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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Над уровнем земли


In the Los Angeles area cool air is overlain by warmer air.

Над уровнем земли

At a specified altitude above the ground ...

Над уровнем моря

The volcano rises to an elevation over 4000 m above sea level.

Надводное судно

Ocean liners and other large surface ships...

Надвое [см. Пополам]. Надевать па [см. Одевать на].

Надежда [см. тж. В надежде на то, что; Возлагать надежды на; Оправдывать ожидания]

There is no hope for advances in this field.

Наделять свойством

Dirac's quantization condition endows the magnetic monopole with certain properties.


In the hope of answering these questions, we embarked on a study of ...

Надеяться [см. тж. Есть основания надеяться на то, что; Можно надеяться, что; Мы надеемся, что]

One can look forward to a successful solution of...

We were hopeful of finding (or We hoped to find) something of interest.

Надеяться на то, что [см. Следует надеяться, что].

Надёжные данные

Solid (or Firm) data are available only from the earth and other planets.


In order that Eq. (2) shall give a good value of С for an actual capacitor,...

These burners are dependable (or reliable) and efficient in operation. A foolproof method was needed for focusing the telescope.

We supply high-reliability capacitors.

This assumption is supported by solid evidence from actual processes in bacteria. Trustworthy values must be calculated.

Надёжный в пределах

These values must be considered reliable to 0.05°A.

Надёжный в эксплуатации

The machine has proved completely reliable in service (or operation).

Надлежащий [см. тж. Заданный, Соответствующий, Указанный] Appropriate amounts of solution were added to ...

Selection of the proper metal thickness is extremely important.

Надлежащим образом [см. Должным образом].


Надлежащим образом [см. Должным образом]. Надо [см.. Следует].

Надобность [см. По мере необходимости, При необходимости]. Надрез [см. С надрезом, Без надреза].


When the button is (de)pressed, ...

If the levers are depressed further,...

Нажим кнопки

Depression of a push button initiates the welding cycle.

Нажим на

The flow is started by a few squeezes on the rubber bulb.

Нажимать кнопку

The operator pushes (or depresses, or punches) a button on the console.

Press the push button to initiate gas and water flow. The scientists on Earth will push the controls.

Нажимать на

Bear down on the pneumatic hammer only sufficiently to hold the chisel against the work. Do not bear heavily on the handle of the lapping tool.

Нажимать на рычаг

(De)press the lever.

Нажимом кнопки [см. тж. Одним нажимом кнопки]

The table is braked to rest upon depression of the stop button.

Назад [см. тж. Вперёд]

Tilt the shell rearward to pour off slag.

Назван в честь

The montmorillonite group gets (or derives) its name from Montmorillon, a town in France. The name "illite" honours the state of Illinois.

Назван именем

The Shpolsky effect is named for its discoverer.

Назван по

The centrifugal casting process is named from the manner in which the metal is distributed in the mould.

Назван по имени

The Jurassic system is named for the Jura Mountains.

Название [см. Быть известным под названием, Идти под названием, Идти под общим

названием,Известный под названием, Как видно из названия, Носить название (или имя), Получать название. Это название объясняется тем, что].

Название которого не указано

They used an unspecified (or unnamed) polymer at 100°C.

Название объясняется

The name "lithographic limestone" is derived from the use of the rock for lithography.

Historically, the name "aromatic" arose from the fact that ...

Aliphatic compounds owe their name to their original derivation from ...




The new system is incorporated in two models, one airborne, the other a ground-(or land-)based unit.

Назначение [см. тж. Двойная цель. Общего назначения]

The function (or purpose) of the foaming agent is to cover the surface of the solution with ...

Называемый [см. тж. Известный под названием]

These are two Bessel functions of the third kind designated (or referred to) as (or termed, or named, or called) first and second Hankel functions.

Называется более точно [см. Более точно называется].

Называть [см. тж. Получать название, Так назван потому, что]

By a long slug is meant one which is long enough to be the subject of a steady-state extrusion. Wiener credited the vacuum tube as being the major instrument of ...

This portion of the wave will be denoted (or named, or designated, or called) the stable section. When the ratio is unity, the propeller is described as a square propeller.

This system is designated as Model M-50.

Such a plot is generally identified as a "Stress-Number of Cycles Curve". This phenomenon is known as piping.

Such absorption is termed chemical.

This type of magnetism is given the name temporary magnetism.

Actinomycetales are often spoken of as "higher", "filamentous", or "mouldlike" bacteria. This relationship has been labelled as Stefan's law.

When there are more than two alleles of a given gene, they are said to be multiple alleles.

The minimum current density needed to start lasing action in a diode is termed (or referred to as) the threshold current density.

Называть именем

The comet was named for (or after) the discoverer.

Называть общим именем

Other intermolecular forces are often lumped together as van der Waals forces.

Называться [см. тж. Известен под названием, Носить имя]

Terrestrial photogrammetry denotes that branch wherein photographs are taken from...

This component is designated the solvent. Such processes are said to be isothermal.

Such a case is referred to as coordinate covalent bonding.

Together, the rational numbers and irrational numbers are spoken of as (or are said to be) real numbers.

Называться именем

This function was developed by P Lan-gevin and is often referred to by his name.

Наиболее вероятно

The cracking is most likely to occur where the metal is weakest.

Наиболее вероятный [см. тж. Вероятнее всего, Наиболее правдоподобный]

The most likely (or probable) fuel for a fusion-power energy source is deuterium.

Наиболее густонаселённый

The most populous countries ...

Наиболее заметен [см. Ощущаться больше всего].

Наиболее известен как

This quantity is most familiar as the proportionality constant.

Наиболее известный


Наиболее известный

The best known example for this type of excitation is the helium-neon laser.

Наиболее известный в области

Most prominent in the investigation of neutron bombardment of uranium was Enrico Fermi's group in Italy.

Наиболее изученный [см. тж. Изученный лучше всего]

The Canadian shield is one of the most extensively studied areas of...

The ammonia synthesis reaction is one of the best-understood (or studied, or investigated) cases.

Наиболее наглядно показан

The economy of the method is best shown (or demonstrated) by the following example. The limitations of these arrangements can best be appreciated from the patterns in Fig. 15-4.

Наиболее напоминать

This machine most closely resembles the unit described in ...

Наиболее перспективный в отношении The compounds exhibiting the most promise for storing energy are listed below.

Наиболее подходить для

This product is best suited to our operation.

Наиболее полезный в практической работе

The coefficient of greatest practical utility is the mutual-diffusion coefficient.

Наиболее правдоподобный

The most plausible (or credible) hypothesis is that...

Наиболее пригодный для

Hyperbolic cooling lowers are best suited to regions with high humidity.

Наиболее распространён

This disease has a peak incidence after the age of 55 to 60.

Наиболее распространенный [см. тж. Наиболее широко используемый] Three of the most commonly encountered shapes are shown in Fig. 13.

The isotope of greatest abundance is ...

The two most abundant (or widespread) elements in the universe are hydrogen and helium. Tables 1 and 2 list the ten most plentiful elements in the Earth's crust and in the human body. We have starters in all popular sizes.

Наиболее редко

Colon cancer occurs least often in the descending colon.

Наиболее соответствовать

This approach is best matched to the problem at hand.

Наиболее точно соответствовать

Find the number to which the mantissa most closely corresponds.

Наиболее удаленный

Aphelion is the point in a planet's orbit around the Sun where it is farthest (or most distant) from the Sun.

The farthest removed layer...

These include the seven outermost satellites of Jupiter.

Наиболее удобный для

The quantity best suited to express the energy at which ...

Наиболее целесообразно [см. Лучше всего].


Наиболее целесообразно [см. Лучше всего]. Наиболее часто [см. Чаще всего].

Наиболее часто встречаться [см. Наиболее распространён].

Наиболее широко использоваться

Optical view finders are in most common use.

Наиболее широко используемый

This is the most-used single-lens reflex camera.

Where mechanical or magnetic separation is not used, the process most generally (or universally, or extensively) employed is that known as wet gravity concentration. reaction that has enjoyed the widest application is...

Наиболее эффективно [см. тж. Рекомендуется]

This can best be done in a rotating turbine.

Наиболее эффективно использовать

In order to make the best (use) of the equipment...

We can use this versatile machine to best advantage (or most efficiently).

Наиболее эффективно работать

The instruments performed at their best.

Наибольшая важность [см. Представлять наибольшую важность для].

Наибольшее количество

The two uses which have consumed the most [or the greatest amount (or quantities) of] argon are...

Наибольшее приближение к

At its nearest approach to Neptune, Nereid comes to within 800,000 miles of the planet. Наибольшее промышленное значение The minerals of chief commercial importance are borax and kernite.

Наибольший [см. тж. В максимуме]

These parts show the most (or the greatest, or the worst) wear.

Наивысший расцвет [см. Достигать наивысшего расцвета].

Наилучшее приближение

The resulting substance may represent the closest (possible) approach to the ideal quantum gas.

Наилучший... достигается путём

The mixing of fluids in pipe flow is best accomplished (or achieved) by employing high velocities.

Наилучший из них

Prior to 1920, reliance was placed mainly on mercury and other expansion thermometers: The Beckman thermometer represents the acme among these.

Наилучший метод

It may seem that the brewer's best plan is to devote all his resources to the production of beer.

Наилучшим образом [см. Лучше всего, Наиболее эффективно].

Наилучшим образом подходить для

This product is best suited to our opera-lion.

Наилучшим образом соответствовать "Simple" liquids show the best correlation with the linear plot.

Наименее известный


Наименее известный

Of the three methods this one is the least known.

Наименее изученный

Pluto is the least known member of the solar system.

This subject is the least understood aspect of sedimentary rocks.

Наименее устойчивый к

Berseen is the least tolerant of the clovers to winter freezing.

Наименее часто [см. Наиболее редко]. Найден [см. Находить, Обнаружен].


The average value was found to be 16 + 3.

Similar hairpin loops have been deduced to exist in ... (biol.).

A crystal of potassium chlorate was found neither to float nor sink in a solution of bromoform at 25°C.

Найти [см. Находить].

Найти применение

Then mika wrapper type of insulation was again taken up.

Найти своё отражение в

All of this was reflected in a remarkable expansion of the computer industry.

Накалённый докрасна

The free halogen gas is passed over a mix-lure of the oxide with carbon or some carbonaceous material at red heat.

Red hot platinum ...

Накапливать [см. тж. Собирать]

We use a condenser to build up sufficient charge from the strobe's batteries.

Накапливать данные для

They amassed the data for a map of...

Накапливать информацию

We are compiling (or accumulating) information on...

The greatest amount of information on (or about) ... has been gathered (or amassed, or accumulated) in temperate forests.

Накапливать опыт

As construction companies gained (or accumulated) experience ...

Накапливать энергию

The device stores mechanical energy.

Накапливаться [см. тж. Скапливаться] Moisture builds up until the thawed soil is saturated. Large amounts of tritium are stockpiled for nuclear weapons and for research in fusion power. Moisture, oil and dirt collect (or gather, or accumulate) in the bottom of the air-filter sump.


The pump delivers (or supplies, or feeds) this water at a rate of 400 gal/hr.

Накладывать друг на друга

Three curves are superimposed for comparison.

Накладывать заплату


Накладывать заплату

To apply patches to the tank wall,...

Накладывать на предметное стекло микроскопа

The tissue is mounted on a microscopic slide.

Накладывать ограничение

When no quantum restrictions apply,...

Накладывать ограничение на

There is no restriction on the way in which particles can be distributed over the individual energy levels.

Transfer inefficiency imposes (or places) a limit(ation) on the speed and number of transfers for a practical charge-coupled device.

Накладывать сетку на

A net was applied over the whole surface of the rock.

Накладывать слои на

Layers can be put down on a substrate quickly.

Накладывать условие [см. Налагать условие, Ставить условие].

Накладываться [см. тж. Налагаться] Transverse waves are superimposed on the motion of the gas behind the shock.

Накладываться друг на друга

These two patterns super(im)pose on one another on the screen.

Наклон [см. тж. Величина наклона, Иметь наклон, Пологий наклон, С наклоном]

The slope of the line ...

The tilt of the vapour surface ...

Наклон к

The inclination of line AB to the horizontal also is indicated.

Наклон касательной к кривой

We shall henceforth speak of "the slope of the curve" as implying "the slope of the tangent to the curve".

Наклон кривой

This value can be obtained from the slope of the curve.

Наклон орбиты

The tilt (or inclination) of the orbit with respect to the orbital plane of the Earth ...

Наклон оси

The axial tilt (or The tilt of the axis) of Mercury ...

Наклон относительно оси

Changes of speed cause a tilting of the compass card about the north-south axis.

Наклонен на ... градусов по отношению к

The spin axis of comet Enoke was tilted five degrees with respect to the plane of...

Наклонен относительно оси

When the compass card system is tilted about the north-south axis, ...

Наклонён по отношению к

The neodymium-glass disks are tilted (or inclined) (with respect) to the incoming laser beam. The Earth's axis is tipped to the plane of its orbit.

Наклонён под углом


Наклонён под углом

The plane of the Earth's Equator is inclined to the Sun's apparent orbit by 235°. The plates are inclined at a small angle to one another.

The pump operates best when tilted at an angle of 10 or 15°.

The orbit is inclined 14 degrees (with respect) to the equatorial plane. The disk is tilted at an angle of 15 degrees to the plane of the galaxy.

Наклонный [см. тж. В вертикальном или наклонном положении]

The derrick has a slanted boom.

The feeder discharges the rock on an inclined belt.


Figure 18 shows how the electrode holders can be inclined to facilitate entry to curves, flanges, etc. The furnaces can be tilted to facilitate pouring.

Bulldozer blades can be tipped forward or backward.

Наклоняться на ... градусов

The swivel type of milling head is normally arranged to tilt 45 degrees each side of the centre line.


Finance, transportation, and lastly (or finally) communications are comprehensively discussed.

Наконечник [см. Иметь наконечник, С наконечником].

Накопить ряд убедительных доказательств того, что

Many investigators have amassed a convincing body of evidence that such interactions in the primitive atmosphere of the Earth are capable of producing ...


Accretion (or Accumulation) of knowledge ...

The swift accrual of word power (learning new words)...

A buildup of mineral deposits resulting from the water evaporating on the hot piping ...

A piling up of deleterious mutations ...

This prevents buildup of static electricity on one part of the structure, which can ...

Накопленный опыт [см. тж. Весь накопленный опыт]

There was little backlog of (or accumulated) experience on which to base new theories.

Experience (which has been) gained (or accumulated, or gathered) over a number of years ...


The symmetry of the imposed field ...

Налагать друг на друга

We superimpose the two beams by the use of...

Налагать на

If that diagonal is laid down on the line,...

If a protractor is laid over a geometric angle ...

The frequency of the pitch is superimposed on the 5 megacycle impulse,...

Налагать ограничение

The boundary conditions impose (or place) the restriction that...

Similar limits are also imposed (or placed) by the detector. The competing processes set limits on the injector signal.

Налагать отпечаток на

Magnetic reversals of the earth's field leave their imprint on rocks.

Налагать требование (или условие) на


Налагать требование (или условие) на

This places a constraint on the design of a power supply for the computer: it must be capable of...

Налагать условие [см. тж. Ставить условие]

We impose the following initial condition:...

Налагаться (друг на друга)

The two probability distributions superpose (or are superimposed) at large n.

Налагаться на

A convective flux is super(im)posed on that due to diffusion.

Налево [см. Направо].

Налетать на [см. тж. Падать на]

Deuterons strike (or impinge on) stationary tritons.


The impacting meteorite left a deep crater.

Наличие [см. тж. Имеющийся в наличии, Обеспечение]

The availability of proper materials ...

The availability of powerful pulsed tunable dye laser has made it possible to ...


The energy resources (now) at hand are sufficient to sustain ...

Наличный ассортимент состоит из

There are thirty models to choose from.

Наложен на

The radiofrequency interference is superimposed on the signal.

Superimposed on the outer shells are layers defined according to the physical slate of the rock.

Наложение... на

Superposition of Figs. 16 and (or on) 17 reveals good agreement of the results.

Наложение поля на

Consider the effect of the imposition of a field of 0h symmetry on the orbitals of an atom.

Наложение слоя

We found that we could protect the indium antimonide by laying down a third layer of silicon monoxide.

Наложенный на [см. тж. Накладывать, Налагать]

Heyn's printing method uses sheet silk laid over the specimen.

Наложить [см. Накладывать, Налагать].

Нам встречался

We have come across equipment where we found it very difficult to assemble the seals without damaging them.

Нам повезло

We were fortunate (enough) to discover the first source of X-rays...

Нам удобно

We can conveniently discuss such reactions in terms of...

Нам хотелось бы


Нам хотелось бы

We would like to see engineering included within the framework of ...

Наматывать на

The cables are coiled around the pipes. The coil is wound on a metal form.

Наматывать пленку

To wind a film.

Намечать на

The launching has been set (or planned) for October.

Намечать отверстие

It is good practice first to locate the hole with a drill of smaller diameter.

The location for each hole should be spotted on the pipe with a centre punch.

Намечать пути к

The study directed the way to improvements in the technique.


No similar trend is evident among the moons of Saturn.

The theory will lake years to develop, though its elements have surfaced already for the glow discharge and the flame.

Намеченный [см. тж. Предполагаемый]

The improvements intended (or contemplated, or planned, or envisaged) must be weighed against the savings that they may provide.

The operation to be performed.

Намеченный к

Such units are contemplated (or scheduled, or planned, or slated) for installation in the near future.

Намеченный срок

The target date for completion is January.

Намного [см. тж. Значительно]

This makes the machines far (or much, or considerably) easier to move.

The inductance is measured at a frequency well above the self-resonant frequency of the capacitor.

Намного более [см. Значительно более].

Намного более продолжительный, чем другие

Precambrian was the first and by far the largest interval in geological history.

Намного больше [см. тж. Значительно превосходящий]

Matter would then be capable of attaining a velocity far beyond that of light.

Намного больше всех других

The pipeline is by far the largest in Indonesia.

Намного больше, чем

A diver can do useful work down to 5000 ft - far in excess of (or vastly larger than) all previously predicted limits.

Намного больший

And this is in spite of the vastly greater mass of the Sun.