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Английский язык учебник

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The exceptional child?





Poverty and social disorganization in the home en vironment increase health risks and contribute to early and progressive language deficits and a variety of cog nitive problems.

Much can be done to prevent mental retardation and consequences of different genetic disorders. One of the approaches to solving this problem is good pre natal care warning pregnant women against the dan gers of drugs and smoking.

Genetic counseling for couples whose children are at risk is another one. Research is the key to causes of and possible treatments for conditions that can lead to retardation. No less important is the necessity to iden tify and change environmental conditions that could cause abnormal brain development. Screening new borns, diet management will help to prevent retarda tion as well. Another type of prevention of mental re tardation is a widespread strategy of increasing educa tional and social services over life span.

Op.cit., pp. 140–143

Task 1.


Say whether these statements are true (T)



or false (F), and if they are false, say why.



Drugs (including alcohol) and cigarette



smoke are substances that affect fetal






Lead poisoning is one of the least dan



gerous causes of mental retardation.



The environment and human interac



tions can play an important role in in



tellectual development.



There is no connection between the pres



ence of Down syndrome and maternal age.



Genetic counseling for couples whose



children are at risk is the only method



to prevent mental retardation.


Unit XIV

T F 6.

Children and adults are at risk of brain


damage from viruses during their life



Task 2.

Paraphrase the following sentences.

1.Research shows that individuals with Down syn drome are at substantial risk in later years for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

2.Substances ingested by the mother can have harm ful effects on the unborn child.

3.Good prenatal care helps to diminish risk of abnor mal brain development.

4.If the mother is infected with some virus, her child will probably be born with a serious birth defect.

5.No less important is the necessity to identify and change environmental conditions that could cause mental retardation.

Task 3. Convey the meaning of the following terms in your own words.

Mental retardation, exceptional child, abnormali ty, chromosomal abnormalities, gestational disorders, infection and intoxication, environmental influences, Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome.

Task 4. Give a summary of the text using your ac tive vocabulary.

Exercise 6. Give extensive answers to the questions using the following expressions.

On second thought I think…

As a matter of fact…

I dare say…

Frankly speaking I have no idea …

In a nutshell …

The exceptional child?





1.What is the reason of Down syndrome?

2.What can affect the brain function of both chil dren and adults?

3.What is the role of environmental and cultural fa milial influences in producing mental retardation?

4.Is it easy to identify a mentally retarded person?

5.What are the symptoms of different degrees of re tardation?

6.Can mentally retarded individuals make social and economic adaptation to the environment?

7.What kind of training do they need?

8.What should be done to reduce the number of chil dren who are born mentally retarded?

Exercise 7. Give a presentation on mental retarda tion using helpful phrases from the chart.


Delivering the

Winding up

Answering the

the audience








Ladies and


So, to cut a


gentlemen, are


long story


we ready to








Are we all

I must empha

Let’s call it a

My personal




opinion is

I am going to

At this point

Let’s summa

I’m inclined

be talking

we must

rize what we’ve

to think that



said so far


Let’s get down

I should admit

Considering all

That’s one

to business



way of




looking at it,





The reason we

We must bear

That’s about

I see (take)

are here is to

in mind that

all there is to

your point












Unit XIV






Delivering the

Winding – up

Answering the

the audience








I’ll start with…

At this point

Let’s dot the

I see what you

and then move

we must

“i”s and cross

mean, but

on to


the “t”s


Finally, I’m

I should also

Thank you for

That may be

going to



so, but

Perhaps I

This brings me

Thank you for

To a certain

could begin by

to my next

your time and

extent, yes,

saying that


attention to




my plea


I think (that) I

Let’s get on

And the last

Oh, definitely

ought to say


thing today is


right from the








If you don’t

Let’s go back to

All right. I

Let me clarify

mind we’ll

my earlier

think we’ve

that for you

leave ques


taken up the


tions to the


main points




for today


I hope my


Now if there

Oh, I don’t

lecture won’t


are any


be a long shot*


questions, I’ll

No, I don’t



be happy to




answer them






* не займет много времени



** давайте закончим на этом



Exercise 8. Comment on the presentation given by your group mate making use of the following points and helpful phrases. Do your best so as, firstly, not to offend the speaker and, secondly, make positive criticism.

The contents of the presentation:

– to cover the matter fully

The exceptional child?





to be a bit too extended

the facts were well chosen (varied, to the point)

to be (quite) at home in the subject

to be well structured, well planned

to streamline the facts

to be exact and explicit

The command of the language:

to be (not) up to the mark

to have a good (poor, sufficient, adequate) com mand of the language

grammar correctness of the presentation

to use helpful phrases (active vocabulary)

The manner of presentation:

to speak distinctly and fluently (clearly, slowly, monotonously, with good/poor pronunciation, etc.)

to have mispronouncings (slips of the tongue)

as to the speaker‘s poise,* he/she was quite self possessed (nervous, embarrassed, calm, dispas sionate, etc.) throughout the lecture

* манера держать себя


Exercise 1. Render the following text into English.

Хромосомные аномалии и слабоумие


Примерно один из 600 новорожденных рожда ется с хромосомной аномалией, приводящей к син дрому Дауна. Частота такого рода расстройств имеет четкую связь с возрастом матери: ожидание того, что мать моложе 30 лет родит ребенка с даун синдромом, равно 1:2000; при возрасте матери от 30 до 35 лет – 1:1000; между 35 и 40 годами – 1:250; и


Unit XIV

при возрасте матери свыше 40 лет – 1:50. При синдроме Дауна никогда не следует пренебрегать генетическим консультированием.

Дети с синдромом Дауна сразу же после рож дения обладают типичной внешностью: веки опуще ны, глазные щели узкие, глаза расположены глубо ко. Мышцы и суставы слабы, кисти и стопы коротки и расплющены.

Врач должен как можно скорее ознакомить роди телей с диагнозом и его последствиями. Сообщение врача о диагнозе принуждает его к постоянным кон тактам с этой семьей. Он становится для семьи един ственным человеком, который дает ей совет и ока зывает помощь. Всегда необходимо, чтобы ребенок с синдромом Дауна проводил свое раннее детство в семье, где он обучится приспосабливаться к людям вне семейного гнезда.

Возможность психического развития ребенка на прямую зависит от специализированных учреж дений (специализированные детские сады, детские сады с особой программой, специализированные школы, центры занятости, защищенные рабочие места в трудовых мастерских).

Пластические хирургические операции на лице, проведенные между 4 и 6 годами жизни, делают детей с синдромом Дауна более приспособленными к пребыванию в детских садах и школах, так как их внешность не столь бросается в глаза. Это особенно важно еще и потому, что по сравнению со своими умственно отсталыми сверстниками дети с синдро мом Дауна способны к большей адаптации и боль шей гибкости в обучении. Часто удается таким об разом улучшить способность детей к приобретению навыков самостоятельности.

Авторы: М. Бауэр, Г. Фрайнберг, Г. Гофер, К.П. Киснер, Г. Крюгер и др. Психиатрия, психосоматика, психо терапия. М.: АЛЕТЕЙА, 1999, с. 255–258

The exceptional child?






(defining and non defining)

Relative Pronouns



Subjects who participate in the experi


ment were of school age.


Испытуемые, которые принимали


участие в эксперименте, были


школьного возраста.




The subjects (which) you study cover


different fields of psychology.


Предметы, которые вы изучаете,


относятся к разным областям






I mean the woman (who(m)) he is


talking to.


Я имeю в виду женщину, с которой


он сейчас разговаривает.




I paid attention to the woman whose


duty was to look after children.


Я обратил внимание на женщину,


которая должна была присматривать


за детьми.




Nobody knew the place (where) he


came from.


Никто не знал, откуда он родом.




Adolescence is a period when the rate


of growth is faster than at any other



Подростковый возраст это период,



когда темпы роста выше, чем в любое


другое время.



Exercise 1. Answer the questions about the people in Box A using information from Boxes B and C?


Unit XIV

Example: Carl Yung is a psychologist who is best known for his description of two dominant modes of ori entation in behavior: extraversion and introversion.


1.Who is Karen Horney?

2.Who is Sigmund Freud?

3.Who is Alfred Adler?

4.Who is Carl Yung?

5.Who is Gordon Allport?

6.Who is Wilhelm Wundt?

7.Who is Erich Fromm?


a representative of a neo Freudian school a founder of his own psychoanalytic school a social psychologist






He is best known for his description of two dominant modes of orientation in behavior: extraversion and introversion.

He is noted for his theories about the way in which people develop strengths and skills in response to their awareness of inferiority.

He is known for his works on man’s attempt to es cape from responsibility imposed by freedom.

She is famous for her ideas concerning “basic anxie ty” and “neurotic needs”.

He is known for his widely accepted definition of personality.

He is well known for his views that emotional expe rience during childhood may affect adult behavior. He is noted for his development of such methods as in trospection, experimentation, and historical analysis.

The exceptional child?





Exercise 2. Make one sentence from two using who/ that or which.

Example: Lead is a chemical agent. It causes mental retardation.

Lead is a chemical agent which causes mental retardation.

1.Care should be taken of such children. Children are mentally retarded.


2.The term “mental retardation” covers a broad range of children and adults. They differ from one another in the severity of developmental delay.


3.Psychologist identified nine groups of factors. They cause or contribute to mental retardation.


4.The objective here is to reduce the number of con ditions. They could lead to mental retardation.


5.Advances in genetic research have revealed much about the mechanisms. By them chromosomes and genes influence or determine mental retardation.


6.Many mildly and moderately retarded children are placed in special educational programs. They help them to learn basic academic skills and acquire li mited vocational skills.


Exercise 3. Complete each sentence using who/ whom/whose/where/which.

1.The statistical approach to defining abnormality often corresponds to the approach ________ is based on social expectations.

2.Children ________ mothers are 35 or older are highly susceptible to the diseases.


Unit XIV

3.Children and adults are at risk of brain damage from viruses that produce high fevers, ________

in turn destroy brain cells.

4.Home environment ________ poverty and social disorganization are present increases health risks.

5.Most profoundly retarded ________ have limited potential need training in self care skills.

6.Youngsters ________ we may define as mildly re tarded often go unidentified until they reach school age.

Exercise 4. Study the examples with the relative clauses.

Example: 1) Baker street is the street in London where Sherlock Holmes lived. (essential information – a defining clause)

2) Sherlock Holmes, who never existed, was created by Arthor Conan Doyle. (ex tra information – a non defining clause)

Analyse the sentences below and find defining and non defining clauses in them.

1.She was admitted to graduate school, where her performance was more than satisfactory.

2.Sternberg, who has developed a model of intelli gence known as logical or analytical thinking, would conclude that these people are intelligent, but in different ways.

3.Sternberg’s definition includes the traditional, psychometric model’s definition of intelligence, which focuses on describing thinking processes.

4.An IQ above 150 indicates the potential to become the kind of creative genius who makes an impor tant contribution to civilization.

5.Situations that each individual experiences uniquely also affect his personality.