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Throughout the early part of the day she felt only happy and mildly excited; it was not till late in the afternoon that she began to feel ill at ease. She grew silent and wanted to be left alone. She also grew irritable, and Michael, having learnt from experience, took care to keep out of her way. Her hands and feet got cold and by the time she reached the theatre they were like lumps of ice. But still the apprehension that filled her was not unpleasant.

Julia had nothing to do that morning (Джулии было нечего делать тем утром) but go down to the Siddons for a word-rehearsal at noon (кроме как поехать в

«Сиддонс-театр» на читку: «словесную репетицию» в полдень), so she lay in bed till late (и поэтому она лежала в кровати допоздна). Michael did not come back to luncheon (Майкл не приехал назад к ланчу), having last things to do to the sets (так как ему надо было сделать последние изменения в декорациях), and she ate alone (и она покушала в одиночестве). Then she went to bed and for an hour slept soundly (потом она легла в постель и в течение часа проспала крепко). Her intention was to rest all the afternoon (она собиралась: «ее намерением было» отдохнуть до полудня); Miss Phillips was coming at six (мисс Филлипс должна была прийти в шесть) to give her a light massage (чтобы сделать ей легкий массаж), and by seven she wanted to be at the theatre (и к семи часам она хотела быть в театре). But when she awoke (но, когда она проснулась) she felt so much refreshed (она почувствовала себя настолько отдохнувшей: «посвежевшей») that it irked her to stay in bed (что ее раздражало оставаться в постели), so she made up her mind to get up and go for a walk (и тогда она решила встать и пойти на прогулку). It was a fine, sunny day (был прекрасный, солнечный день). Liking the town better than the country (/поскольку ей/ нравился город больше, чем деревня) and streets more than trees (и улицы больше, чем деревья), she did not go into the Park (она не пошла в Гайд-парк), but sauntered round the neighbouring squares (но неторопливо прогуливалась по близлежащим: «соседским» площадям), deserted at that time of year (безлюдным: «пустынным» в это время года), idly looking at the houses

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(лениво посматривая на дома), and thought how much she preferred her own to any of them (и думала, насколько она предпочитала свой собственный /дом/ любому из них).

massage ['mxsQ:Z] irk [q:k] neighbouring ['neIb(q)rIN]

Julia had nothing to do that morning but go down to the Siddons for a wordrehearsal at noon, so she lay in bed till late. Michael did not come back to luncheon, having last things to do to the sets, and she ate alone. Then she went to bed and for an hour slept soundly. Her intention was to rest all the afternoon; Miss Phillips was coming at six to give her a light massage, and by seven she wanted to be at the theatre. But when she awoke she felt so much refreshed that it irked her to stay in bed, so she made up her mind to get up and go for a walk. It was a fine, sunny day. Liking the town better than the country and streets more than trees, she did not go into the Park, but sauntered round the neighbouring squares, deserted at that time of year, idly looking at the houses, and thought how much she preferred her own to any of them.

She felt at ease and light-hearted (она чувствовала себя свободно и беззаботно). Then she thought it time to go home (затем она подумала, что самое время идти домой). She had just reached the corner of Stanhope Place (она как раз достигал угла Стэнхоуп-плейс) when she heard her name called in a voice that she could not but recognize (когда она услышала свое имя, произнесенное: «названное» голосом, который она не могла не узнать).


She turned round (она обернулась: «повернулась кругом») and Tom, his face all smiles, caught her up (и Том, с лицом, расплывшимся в улыбке: «его лицо — сплошные улыбки», догнал ее; to catch (caught) up — подхватить; нагнать). She had not seen him since her return from France (она не видела его с того самого момента, как она вернулась: «с ее возвращения» из Франции). He was

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very smart in a neat grey suit (он был очень элегантен в аккуратном сером костюме) and a brown hat (и коричневой шляпе). He was tanned by the sun (он загорел от солнца).

"I thought you were away (я думала, что тебя нет в городе: «ты отсутствуешь»)."

"I came back on Monday (я вернулся в понедельник). I didn't ring up (я не позвонил) because I knew you were busy with the final rehearsals (из-за того, что я знал, что ты занята последними репетициями). I'm coming tonight (я приду сегодня /на премьеру/); Michael gave me a stall (Майкл дал мне /билет/ на место в партере)."

"Oh, I'm glad (о, я рада)."

recognize ['rekqgnaIz] tanned [txnd] tonight [tq'naIt]

She felt at ease and light-hearted. Then she thought it time to go home. She had just reached the corner of Stanhope Place when she heard her name called in a voice that she could not but recognize.


She turned round and Tom, his face all smiles, caught her up. She had not seen him since her return from France. He was very smart in a neat grey suit and a brown hat. He was tanned by the sun.

"I thought you were away."

"I came back on Monday. I didn't ring up because I knew you were busy with the final rehearsals. I'm coming tonight; Michael gave me a stall."

"Oh, I'm glad."

It was plain (было ясно) that he was delighted to see her (что он был счастлив видеть ее). His face was eager (его лицо было энергичным; eager — страстно желающий, жаждущий /о человеке/; интенсивный, напряженный; энергичный, активный /о желании, взгляде, жесте и т. п./) and his eyes shone

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(и его глаза сияли). She was pleased to discover (она была рада обнаружить) that the sight of him excited no emotion in her (что его вид не вызвал в ней никаких эмоций). She wondered as they went on talking (она раздумывала, пока они продолжали говорить) what there was in him (что было в нем такого) that had ever so deeply affected her (что когда-то так глубоко волновало ее).

"What on earth are you wandering about like this for (за чем же ты бродишь здесь вот так вот)?"

"I've been for a stroll (я была на прогулке). I was just going in to tea (я уже собиралась войти в дом к чаю)."

"Come and have tea with me (пойдем, выпьешь чаю со мной)."

His flat was just round the corner (его квартира была как раз за углом). Indeed he had caught sight of her (на самом деле он заметил ее) just as he was going down the mews to get to it (как раз, когда он спустился мимо конюшен, чтобы попасть в квартиру).

"How is it you're back so early (как это так получилось, что ты вернулся так рано)?"

earth [q:T] round [raVnd] mews [mju:z]

It was plain that he was delighted to see her. His face was eager and his eyes shone. She was pleased to discover that the sight of him excited no emotion in her. She wondered as they went on talking what there was in him that had ever so deeply affected her.

"What on earth are you wandering about like this for?" "I've been for a stroll. I was just going in to tea." "Come and have tea with me."

His flat was just round the corner. Indeed he had caught sight of her just as he was going down the mews to get to it.

"How is it you're back so early?"

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"Oh, there's nothing much on (о, ничего особенного не происходит; on — зд.

указывает на наличие или наступление действия или процесса) at the office just now (в конторе /именно/ сейчас). You know, one of our partners died a couple of months ago (знаешь ли, один из наших компаньонов: «партнеров» умер пару месяцев назад), and I'm getting a bigger share (и у меня теперь будет большая доля: «я получаю больший пай»). It means I shall be able to keep on the flat after all (это означает, что я смогу содержать квартиру и дальше, в

конце концов; to keep on — продолжать делать что-либо). Michael was jolly decent about it (Майкл был ужасно порядочным на этот счет: «об этом»; jolly

веселый, /эмоц.-усил./ замечательный, огромный), he said I could stay on rent free till things got better (он сказал, что я могу продолжать жить /в квартире/ без арендной платы до тех пор, пока дела не улучшатся; to stay —

оставаться, не уходить, free — свободный, незанятый, бесплатный). I hated the idea of turning out (мне ненавистна была идея убраться от сюда; to turn out

зд. уходить, отправляться). Do come (заходи же; to do — зд. употребляется с глаголом для его усиления). I'd love to make you a cup of tea (я с удовольствием приготовлю тебе чашку чая)."

He rattled on so vivaciously (он болтал без умолку так оживленно; to rattle —

трещать, грохотать) that Julia was amused (что Джулия была изумлена). You would never have thought to listen to him (никто ни за что бы не подумал, слушая его) that there had ever been anything between them (что когда-то что-то было между ними). He seemed perfectly unembarrassed (он казался совершенно непринужденным).

"All right (хорошо). But I can only stay a minute (но я смогу остаться только на минутку)."


share [Seq] vivacious [vI'veISqs] unembarrassed ["AnIm'bxrqst]

"Oh, there's nothing much on at the office just now. You know, one of our partners

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died a couple of months ago, and I'm getting a bigger share. It means I shall be able to keep on the flat after all. Michael was jolly decent about it, he said I could stay on rent free till things got better. I hated the idea of turning out. Do come. I'd love to make you a cup of tea."

He rattled on so vivaciously that Julia was amused. You would never have thought to listen to him that there had ever been anything between them. He seemed perfectly unembarrassed.

"All right. But I can only stay a minute." "O.K."

They turned into the mews (они свернули к гаражам: «конюшне») and she preceded him up the narrow staircase (и она шла впереди него вверх по узкой лестнице).

"You toddle along to the sitting-room (ты проходи в гостиную; to toddle — ковылять, бродить) and I'll put the water on to boil (и я поставлю воду на огонь: «на кипение»)."

She went in and sat down (она зашла и присела). She looked round the room (она оглядывала комнату) that had been the scene of so many emotions for her (которая была местом: «сценой» для такого большого /числа/ душевных волнений: «эмоций» для нее). Nothing was changed (ничего не изменилось). Her photograph stood in its old place (ее фотография стояла на своем старом месте), but on the chimney piece was a large photograph also of Avice Crichton (но на каминной полке была также большая фотография Эвис Крайтон). On it was written for Tom from Avice (на ней было написано «Тому от Эвис»). Julia took everything in (Джулия все приметила; to take in — зд. смотреть, видеть). The room might have been a set in which she had once acted (эта комната могла бы быть декорацией, в которой она однажды играла); it was vaguely familiar (она была слегка знакомой), but no longer meant anything to her (но больше ничего не значила для нее; no longer — уже не, больше не, long — длинный,

долгий). The love that had consumed her then (любовь, что пожирала ее тогда;

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to consume — истреблять, потреблять, съедать), the jealousy she had stifled (ревность, которую она подавляла; to stifle — душить), the ecstasy of surrender (восторг сдачи: «капитуляции»), it had no more reality (были не более реальными: «это имело не больше реальности») than one of the innumerable parts (чем одна из тех бесчисленных ролей) she had played in the past (что она сыграла в прошлом).

precede [prI'si:d] toddle ['tOdl] consume [kqn'sju:m] ecstasy ['ekstqsI]

They turned into the mews and she preceded him up the narrow staircase. "You toddle along to the sitting-room and I'll put the water on to boil."

She went in and sat down. She looked round the room that had been the scene of so many emotions for her. Nothing was changed. Her photograph stood in its old place, but on the chimney piece was a large photograph also of Avice Crichton. On it was written for Tom from Avice. Julia took everything in. The room might have been a set in which she had once acted; it was vaguely familiar, but no longer meant anything to her. The love that had consumed her then, the jealousy she had stifled, the ecstasy of surrender, it had no more reality than one of the innumerable parts she had played in the past.

She relished her indifference (она наслаждалась своим безразличием). Tom came in (вошел Том), with the tea-cloth she had given him (с небольшой чайной скатертью, что она ему подарила; tea — чай, cloth — ткань, сукно,

скатерть), and neatly set out the tea-service which she had also given him

аккуратно расставил чайный сервиз, который она также подарила ему). She did not know why the thought of his casually using still all her little presents (она не знала почему мысль о том, что он обыденно использует все еще все ее маленькие подарки) made her inclined to laugh (заставила ее почувствовать желание рассмеяться; inclined — наклонный, склонный к чему-либо). Then he came in with the tea (затем он вошел с чаем) and they drank it sitting side by side

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on the sofa (и они выпили его, сидя бок о бок на диване). He told her more about his improved circumstances (он рассказал ей еще: «больше» о его улучшившемся /материальном/ положении). In his pleasant, friendly way he acknowledged (в своей приятной, дружеской манере он признал) that it was owing to the work that through her he had been able to bring the firm (что /это было/ благодаря тем клиентам: «той работе», которых он с ее помощью: «через нее» смог привести в фирму: «принести фирме») that he had secured a larger share in the profits (/что/ он получил большую долю в прибылях; to secure — обеспечивать безопасность, гарантировать, приобретать). He told her of the holiday from which he had just returned (он рассказал ей об отпуске, из которого он только что вернулся). It was quite clear to Julia that he had no inkling (это было совершенно ясно для Джулии, что он не имел ни малейшего понятия: «отдаленного представления») how much he had made her suffer (насколько сильно он заставил ее страдать). That too made her now inclined to laugh (это также заставило ее теперь быть склонной к тому, чтобы рассмеяться = это также возбуждало ее смех).

indifference [In'dIf(q)rqns] acknowledge [qk'nOlIdZ] secure [sI'kjVq]

She relished her indifference. Tom came in, with the tea-cloth she had given him, and neatly set out the tea-service which she had also given him. She did not know why the thought of his casually using still all her little presents made her inclined to laugh. Then he came in with the tea and they drank it sitting side by side on the sofa. He told her more about his improved circumstances. In his pleasant, friendly way he acknowledged that it was owing to the work that through her he had been able to bring the firm that he had secured a larger share in the profits. He told her of the holiday from which he had just returned. It was quite clear to Julia that he had no inkling how much he had made her suffer. That too made her now inclined to laugh.

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"I hear you're going to have an enormous success tonight (я слышал, что у тебя будет грандиозный успех сегодня вечером)."

"It would be nice, wouldn't it (это было бы приятно, не так ли)?"

"Avice says that both you and Michael have been awfully good to her (Эвис говорит, что вы оба, ты и Майкл, были ужасно добры к ней). Take care she doesn't romp away with the play (берегись: «осторожно», как бы она не обошла тебя с легкостью в спектакле; to romp away — /зд. разг./ сделать что-либо без особого труда)."

He said it chaffingly (он сказал это добродушно подтрунивая), but Julia wondered whether Avice had told him (но она подумала, не сказала ли ему Эвис) that this was what she expected to do (что именно это она рассчитывала сделать).

"Are you engaged to her (ты помолвлен с ней)?"

"No (нет). She wants her freedom (она хочет оставаться свободной: «ей нужна ее свобода»). She says an engagement would interfere with her career (она говорит, что помолвка помешает ее карьере)."

"With her what (ее чему)?" The words slipped out of Julia's mouth before she could stop them (слова соскользнули с губ Джулии: «выскользнули изо рта Джулии», до того, как она смогла остановить их), but she immediately recovered herself (но она немедленно опомнилась: «собралась»). "Yes, I see what she means of course (да, я понимаю, что она имеет в виду, конечно)." ' "Naturally, I don't want to stand in her way (естественно, что я не хочу стоять у нее на пути: «мешать ей»). I mean, supposing after tonight she got a big offer for America (я имею в виду, что предположим, после сегодняшнего вечера она получит важное: «большое» предложение из Америки) I can quite see that she ought to be perfectly free to accept (я всецело могу понять, что ей следует быть совершенно свободной, чтобы принять /его/)."

enormous [I'nO:mqs] freedom ['fri:dqm] mouth [maVT]

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"I hear you're going to have an enormous success tonight." "It would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"Avice says that both you and Michael have been awfully good to her. Take care she doesn't romp away with the play."

He said it chaffingly, but Julia wondered whether Avice had told him that this was what she expected to do.

"Are you engaged to her?"

"No. She wants her freedom. She says an engagement would interfere with her career."

"With her what?" The words slipped out of Julia's mouth before she could stop them, but she immediately recovered herself. "Yes, I see what she means of course."

"Naturally, I don't want to stand in her way. I mean, supposing after tonight she got a big offer for America I can quite see that she ought to be perfectly free to accept."

Her career (ее карьера)! Julia smiled quietly to herself (Джулия улыбнулась спокойно про себя).

"You know, I do think you're a brick (ты знаешь, я действительно думаю, что ты молодчина; brick — кирпич; разг. славный парень), the way you've behaved to her (то, как ты обращалась с ней; to behave — вести себя, поступать)."

"Why (почему)?"

"Oh well, you know what women are (о, ну ты же знаешь, каковы женщины)!" As he said this he slipped his arm round her waist and kissed her (когда он сказал это, он плавно обнял ее за талию: «скользнул своей рукой вокруг ее талии» и поцеловал ее). She laughed outright (она рассмеялась открыто).

"What an absurd little thing you are (какой же ты нелепый малыш)." "How about a bit of love (как насчет немножко любви)?"

"Don't be so silly (не глупи)."

"What is there silly about it (что же глупого в этом)? Don't you think we've been

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