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Раздел 6 Первое занятие


  1. способность воспроизводить связана со способностью запо­минать

  2. требования к быстрому доступу и емкости памяти непрерыв­но возрастают

  3. у каждого вида памяти есть присущий только ей недостаток

  4. сигнал управления считыванием и записью определяет ...

  1. Учитесь переводить.

    1. Переведите письменно со словарем вторую часть основного текста (II). Вре­мя перевода — 60—70 минут.

  1. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Текст 6.1 В

Прочитайте текст и запишите основную информацию о запоминающих устройствах (ЗУ) различных типов.


The ideal memory is inexpensive, small in size, and large in ca­pacity Today, such a memory is a concept rather than a reality. There­fore, to provide optimum storage capability, computer designers have partioned (разделять на секции) storage into many memories serv­ing specialized purposes.

Read-only memories (ROM), write optional memories (WOM), and associative memories can be used extensively in medium and large family members — particularly in establishment of system management. Associative memories can be used for compiling, job assignment, par­allel processing, search operations, handling of priorities and inter­rupts, and recognition of I/O commands.

Programmable logic arrays can perform many of the executive processes currently performed by software and can be used to tailor a system to meet particular user needs. These arrays and associative mem­ories can replace operating system programs and be used to establish logical system organization.



Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее

Registers and discrete bit storage are used for temporary storage of data and instructions, for implementing arithmetic and logic operations, and for memory addressing. These components are referenced frequently and operate at the same speed as computer logic. Registers of fourth generation computers are fabricated on a single monolithic chip.

High-speed scratch-pad and control memories are another stra­tum of storage hierarchy. These memories are also used for temporary storage of specialized data, including intermediate results of arithmetic operations, instructions, short subroutines which are repeatedly exe­cuted, frequently referenced data, and control functions. The speeds of these memories are not as fast as the speed of computer logic but are usually an order of magnitude faster than the speed of main memory. Capacities range up to 10 bits. Batch-fabricated, bipolar transistor ar­rays will predominate this area in the near future.

Раздел 6 Второе занятие


Второе занятие

Работа в аудитории

  1. Проверьте домашнее задание.

  1. Проверьте упражнения (выборочно).

  2. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

  3. Проверьте письменный перевод второй части основного текста.

  4. Проверьте аннотацию к тексту.

  1. Учитесь переводить.

Текст 6.2 В

Переведите текст письменно без словаря. Значение выделенных слов вы сможете понять из контекста. Время перевода — 15 минут. (Проверьте перевод в аудитории.)

SyncFlash Memory Benefits

SyncFlash memory is a non-volatile memory that replaces the traditional flash or ROM typically used to store operating code. It also reduces the need for redundant DRAM because code is not duplicat­ed in DRAM for optimal performance. Instructions are directly exe­cuted from flash. SyncFlash memory has a 64-bit data bus that sup­ports burst-read operations at maximum speeds of 133 Mhz through a iom-bank architecture allowing users to update operating code with­out interrupting ongoing functions. SyncFlash memory provides SDRAM (133 Mhz) speed performance with the advantages of a non­volatile memory, and is priced comparable to standard flash. Design­ers benefit from using SyncFlash memory because they can reduce their component count, simplify their layout, and offer lower-cost, higher-performance designs to their customers. SyncFlash memory


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее

not only enables designers to simplify their systems by replacing two devices with one, it also surpasses today’s highest performing Flash devices and is currently the industry’s fastest Flash Memory.

Текст 6.3 В

Переведите текст устно с листа. Работа выполняется под руководством препода­вателя.

Information Processing

When you think about a computer and what it does, you of course think that it well computes. And this is indeed one part of its job. Com­puting is really another term for “information transformation” — chang­ing information from one form to another The computer spends a goodly amount of its time doing exactly this: performing math opera­tions (changing numbers into other numbers), and translating infor­mation from one form to another (for example when a game deter- mines using mathematics, what to display on the screen for you to see).

One special form of information the computer processes is its in­structions. These are the commands that programmers give the com­puter to tell it what to do. Every time you do anything with a computer, you are really talking to a program which is talking to the computer The language that computers speak, which is called machine language, is very complex and hard to understand, which is why it is hidden from all but the most technically-proficient engineers. Even most program­mers never use machine language directly.

  1. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Текст 6.4 В

а) Прочитайте текст. Выявите основную информацию каждого абзаца. Запи­шите ее на русском языке (5—6 предложений). Проверьте в аудитории пра­вильность понимания.

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