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1. Исправьте ложные утверждения, используя информацию из текста (письменно).

1. The newborns are examined in a day after delivery.

2. Mothers and babies usually stay in a maternity hospital for 5 days.

3. After C-sections mothers and babies stay in a maternity hospital for 3 days.

4. Neonatologists do not examine the babies in the maternity hospitals.

5. All the babies are vaccinated for hepatitis B and tuberculosis in the maternity hospitals.

2. Выпишите из текста все медицинские процедуры и обследования, которые проводятся новорожденным в родильном доме.









3. Определите, какие из перечисленных ниже инструментов необходимы для этих медицинских процедур и обследований. Составьте предложения по образцу (письменно):

EXAMPLE: to take blood pressure – a BP apparatus – A BP apparatus is for taking blood pressure.

А. an otoscope

B. a measuring tape

C. a thermometer

D. a stethoscope

E. a measuring scale

F. a weighing scale/a weighing machine

G. a throat illuminator, a tongue depressor

H. a syringe


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


During the first year of life the baby is examined by the pediatrician in the out-patient department for children every month. The pediatrician measures and weighs the baby, measures the baby’s head circumference, listens to the heart and lungs. The pediatrician administers specialists’ consultations and vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule. There are special “same-day appointments” for sick babies and children.

1. Ответьте на вопросы (письменно).

1. How often is the baby examined during the first year of life?

2. Is the baby examined at home monthly?

3. What does the pediatrician do during the examination?

4. What does the pediatrician administer?

5. What are “same –day appointments”?

2. Прочитайте и прослушайте диалог «На приеме у педиатра».

At the pediatrician’s.

Doctor (D) : Now, Debbie, can I have a look at you to find out where your bad cough (сильный кашель) is coming from?

Patient (P): (Nods) (кивает)

D: Would you like to stay sitting on Mom’s knee?

P: (Nods).

D: That’s fine. Now let’s ask Mum to take off your jumper and blouse. You won’t be cold in here. (Mother removes Debbie’s clothes). Now I’m going to put this thing on your chest. It’s called a stethoscope. It might be a bit cold. OK? First of all, I listen to your front and then your back.

Mother (M): Debbie, just breathe in and breathe out.

D: Good, well done. Now I’d like to see your tummy (животик), so, will you lie on the bed for a minute?

P: OK.

D: Now while you’re lying there, I’ll feel your neck and under your arms. Are you tickly (щекотно)? Now the top of your legs. Mrs. Thompson, could Debbie sit on your knee again? I’d like you to hold her there while I examine the ears and throat. Right, Debbie. Here’s a little light to look in your ears. This will tickle a bit but won’t be sore (больно). Good girl. What a nice ear. Now let’s see the other one. Now open your mouth. Let me see your teeth. Now open it as wide as you can. Good. Could you come and stand over here and I’ll measure you? Stand straight. That’s fine. Have you ever been in a weighing machine? Just stand up here and we’ll see how heavy you are. Well, we’re all finished now. You’ve been very good. I’ll have a talk with your Mum and you can play with the toys for a minute.

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