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Unit 12

Тема: Экология и защита окружающей среды.


  1. Условные придаточные предложения.

  2. Неопределенно- личные предложения типа “Onemust…”

  3. Выражения “Can’t help…” , “Can’t but …”.

  4. Отрицание в английском предложении.

  5. Словообразование (сложные существительные и прилагательные).


  1. Грамматический разбор предложений. Залоги.

  2. Функции инфинитива в предложении.

  3. Функции герундия в предложении.

  4. Сравнение причастия I, герундия и отглагольного существительного.

  5. Инфинитивные, причастные и герундиальные обороты.

  6. Слова-заменители.


  1. Ecology

  2. Environmental Protection



расчет, счет








вредный, наносящий вред


разнообразие, многообразие



окружающая среда;



равновесие, сбалансированность








более того; к тому же








внедрение, вступление


тем не менее; все же


теперь; в наши дни








интенсивность, скорость, степень






ответ, реакция, реагирование


common sense

чувство, смысл;

здравый смысл






вид, класс, разновидность

that is (i.e.)

то есть (т.е.)



to affect

влиять на; воздействовать на;

to attract


to couple

соединять, связывать

to define

определять, давать определение

to engage


to interconnect

соединять, связывать

to note

to notice

замечать, обращать внимание

to prevent


to recognize

осознавать, признавать

to recover


to respect

уважать, соблюдать, не нарушать

to save



отходы, отбросы

I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

to look at; to look for; rain; to rain.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

academic; affect; aggressive; bacteria; biogeochemical; biological; bioregenerative; catastrophe; civilization; climates; course; crisis; ecologist; ecology; ecophysiology; ecosystem; exclusively; formal; genetics; institution; interdisciplinary; organism; physiological; physiology; planet; political; radiation; regenerative; regulate; situation; subcategories; symmetry; taxi; toxic; tropical; to colonize; to degrade; to prolong.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и попытайтесь запомнить следующие слова:

  • существительные

account; attention; boundary; debt; couple; diversity; environment; equilibrium; explosion; forest; generation; introduction; note; notice; plant; pollution; protection; rate; relation; release; respect; response; sense; similarity; soil; species; threat; waste;

  • прилагательные

detrimental; environmental; governmental; immense;

  • глаголы

to affect; to attract; to couple; to define; to engage; to interconnect; to note; to notice; to prevent; to recognize; to recover; to respect; to save;

  • местоимения, наречия и предлоги

everything; furthermore; nonetheless; nowadays; that is (i.e.).

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) the principle of changing the velocity of a water jet; the so-called principle of staging; the working life of an engineering component; the rate of integration; the interdisciplinary scientific study of the organisms’ relations and their interactions; the effects of tropical rain forest; the social world of human relations and the built world of human creation; for the advantage of the natural environment and (or) humans; loss of biodiversity; an important aspect of environmental law;

b) coolant systems; air cooling; large modern water turbines; nickel based alloys; chip-making operations; maximum operating speed; turbine-powered generators; the specified tolerance limits; the first continuously inhabited long-term research station in space; the materials wear resistance tests; "common sense" approach; animal and plant ecology; the present day rate; environmental degradation; various human activities; environmental protection; environmental decisions;

c) the organisms’ relations; tiny bacteria’s role; Newton’s second law; the world's electrical energy; Yuri Gagarin’s flight; the robot’s arm; the Earth's atmosphere; the people’s fundamental right;

d) symmetry about an axis of rotation; rather young science; the information explosion concerning an ecological crisis; tiny bacteria’s role in recycling; testing a hypothesis by means of experiments; the differences and similarities; to take into account; a dynamic equilibrium with planetary ecosystems; if nothing be done; genetically modified organisms; detrimental factors.


V. Прочитайте предложения, сделайте грамматический разбор, определите время и залог сказуемого и функцию инфинитива:

1. The main purpose of the coolant systems is to prolong tool life under production conditions. 2. Complex systems of gears to control the machine have been developed. 3. Automobile industry prefers to use alloy steels for gears and axles. 4. To extract metallic mineral from the ore of low concentration is rather difficult task. 5. Some older models have the mechanism to lift and orient the table in position. 6. To generate power from low-head applications is possible with a reactive turbine. 7. A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining. 8. Large modern water turbines are intended to operate at mechanical efficiencies greater than 90%. 9. Conventional high-pressure turbine blades are made from nickel based alloys and often utilize air cooling to prevent the metal from overheating. 10. This change in speed forces a designer to change the feeding mechanism. 11. The task of a lathe is to perform various operations such as cutting, drilling or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation.

VI. Прочитайте предложения, сделайте грамматический разбор, определите функцию герундия:

1. Newton’s second law describes the rules for transferring energy for impulse turbines. 2. Impulse turbines act on the principle of changing the velocity of a water jet. 3. The designer insisted on testing the machine with maximum payload. 4. Pressing is decreasing the length and increasing the diameter of the metal. 5. Cutting occurs when material is separated from the surface in the form of chips. 6. Besides, Parsons was the first who offered the so-called principle of staging. 7. Welding is joining two pieces of metal together. 8. They have stopped designing a new analog of the machine tool because of some problems. 9. The invention of the Kaplan turbine allowed efficient power production by installing it in low-head applications.

VII. Прочитайте предложения, обратите внимание на слова с ing-окончанием, определите, чем они являются (причастие I, герундий или отглагольное существительное):

1. In moving against the stationary workpiece the tool begins rotating with increasing speed. 2. The resulting change in momentum (impulse) leads to appearing a force on the turbine blades. 3. There is nothing to prevent from appearing such problems in future. 4. Chip-making operations are turning, milling and drilling. 5. Rapid developing the water turbines occurred in the nineteenth century, during the Industrial revolution, with using scientific principles and manufacturing methods. 6. Software can also be described as a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages that direct the functioning of the hardware. 7. After being lubricated the bearings were tested at maximum operating speed. 8. Presses employ a number of different shaping processes, including pressing and drawing. 9. The shaping is accomplished by removing material from a workpiece or by pressing it into the desired shape. 10. Typical applications of robots include welding, painting and testing, all accomplished with high speed and accuracy.

VIII. Прочитайте предложения, определите тип оборота (СИО, ОИО, СПО, ОПО, НПО, герундиальный оборот) и переведите предложения:

1. This process is assumed increasing the physical characteristics of the metal. 2. You must know the physical characteristics of the metal to be improved by forging. 3. Turbine-powered generators producing most of the world's electrical energy is widely known fact. 4. We observed the metal being poured into the sand mold. 5. In this particular application the wheel with movable blades proved to be more efficient than the wheel with fixed blades. 6. According this principle steam was permitted to expand in a number of stages, a small amount of thermal energy converted to kinetic energy and performing useful work at each stage.

IX. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на слова-заменители:

1. Grinding is the removal of metal by a rotating abrasive wheel; the action is similar to that of a milling cutter. 2. The materials cut by PAM are generally those that are difficult to cut by any other means, such as stainless steels and aluminum alloys. 3. In electron-beam machining (EBM), electrons are accelerated to a velocity nearly three-fourths that of light. 4. Iron and Steel Manufacture is technology related to the production of iron and its alloys, particularly those containing a small percentage of carbon. 5. Steam Turbines were traditionally more impulse but continue to move towards reaction designs similar to those used in Gas Turbines. 6. These steels have a specified composition, containing certain percentages of vanadium, molybdenum, or other elements, as well as larger amounts of manganese, silicon, and copper than the ones which is known as the regular carbon steels.

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