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3. Заполните пропуски. Переведите сообщение, в котором педиатр говорит родителям о пороке сердца у новорожденного (письменно).


A two-week baby with tetralogy of Fallot is accompanied by his parents at the pediatrician’s office

Doctor: Your baby has a __________, which developed before ___________. He was born looking _________and having problems _____________. The ________of his heart and the ____________in it are______________. It causes your baby’s __________and difficulty in feeding. There is an ______________ for this condition and it is rather successful. Your baby is very much likely to go on to lead a_______________

UNIT 11.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


Congenital heart defects (CHDs) affect around one in every 145 babies. They are traditionally detected by ultrasound during pregnancy or by listening to the heart after birth; however, the success rate is low. A study of 20,055 newborns showed that testing oxygen in the blood was more successful than other checks available.

Doctors at six maternity hospitals in the UK used pulse oximeters to detect levels of oxygen in the blood. If the levels were too low, or varied between the hands and feet, more detailed examinations took place. The test takes less than five minutes and it found 75% of the most serious abnormalities. In combination with traditional

methods, 92% of cases were detected.

Some defects are inoperable, but thanks to advances in surgery most of them can be corrected. Early and rapid detection is the key for greater survival.

Not all babies who are born with a heart defect will show any signs or symptoms (such as shortness of breath or cyanosis, i.e. blue lips and skin), so problems can go unnoticed. This is a promising piece of research which shows how a quick and simple test could help to detect more heart defects and save more lives.

Рис. 2

1. Исправьте ложные утверждения, используя информацию из текста (письменно).

1. CHDs develop as a complication after an illness.

2. Ultrasound examination helps doctors to detect all CHDs.

3. Oxygen testing can replace other tests.

4. Oxygen testing takes much time and is expensive.

5. Thanks to advances in medical science, all CHDs are operable.

6. The problem is that all the babies born with a CHD do not show any symptoms of it.

2. Что обозначают данные цифры, используемые в тексте?

1) 145; 2) 20,055; 3) 6; 4) 5; 5) 75; 6) 92.

3. Ответьте на вопросы (письменно).

1) What traditional methods of detecting CHDs does the article mention?

2) What clinical manifestations of a CHD does the article mention?

3)What factor helps to save more babies with CHDs?


Infections in children

Прочитайте тексты о детских инфекциях.

Выпишите симптомы, общие для всех инфекций (письменно).

Для каждого заболевания выпишите специфическую особенность или симптом, присущий только этой инфекции (письменно).

Перескажите один из текстов на выбор.


After ten to twenty-one days after the child is exposed to the virus that causes chickenpox, itchy, blisterlike rash appears and covers most of the body, scalp, face, arms and legs. The fever may be mild to rather high. Normally the blisters crust over and heal on their own, but if the child scratches them, infection may develop. The treatment includes ibuprofen or paracetamol in case of fever. To prevent additional bacterial infection of the skin it is important to trim your child’s fingernails and bathe daily with water and soap. The child is contagious one or two days before the rash starts and twenty-four hours after the last new blister appears. At this time, you should keep her or him away from those who have never had the disease.


When the child gets oral herpes for the first time, he or she complains of fever and pain in the throat. In a day or two blisters appear inside the mouth. The child loses appetite, swallowing becomes painful and the lymph glands enlarge. When the blisters break, they leave sore areas that need several days to heal. The treatment includes much rest, plenty of cold non-acidic fluids, paracetamol or ibuprofen in case of high temperature, mouth rinse and gargles with antiviral agents and mild painkillers. Never use aspirin to treat fever in children, because it is associated with such side effects as intestinal bleeding, brain and liver damage. Never use any ointments with steroids for herpetic sores, because these medications can cause the spread of the viral infection.


Infectious mononucleosis or "mono," is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is spread through the contact with saliva. Typical symptoms include fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (in the neck, underarms, or groin), and constant fatigue or weakness. Sore muscles, enlarged liver and spleen, skin rash, and loss of appetite also may occur. Mono symptoms usually go away on their own within 2-4 weeks. The best treatment is plenty of fluid and much rest. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help to relieve the fever and aching muscles.

Most cases of mono aren't serious, but sometimes serious complications (like a ruptured spleen) can happen. Children with swollen spleen must avoid doing sports until the doctor’s recommendations.


Roseola usually affects children between 6 months to 2 years old. The disease starts with high temperature and headache, the child may also complain of a runny nose or sore throat and slight cough. You may notice swollen lymph nodes. The temperature lasts up to three days and right after it returns to normal, spotty, pink rash appears on the trunk. The rash usually disappears in twenty-four hours. The treatment includes paracetamol or ibuprofen to control fever, nutritious diet and plenty of fluids. The key to the diagnosis is that the rash appears after the fever is gone. The child is contagious during the fever phase.


The symptoms of scarlet fever begin with a sore throat, high temperature (38.2-40 degrees Celsius), loss of appetite and headache. In twenty-four hours, red itchy rash appears on the trunk, arms and legs. The tongue may be white-coated first, and then it becomes redder than usual. The treatment usually consists of an antibiotic (it is necessary to complete the course, because if you stop earlier the bacteria can become resistant to it) and a nutritious diet with plenty of fluids. There is no need to use any ointments for the rash, it disappears in three to five days on its own. Kids with scarlet fever are contagious until they have taken antibiotics for 24 hours and should stay at home during this time.


Whooping cough is another name for pertussis, an infection of the airways caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Kids with pertussis have attacks of cough without breathing in between. At the end of the coughing, they take a deep breath in that makes a "whooping" sound. Other symptoms of pertussis are a runny nose, sneezing, and a low-grade fever. Pertussis is very contagious. It can spread from person to person through tiny drops of fluid in the air coming from the nose or mouth when people sneeze, cough, or laugh. Children should get the pertussis shot at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 months, and 4-6 years of age. This shot is given as part of the DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis).

Глоссарий. Актуальные глаголы подъязыка медицины и педиатрии.

Условные обозначения:

Syn. = synonym – синоним

N = noun – существительное

Ving – ing-форма глагола

Smb = somebody

Smth = something


Affect – поражать, затрагивать (органы)

The disease usually affects the upper stomach. – Заболевание обычно поражает верхнюю область желудка.


Administer– прописывать, назначать (препарат, лечение). Syn. prescribe.

The medication is administered rectally in children. – Этот препарат назначают ректально.


Admit – принимать (напр., в больницу на лечение).

The child was admitted to the cardiac unit. – Пациента положили в кардиологию.


Appear – появляться. Syn. come on.

The symptoms appear gradually. – Cимптомы появляются постепенно.


Avoid (+ N / Ving) – избегать

Try to avoid fatty foods. – Старайтесь избегать жирных продуктов.


Cause – вызывать (заболевание, состояние), быть причиной.

The disease is caused by viruses. – Эта болезнь вызывается вирусами.


Catch (a disease, an infection) – подхватить (заболевание), заразиться. Syn. get.

One in 10 children catches an infection in the kindergarten (day care center). – Один из десяти детей подхватывает инфекцию в детском саду.


Characterize – характеризовать

The condition is characterized by sharp chest pain. – Это состояние характеризуется резкой болью в груди.


Contain – содержать

Blood is a complex, living tissue that contains many cell types. – Кровь – это сложная, живая ткань, которая содержит разных типов клеток.


Cure – вылечить, излечить.

Diabetes cannot be cured. – Диабет нельзя вылечить.


Develop – развивать(ся), обнаруживать(ся), появляться.

You are at risk of developing pneumonia. – Ты рискуешь заболеть пневмонией. (досл. Ты рискуешь тем, что у тебя разовьется пневмония.)


Depend (on + N) – зависеть (от)

The symptoms depend on the severity of the disease. – Симптомы зависят от тяжести заболевания.


Experience – испытывать, чувствовать (боль, состояние); ощущать

Many obese children experience breathlessness. – Многие тучные дети испытывают одышку.


Go away – проходить (о болезни). Syn. pass away.

The symptoms of mono often go away on their own. – Симптомы мононуклеоза часто проходят сами по себе.


Improve – улучшать(ся).

The children who took the supplement improved school performance. – У детей, которые принимали эту биологически активную добавку, улучшилась успеваемость в школе.


Include – заключать, включать, содержать в себе.

The symptoms of this disease include fever and cough. – Симптомы этой болезни включают повышенную температуру и кашель.


Increase – расти, увеличивать(ся).

It can increase the risk of having diabetes. – Это может увеличить риск (развития) диабета.


Inflame – воспалять(ся).

His throat inflamed. – Его горло воспалилось.


Influence (+ N) – влиять (на к.-л., ч.-л).

What influences your child’s mood? – Что влияет на настроение вашего ребенка?


Involve -- включать (в себя); поражать, вовлекать (напр., в патологический процесс).

What does the study involve? – Что включает в себя это исследование?


Last – длиться.

The condition will last a week or so. – Такое состояние продлится примерно неделю.


Lead (to + N) – приводить (к ч.-л.).

Your lifestyle can lead to more serious problems. – Ваш образ жизни может привести к более серьезным проблемам.


Link (to + N) – связывать, ассоциировать (c). Syn. connect, associate.

The scientists link this condition to bad eating habits. – Ученые связывают это состояние с неправильным питанием.


Manage (a condition / a disease) – контролировать (состояние / заболевание), следить. Syn. control.

The nurse consulted the parent on managing his blood glucose. – Медсестра проконсультировала родителя, как следить за содержанием сахара в крови.


Occur – появляться, возникать. Syn. appear.

Such symptoms usually occur after meals. – Подобные симптомы обычно возникают после приема пищи.


Pass away – см. go away.


Pass down – передавать (по наследству).

A genetic disorder is passed down from parent to child. – Генетическое заболевание передается от родителя ребенку.


Pass on – распространять.

Be passed on – распространяться. Syn. spread.

The infection can be passed on very quickly. – Инфекция может распространиться очень быстро.


Persist – сохраняться, продолжаться (напр., о симптомах).

The symptoms persisted for a week. – Симптомы сохранялись в течение недели.


Prescribe – см. administer.


Prevent – предотвращать, предупреждать.

Vaccines are used to prevent a lot of infectious diseases. – Вакцины используются для предотвращения многих инфекционных заболеваний.


Protect (from + N)– защищать от ч.-л., к.-л.

The vaccination will protect you from the virus. – Прививка защитит вас от вируса.


Provide – обеспечивать, предусматривать.

Medications are provided to hospital patients for free. – Лекарства предоставляются пациентам больницы бесплатно.


Quell – подавлять.

This medication quells inflammation in the lungs. – Этот препарат подавляет воспаление в легких.


Recover – поправиться, выздороветь. Syn. get well, get better.

Your child will recover fully after about 7-10 days. – Ваш ребенок полностью поправится через 7-10 дней.


Reduce – уменьшить. Syn. decrease.

It will reduce the risk of having gastritis. – Это уменьшит риск (развития) гастрита.


Respond – реагировать.

The organism responds to the vaccine. – Организм реагирует на вакцину.


Reveal – показывать, демонстрировать; обнаруживать; выявлять.

The study revealed the significance of the new test. – Исследование продемонстрировало значимость нового теста.


Suffer – (from N) страдать (от); перенести (заболевание).

Some children suffer severe colds even after vaccination. – Некоторые дети переносят очень серьезную простуду даже после прививки от гриппа.


Suspect – подозревать (напр., наличие заболевания).

A lot of parents do not even suspect their children to have gastritis. – Множество родителей даже не подозревают, что у их детей гастрит.


Swell – распухать.

The tonsils may swell. – Миндалины могут распухнуть.


Take – принимать (лекарство)

This medication is taken before meals. – Этот препарат принимают до еды.


Tighten – сжимать(ся).

The muscle tightens. – Мышца сжимается.


Treat (smb for smth with smth) – лечить (кого-л. по поводу чего-л. чем-л.)

How is bronchitis treated? – Как лечат бронхит?


Trigger – вызывать, провоцировать (напр., приступ какого-л. заболевания).

Pollen can trigger an asthma attack. – Пыльца может спровоцировать приступ астмы.


Weaken – ослаблять

This disease weakens the child’s immune system. – Эта болезнь ослабляет иммунную систему ребенка.


  1. Glendinning Eric H., Holmstrom Beverly A.S. English in Medicine. Third Edition. – Cambridge University Press, 2005 – 152p.

  2. Mc Carter S. Oxford English for Careers. Medicine. Vol. 1. – Oxford University Press, 2010. – 144p.

  3. http://kidshealth.org/

  4. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/

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