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English. Course1

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Altai gave birth to many talented people: Valerii Zolotukhin – an actor, Ivan Pyryev – a film producer, Michael Evdokimov – an actor, Margarita Terekhova – an actress, Vassily Shukshin – a writer, actor and film producer. The name of the academician Michael Lisavenko who headed scientific research institute of Siberian gardening is well known all over the country too. Altai is the Motherland of Cosmonaut II German Titov.

Nikolai Rerikh viewed Altai as the most important geo-cosmic center of our planet.


you can't but admire – нельзя не восхищаться

formed by the junction – образованная слиянием

radon baths – радоновые ванны

curing mud – лечебные грязи

tourist equipment – туристическое снаряжение

to call the "Breadwinner" – называть житницей (кормилицей)

to become the foremost producer – стать передовым производителем

crop production – производство зерна

maral breeding - мараловодство

bee keeping - пчеловодство

stone-cutting art – камнерезное искусство

artistic articles – художественные изделия

The State Hermitage – Государственный Эрмитаж

Altai gave birth to – Алтай – это родина

to rank first in the output – занимать первое место по производству (выпуску продукции)

Task 1. Answer the questions:

1.Where is Altai situated?

2.What is the total area of the Altai Region?

3.What is its population?

4.How many towns and districts are there in Altai?

5.What is the capital of the Altai Region?

6.What regions does Altai border on?

7.What is the nature like in Altai? What opportunities does it provide?

8.What are the largest rivers?

9.What are the main industries? What does Altai produce?

10.What crop cultivation is important for our region?

11.What output does Altai rank first in Russia?

12.How many nationalities live here?

13.What famous people did Altai give birth to?

Task 2. Ask your neighbour:




где расположен Алтайский край

o to be situated in


какая общая площадь Алтайского края

o the total area of


какова численность населения

o the population numbers/runs to


какой город является столицей Алтайского


the capital of






с какими регионами граничит Алтай


to border on


какие реки протекают по территории края

o to flow through the territory


какой ландшафт преобладает в регионе

o to prevail in the region


есть ли в края курорты


health resort


что производится на Алтае


to produce






почему Алтай называют житницей

o the call “the Breadwinner”







stone cutting art, to be world


всемирную известность






каких знаменитостей



to give birth to talented people








Text C


Barnaul stands on the left bank of the great Siberian river Ob. It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the center of mining industry. In 1771 it got the city status. In1937 Barnaul became the center of the Altai region.

The total area of Barnaul is 30847 hectares. About 700.000 inhabitants live in the city.

The city is divided into 5 administrative districts: the Central district, the October district, the Railway district, the Lenin district, the Industrial district.

The Central district is one of the oldest districts of the city. It is closely associated with the history of Barnaul. The Lenin and Industrial are relatively new districts of the city. There are many plants and factories there.

Barnaul is one of the most highly developed industrial cities of Siberia. The main industrial enterprises and their subsidiaries are "Sibenergomash" and Boilers plant, Transport Machine Building plant - "Barnaul Transmash Holding", “Barnaul Tyres Plant", Machine Tool Plant, Altai Scientific Research Institute of Machine-building Technology, The Plant of Geological Survey Equipment, Test-and-Design Bureau of Automatic, "Altaidisel", "Diamond", Radioplant and so on.

They produce diesels and metal-cutting lathes, forge presses and technical carbon, steamboilers and tires, engines for machinery, machines and radio equipment. The plants and factories of Barnaul provide the market with cotton and synthetic fibres, chemical and textile goods, foot wear and sophisticated home appliances, furniture and matches, faceted diamonds and so on.

The oldest Universities are Pedagogical and Polytechnical, the youngest are the Altai State University, the Institute of Culture and Arts, the University of Law. There are also the Medical and the Agrarian Universities. Higher educational institutions train teachers and doctors, engineers and economists, lawyers, social workers and other specialists for industry, business and agriculture.

Several specialized medical centers operate in Barnaul, using modern equipment and facilities: cardiological, oncological, diagnostical.

There are 5 theatres in the city: The Altai Drama Theatre, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Young Spectator's Theatre, the Small Musical Theatre and the concert hall with the organ. Every night they open their doors to lovers of drama, musical comedy, classical, pop music and dance. There are many art and musical studios and twelve cinema houses.

The monuments of the city are its history alive. The column called Demidov's Pillar was founded to mark the 100 anniversary of mining industry in the Altai region.

In Lenin avenue you can see a common grave with the eternal fire, which was lit in memory of those who perished in the October revolution and Civil War, Monument to A.S.Pushkin, the Glory Memorial on Victory Square dedicated to the solders of the Great Patriotic War etc.

We have several museums in the city: the Museum of Local History, the Museum of History of Altai Literature, Arts and Culture. The pride of the city is the Fine Arts Museum which houses quite a few masterpieces by old and modern artists. There are more than 80 libraries in the city. The biggest one is the Regional Library named after V.Y. Shyshkov.

Dozens of sports buildings are at the disposal of our sportsmen: ten stadiums, 163 sport halls, a special track-and-field hall, a hippodrome and sports airfield. The swimming pools "Ob",


"Amphibia" and "Aurora" are popular with the inhabitants. The citizens are proud of the Palace of Sports, where regional competitions, exhibitions, fairs, city celebrations and concert performances are held.

People can go to the Palaces of Culture, to the parks and boulevards, cafes and restaurants or to spend weekend outside the city. The Ob provides fishing for summer months. More than 40.000 families are the owners of private gardens and orchards.

Five big hotels and restaurants of Barnaul render services to Barnaul visitors and residents. They are "Altai", "Barnaul", "Central", "Siberia" and "Kolos".

There are 4 stations in Barnaul: the railway station, the airport, the river station and the bus station which connect our city with different parts of our country and abroad.


messengers - посланцы

subsidiaries - филиалы

Machine Tool Plant – станкостроительный завод

Altai Scientific Research Institute of Machine-Building Technology - АНИИТИМ

The plant of Geological Survey Equipment – завод геологоразведочного оборудования

Test-and-Design Bureau of Automatic – опытно-конструкторское бюро автоматики

metal-cutting lathes – металлорежущие станки

forge presses – кузнечнопрессовые машины

technical carbon – технический углерод

steam-boilers – паровые котлы

tyres - шины

engines for machinery – двигатели для машин

machines – станки

radio equipment - радиооборудование

cotton and synthetic fibres – хлопок и синтетические волокна

chemical and textile goods – химические и текстильные изделия

foot wear – обувь

home appliances – предметы домашнего обихода

furniture – мебель

matches – спички

faceted diamonds – изделия из алмазов

lawyers – юристы

the Puppet Theatre – кукольный театр

the Young Spectator's Theatre – молодежный театр

to mark the 100 anniversary – отмечать 100-летнюю годовщину

to house masterpieces – находятся шедевры

to render services – оказывать услуги

track-and-field hall – легкоатлетический манеж

Task 1. Ask your neighbour:


когда и кем был основан Барнаул

o to be founded


какой район тесно связан с историей

o to be associated with





чем обеспечивают предприятия

o enterprises/to provide the market


рынок Барнаула



каких специалистов готовят вузы

o to train specialists for








какие специализированные

o special medical centres operate


медицинские центры действуют в








какие спортивные сооружения

o to be at the disposal of


имеются в распоряжении








где жители города могут провести

o to spend the weekend






какие достопримечательности

o places of interest (sights, monuments)


(памятники) есть в Барнауле




много ли культурных заведений в


cultural facilities


нашем городе




чье имя носит краевая библиотека

o Regional Library/to be named after


какие вокзалы есть в нашем городе



Task 2. Make up a list of problems existing in Barnaul.

Task 3. Translate into English.

Барнаул – центр Алтайского края. Он стоит на левом берегу великой сибирской реки Обь. Город был основан в 1730-ом году Акинфием Демидовым, как центр горнорудной промышленности. Сейчас Барнаул – большой промышленный и культурный центр с населением около 700 тысяч жителей.

Главные отрасли промышленности – машиностроительная, химическая и другие. В Барнауле около 90 предприятий, которые производят двигатели и котлы, станки, инструменты, химические и текстильные товары, мебель и спички, пиво и сыр и многое другое. Высшие учебные заведения Барнаула готовят учителей и врачей, инженеров и экономистов, юристов и социальных работников, а также других специалистов для промышленности, бизнеса и сельского хозяйства. Уникальный институт садоводства Сибири имени Лисавенко известен по всей стране и за рубежом.

Каждый вечер театры, кинотеатры, концертные залы открывают свои двери любителям драмы, музыкальной комедии, классической и популярной музыки, танца, кино. Крупнейшие из них – театр Драмы за площадью Советов и кинотеатр «Мир». Всероссийские ярмарки, соревнования, концерты проходят во Дворце Спорта. Краеведческий музей – старейший в Сибири – был основан Петром Фроловым в 1823 году. Гордость города – Художественная галерея, которая содержит шедевры старейших и современных художников.

Памятники города – это его ожившая история. Гранитный памятник в центре Демидовской площади был воздвигнут в 1825 году архитектором Поповым. Вечный огонь был зажжен в память тех, кто погиб во время Октябрьской революции и гражданской войны. Мемориал славы на площади Победы посвящен солдатам Великой Отечественной войны.

Главная улица города – Ленинский проспект – протянулась вдоль города на 9 километров. Она пересекает главную площадь города – площадь Советов.

Барнаул разделен на 5 административных районов: Центральный, Октябрьский, Железнодорожный, Ленинский, Индустриальный, которые связаны транспортной сетью автобусов, трамваев и троллейбусов.

В городе 4 вокзала: речной, автобусный, железнодорожный, аэропорт, связывающие город со всеми уголками страны и зарубежья.


Text D

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is an island nation and constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe, member of the European Union (EU). It is situated on the British Isles, which is the name for a collection of about 4000 islands including Great Britain and Ireland.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburg and Belfast respectively. All of these countries are represented in British Parliament.

Great Britain, known as Britain or GB, is the name for the largest of the islands. It includes England, Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster.

The United Kingdom is bordered to the south by the English Channel, which separates it from continental Europe, to the east by the North Sea, and to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The only land border is between Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland. The total area is 242,752 sq. km. The capital and the largest city is London.

Britain has been many centuries in the making. Its history dates back to the sixth century BC when the tribes conquered most part of Britain. In the modern world England was the 1st country where capitalism was established.

Geographically Great Britain is divided into Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises Southern and Eastern England. The highest mountain Ben Nevis - is in Scotland.

Relative to its size, the scenery of the United Kingdom is very diverse and can change dramatically within short distances.

There are many rivers in Great Britain. The Severn is the largest river; the Thames is the most important one.

Great Britain has "park-like" appearance. The art of gardening has very old tradition. The parks are pieces of country left in the middle of the town. Everything is quite and green. The people who come here admire the combination of sea and highland, the valleys and orchards of Kent, the lakes of Scotland, its fields, woods and parks.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The power of the Queen is limited by the Parliament, which consists of the two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The population of the United Kingdom is more than 56 million people, but it is one of the world's leading commercial and industrialized nations. In terms of gross national product (GNP) it ranks fifth in the world, with Italy, after the United States, Japan, Germany and France.

Task 1 Translate into English:

1.Британские острова – это название для группы более чем 4000 островов, включая Великобританию и Ирландию.

2.Соединенное Королевство включает в себя Англию, Шотландию, Уэльс и Северную Ирландию.

3.Британия создавалась на протяжении многих веков.

4.В соответствии со своими размерами, пейзажи Соединенного Королевства очень разнообразны и могут резко видоизменяться на небольших расстояниях.

5.Соединенное Королевство является конституционной монархией.

6.Власть королевы ограничивается парламентом, который состоит из двух палат – палаты Лордов и палаты Общин.

7.Что касается валового внутреннего продукта, Великобритания является пятой с Италией после Соединенных Штатов, Японии, Германии и Франции.


Task 2 Use the following phrases and word combinations to render the text:

1.As I understood from the text...

2.According to the text...

3.According to the author...

4.As it is described in the text...

5.As it is said in the text...

6.As the author puts it...

7.According to the figures (data, information, opinions) from the text...

Task 3 Draw a parallel between the geographical position of your country and that of Great Britain. Where do you think the geographical position is more favorable? Find the arguments in the text.

Text E


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It occupies the central part of the North American continent.

The United States of America is a federal republic, consisting of 50 states including the states of Alaska and Hawaii. Outlying areas include Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands.

The northern boundary is partly formed by the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River; the southern boundary is partly formed by the Rio Grande. The United States also has a sea-border with Russia.

The total area of the United States (including the District of Columbia) is 9,809,155 sq km, of which 1,700,139 sq km are in Alaska and 28,313 sq km are in Hawaii. Inland waters cover 507,788 sq km of the total area.

The country is washed by 3 oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. The country has many lakes, with the Great Lakes included. There are also many rivers on the US territory. The longest of them are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Columbia, the Rio Grande and some others. On the US territory there are mountains and lowlands. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak, Mount McKinley, is located in Alaska.

The climate conditions are rather different. The country is rich in natural and mineral resources: oil, gas, iron ore, coal and various metals.

The USA is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country. The main industrial branches are aircraft, rocket, automobile, electronics, radio engineering and others.

Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations. The country population is over 250 mln. The national symbol of the USA is its national flag “Stars and Stripes”, having 50 white stars and 13 white and red stripes on its field, symbolizing the number of the original and present day states.

Officially the country comprises 50 states and one District of Columbia. The states differ in size, population and economic development. Each state has its own capital. The capital of the USA is Washington. It is situated in the District of Columbia on the banks of the Potomac River and is named after the 1st US President - George Washington. There are many large cities in the country: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San-Francisco, Cleveland and some others.

The United States of America is a federal state, headed by the President. According to the US Constitution the powers of the Government are divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Congress consisting of the Senate


and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states while the House of Representatives - the population. The executive power belongs to the President and his Administration (Vice-President and Cabinet of Ministers). The judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the system of Federal, state and district courts.

There are several political parties in the USA, the largest of them are the Republican (symbolized by a donkey) and the Democratic (symbolized by an elephant).

Task 1 Translate into English:

1.США – четвертая по размеру страна после России, Канады и Китая.

2.Внешние границы включают в себя Пуэрто-Рико, Американское Самоа и Виргинские острова.

3.48 штатов граничат на севере с Канадой, а на юге с Мексикой.

4.США имеет морскую границу с Российской Федерацией.

5.Поверхность внутренних вод США составляет около 507 тысяч квадратных километров.

6.США омывается тремя океанами: Северным Ледовитым, Атлантическим и Тихим.

7.США – высокоразвитое промышленное государство со множеством отраслей.

8.Аэрокосмическая и электронные отрасли промышленности США занимают особое место в экономике США.

9.Каждый штат имеет свою столицу.

Speech Patterns and Dialogues

Finding One's Way About the City. Asking and Giving Directions.

Task 1. There are several ways of asking directions. Study the Models 1-3.

Model 1:



how to get to…?


Excuse me, could you tell me

the way to…?



how I can get to…?

Model 2:




the nearest bank is?


Excuse me, could you tell me where

the nearest hospital is?



the metro station is?




Model 3:




Oxford Street?


Is this the right way to

the city centre?


Does this train/bus go to

the bus terminal?



the airport?

Task 2. Use these models and ask your partner about some places you want to get to. Make up short dialogues.

Task 3. Use the following models to give instructions to someone who asks for directions. Fill in the blank space using the previous models.


Model 4:

A.: ….?

B.: Go straight ahead. It's the first (second, third) turning on the left (right).

Model 5:

A.: …?

B.: Take a number 5 bus and get off at…/go up to…

Model 6:

A.: ….?

B.: Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights (cross-roads), then turn left (right).

Model 7:

A.: …?

B.: I’m afraid not. This bus is going in the opposite direction. You should take number 6 bus.

Task 4. Use these models to explain how to get to...

a)the local cinema

b)the nearest hospital

c)the large supermarket

d)the main square

Task 5. Make up your own dialogues using Models 1-7.

Task 6. Using the map of your city, find the way to the following places:

1.You are at the bus terminal. What is the way to the Central Hotel?

2.You are at the River station. What is the way to the Central Park'?

3.You are at the ASU. What is the way to the October Square?

Showing One’s City to the Visitors






What is the city famous for?

It's the capital of Russia/ Altai Region.


Our city is famous for its straight and wide


streets / historical places / beautiful parks /











In what part of the city are the most shops

Most of the shops are downtown / along


the main street.




Is your city old? When was it founded?

The foundation of the city dates back to


the 17th century/pre-war times.



What would you advise to visit?

The museum is worth visiting. The


memorial is worth seeing.



Communicative Activity

Task 1. City facilities.

Look through the list of city facilities, which make towns convenient places to live in. What facilities would your ideal town have? Name the three most important facilities for you in each of the categories. You may choose facilities other than those listed if you wish.


Sports: swimming pool; sports centre; golf course; tennis courts; skating rink; football field. Cultural: theatre; opera house; concert hall; radio station; art gallery.

Educational: school; college; university; library; museum.

Catering and night-life: restaurant; cafe; nightclub; take-away; hotel; youth hostel; dance-hall; disco.

Transport: bus service; taxi; car-hire agency; car park.

Others: health centres; law courts; job centres; department stores; estate agency; police station.

Task 2. City problems.

Here is the list of some problems to be found in every big city. Are any of the problems mentioned below to be found in your city or city you know well? Could you suggest a solution for these problems?

Traffic jam: every day, especially in the rush-hour, the streets get so crowded that travel is very slow or even comes to a standstill.

Vandalism: aimless destruction of other people's property. Overcrowding: too many people live in too small a place. Pollution: the air and the water are no longer as pure as they were. Crime: pick-pocketing; forgery; terrorism.


Topical Vocabulary

1.higher education – высшее образование

2.higher educational establishment – учреждение высшего образования university, institute, academy – университет, институт, академия

3.to ensure/to provide a high level of education – обеспечивать высокий уровень образования

4.to give a solid background in all spheres of knowledge – давать твердую базу во всех сферах знаний

5.faculty – факультет

faculty of sociology/economics – факультет социологии/экономики

6.department – отделение

full-time (day-time) department – дневное отделение evening department – вечернее отделение

correspondence department/department of distance studies – заочное отделение

7.chair – кафедра

chair of foreign languages – кафедра иностранных языков

8.to enter the university – поступить в университет entrance exams – вступительные экзамены

9.to be admitted t the university – быть зачисленным в университет admission –прием, зачисление

10.to graduate from the university – закончить университет

11.to be enrolled in the university studies – числиться в списках студентов

12.preparatory courses – подготовительные курсы

13.post-graduate courses – аспирантура

14.to pass exams – сдавать экзамены

15.examination session – экзаменационная сессия

16.applicant for entry – абитуриент


to apply to the university – поступать в университет

17.student – студент

full-time student – студент дневного отделения part-time student – студент вечернего отделения correspondence student – студент заочник undergraduate student – студент 1 – 4(5) курсов post-graduate student – аспирант

18.teaching staff – профессорско-преподавательский состав teaching instructor, tutor, lecturer – преподаватель в университете dean – декан

professor – профессор

professor assistant – старший преподаватель

junior staff members – младший преподавательский состав

19.academic degree – ученая степень

to award a degree – присвоить степень to attain a degree – получить степень

Bachelor of Science/Art = 4 years of university studies – бакалавр естественных/гуманитарных наук

Master of Science/Art – 5-6 years of university studies – магистр естественных/гуманитарных наук

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) = the Candidate of Science – кандидат наук The Doctor of Science – доктор наук

20.thesis – диссертация, научная работа

21.course of studies – курс обучения

22.academic year – учебный год

23.semester/term – семестр

24.to attend/to miss lectures and seminars – посещать/пропускать лекции и семинары

25.to conduct research work – вести исследовательскую работу

26.university facilities – вспомогательные структуры computer centre – компьютерный центр

scientific library – научная библиотека sports gym – спортивный зал

lecture hall – лекционная аудитория laboratory – лаборатория

dormitory – общежитие

27.scholarship – стипендия grant – грант

students’ loan – студенческий заем

28.tuition fee – плата за обучение

29.profession – профессия

30.speciality/field of studies – специальность

31.to train highly qualified specialists – готовить высококвалифицированных специалистов

32.to have a diploma in sociology – иметь диплом по социологии to be awarded a diploma – выдать диплом

33.to expand international cooperation – расширять международные отношения

Vocabulary Exercises


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