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(я, может быть, и не очень хороший актер сам), I never thought I was (я никогда и не думал так), but I know good acting from bad (но я могу отличить хорошую игру от плохой). And what's more (и, более того) there's nothing about you I don't know (нет ничего, что я не знаю о тебе). I'm going to put up the notices on Saturday (я собираюсь дать объявление в субботу /о закрытии/; to put up a notice — вывесить объявление) and then I want you to go abroad

затем я хочу, чтобы ты уехала за границу). We'll make Nowadays our autumn production (мы будем ставить «В наши дни» осенью: «мы сделаем «В наши дни» нашей осенней постановкой»)."

swinging ['swININ] notice ['nqVtIs] abroad [q'brO:d]

With her open hand she gave him a great swinging blow on the face. He smiled. "You can hit me, you can swear at me, you can yell your head off, but the fact remains that your acting's gone all to hell. I'm not going to start rehearsing Nowadays with you acting like that."

"Find someone who can act the part better than I can then."

"Don't be silly, Julia. I may not be a very good actor myself, I never thought I was, but I know good acting from bad. And what's more there's nothing about you I don't know. I'm going to put up the notices on Saturday and then I want you to go abroad. We'll make Nowadays our autumn production."

The quiet, decisive way in which he spoke calmed her (спокойный, решительный тон, в котором он говорил, успокоил ее). It was true that when it came to acting Michael knew everything there was to know about her (это было действительно правдой, что когда дело касалось: «доходило до» игры, то Майкл знал все, что только возможно знать о ней).

"It is true that I'm acting badly (это что, правда, что я играю плохо)?" "Rottenly (отвратительно)."

She thought it over (она обдумала все). She knew exactly what had happened

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(она точно знала, что именно случилось). She had let her emotion run away with her (она позволила своим чувствам слишком увлечь ее); she had been feeling, not acting (она чувствовала, а не играла). Again a cold shiver ran down her spine (снова холодная дрожь пробежала по ее спине). This was serious (это было уже серьезно). It was all very fine to have a broken heart (все это хорошо

— /иметь/ разбитое сердце), but if it was going to interfere with her acting ... no, no, no (но если это будет мешать ее игре — нет, нет, нет). That was quite another pair of shoes (это было совершенно другое дело: «совсем другая пара обуви»). Her acting was more important than any love affair in the world (ее актерское мастерство: «игра» было гораздо важнее, чем любая любовная интрижка в мире).

"I'll try and pull myself together (я попытаюсь и возьму себя в руки)."

emotion [I'mqVS(q)n] serious ['sI(q)rIqs] important [Im'pO:t(q)nt]

The quiet, decisive way in which he spoke calmed her. It was true that when it came to acting Michael knew everything there was to know about her.

"It is true that I'm acting badly?" "Rottenly."

She thought it over. She knew exactly what had happened. She had let her emotion run away with her; she had been feeling, not acting. Again a cold shiver ran down her spine. This was serious. It was all very fine to have a broken heart, but if it was going to interfere with her acting ... no, no, no. That was quite another pair of shoes. Her acting was more important than any love affair in the world.

"I'll try and pull myself together."

"It's no good trying to force oneself (бесполезно пытаться заставлять себя). You're tired out (ты вымотана; tired out — очень уставший, переутомленный). It's my fault (это моя вина), I ought to have insisted on your taking a holiday long ago (мне бы следовало настоять, чтобы ты взяла выходной уже очень давно;

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holiday — праздник; день отдыха; отпуск). What you want is a good rest (что тебе нужно — так это хороший отдых)."

"What about the theatre (как насчет театра)?"

"If I can't let it (если я не смогу сдать его в аренду), I'll revive some play that I can play in (я возобновлю какой-нибудь спектакль, в котором я могу играть; to revive — возрождать, оживлять, восстанавливать). There's Hearts are Trumps (есть /у нас/ «Червы — козыри»; heart — сердце; душа, чувства, hearts — зд. червы, червонная масть). You always hated your part in that (тебе всегда не нравилась твоя роль в нем)."

"Everyone says the season's going to be wonderful (все говорят: «каждый говорит», что сезон будет удивительным). You can't expect much of a revival with me out of the cast (ты не можешь ожидать многого от такого возобновления без меня в составе исполнителей: «со мной за пределами состава»; revival — возрождение, расцвет); you won't make a penny (ты не заработаешь: «не сделаешь» и пенни)."

"I don't care a hang about that (мне совершенно на это наплевать). The only thing that matters is your health (единственное, что имеет значение — это твое здоровье)."

"Oh, Christ, don't be so magnanimous (о, Господи, не будь таким великодушным)," she cried (закричала она). "I can't bear it (я не могу этого вынести)."

Suddenly she burst into a storm of weeping (внезапно она разразилась потоком рыданий; storm — буря, взрыв, град).

"Darling (дорогая)!"

revive [rI'vaIv] magnanimous [mxg'nxnImqs] weeping ['wi:pIN]

"It's no good trying to force oneself. You're tired out. It's my fault, I ought to have insisted on your taking a holiday long ago. What you want is a good rest."

"What about the theatre?"

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"If I can't let it, I'll revive some play that I can play in. There's Hearts are Trumps. You always hated your part in that."

"Everyone says the season's going to be wonderful. You can't expect much of a revival with me out of the cast; you won't make a penny."

"I don't care a hang about that. The only thing that matters is your health." "Oh, Christ, don't be so magnanimous," she cried. "I can't bear it." Suddenly she burst into a storm of weeping.


He took her in his arms (он обнял ее) and sat her down on the sofa with himself beside her (и усадил ее на диван, сам сел рядом: «с собой рядом с ней»). She clung to him desperately (она прильнула к нему отчаянно).

"You're so good to me, Michael (ты так добр ко мне, Майкл), and I hate myself (и я ненавижу себя). I'm a beast, I'm a slut, I'm just a bloody bitch (я скотина, я

шлюха, я просто проклятая сука). I'm rotten through and through (я дрянная насквозь; through and through — совершенно, до конца, основательно)."

"All that may be (все это вполне возможно)," he smiled (улыбнулся он), "but the fact remains that you're a very great actress (но факт остается фактом — ты величайшая актриса)."

"I don't know how you can have the patience you have with me (я не знаю, как ты проявляешь: «можешь иметь» такое терпение, ко мне: «которое ты имеешь со мной»). I've treated you foully (я отвратительно с тобой обошлась). You've been too wonderful (ты был таким замечательным) and I've sacrificed you heartlessly (а я бездушно принесла тебя в жертву)."

"Now, dear, don't say a lot of things that you'll regret later (послушай, дорогая, не говори кучу вещей, о которых ты пожалеешь позже). I shall only bring them up against you another time (я просто воспользуюсь ими против тебя в следующий раз; to bring up against — учитывать или использовать что-либо против кого-либо)."

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desperately ['desp(q)rItlI] patience ['peIS(q)ns] through [Tru:]

He took her in his arms and sat her down on the sofa with himself beside her. She clung to him desperately.

"You're so good to me, Michael, and I hate myself. I'm a beast, I'm a slut, I'm just a bloody bitch. I'm rotten through and through."

"All that may be," he smiled, "but the fact remains that you're a very great actress." "I don't know how you can have the patience you have with me. I've treated you foully. You've been too wonderful and I've sacrificed you heartlessly."

"Now, dear, don't say a lot of things that you'll regret later. I shall only bring them up against you another time."

His tenderness melted her (его нежность смягчила ее; to melt — таять, плавить, трогать, умилять) and she reproached herself bitterly (и она упрекала себя горько) because for years she found him so boring (из-за того, что долгие годы она считала его таким скучным).

"Thank God, I've got you (слава Богу, что у меня есть ты). What should I do without you (чтобы я делала без тебя)?"

"You haven't got to do without me (но тебе не придется быть без меня)."

He held her close (он обнимал ее крепко: «держал ее близко»; close — близкий,

тесный, плотный) and though she sobbed still (и, хотя она все еще всхлипывала) she began to feel comforted (она почувствовала себя утешенной). "I'm sorry I was so beastly to you just now (извини, я вела себя по-свински с тобой только что)."

"Oh, my dear (о, моя дорогая)."

"Do you really think I'm a ham actress (ты действительно думаешь, что я переигрываю: «актриса, бьющая на дешевый эффект»)?"

"Darling, Duse couldn't hold a candle to you (дорогая, Дузе и в подметки тебе не годится: «не могла бы держать тебе свечку»; candle — свеча)."

"Do you honestly think that (ты правда: «честно» так думаешь)? Give me your

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hanky (дай мне твой носовой платок; hanky = handkerchief). You never saw Sarah Bernhardt, did you (ты никогда не видел Сару Бернар, да)?"

"No, never (нет, никогда)."

"She ranted like the devil (она разражалась такими тирадами, черт возьми)."

bitterly ['bItqlI] candle ['kxndl] hanky ['hxNkI]

His tenderness melted her and she reproached herself bitterly because for years she found him so boring.

"Thank God, I've got you. What should I do without you?" "You haven't got to do without me."

He held her close and though she sobbed still she began to feel comforted. "I'm sorry I was so beastly to you just now."

"Oh, my dear."

"Do you really think I'm a ham actress?" "Darling, Duse couldn't hold a candle to you."

"Do you honestly think that? Give me your hanky. You never saw Sarah Bernhardt, did you?"

"No, never."

"She ranted like the devil."

They sat together for a little while, in silence (они посидели вместе какое-то время в молчании), and Julia grew calmer in spirit (и Джулия успокаивалась: «становилась спокойнее в душе»). Her heart was filled with a great love for Michael (ее сердце было переполнено огромной любовью к Майклу).

"You're still the best-looking man in England (ты все еще самый красивый мужчина в Англии)," she murmured at last (пробормотала она наконец). "No one will ever persuade me to the contrary (никто никогда не убедит меня в обратном; to the contrary — в обратном смысле, иначе)."

She felt that he drew in his belly and thrust out his chin (она почувствовала, что

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он втянул свой живот и поднял подбородок), and it seemed to her rather sweet and touching (и это показалось ей таким милым и трогательным).

"You're quite right (ты совершенно прав). I'm tired out (я измотана), I feel low and miserable (я чувствую себя неважно и скверно). I feel all empty inside

чувствую себя опустошенной: «совершенно пустой внутри»). The only thing is to go away (единственный выход — уехать)."

silence ['saIlqns] persuade [pq'sweId] inside [In'saId]

They sat together for a little while, in silence, and Julia grew calmer in spirit. Her heart was filled with a great love for Michael.

"You're still the best-looking man in England," she murmured at last. "No one will ever persuade me to the contrary."

She felt that he drew in his belly and thrust out his chin, and it seemed to her rather sweet and touching.

"You're quite right. I'm tired out, I feel low and miserable. I feel all empty inside. The only thing is to go away."


AFTER Julia had made up her mind to that she was glad (после того, как Джулия

/окончательно/ решилась на это, она обрадовалась). The prospect of getting away (перспектива уехать; to get away — удрать, улизнуть, выбраться,

освобождаться) from the misery that tormented her (от тех страданий, что мучили ее) at once made it easier to bear (немедленно облегчила их: «сделала это легче — выносить /их/»). The notices were put up (объявления о закрытии были вывешены); Michael collected his cast for the revival and started rehearsals (Майкл собрал свою труппу: «состав актеров» для возобновленного

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спектакля и начал репетиции). It amused Julia to sit idly in a stall (Джулию это забавляло — сидеть без дела в партере; idly — лениво, праздно) and watch the actress who had been engaged rehearse the part (и наблюдать за актрисой,

которая была приглашена играть: «репетировать» ту самую роль), which she had played herself some years before (которую она сама играла несколько лет назад). She had never lost the thrill it gave her (она «никогда» так и не смогла избавиться от чувства нервного возбуждения; thrill — нервная дрожь,

трепет) when she first went on the stage (с того момента: «когда» она впервые пришла в театр: «на сцену») to sit in the darkened playhouse (/от возможности/

сидеть в затемненном театре), under dust-sheets (/все сиденья/ накрыты чехлами; dust (пыль) + sheet (простыня)), and see the characters grow in the actors' hands (и видеть, как характеры героев вырастают в руках актеров). Merely to be inside a theatre rested her (просто находиться внутри театра —

/уже это само/ успокаивало ее); nowhere was she so happy (нигде /больше/ она не была так счастлива).

revival [rI'vaIv(q)l] playhouse ['pleIhaVs] character ['kxrIktq]

AFTER Julia had made up her mind to that she was glad. The prospect of getting away from the misery that tormented her at once made it easier to bear. The notices were put up; Michael collected his cast for the revival and started rehearsals. It amused Julia to sit idly in a stall and watch the actress who had been engaged rehearse the part which she had played herself some years before. She had never lost the thrill it gave her when she first went on the stage to sit in the darkened playhouse, under dust-sheets, and see the characters grow in the actors' hands. Merely to be inside a theatre rested her; nowhere was she so happy.

Watching the rehearsals she was able to relax (пока она наблюдала за репетициями, у нее появилась возможность отдохнуть: «она смогла отдохнуть») so that when at night she had her own performance to give she felt

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fresh (и, таким образом, когда вечером у нее был собственный спектакль: «ей надо было играть самой», она почувствовала себя посвежевшей). She realized that all Michael had said was true (она осознала, что все, что сказал Майкл, было правдой). She took hold of herself (она взяла себя в руки). Thrusting her private emotion into the background (отбросив свои личные эмоции на задворки; to thrust — толкать, совать, наносить удар; background — задний план, незаметное положение) and thus getting the character under control (и,

таким образом, получив контроль над образом героини), she managed once more to play with her accustomed virtuosity (она смогла снова: «еще раз» играть с ее привычной виртуозностью). Her acting ceased to be a means by which she gave release to her feelings (ее игра перестала быть средством, с помощью которого она давала выход своим чувствам) and was again the manifestation of her creative instinct (и снова стала проявлением: «манифестацией» ее творческого инстинкта). She got a quiet exhilaration out of thus recovering mastery over her medium (она получила успокаивающее приятное возбуждение он такого возвращения /ее/ господства над творческим материалом; to recover — получить обратно, вновь обрести). It gave her a sense of power and of liberation (это придало ей чувство могущества: «силы» и освобождения).

relax [rI'lxks] virtuosity ["vq:tSV'OsItI] manifestation ["mxnIfe'steIS(q)n]

Watching the rehearsals she was able to relax so that when at night she had her own performance to give she felt fresh. She realized that all Michael had said was true. She took hold of herself. Thrusting her private emotion into the background and thus getting the character under control, she managed once more to play with her accustomed virtuosity. Her acting ceased to be a means by which she gave release to her feelings and was again the manifestation of her creative instinct. She got a quiet exhilaration out of thus recovering mastery over her medium. It gave her a sense of power and of liberation.

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But the triumphant effort she made took it out of her (но это победоносное усилие утомило ее; to take it out of smb. — лишить кого-либо сил), and when she was not in the theatre (и, когда она не была в театре) she felt listless and discouraged (она чувствовала себя апатичной и унылой). She lost her exuberant vitality (она утратила всю свою бьющую через край жизненную энергию). A new humility overcame her (новое /для нее/ чувство смирения охватило ее). She had a feeling that her day was done (у нее было такое чувство, что ее счастливая пора закончилась: «дни прошли»). She sighed as she told herself that nobody wanted her any more (она вздохнула, когда сказала сама себе, что никому она больше не нужна: «никто не хочет ее больше»). Michael suggested that she should go to Vienna to be near Roger (Майкл предложил, что ей следует поехать в Вену, чтобы быть поближе к Роджеру), and she would have liked that, but she shook her head (и ей бы тоже этого хотелось, но она покачала головой).

"I should only cramp his style (я буду только мешаться ему; to cramp smb.'s style — помешать кому-либо развернуться)."

triumphant [traI'Amf(q)nt] exuberant [Ig'zju:b(q)rqnt] cramp [krxmp]

But the triumphant effort she made took it out of her, and when she was not in the theatre she felt listless and discouraged. She lost her exuberant vitality. A new humility overcame her. She had a feeling that her day was done. She sighed as she told herself that nobody wanted her any more. Michael suggested that she should go to Vienna to be near Roger, and she would have liked that, but she shook her head.

"I should only cramp his style."

She was afraid he would find her a bore (она боялась, что он сочтет ее занудой). He was enjoying himself and she would only be in the way (он хорошо проводил

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