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Английский язык учебник

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4.The term “will” is a suitable term for the entire scope of mental life viewed from the standpoint of its activity and control over movement.

5.Even the learned person cannot go far, provided his attention is not steady and undivided.

6.All life offers us such training, and our success in building up a strong, rich character depends much more on how we do our work than upon what work we do.

Task 2. Make up a list of problems raised in the text. Which is the most important? Why do you think so?

Task 3. Give a short summary of the text using ac tive vocabulary.

Exercise 7.

A.Put the words in the box under the follow ing headings:

intellectual ability

attitudes towards life

attitudes towards other people

bright, smart, optimistic, extraverted, relaxed, sensible, sociable, jealous, reliable, gifted, cunning, pessimistic, quarrelsome, cruel, talented, impa tient, argumentative, down to earth, stupid, intro verted, discourteous, tense, even tempered, half witted

B.Choose three adjectives from the box to describe the qualities you like most in a friend. Now choose other three to describe someone you don’t like.


Unit X

Exercise 8. Magazines often publish questionnaires which are supposed to analyze your cha racter for you. Look at the words below and then match them with the question which aims to decide whether a person is like that.













1.Do you prefer to be in the company of other people?

2.Do you always keep your promise?

3.Do you find it easy to tell your boss if you feel he or she has treated you badly?

4.Do you always look out of the window if you hear a car draw up?

5.Do you often buy your friends presents for no par ticular reason?

6.Do you frequently disagree with what other people say?

7.Do you lie awake at night if someone has said some thing unkind to you?

8.Is it important to you to succeed in your career?

9.Do you put off till tomorrow what you could do to day?

10.Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason?

11.Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything for a long time?

12.Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?

Exercise 9. Ask your partner to answer the above questions about you. Compare your ans wers with those of your partner. Are they the same?






Exercise 10.

A.Some people believe you can judge some one’s character from features of their face or body. This is called physiognomy. Read the text quickly, and match each part to one of the pictures.


















































They often have a pear

The full, flushy lips and

shaped head. They are in





telligent but can also be

usually signs of sincerity,

absent minded. They like

warmth and strong emo

to spend time at home

tions of the romantic varie

when they can think in

ty. These types are outgo

peace and quiet. Most of

ing and sociable. They of

the time they are either



married young.


studying or





sleeping. They remain sin

shine, they will do well

gle, or put off getting

both at work and at play.

married till later in life.























































The distinguishing fea They are well built and ture of this type is that courageous and they do not the width and height of lack self confidence. They the face are roughly the


Unit X

are easily insulted and get angry quickly. They are quite hard working at school or at work, but with out overdoing it. They en joy the simple life. They do not often become rich.


They are a bit overweight. They are adaptable and know how to do a good job, though they are not very energetic. They are easy going and get on well with people. They often do well in business. On the negative side, they can oc casionally be self centered and insensitive towards others.


They tend to be thin. They are inflexible and do not change their ideas easily. They take their time do ing things and do not learn quickly. Their thin lips suggest a certain coldness or hardness of character. They often make good farmers, engi neers or administrators.

same. They give the im pression of being melan choly. They are usually red faced and look healthy. They have large, dark eyes and bushy eye brows. They have a wide nose and a large mouth. These types are tough and determined, even aggres sive. They strike first and ask questions later.


This type has a triangular face, with a wide forehead and a very narrow chin. They usually have even, well shaped features, ex cept for their mouth, which will be either too small or too big. Their eyes are large and often very dark. Their nose is narrow at the top but has wide nostrils. Their per sonality is bright and cheerful, but they can also be tense and edgy. They think a lot and take in a lot of what goes on around them.

First Certificate Star, Luke Promou Macmillan, Heine

mann, English Language Teaching, 1998, pp. 84–85






B.Choose the most suitable heading from the list below for each part 1 7 of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A The passionate type B The bony type

C The brainy type D The muscular type E The criminal type F The plump type

G The happy type

H The quarrelsome type

C.Choose a face that best describes a friend or a member of your family and say whether the descriptions in the text fit the people you know.


Exercise 1. Develop the following topics in written form.

1.Actions speak louder than words.

2.Which qualities of character would you like to de velop in yourself. Explain why.

Exercise 2. Render the following text into English.

Характер, если придерживаться более узкого его толкования, – это совокупность устойчивых свойств индивида, в коих выражаются способы его пове дения и эмоционального реагирования. Черты характера помогают или мешают личности уста навливать правильные взаимоотношения с людьми, проявлять стойкость и самообладание в решении


Unit X

сложных вопросов, отвечать за свои действия и поведение в обществе. Познание характера позволя ет нам предвидеть поведение индивида и кор ректировать ожидаемые действия. Нужно учитывать соотношение характера и темперамента. Характер и темперамент связаны единой физиологической основой, они зависимы от типа нервной системы. Формирование характера существенно зависит от свойств темперамента, Особенности темперамента могут способствовать или противодействовать осо бенностям характера. Но черты характера не пред определяются темпераментом.

Типические черты характера определяются ти пическими обстоятельствами жизненного пути в конкретно исторических условиях. Характер прояв ляется в системе отношений к действительности: 1) в отношении к другим людям – общительность или замкнутость, внимательность или равнодушие, снисходительность или нетерпимость; 2) в отноше нии к делу – ответственность или недобросовест ность, рвение или лень и пр., 3) в отношении к себе – скромность или самовлюбленность, самокритич ность или самоуверенность; 4) в отношении к соб ственности – щедрость или жадность, аккуратность или неряшливость.

Отношения человека к действительности всегда проявляются в деятельности, и эти отношения соста вляют содержательную сторону характера. Будучи тесно взаимосвязанными, они влияют на взаимо связь черт характера и образование его целостной структуры. В зависимости от преобладающего влия ния тех или иных сторон психики на отношения и деятельность человека можно выделить интеллекту альные, эмоциональные и волевые черты характера.

Характер обнаруживает зависимость от мировоз зрения, убеждений и моральных принципов. Отно сительная устойчивость черт характера не исклю чает его высокой пластичности.
































Modal Verb
































have to

have/has to


had to


will have to











to be to

am/is/are to



























1. Obligation, necessity


It’s 10 o’clock. I must go



(= have to)



there now.



2. A command, an urgent


You must leave the room at









3. Prohibition (нельзя)


You mustn’t speak so loudly.










Note: The absence of necessity is expressed by “needn’t”. You needn’t read this text now.

Must I go there? No, you needn’t.

To have to

Obligation or necessity


Babies have to learn to walk.

out of circumstances (должен =


приходится, вынужден)






To be to


An agreement or arrange

We are to meet at the entran


ment (должен)

ce to the Institute.


A strict order (побудитель

You are to select a group of


ное предложение)

subjects (сейчас же отберите



группу испытуемых)


Something thought as unavo

She is to graduate this year.


idable (предстоит, суждено)







Unit X

MUST denoting probability or supposition.

Должно быть,

He must do it



He must be doing



He must have done



He must have been doing


He must know anatomy.

Должно быть, он знает анатомию.

They must be demonstrating this operation now. Они, должно быть, демонстрируют эту операцию


They must have performed this experiment successfully.

Они, должно быть, успешно выполнили этот эксперимент.

Note: In negative sentences and sentences referring to the fu ture, supposition is expressed by means of the adverbs “evidently”, “probably”.

Evidently, she didn’t know my address.

She will probably make these postulates more meaningful.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences, explain the use of “must”, “have to” and “to be to” in them.

1.The new pair must establish themselves as an iden tifiable unit.

2.The couple must continue to meet each other’s per sonal adult needs as well as meet their parental res ponsibilities.

3.A woman in the family has to fulfill most part of work over the house, to take care of children, and to earn the same money as men.

4.For purposes of illustration we are to consider two sets of hypothetical data.






5.Children have to learn how to get along in the world outside the home, and there the rules are dif ferent.

6.You mustn’t leave the laboratory without putting everything in order.

7.Tests and other assessment instruments must have reliability and validity.

8.She is to obtain interesting results after her inves tigation.

9.Previously, slow learners had usually been kept at home, now teachers have to cope with a wide range of individual differences.

10.You are not to take these measurements now.

Exercise 2. Turn the following affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative.

1.You must differentiate these factors by a new scheme.

2.She had to introduce new elements into her experi ment.

3.Hypotheses have to be tested by all means.

4.In order to explain this, we’ll have to study the facts of the case.

5.They had to verify his theory of theoretical para digms.

6.All the details had to be analyzed in order to under stand the real picture of the phenomenon.

7.The individual has to be identified in the situation.

Exercise 3. Analyze the meaning of the verb “to have”.

1.In the fulfillment of this function, the ego has to observe the external world and preserve a true pic ture of it in the memory traces left by its percep tions.


Unit X

2.Discussions have led to the question of whether or not individual psychological peculiarities are “in cluded” in the personality.

3.Man needs a social system in which he has his place and in which his relations to others are relatively stable and supported by generally accepted values and rules.

4.We have to begin with the consideration that for primitive man the “stranger”, the person who does not belong to the same group, is often not felt as a fellowman, but as “something” with which one does not identify.

5.An individual does not necessarily have to be a member of a reference group in order to be influ enced by its values.

6.French physicians had noted that the drug used to sedate patients before surgery, calmed psychotic patients.

7.It is the desire we all have to fulfil our potentials to come closer and closer to our ideal.

8.Smuts felt that, in order to understand people, we have to understand them more as unified wholes than as parts in the context of their environment, both physical and social.

9.Maslow’s work has never been thoroughly re searched, largely because the concepts are very dif ficult to operationalize.

10.Left handed people have to adapt and hold the pen in a different way to write across the page.

Exercise 4. In each of the following sentences the ne cessity of some action is stated. Use “to be to” instead of “must” (have to) to show that the action is not only necessary but also expected or planned. Translate the sentences.

1.He must obtain new data in the laboratory.

2.We had to interview a series of subjects.