproduced at any size in the future, if the initial design is in line (vector) art form it can be scaled up to any size with no loss of image quality. It is much easier to convert a line art design to a bitmap than vice versa.

Think of the future. In many industries, the key services and products of a company may change over time. Do not tie your logo to your current key business unless you are certain of its longevity.

Saturate the entire business. Corporate style and identity should saturate all areas of a company’s marketing from pens to stationery, literature, web site, packaging, uniforms and fleet vehicles. It should be designed to reproduce at any size in any media with no loss of impact or clarity.

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