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15-12-2013_00-54-52 / Лекция 12. Translation techniques - transcription, transliteration, calque.ppt
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Mechanical copying, or transfer, of the source language words includes:

transcription, or copying the sound form of the source language word by means of the target language letters: eau de cologne – одеколон, hake - хек;

transliteration or copying the letters of the source language by the target language letters of another system:

London – Лондон, Washington - Вашингтон.

Some linguists (V. Komissarov, for one) consider calque (blueprint) translation as mechanical copying.

Calque is translation by parts:

extralinguistic – внеязыковой,

carry-out – на вынос,

старовер – Old Believer.

Since the calqued word is not just a mechanical borrowing of the form but it undergoes some changes, this device is, to some extent, an actual translation, which includes form transformations.

Translation transformations

Translation transformations are complete changes of the appearance of a translated word, phrase, or sentence. In foreign translation theory, transformations are known as shifts of translation. Translation transformations can be of three categories:

1)grammatical transformations, 2)lexical (semantic) transformations,

3)complex (lexical and grammatical) transformations.



Transcription is a method of writing down speech sounds.

It is essential to differentiate between a phonetic transcription and a practical (or translation) transcription.

In a phonetic transcription, sounds are depicted by special symbols on the basis of their articulatory and auditory identity.



A practical transcription is an interlinguistic operation as it deals with two languages: the sounds of the source language word are rendered by the letters of the target languge:

Anchorage – Анкоридж, Oakland - Окленд.

Because the English (Latin) and Russian (Cyrillic) alphabets and sounds do not coincide, there are special rules for representing English sounds by Russian letters and Russian sounds by English letters.

Transcribing English sounds with Russian letters:

Interdental [ D] correspond to the Russian Т: Thatcher – Тэтчер, Thackeray – Теккерей.

Sometimes these sounds correspond to the Russian C, which is a bit outdated:

Galsworthy – Голсуорси.

In Greek words, the interdental sound is rendered by the Russian Ф: Athens – Афины, Themistocles – Фемистокл.

Transcribing English sounds with Russian letters:

The English [w] is transmitted by the letter У if followed by a vowel: William – Уильям, Wilder – Уайлдер.

But when followed by the vowel [u], the consonant

[w]is rendered by the letter В: Woolf – Вулф,

Wodehouse – Вудхаус.

However, there are some traditional cases of the sound [w] represented by the letter В: Washington

Вашингтон, Walter Scott – Вальтер Скотт.

The same is true in reference to the borrowed (mostly German) names: Wagner – Вагнер, Wilhelm – Вильгельм.

Transcribing English sounds with Russian letters:

The English [h] can be represented in two ways: either by Х: Hailey – Хейли, or by Г: Hamilton –

Гамильтон. Thus some words acquire two forms in Russian:

Hoffman – Хофман, Гофман.

[ŋ] is transliterated by НГ: Jennings –


Transcribing English sounds with Russian letters:

The vowel [з:] after the consonant corresponds to the Russian Ё: Burns – Бёрнс. In the beginning of the word, this sound is represented by the letter Э: Earl’s Court Эрлз-Корт.

] is represented in Russian by

Э/Е/А: Batman – Бэтмен, Jack –

Джек, Glasgow – Глазго.