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"My dear, what do you mean (дорогой мой, что ты имеешь в виду)? I thought she was charming (я думала, что она была очаровательной)."

"You simply wiped the floor with her (да ты просто разбила ее наголову: «подтерла ею пол»). She didn't even look pretty in the second act (она даже не выглядела хорошенькой во втором акте)."

Avice's career (Эвис и ее карьера)!

veneration ["venq'reIS(q)n] beam [bi:m] grand [grxnd]

The author flushed. Julia looked at him with veneration. He felt shy and happy and proud.

("In twenty-four hours the mug'll think he really meant the scene to go like that.") Michael beamed.

"Come along to my dressing-room and have a whisky and soda. I'm sure you need a drink after all that emotion."

They went out as Tom came in. Tom's face was red with excitement.

"My dear, it was grand. You were simply wonderful. Gosh, what a performance." "Did you like it? Avice was good, wasn't she?"

"No, rotten."

"My dear, what do you mean? I thought she was charming."

"You simply wiped the floor with her. She didn't even look pretty in the second act."

Avice's career!

"I say, what are you doing afterwards (слушай, что ты делаешь позже)?" "Dolly's giving a party for us (Долли устраивает прием в нашу честь: «для нас»)."

"Can't you cut it and come along to supper with me (ты не можешь удрать и пойти поужинать со мной)? I’m madly in love with you (я безумно люблю тебя)."

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"Oh, what nonsense (о, какая ерунда). How can I let Dolly down (как я могу подвести Долли)?"

"Oh, do (ну пожалуйста)."

His eyes were eager (его глаза /горели/ от нетерпения). She could see that he desired her as he had never done before (она могла видеть, что он хотел ее больше, чем когда-либо /хотел/ раньше), and she rejoiced in her triumph (и она обрадовалась своей победе: «триумфу»). But she shook her head firmly (но она твердо покачала головой). There was a sound in the corridor (в коридоре раздался звук) of a crowd of people talking (толпы разговаривающих людей), and they both knew (и они оба поняли) that a troop of friends were forcing their way down the narrow passage to congratulate her (что целая группа ее друзей прокладывала себе путь по узкому проходу, чтобы поздравить ее; to force —

заставлять, принуждать).

"Damn all these people (черт побери всех этих людей). God, how I want to kiss you (Боже, как же я хочу поцеловать тебя). I'll ring you up in the morning

позвоню тебе утром)."

afterwards ['Q:ftqwqdz] rejoice [rI'dZOIs] congratulate [kqn'grxtjVleIt]

"I say, what are you doing afterwards?" "Dolly's giving a party for us."

"Can't you cut it and come along to supper with me? I’m madly in love with you." "Oh, what nonsense. How can I let Dolly down?"

"Oh, do."

His eyes were eager. She could see that he desired her as he had never done before, and she rejoiced in her triumph. But she shook her head firmly. There was a sound in the corridor of a crowd of people talking, and they both knew that a troop of friends were forcing their way down the narrow passage to congratulate her.

"Damn all these people. God, how I want to kiss you. I'll ring you up in the morning."

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The door burst open (дверь с шумом распахнулась) and Dolly, fat, perspiring and bubbling over with enthusiasm (и Долли, толстая, исходящая испариной: «потеющая», кипящая от энтузиазма; to bubble — пузыриться, булькать,

бить ключом), swept in at the head of a throng that packed the dressing-room to suffocation (ворвалась в комнату во главе целой толпы, которая набилась в грим-уборной /Джулии/ так, что нечем стало дышать: «до удушения»; to pack

упаковывать; заполнять, скучиваться). Julia submitted to being kissed by all and sundry (Джулия позволяла себя целовать всем и каждому; all and sundry

все вместе и каждый в отдельности). Among others were three or four wellknown actresses (среди других были три или четыре известные актрисы), and they were prodigal of their praise (и они были щедры на свои похвалы). Julia gave a beautiful performance of unaffected modesty (Джулия прекрасно изобразила неподдельную скромность; unaffected — простой,

непринужденный, искренний). The corridor was packed now with people (коридор был теперь уже забит людьми) who wanted to get at least a glimpse of her (которые хотели, по крайней мере, хоть мельком взглянуть на нее). Dolly had to fight her way out (Долли пришлось с боем прокладывать себе путь к выходу; to fight — сражаться, драться, бороться).

"Try not to be too late (постарайся не слишком опаздывать)," she said to Julia. "It's going to be a heavenly party (это будет великолепный прием)."

"I'll come as soon as ever I can (я приеду так скоро, как только смогу)."

perspirable [pq'spaI(q)rqb(q)l] suffocation ["sAfq'keIS(q)n] prodigal ['prOdIg(q)l]

The door burst open and Dolly, fat, perspiring and bubbling over with enthusiasm, swept in at the head of a throng that packed the dressing-room to suffocation. Julia submitted to being kissed by all and sundry. Among others were three or four wellknown actresses, and they were prodigal of their praise. Julia gave a beautiful

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performance of unaffected modesty. The corridor was packed now with people who wanted to get at least a glimpse of her. Dolly had to fight her way out.

"Try not to be too late," she said to Julia. "It's going to be a heavenly party." "I'll come as soon as ever I can."

At last the crowd was got rid of (в конечном счете, от толпы удалось избавиться) and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her make-up

Джулия, раздевшись, начала снимать грим). Michael came in, wearing a dressing-gown (вошел Майкл, одетый в халат).

"I say, Julia, you'll have to go to Dolly's party by yourself (послушай, Джулия,

тебе придется ехать на прием к Долли одной). I've got to see the libraries (я должен повидаться с газетчиками; library — библиотека, собрание книг;

архив газеты) and I can't manage it (и я не смогу успеть; to manage —

руководить, управлять, справиться, ухитриться). I'm going to sting them

собираюсь их накачать: «возбудить»; to sting — жалить, причинять острую боль, побуждать, одурачить)."

"Oh, all right (о, хорошо)."

"They're waiting for me now (они уже ждут меня сейчас). See you in the morning (увидимся утром)."

He went out and she was left alone with Evie (он вышел, и она осталась одна с Эви). The dress she had arranged to wear for Dolly's party was placed over a chair (платье, которое она собиралась надеть на прием Долли, лежало на кресле). Julia smeared her face with cleansing cream (Джулия намазало лицо очищающим кремом; cleansing cream — крем для снятия косметики).

library ['laIbr(q)rI] sting [stIN] smear [smIq]

At last the crowd was got rid of and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her make-up. Michael came in, wearing a dressing-gown.

"I say, Julia, you'll have to go to Dolly's party by yourself. I've got to see the

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libraries and I can't manage it. I'm going to sting them." "Oh, all right."

"They're waiting for me now. See you in the morning."

He went out and she was left alone with Evie. The dress she had arranged to wear for Dolly's party was placed over a chair. Julia smeared her face with cleansing cream.

"Evie, Mr. Fennel will be ringing up tomorrow (Эви, мистер Феннелл будет звонить завтра). Will you say I'm out (не скажешь ли ему, что меня нет на месте)?"

Evie looked in the mirror and caught Julia's eyes (Эви посмотрела в зеркало и поймала взгляд Джулии).

"And if he rings up again (а если он снова позвонит)?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings, poor lamb (мне бы не хотелось обидеть его чувств, бедный ягненочек), but I have a notion I shall be very much engaged for some time now (но у меня такое представление, что теперь я буду очень сильно занята на некоторое время)."

Evie sniffed loudly (Эви громко шмыгнула носом), and with that rather disgusting habit of hers (и, с этой своей довольно отвратительной привычкой) drew her forefinger across the bottom of her nose (провела своим указательным пальцем под носом: «вдоль основания своего носа»).

"I understand (я поняла)," she said dryly (сказала она сухо).

"I always said you weren't such a fool as you looked (я всегда говорила, что ты не такая дура, как выглядишь)." Julia went on with her face (Джулия продолжила /очищать/ лицо). "What's that dress doing on that chair (что это платье делает на том кресле)?"

"That (то)? That's the dress you said you'd wear for the party (это то самое платье, которое, как вы сказали, вы наденете на прием)."

"Put it away (убери его: «отложи его в сторону»). I can't go to the party without Mr. Gosselyn (я не могу идти на прием без мистера Госселина)."

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"Since when (с каких это пор)?"

sniff [snIf] disgusting [dIs'gAstIN] forefinger ['fO:"fINgq]

"Evie, Mr. Fennel will be ringing up tomorrow. Will you say I'm out?" Evie looked in the mirror and caught Julia's eyes.

"And if he rings up again?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings, poor lamb, but I have a notion I shall be very much engaged for some time now."

Evie sniffed loudly, and with that rather disgusting habit of hers drew her forefinger across the bottom of her nose.

"I understand," she said dryly.

"I always said you weren't such a fool as you looked." Julia went on with her face. "What's that dress doing on that chair?"

"That? That's the dress you said you'd wear for the party." "Put it away. I can't go to the party without Mr. Gosselyn."

"Shut up, you old hag (заткнись, ты старая ведьма). Phone through and say that I've got a bad headache (дозвонись и скажи, что у меня сильная головная боль) and had to go home to bed (и я была вынуждена поехать домой и лечь в постель), but Mr. Gosselyn will come if he possibly can (но что мистер Госселин приедет, если только сможет)."

"The party's being given special for you (этот прием устраивается специально в вашу честь). You can't let the poor old gal down like that (вы же не можете вот так вот подвести бедную старушку: «бедную старую девчушку»)?"

Julia stamped her feet (Джулия топнула ногой).

"I don't want to go to a party (я не хочу идти ни на какой прием). I won't go to a party (я не пойду ни на какой прием)."

"There's nothing for you to eat at home (дома нечего есть: «ничего для вас нет поесть дома»)."

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"I don't want to go home (я не хочу ехать домой). I'll go and have supper at a restaurant (я поеду и поужинаю в ресторане)."

"Who with (с кем это)?" "By myself (одна)."

Evie gave her a puzzled glance (Эви озадаченно взглянула на нее). "The play's a success, isn't it (спектакль же имел успех, не так ли)?"

headache ['hedeIk] special ['speS(q)l] restaurant ['rest(q)| rON, -rOnt]

"Since when?"

"Shut up, you old hag. Phone through and say that I've got a bad headache and had to go home to bed, but Mr. Gosselyn will come if he possibly can."

"The party's being given special for you. You can't let the poor old gal down like that?"

Julia stamped her feet.

"I don't want to go to a party. I won't go to a party." "There's nothing for you to eat at home."

"I don't want to go home. I'll go and have supper at a restaurant." "Who with?"

"By myself."

Evie gave her a puzzled glance. "The play's a success, isn't it?"

"Yes. Everything's a success (да, все имело успех). I feel on the top of the world (я ощущаю себя на седьмом небе: «на вершине мира»). I feel like a million dollars (я чувствую себя превосходно: «как миллион долларов»). I want to be alone and enjoy myself (я хочу побыть одна и насладиться этим). Ring up the Berkeley and tell them to keep a table for one in the little room (позвони в

«Беркли» и скажи им, чтобы зарезервировали: «придержали» столик на одного в маленькой зале). They'll know what I mean (они поймут, что я имею в

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"What's the matter with you (да что с вами такое)?"

"I shall never in all my life have another moment like this (у меня никогда больше в жизни не будет такого момента). I'm not going to share it with anyone (и я не собираюсь делиться с ним с кем бы то ни было)."

When Julia had got her face clean she left it (когда Джулия очистила лицо, она оставила его /как есть/). She neither painted her lips nor rouged her cheeks (она не накрасила губы и не нарумянила щеки). She put on again the brown coat and skirt in which she had come to the theatre and the same hat (она надела снова те же самые коричневые пиджак и юбку, в которых она приехала в театр, и ту же самую шляпку). It was a felt hat with a brim (это была фетровая шляпа с полями), and this she pulled down over one eye (и ее она надвинула: «натянула» низко на один бок: «над одним глазом») so that it should hide as much of her face as possible (так, чтобы она скрыла как можно больше ее лицо: «так много ее лица, как только возможно»). When she was ready she looked at herself in the glass (когда она была готова, она взглянула на себя в зеркало).

success [sqk'ses] million ['mIljqn] hide [haId]

"Yes. Everything's a success. I feel on the top of the world. I feel like a million dollars. I want to be alone and enjoy myself. Ring up the Berkeley and tell them to keep a table for one in the little room. They'll know what I mean."

"What's the matter with you?"

"I shall never in all my life have another moment like this. I'm not going to share it with anyone."

When Julia had got her face clean she left it. She neither painted her lips nor rouged her cheeks. She put on again the brown coat and skirt in which she had come to the theatre and the same hat. It was a felt hat with a brim, and this she pulled down over one eye so that it should hide as much of her face as possible. When she was ready she looked at herself in the glass.

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"I look like a working dressmaker (я выгляжу, как работающая портниха) whose husband's left her (которую оставил муж: «чей муж оставил ее»), and who can blame him (и кто может винить его)? I don't believe a soul would recognize me (не поверю, что хоть одна душа узнает меня)."

Evie had had the telephoning done from the stage-door (Эви ходила звонить /по телефону/ к служебному входу), and when she came back Julia asked her if there were many people waiting for her there (и, когда она вернулась, Джулия спросила ее, много ли людей ожидает /ее/ там).

"About three 'undred I should say (около трехсот, я бы сказала; 'undred = hundred)."

"Damn (черт побери)." She had a sudden desire to see nobody and be seen by nobody (у нее появилось внезапное желание никого не видеть, и не быть ни кем увиденной). She wanted just for one hour to be obscure (ей хотелось хоть на один час побыть неизвестной).

"Tell the fireman to let me out at the front (скажи пожарному, чтобы выпустил меня с парадного выхода) and I'll take a taxi (и я возьму такси), and then as soon as I've got out let the crowd know there's no use in their waiting (и тогда, как только я выйду, скажите толпе, что нет никакого смысла: «толку» в ожидании)."

dressmaker ['dres"meIkq] stage door ["steIdZ'dO:] obscure [qb'skjVq]

"I look like a working dressmaker whose husband's left her, and who can blame him? I don't believe a soul would recognize me."

Evie had had the telephoning done from the stage-door, and when she came back Julia asked her if there were many people waiting for her there.

"About three 'undred I should say."

"Damn." She had a sudden desire to see nobody and be seen by nobody. She wanted just for one hour to be obscure. "Tell the fireman to let me out at the front

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and I'll take a taxi, and then as soon as I've got out let the crowd know there's no use in their waiting."

"God only knows what I 'ave to put up with (только Бог знает, с чем мне приходится мириться; to put up with — терпеливо сносить)," said Evie darkly (сказала Эви мрачно).

"You old cow (ах ты, старая корова)."

Julia took Evie's face in her hands (Джулия взяла лицо Эви /своими/ руками) and kissed her raddled cheeks (и поцеловала ее раскрасневшиеся щеки; raddled = ruddled — покрытый охрой, вспыхнувший); then slipped out of her dressingroom (затем выскользнула из своей грим-уборной), on to the stage (на сцену) and through the iron door into the darkened auditorium (и затем, через железную дверь, в затемненный зрительный зал).

Julia's simple disguise was evidently adequate (простая маскировка Джулии была очевидно достаточной), for when she came into the little room at the Berkeley (так как, когда она вошла в маленькую залу в «Беркли») of which she was peculiarly fond (которую она особенно любила), the head waiter did not immediately know her (метрдотель не сразу узнал ее; immediately —


"Have you got a corner that you can squeeze me into (нет ли у вас уголка, куда вы могли бы меня втиснуть; to squeeze — сжимать, выжимать,

впихивать)?" she asked diffidently (спросила она неуверенно).

adequate ['xdIkweIt] auditorium ["O:dI'tO:rIqm] squeeze [skwi:z]

"God only knows what I 'ave to put up with," said Evie darkly. "You old cow."

Julia took Evie's face in her hands and kissed her raddled cheeks; then slipped out of her dressing-room, on to the stage and through the iron door into the darkened auditorium.

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