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Английский язык учебник

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The exceptional child?





6.Some students move on to other less academically oriented colleges, where pressures may be less se vere, and are able to complete their education in a more sheltered environment.

7.An American psychoanalyst, whose name was Karen Horney, was appointed Dean of the Ameri can Institute for Psychoanalysis in 1941.

8.Apparently the disadvantaged children who were not in intervention program benefited from having started public schooling.

Exercise 5. Leave out who/which/that whenever pos sible and explain why.

1.The psychologist whom I admire most is Sigmund Freud, a founder of his own psychoanalytical school.

2.Sigmund Freud, whom I greatly admire, is known for his ideas that emotional experience of a child may affect his adult behavior.

3.In the first course students study the type of lear ning which is called operant conditioning.

4.The type of learning, which is called operant condi tioning, was described by B.F. Skinner of Harvard University.

5.People who tend to attribute bad events to internal and global causes are more likely to develop learned helplessness after experiencing such events and to become ill.

6.Vulnerable and subjected to outer influence people, who tend to attribute bad events to internal and global causes, are more likely to develop learned helplessness after experiencing such events and be come ill.

7.Skinner constructed a box which had inside it a lever that could be operated, a food tray and a buzzer.

8.The Skinner box, which had inside it a lever, that could be operated, a food tray and a buzzer, was


Unit XIV

constructed to demonstrate different types of learning.

9.The hospital of St. Mary’s of Bethlem in London was a kind of institution where fashionable mem bers of the society could visit some of the inmates whose behavior was considered to be especially en tertaining.

10.The hospital of St. Mary’s of Bethlem in London, whose name became shortened to Bedlam, was a kind of institution where fashionable members of the society could visit some of the inmates, whose behavior was considered to be especially entertain ing, to watch the demonstration of demonic posses sion of them.

Exercise 6. Study the example and put in what, that or which, where necessary.

Example: She gave him what was necessary, but not everything that he wanted, which left him feeling disappointed.

what = the thing(s) that

that = everything, all, anything, nothing which = refers to the whole sentence

1.I’m sorry about _____I said to you last night.

2.The room is very noisy, _____makes it difficult to concentrate.

3.Language is _____makes people different from an imals.

4.Nothing ____you say will make me change my mind.

5.I was surprised by _____he did.

6.She wants to carry on deeper investigation on the topic _____doesn’t seem a good idea to me.

7.The thing _____really upset me was the way she spoke to her supervisor.

8.He told us that the results of the test were valid

_____wasn’t true.

Unit XV



Discuss the following questions.

1.Do you agree that the use of drugs is common and is simply a “bad habit”?

2.There is no harm in drinking a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of wine, eating chocolate, smoking a ciga rette, is there?

3.Have you ever heard about any techniques to help people stop smoking?

4.Why is alcohol dependence the most common and widespread?

5.What do you know about drugs and drug abuse?

6.Can you draw a line between drug use and drug abuse?

7.Who do you think is at risk for infection of AIDS?


1.abstinence, n – 1. воздержание, умеренность; ~ from умерен ность в чем либо; 2. трезвенность

abstinent, n – воздержанный, умеренный человек (в пище, питье и т.д.)

abstinent, a – воздержанный, умеренный

2.abuse, n – 1. брань, ругательство, оскорбление; 2. жестокое обращение; 3. злоупотребление

abuse, v – 1. оскорблять, ругать; 2. плохо, жестоко обра щаться; 3. злоупотреблять

abusive, a – 1. оскорбительный; 2. плохо обращающийся

3.affiliation, n – 1. присоединение, принятие в члены (чего либо); 2. прослеживание истоков, установление связи с чем либо; 3. усыновление

affiliate, v – 1. присоединять (~ся); 2. принимать в члены; 3. проследить источник, установить связи, происхождение


Unit XV

4. agitation, n – 1. волнение, возбуждение,


2. публичное обсуждение


agitate, v – 1. волновать, возбуждать; 2. обсуждать, рассмат ривать (планы)

agitated, a – взволнованный, возбужденный, обеспокоенный

5.aversion, n – 1. отвращение, антипатия; 2. предмет отвра щения

averse, a – нерасположенный, питающий отвращение

6.blackout, n – 1. временная потеря сознания, провал памяти; 2. затемнение, светомаскировка; 3. временное отсутствие освещения

7.blunt, v – притуплять, затуплять (~ся)

blunt, a – 1. тупой; 2. непонятливый, туповатый; 3. грубо ватый, резкий, прямой

8.cardiovascular, a – сердечно сосудистый

9.cessation, n – прекращение, остановка

10.contingency, n – 1. вероятность, возможность; 2. случай ность, непредвиденное обстоятельство

contingent, a – 1. возможный; 2. случайный, непредвиденный

11.craving, n – 1. страстное желание, стремление; 2. страстная мольба

crave, v – 1. страстно желать, жаждать; ~ for жаждать чего либо; 2. просить, умолять

12.dizziness, n – головокружение

13.fading, n – увядание, затухание

fade, v – 1. вянуть, увядать; 2. cливаться (об оттенках); рас плываться (об очертаниях, и т.д.); ~ away (постепенно) исчезать, угасать

faded, а – увядший, поблекший, выцветший fadeless, a – неувядающий, неувядаемый

14.hallucination, n – галлюцинация, иллюзия, обман чувств hallucinate. v – вызывать галлюцинации, страдать ~ями hallucinative, a – 1. галлюциногенный, вызывающий гал люцинации; 2. характеризующийся галлюцинациями

15.impairment, n – 1. ущерб, повреждение; 2. ухудшение impair, v – 1. ослаблять, уменьшать; 2. ухудшать, портить, причинять ущерб

16.lethal, a – смертельный, летальный

17.maladaptation, n – плохая адаптация, недостаточная при способленность

maladaptive, a – плохо приспособленый

18.nausea, n – 1. тошнота; 2. отвращение; 3. морская болезнь nauseate, v – вызывать тошноту, отвращение

Substance dependence





19.onset , n – 1. натиск, атака, нападение; 2. начало

20.palpitation , n – 1. сильное сердцебиение, пульсация; 2. тре пет, дрожь

palpitate, v – 1. сильно биться, пульсировать; 2. трепетать, дрожать

palpitating, a – 1. пульсирующий; 2. трепещущий

21.refrain, v – 1. сдерживаться, воздерживаться; 2. сдержи вать, обуздывать

22.relapse, n – 1. рецидив, возврат болезни; 2. повторение relapse, v – 1. снова впадать в какое либо состояние; 2. бра ться за старое, вновь предаваться чему либо; 3. снова заболевать

23.seizure, n – 1. захват, овладение; 2. припадок, приступ seize, v – 1. хватать, схватить; 2. захватывать, завладевать

24.snort, n – 1. храп, храпение; 2. фырканье; 3. глоток спиртного; short ~ рюмочка

snort, v – 1. храпеть, похрапывать; 2. фыркать, фырчать; 3. глотать

25.stimulant, n – 1. возбуждающее средство; 2. раздражитель stimulant, a – стимулирующий, возбуждающий

26.stroke, n – 1. удар, припадок, приступ; 2. поглаживание stroke, v – гладить, поглаживать, ласкать

27.substance, n – 1. вещество, материя; 2. сущность, суть; in ~ в сущности; 3. действительность

28.tremor, n – 1. дрожание, дрожь, тремор; 2. вибрация

29.unrest, n – 1. беспокойство, волнение; 2. pl. волнения, бес порядки

30.vigilance, n – 1. бдительность, внимательность; 2. бессонница vigilant, a – 1. бдительный; 2. бодрствующий, бессонный, неусыпный


Exercise 1. Translate the following word combina tions into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Crying abuse, abuse of power, abuse of alсohol, to exchange abuse, to abuse one’s health, abusive lan


Unit XV

guage; nervous agitation, visible agitation, to keep in agitation, to express agitation, wide spread agitation, to carry on agitation against smth.; a blunt angle, scis sors with blunt ends, blunt people, to blunt the edge of the pain; fatal contingency, unexpected contingency, uncertain and contingent causes, contingent expenses; beauty fades, the daylight faded, summer fades into autumn, fadeless glory, fadeless memories of child hood; to suffer from an impairment of conditions, to impair one’s health, his vision was impaired, to impair the strength of the argument; onset of wind, by sud den onset, at the first onset, the onset of smoking, the onset of a disease; palpitations of the leaves, to palpi tate with fear, palpitating haze; a relapse of old er rors, to relapse into silence, to relapse into crime; psy chomotor seizure, risk of seizure, illegal seizure, to seize smb. by the arm, to seize smb. by the collar, to seize an idea; a stroke of luck, paralytic stroke, mortal stroke, a stroke of lightning, at a stroke, to stroke one’s chin.

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combina tions into English paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Воздержание от курения; быть умеренным в еде; предмет отвращения, питать отвращение к кому либо/чему либо, почувствовать антипатию к кому либо, ненавидящий войну, нерасположенный сде лать что либо; прекращение военных действий; мо лить о милосердии, просить разрешения, исполнить страстное желание; испытывать головокружение и тошноту, вызывать тошноту, страдать от морской болезни; воздерживаться от какого либо поступка, обуздать гнев, не сдерживать слез; серое вещество

Substance dependence





головного мозга, гормон роста, тяжелое вещество, эмоциональное содержание, перейти к сущности во проса; мышечный тремор, постоянная вибрация, дрожь волнения, толчки землетрясения; быть бди тельным, страдать от бессонницы, под неусыпным надзором.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words from the vocabulary list.



После бури море неспокойно.



Он терпеть не может перегружать



себя работой.



Мы должны быть готовы ко всяким






Меня тошнит от этой мысли.

to palpitate


В его статьях чувствуется биение




to refrain


Он не мог не улыбнуться.

to seize


Они захватили все, что могли.


8. У него нет ничего за душой, он пус



той человек.



Он встретил смерть без содрогания.



The use of drugs is common in our society and not necessarily considered maladaptive. For example, most adults drink alcohol at social functions, and many fin ish off a meal with a cigarette. Drugs have been used since recorded history as part of religious function. Psychoactive drugs are used medically to treat depres


Unit XV

sion, anxiety and pain. Many individuals drink beer to reduce social anxiety, take barbiturates to fall asleep, use narcotics to feel euphoric, drink coffee to get going in the morning, or smoke marijuana to enrich their perception of music. Human beings seem drawn to psy choactive drugs. Most of us would not quarrel that above examples do not constitute substance abuse, so when does the use of drugs become a disorder?

Normal consciousness is altered by psychoactive drugs, chemicals that induce changes in mood, think ing, perception and behavior by affecting neuronal ac tivity. Most adolescents become drug users at some point in their development, whether limited to alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes, or extended to marijuana, co caine, and hard drugs. The initial step in adolescent drug abuse is often laid in the childhood years, when children fail to receive nurturance from their parents and grow in conflict ridden families. Adolescent char acteristics, such as lack of a conventional orientation and inability to control emotions, are then expressed in affiliations with peers who take drugs, which in turn, leads to drug use.

During the social and political unrest many youth turn to marijuana, stimulants and hallucinogens. In crease in alcohol consumption by adolescents is also noted.

How is it that people go from psychoactive drug use to drug abuse? Substance abuse is associated with severe physical, emotional, financial and social prob lems. The diagnosis of substance dependence is made if a person exhibits: (1) loss of control over use of sub stance, (2) psychological impairment because of sub stance use, and (3) evidence of affective or physiologi cal adaptation to the drug.

As for alcohol dependence it can be familial. Bio logical factors are associated with it. Genetic risk stud ies suggest that people hereditory predisposed to be come dependent on alcohol are more sensitive to the

Substance dependence





pleasure producing effects of alcohol. Genetically high risk individuals are susceptible to alcohol even at first drink. One of the reasons why people may drink alcohol is to reduce tension. After a few experiences with alcohol, people learn that drinking reduces anxi ety, helps them to cope with their phobias, improves their moods, facilitates the perception of negative life events in a more optimistic light. So people continue to drink and some begin to abuse alcohol. Alcohol in high doses interferes with coordination and depresses motor and sensory functioning. At very high doses, alcohol can cause blackouts, unconsciousness, respiratory de pression, and possibly death. Alcohol dependence is the most common mental disorder, with prevalence of 13 percent of population. Alcohol intoxication results in impaired judgement and is associated with about half of all fatal car accidents and suicides.

As for stimulants which have the effect of increas ing subjective energy and producing affective states of euphoria and confidence, they are caffeine, nicotine, cocaine and antidepressants.

A lot of people do not go a single day without in gesting caffeine, which is found in a variety of pro ducts including coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, cold pills, diet pills and stimulant tablets. At low doses caf feine improves attention and concentration, but at high doses it may impair both. Caffeine’s ability to en hance mental arousal may make it difficult to fall asleep. Excessive use of it may lead to caffeinism marked by agitation, insomnia, and intense anxiety.

Although the health consequences of cigarette smoking are well known, it is commonly assumed that tobacco is not the same class as other psychoactive drugs of abuse. It is remarked that smoking is simply a “bad habit”. The active ingredient in tobacco use that produces psychoactive effects is nicotine. During stressful times the motivation to smoke cigarettes in creases. Tobacco dependence produces affective plea


Unit XV

sure, tolerance and withdrawal. It is easy for most peo ple to give up smoking, but many then relapse within one year. Relapse is often precipitated by withdrawal symptoms. The familiar nicotine fits are characterized by sleep disruption, nausea, headaches, increased ap petite, irritability, anxiety, poor concentration, in creased heart rate and hand tremor. That can be re lieved by re dosing on nicotine.

Cocaine comes from the coca plant, native to Boli via and Peru. For many years Bolivians and Peruvians chewed the plant to increase their stamina. Today co caine is usually snorted, smoked, or injected in the form of crystals or powder. The effect is a rush of eu phoric feelings, with eventually wear off, followed by depressive feelings, lethargy, insomnia and irritabili ty. Cocaine has potent cardiovascular effects and is po tentially addictive. The death of sports star Len Bias demonstrates how lethal cocaine can be. When the drug’s effects are extreme, it can produce a heart at tack, stroke, or brain seizure.

Stimulant use, especially cocaine, has increased in recent years and the introduction of more potent forms of cocaine (crack) has led to a dramatic increase in the incidence of medical and social problems from it. This includes psychosis and paranoia during chronic use and lack of energy and motivation during the crash from stimulants.

The hallucinogens produce perceptual changes and hallucinations. They may cause panic attacks during intoxication and, in some susceptible people, prolonged psychotic states follow drug use.

Marijuana, for example, decreases attention and vigilance. Experimental studies of marijuana intoxica tion reveal impairment in a variety of cognitive func tions, including short term memory and intellectual tasks. About one third of regular marijuana users ex perience occasional episodes of acute panic, paranoid reactions and distortions in body image.