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Английский язык учебник

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вию, какое направление приобретает такое дей ствие и почему, насколько оно сильно и почему завершается?

4.Не может быть, чтобы работа Дарвина «Проис хождение видов» вызвала шок у тех, кто думал, что люди и животные не похожи друг на друга.

5.Неужели теория инстинктов в ее изначальной форме имеет небольшую поддержку в настоящее время?

6.Не может быть, чтобы гипноз имел негативные воздействия.

Unit IX



Discuss the following questions.

1.What is temperament?

2.Would your parents characterize your tempera ment as “difficult”, “easy” or “slow to warm up?” Why?

3.How do temperament characteristics affect parent ing?

4.Are spirited infants and children more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems?

5.How can professionals help parents deal with chil dren who have different temperament characteris tics?


1.adapt, v – 1. приспособлять, приспосабливаться, адаптиро ваться; 2. адаптировать, переделывать

adaptation, n – 1. адаптация, приспособление; 2. переделка adaptability, n – адаптируемость, приспособляемость adaptable, a – легко приспособляющийся, адаптирующийся

2.abhor, v – питать отвращение, ненавидеть abhorrence, n – отвращение

abhorrent, a – 1. вызывающий отвращение, гнусный, мер зкий; 2. несовместимый, противоположный

3.acute, a – 1. острый; 2. проницательный, острый, тонкий; 3. высокий, резкий (о звуке); 4. сильный, резкий (об ощу щениях)

4.assert, v – утверждать, заявлять

assertive, a – 1. утвердительный, положительный; 2. само уверенный, напористый

5.amiability, n – 1. благожелательность, дружелюбие; 2. при ветливость, мягкость






amiable, a – 1. дружелюбный; 2. симпатичный, привлека тельный, милый

6.anticipate, v – 1. ожидать, предвидеть, предчувствовать, опа саться; 2. предупреждать, предвосхищать, предугадывать anticipation, n – ожидание, предвидение, предвосхищение, опасение

7.basal, a – лежащий в основе, основной, главный; ~ metabo lism основной обмен веществ

8.bowel, n – кишка, кишечник

9.callous, a – 1. огрубелый, жесткий; 2. бессердечный, бес чувственный, нечуткий

10.deject, v – удручать, угнетать, подавлять

dejection, n – подавленное настроение, уныние, угнетен ность, депрессия

dejected, a – удрученный, подавленный, угнетенный

11. fret, v – 1. раздражаться, беспокоиться, волноваться;

2. раздражать, беспоить

fret, n – раздражение, волнение

12.exhilarate, v – 1. веселить, радовать; 2. оживлять, бодрить exhilaration, n – веселость, приятное возбуждение; 2. ожив ление, придание веселья, живости

13.inhibit, v – 1. запрещать; 2. мешать, сдерживать, подавлять inhibition, n – 1. запрещение, запрет; 2. сдерживание, пода вление

inhibited, a – замкнутый, заторможенный (о психике)

14.fuss, v – волноваться по пустякам, суетиться fuss, n – нервное возбужденное состояние

15.jovial, a – веселый, общительный

16.insomnia, n – бессоница

17.malleable, a – 1. послушный; 2. податливый, мягкий, ус тупчивый

18.obnoxious, a – противный, несносный, неприятный, отвратительный

19.onset, n – 1. начало; 2. натиск, нападение

20.placid, a – спокойный, мирный

21.provoke, v – 1. вызывать, возбуждать; 2. провоцировать, сер дить, раздражать

provoking, a – раздражающий, неприятный

22.rash, n – сыпь, высыпания, skin ~ кожные высыпания rash, a – поспешный, опрометчивый, необдуманный

23.receptive, a – восприимчивый, рецептивный

24.resist, v – 1. сопротивляться, противиться; 2. не поддавать ся, устоять; 3. воздерживаться (от чего л.)


Unit IX

resistance, n – 1. сопротивление; 2. противодействие; 3. со противляемость (организма)

resistant, a – сопротивляющийся, стойкий, прочный

25.satiate, v – 1. насыщать, удовлетворять; 2. пресыщать satiation, n – 1. насыщение, удовлетворенность, сытость; 2. пресыщение

satiety, n – 1. насыщение; 2. пресыщение

26.shallow, a – 1. мелкий; 2. поверхностный, ограниченный, пустой

27.slow to warm up, a – медленно включающийся в процесс, ~ children

28.strangulate, v – 1. сжимать, перехватывать (вену, кишку);


29.succumb, v – 1. не выдержать, не устоять, уступить; 2. по гибнуть, умереть

30.tempt, v – 1. уговаривать, склонять, подбивать; 2. соблаз нять; 3. испытывать, искушать

temptation, n – соблазн, искушение, обольщение

31.thrash, v – 1. пороть, стегать; 2. метаться

32.vessel, n – сосуд; blood ~ s кровеносные сосуды

33.vigour, n – 1. сила, мощь, энергия, бодрость; 2. решитель ность, энергичность

vigorous, a – сильный, бодрый, энергичный

34.wary, a – 1. осторожный, осмотрительный; 2. насторожен ный, подозрительный, недоверчивый, to be wary of smb, smth остерегаться кого либо, чего либо

35.withdraw, v (withdrew, withdrawn) – 1. отнимать, отдерги вать; 2. забирать, брать назад; 3. отказываться, отменять;

4.отходить отстраняться


Exercise 1. Translate the following word combina tions into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Abhor smth., abhor isolation and disapproval, to hold in abhorrence; acute mind (man, observer, sense of smell, pain); to adapt oneself to circumstances, to show low adaptability, adaptive powers; sincere amia






bility, an amiable child, to behave amiably; to antici pate success (happy solution, favourable decisions, di saster), anticipation of joy (pleasure), in anticipation of smth; to assert oneself, in an assertive form, asser tive tone (manner); a callous man (answer, indif ference); to deject smb’s spirits, deep dejection; to find exhilaration in smth, exhilaration of success; to fret over smth., to be in a fearful state of fret, to be on the fret; she is always fussing, to get into a fuss, in a state of fuss, fussy manners; to inhibit smb. from doing smth., to inhibit oneself, to inhibit the emotion of pity, inhibition of reflexes; insomnia of exhaustion, an in somnious patient; malleable age, the malleable mind of a child, obnoxious habit (smell), obnoxious remarks; the onset of a desease, a quick onset of hunger; to pro voke indignation (doubt, mirth), provoking behaviour (noises); receptive mind, receptive of beauty, faculties of reception; to resist disease (old age, temptation), re sistance to weather; to satiate smb.’s appetite (desire, smb.’s lust for power); shallow paper (mind, person), a shallow hearted person; to succumb to temptation, to suc cumb to persuasion, to succumb to grief; to tempt smb. to do smth, to tempt the appetite, to tempt fate (fortune), in spite of all temptations; the vigour of an argument, vigo rous of body, vigorous of mind, vigorous style, vigorous measure; to be wary of trouble (consequences), a wary look; to withdraw one’s hand, to withdraw one’s promise, withdrawal of blood, a withdrawn person.

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combina tions into English paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Адаптировать книгу; истинное наслаждение; предупреждать чьи л. желания; безразлично отно сящийся к критике; поднимать шум вокруг; чувство вать себя подавленным; подавить (в себе) желание


Unit IX

сделать что либо; торможение сна; мучиться от бес сонницы; при первом натиске (сразу же); несносный

ребенок; спокойный характер; вызывать гнев; вос приятие новых идей; быстрое насыщение; поверхно стный анализ; согнуться под гнетом свалившихся бед; кожные высыпания; необдуманные слова; дать себя уговорить; кровеносные сосуды; мощного сло жения; будь начеку!, тщательно подбирать слова;

лишить кого либо своей дружбы.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words from the vocabulary list.



Мне отвратительна лесть.


to assert


Его друзья утверждали, что он неви






to anticipate 3.

Когда индивиды не считают себя ком



петентными и способными в выпол



нении какой либо задачи, они, веро



ятнее всего, будут опасаться про






to fret


Она портила себе жизнь напрасны



ми сожалениями.



to fuss


Нельзя так трястись над детьми.



Употребление алкоголя




напряжение, освобождает от запре



тов и прибавляет веселья.





Младенцы восприимчивы








to resist


Я не могу удержаться, чтобы не вы



курить сигарету.





Она слишком легкомысленна, чтобы



это ее задело.





Для своего возраста он довольно бодр.



В возрасте 7 8 месяцев многие мла



денцы начинают проявлять







рожность при приближении незна комца.

to withdraw 12. Он отказался взять свои слова об ратно.



Temperament is an indvidual’s characteristic emo tional nature, including energy level, prevailing mood and sensitivity to stimulation.

Individual variations in temperament are most readily observed in newborn babies. Infants are ex tremely active, moving their arms, legs, and mouths incessantly. Others are tranquil. Some children ex plore their environment eagerly for great lengths of time. Others do not. Some infants respond warmly to people. Others fuss and fret. All of these behavioral styles represent a person’s temperament. Because of these observable variations, temperament is often con sidered a biologically based characteristic.

While supporting the belief that temperament is biologically based, many personality experts also main tain that temperament can develop and change over the course of a person’s life in response to personal experi ences and environmental conditions. Fussy babies can grow to be placid toddlers. Similarly, passive infants sometimes grow up to be classroom troublemakers. In teraction with parents, siblings, and other social con tacts as well as life experiences affect an individual’s predisposition toward a particular temperament. Doreen Arcus in her study observed infants in their homes for their first year of life. Highly reactive in fants were less likely to become timid and inhibited one year olds when their mothers were firm and di rect. When mothers were highly permissive and indi rect in their discipline, highly reactive infants tended


Unit IX

to become fearful and inhibited. Emmy Werner in a study found that temperament could ease difficult cir cumstances in the environment. An easy, sociable tem perament provided a protective buffer for children growing up in difficult circumstances. The environ ment can nurture changes both positive and negative to reshape an infant’s natural tendencies. Natural ten dencies can ameliorate or worsen environmental situa tions. Acknowledging the interactions of both tempe rament and environment during development should make possible continued progress in understanding of the intricate multiple influences on a human’s life and growth. Neither temperament nor biology is destiny.

Hippocrates discussed variations in temperament as early as the fifth century B.C. His hypothesis that there are four basic human temperaments that cor respond to various bodily characteristics – choleric, sanguine, melancholic, and phlegmatic – endured for many years before modern theories became accepted. One of such modern theories is Sheldon’s theory who wanted to explore the link between body and tempera ment. Temperament explores how people eat and sleep, laugh and snore, speak and walk. Temperament is body type in action. Sheldon’s procedure in looking for the basic components of temperament was much like the one he used in discovering the body type components. He interviewed in depth several hundred people and tried to find traits which would describe the basic ele ments of their behaviour. He found there were three basic components which he called viscerotonia, somato nia and cerebrotonia, and eventually named endotonia, mesotonia and ectotonia.

Endotonia is seen in the love of relaxation, com fort, food and people.

Mesotonia is centered on assertiveness and a love of action.

Ectotonia focuses on privacy, restraint and a high ly developed self awareness.






The Extreme Endotonic – Friendliness

The endotonic shows a splendid ability to eat, di gest and socialize. A good deal of his energy is oriented around food, and he enjoys sitting around after a good meal and letting the digestive process proceed without disturbance. Endotonics live far from the upsets and nervous stomachs of the ectotonics. They fall readily to sleep and their sleep is deep and easy; they lie limp and sprawled out and frequently snore.

Endotonics are relaxed and slow moving. Their breathing comes from the abdomen and is deep and regular. Their speech is unhurried and their limbs of ten limp. They like sitting in a well upholstered chair and relaxing. All their reactions are slow, and this is a reflection on a temperament level of a basal metabolism, pulse, breathing rate and temperature, which are all of ten slower and lower than average. The circulation in their hands and feet tends to be poor. Sheldon calls these people biologically introverted organisms. It is as if all the energy is focused on the abdominal area.

Sheldon felt that biological introversion gave rise to psychological extraversion. Since the bodies of the endotonics are so focused on the central digestive sys tem, they need and crave social stimulation in order to feel complete on the social level. Groups of people, rather than fatiguing them, stimulate them to the proper level of social interaction.

The endotonics love to socialize their eating, and the sharing of meals becomes an event of the highest importance. They treat guests well. They love company and feel more complete with other people around. They have a strong desire to be liked and approved of, and this often leads them to be very conventional in their choices in order not to run the risk of social disapprov al. The endotonics are open even with their emotions which seem to flow out of them without any inhibi tions. Whether they are happy or sad, they want the


Unit IX

people around them to know about it, and if others express emotions they react directly and convincingly in sympathy. When an endotonic has been drinking, he becomes even more jovial and radiates an expansive love for people. Endotonics are family oriented and love babies and young children and have highly devel oped maternal instincts.

In summary, they love assimilation both on the phys ical and social level. They love to eat and digest, to be part of their family and community, to like and be liked and to rest and relax. They crave food and affection and abhor isolation and disapproval. They express affection and approval readily and need both back in kind.

The extreme Mesotonic – Action

In Endotonia the stomach was the focus of atten tion, but in mesotonia it is the muscles. The mesotonic is well endowed with them. They are always ready for action. They get up with plenty of energy and seem tireless. They can work for long periods of time and both need and like to exercise. They like to be out doing things. If they are forced into inactivity they become restless and dejected.

The mesotonic tends to eat his food rapidly and somewhat randomly, often neglecting set meal times. He sleeps the least of the three types and sometimes contents himself with six hours. He is an active sleeper who thrashes about. He shows an insensitivity to pain and a tendency to high blood pressure and large blood vessels.

The mesotonic has no hesitation in approaching people and making known his wants and desires. The tendency to think with his muscles and find exhilara tion in their use leads them to enjoy taking chances and risks, even when the actual gain is well known to be minimal. They can become fond of gambling and fast driving and are generally physically fearless. They