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Contrastive Lexicology.docx
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  1. Typologically isomorphic layers of lexicon in the English and Ukrainian languages.

The second isomorphic class of words distinguished on linguistic principles represents practically common in the contrasted languages lexico-semantic groups of words (the LSGs). Words of a LSG may often have a regular synonymic relationship in English and Ukrainian. For example, the notion of "dwelling" unites the following row of nouns denoting different kinds of shelter: dug-out (печера, землянка), shanty (халупа), mud-house (глинянка), cabin (хатина), house, cottage, bungalow, villa, palace, apartment, etc. There may also be

dwellings characteris-tic of some ethnic groups, such as wigwam or tepee of the North American Indians or igloo of the indigenous people in Greenland.

Common lexico-semantic groups can be observed among English and Ukrainian adjectives denoting dimension (cf. big, large, great, huge, gigantic, enormous, small, tiny, etc.). Similarly in Ukrainian: великий, здоровий, гігантський, малий, невеликий, дрібний, манюнький, манюсінький, манюпусінький, etc. Or adjectives denoting beauty (beautiful, nice, handsome, pretty, smart, good-looking, etc.). Similarly in Ukrainian: гарний, красивий, вродливий, миловидний, файний (діал.). Adjectives denoting colours: red, yellow, green, blue, pink, brown, azure, orange, violet, white, black, gray, hazel, etc. Or in Ukrainian: червоний, жовтий, зелений, синій, голубий, бурий, коричневий, оранжевий, etc. Common are also verbal LSGs, for example: verbs of saying (say, tell, converse, talk, speak, retort) and in Ukrainian: говорити, розмовляти, балакати, відмовляти, шептатися, заперечувати, etc. Verbs denoting mental or physical perceptions (comprehend, understand, know, like, think; see, hear, taste, feel, touch). They are mostly the same in Ukrainian: розуміти, знати, думати, вважати, гадати, бачити, чути, відчувати, смакувати, торкатися; verbs denoting motion with or without the help of a vehicle (cf. jump, walk, roam, move, wave, wander, paddle, bicycle, etc.). These verbs have equivalents in Ukrainian: стрибати, ходити, блукати, швендяти, лазити, веслувати, плавати, їхати (на возі, машині, поїздом), летіти літаком/гелікоптером and others.

Apart from the above-mentioned there can be singled out several other isomorphic/common LSGs in the contrasted languages. Cf. adjectives denoting age (young, old, middle-aged, green молодий, старий, підстаркуватий, середнього/старшого віку, молодий та зелений, etc.); adverbs denoting quickness/manner: quickly, swiftly, momentally, etc. швидко, хутко, вмить, миттєво, etc. Separate LSGs are formed by functionals. Thus, among prepositional LSGs there may be local prepositions (on, in, at, over, above, under, below, behind, на, під, коло, поруч, позад, біля, etc.); prepositions denoting direction (to, into, from, towards, up, down, у, в, з, вгору, вниз, від, до etc.). Similar LSGs exist also among the English conjunc tions, particles and other parts of speech which have their corresponding equivalents in Ukrainian and in other languages.

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