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Английский язык учебник

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Substance dependence





The ill effects of smoking make imperative pro grams to prevent the onset of smoking and to help smokers quit. Children are more likely to start smok ing if their parents and peers smoke. Many smoking prevention programs are based in schools and provide information about the immediate and long term social and physical consequences of smoking. Students learn that smoking, in the short run, causes bad health, yel low teeth and fingers, and weakened stamina. They also learn that smoking, in the long run, causes cancer, emphysema, and cardiovascular disease. But simply providing children with information about the ill ef fects of smoking is not enough to prevent them from starting. Smoking prevention programs must also teach students how to resist peer pressure and adver tisements that encourage them to begin smoking. Overall, smoking prevention programs have been ef fective, reducing the number of new smokers among participants by 50 percent.

Though programs to prevent the onset of smoking are important, programs to help people stop smoking are also necessary. Health psychologists use a variety of techniques to help people stop smoking. Subjects are taught to expect certain symptoms of nicotine with drawal, which typically last four weeks. But certain consequences of quitting, including hunger, weight gain, and nicotine craving may persist for six months or more. Nicotine prevents weight gain by reducing hunger and increasing metabolism. Because more harm is caused by tars and other chemicals than by the nicotine in tobacco, some treatments aim at preventing smoking by providing subjects with nicotine through safer routes. These nicotine replacement techniques prevent some of the relapse caused by nicotine craving or the desire to avoid weight gain.

The chief nicotine replacement technique is the use of nicotine chewing gum. A technique growing in pop ularity is the use of a nicotine patch, which provides


Unit XV

nicotine through the skin. Nicotine replacement has proved successful. One study compared the effective ness of nicotine gum and the effectiveness of placebo gum (which did not contain nicotine). The results showed that during the first two weeks after they quit smoking, those who chewed nicotine gum experienced less intense withdrawal symptoms than those who chewed placebo gum. Nicotine gum not only reduces withdrawal symptoms, it leads to longer abstinence than among people who quit without using nicotine gum. Another advantage of nicotine gum is that it may increase the motivation of weight conscious smokers to abstain from smoking. A study of more than a thou sand participants in a smoking relapse prevention pro gram found that those who chewed nicotine gum gained significantly less weight than those who did not.

Of course, nicotine gum does not help smokers overcome their addiction to nicotine. Those who wish to overcome their addiction do better if they are high in two of the factors that appear repeatedly as health promoters: a feeling of self efficacy and the presence of social support. For those who are motivated to over come their addiction, nicotine fading is useful. This technique gradually weans smokers off nicotine by having them use cigarettes with lower and lower nico tine content until it has been reduced to virtually zero. Nicotine fading has proved successful.

A more extreme technique is rapid smoking, a form of aversion therapy in which the smoker is forced to take a puff every six to eight seconds for several minutes. This induces feelings of nausea and dizziness, and after several sessions, the person may develop an aversion to smoking. Like nicotine fading, rapid smok ing has proved effective. But rapid smoking, which floods the bloodstream with nicotine, may induce heartbeat irregularities. This might make it dangerous for smokers with cardiac problems. Nonetheless, a

Substance dependence





study that compared the benefits of quitting to the risks of rapid smoking concluded that smokers with mild or moderate heart disease would be less likely to be harmed by rapid smoking than by continuing to be smokers.

Another approach to smoking cessation involves self management programs, which use behavior modi fication to promote smoking cessation. The programs encourage smokers to avoid stimuli that act as cues for smoking, such as coffee breaks, alcoholic beverages, and other smokers. Smokers in self management pro grams may also take part in contingency contracting, in which they are rewarded by his or her spouse with a vacation trip. Self management programs show prom ise, with up to 50 percent of participants still refrain ing from smoking a year after completing their pro grams.

Still another way of promoting smoking cessation is to train physicians in how to help their patients stop. One study included 83 family physicians with nearly two thousand patients who smoked. Physicians who had received special training in smoking cessation had more patients who quitted smoking and who abstained longer than did physicians who had not received train ing. If all family physicians received such training, they might help thousands more patients quit smok ing.

Sdorov L.M. “Psychology”. Lafayette College, Beaver College, Brown & Benchmark, 1993, pp. 658–660

Task 1.


Say whether these statements are true (T)



or false (F), and if they are false, say why.



Addicted smokers smoke to regulate the



level of nicotine in their bodies.



The ill effects of smoking make impera



tive programs to help smokers quit.








Unit XV




Providing children with





about health impairing sides of smok




ing is quite enough to prevent them




from starting.






There is only one technique that helps




the smoker to develop an aversion to




smoking, but it doesn’t work.













trained family physicians are more suc




cessful than by physicians who hadn’t




received any training in this field.




The use of nicotine increases appetite,




helps to have sound sleep, reduces anxi




ety, helps to relax and calm down.




Tobacco was first used by American In




dians. It spread quickly to Europe soon




after Christopher Columbus brought to




bacco from the New World.





To resist smoking is not a difficult task,




because there are a lot of smoking pre




vention programs and highly skilled








Task 2.









Match the English word combinations




with the Russian equivalents.



health impairing


a – воздeрживаться от










imperative smoking

b – прекращение



prevention programs





nicotine replacement

с – семейный терапевт








nicotine withdrawal

d – крайне







программы по профи






лактике курения


weight conscious smo

е – вредные










Substance dependence





6. to wean smokers off

f – привычка, вредная для








7. smoking cessation

g – курильщики, озабочен



ные своим весом



8. to refrain from

h – отучать от никотина



9. family physician

i –

отказ от никотина



10. ill effects of smoking

j –






курения путем замены












Task 3. Answer the following questions (ques tions 1–3 have more than one correct an swer). Then find a partner, compare your answers and swap information.

1.How would you explain the everyday usage of psy choactive drugs?

a)to follow your parents’ example

b)for pleasure producing effects

c)it is a habit with people

d)for the effect of increasing energy and confi dence

2.How would you account for the prevalence of alco hol and smoking tobacco?

a)it is available

b)it is customary

c)it is the simplest thing to relax and reduce tension

d)it is cheap

3.How would you describe a drug abuser?

a)irritable, anxious, has poor concentration and coordination

b)talkative, restless, overoptimistic, tremor of hands

c)is in a dreamlike state of calm euphoria

d)worn out, depressive, sulky, dispassionate, un sociable and insensible

e)always complaining


Unit XV

4.Why do you think children in conflict ridden fami lies are more susceptible to being drug abusers?

5.How is substance abuse connected with social prob lems?

6.The possible side of psychoactive drugs is that they are medically used to treat depression, anxiety and pain, isn’t it?

7.Can you say anything for the use of drugs?

8.What could be done to reduce drug addiction?

9.Can knowledge about AIDS and HIV stop people from drug use?

10.What should be done to overcome this problem?

11.What other types of addiction do you know?

12.Is it always necessary to stop being an addict of any kind?

Exercise 5.

A.Give a presentation of a lecture on sub stance dependence. Use the chart from Ex. 7 (Unit XIV).

B.Be ready to comment on the presentation made by your group mates. Make use of the points from Ex. 8 (Unit XIY) and help ful phrases below.

The contents of the presentation:

the fact chosen helped to hold attention and inter est of the listeners

to find a correct approach to the subject

to elaborate on

The command of the language:

great amount of grammar mistakes hinder the comprehension

to have an appropriate command of the language

The manner of the presentation:

rapid speech

my impression is (un/hardly/quite) favourable

all in all it was really good

Substance dependence






Exercise 1. Develop the following topics in written form. Make use of the active vocabulary given in brackets.

1.Smoking produces harmful effects through the ac tions of tars and other substances in cigarette smoke (to become addicted to, to relieve anxiety, irritability, hand tremor, heart palpitation, diffi culty concentrating, stroke, cancer, emphysema, heart disease, headaches, dizziness, nausea, bad breath, yellow teeth, weakened stamina).

2.There are several techniques which are used to help people stop smoking (nicotine replacement tech nique, relapse, nicotine craving, to avoid weight gain, nicotine patch, nicotine chewing gum, place bo gum, withdrawal symptoms, motivation, to ab stain from, self efficiency, nicotine fading, lower nicotine content, rapid smoking, heartbeat irregu larities, self management programs, family physi cians’ training).

Exercise 2. Render the following text into English.

Злоупотребление и зависимость от так называемых ядов, вызывающих удовольствие


При никотиновой зависимости напрасные уси лия отменить или предупредить потребление табака могут вызвать синдром отмены. При этом пациент должен знать, что курение ухудшает его состояние при тяжелых соматических расстройствах (пораже ние дыхательных путей, кардиоваскулярные забо левания).


Unit XV

Синдром отмены никотина характеризуется си льным желанием курить, раздражительностью, страхом, нарушением концентрации внимания, бес покойством, головной болью и желудочно кишечны ми расстройствами. Он достигает максимума через два часа после выкуривания последней сигареты и исчезает после курения.


Главной чертой кофеиновой интоксикации явля ется непоседливость, нервозность, возбуждение и бессонница, желудочно кишечные боли. При потреб лении более 1 г кофеина в день (одна чашка кофе со держит от 100 до 150 мг кофеина) возможно психо моторное возбуждение, многословие и словесный по ток, а также нарушения сердечного ритма. Увеличе ние суточного приема до 10 г может вызвать судо роги и подавление дыхания.

Продающиеся без рецептов стимуляторы и сред ства от мигрени содержат около 100 мг кофеина в таблетке.

Нарушения влечений, не связанные с субстанцией

Сюда относятся так называемые “новые” болез ненные влечения, такие как игры, работа, секс, увлечение медитированием или даже покупками и т.д. Следует, однако, предостеречь от бессмыслен ного расширения понятия “болезненное влечение, страсть”. Анамнез зависимых пациентов показы вает, что источником болезненной страсти может служить все, что бросается в глаза. Нередко после длительной абстиненции под влиянием пережи ваний и социальных нагрузок наблюдается переход к зависимости, связанной с применением психотроп ной субстанции.

Нарушения питания (ожирение, булимия, ано рексия) нередко являются предшественниками или

Substance dependence





следствием зависимости, а иногда представляют за болевания, сопровождающие зависимость.

Редакторы составители: К.П. Кискер, Г. Фрайбергер, Г.К. Розе, Э. Вульф. Психиатрия, психосоматика, психо терапия. Авторы: М. Бауэр, Г. Фрайбергер, Г. Газельбек, Г. Гофер, К.П. Кискер, Г. Крюгер и др. Georg Thieme Stut tgart New York, 1991. М.: АЛЕТЕЙА, 1999, c. 224



Ellipsis is a construction when you can leave out words (a subject or a predicative or both) or part of the subordinate clause to avoid repetition, or when the meaning can be understood without them.

conjunction + adjective

Form: Ellipsis

conjunction + noun

Conjunctions: although, though, if, once (если), when, while, whatever, no matter how, however, whether…or, if any, if anything.

Example: When (you are) in Rome, do as the Ro mans do.

В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

Exercise 1. Change ellipses into full subordinate claus es and translate the sentences into Rus sian.

1.Though invisible in themselves, ultra violet rays can show all the inner defects of a human body.


Unit XV

2.When faced with a problem that we wish to solve, we usually resort to convergent thinking.

3.The phenomenon of dreaming indicates that we think while in a sleep.

4.Once betrayed, people can’t believe in loyalty and decency late and are very careful in making friends.

5.Whatever the sensory modality, there are constan cies of relationships between features of the stimu lus – between retinal size and distance in the case of size constancy.

6.No matter how weak the pain, it makes us push all other thoughts out of consciousness until we do something to make the pain go away.

7.When concentrated, we are unaware of background stimuli such as other people’s concentrations, if any of them.

8.Where possible, meditation was used, as an effec tive technique for inducing relaxation.

9.However hard, people try to deny their own feel ings and accept the values of others, they begin to feel more uncomfortable about themselves.

10.Observation of the changes of mood in such cases suggests that there can be few, if any, positive ten dencies.

Exercise 2. Change full subordinate clauses into el lipses and translate the sentences into Russian.

1.When they are confronted with an overly critical employer, some people will be merely annoyed while others will be enraged.

2.If upon awakening we make an effort to remember what we were dreaming at the time, some of the dream content will be recalled later.