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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

На полпути между ... и


На полпути между ... и

This temperature fell midway between Venus and the Earth.

Free radicals lie midway (or halfway) between carbonium ions and carbanions.

На пользу человечеству

Ibis energy can be used for man's benefit.

They used this knowledge for the benefit of mankind.

На полюсе

The south magnetic pole is not located at the true south pole.

На пороге

The phenomenon of superconductivity is on the threshold of large-scale technological application. Today this technique is on the threshold of becoming a tool of fundamental importance in ...

На... порядков длиннее, чем

The recognition time of the nucleotides by the polymerase is two orders of magnitude longer than in RNA synthesis (biol.).

На последнем курсе

The student in his final year considers ...

На постоянном уровне [см. Поддерживать на постоянном уровне]. На правильном пути [см. Быть на правильном пути].

На практике

This system is proving in action the benefits of applying modem technology to ...

In (actual) practice, ionic activities are often determined by ...

На ... предъявляется большой спрос [см. В большом спросе].

На прилагаемом рисунке

The type 30 unit is shown in the accompanying figure.

На примере [см. тж. Иллюстрировать на примере глицина, Показано на примере]

This type is illustrated by the example of diamond.

Using rhodamine 6G as an example, it can be shown that...

На... приходится

It is found that most of the mass is accounted for by particles whose radius is between 0.1 micron and 10 microns.

The more developed countries account for most of the world's environmental pollution. The four types of hydrogenation account for the production of billions of pounds of...

The cobra is responsible for the majority of the 25,000 deaths occurring each year from snake bite in India.

For every 100 grams of molecular hydrogen there is a gram of dust.

На продвинутой стадии [см. Находиться на продвинутой стадии].

На промежутке

If f is a function defined on the finite interval from x1 to x2 , ...

If qS varies over the distance s, ...

На противоположных концах

These groups are at the opposite ends of the benzene ring (chem.).

На протяжении

The magnetic field was uniform over a length of 12.5 cm.

На протяжении... лет


Over the course of half an hour there were seven reductions in ...

The earthquake affected the level of the land over a 900-km stretch of shoreline.

На протяжении... лет

Benign tumours often grow slowly over several years.

На ... процентов [см. тж. Насыщенный на ... процентов]

This reduces the labour for cleaning approximately 80 percent.

To increase ... by 5 percent,...

The contraction of 2 percent of the balloon volume ...

This bond is 50 percent ionic.

На... процентов меньше

The chemical bonds are less ionic by a few percent (or a few percent less ionic).

На пути [см. тж. Помещать на пути]

The number of molecules in the path of the light...

На пути к [см. тж. Находиться на пути к]

The interstellar material through which the light passes on its way to the Earth ...

The light must pass through the solution on the way to the eye of the operator.

На равном расстоянии друг от друга

The holes are evenly spaced (or equidistant). The posts are located at regular intervals.

На равных основаниях (или правах)

Shaft horsepower is a term which can be used almost interchangeably with brake horsepower, the difference being ...

Competing on equal terms, SO3 and P4O10 are stronger acidic compounds than silica.

На радиус [см. Запиливать на радиус].

На различные периоды времени

We immerse the pan for varying lengths of time in a vat of blue dye.

На ракете [см. Установленный на ракете].

На раннем этапе развития

Early in the development of the egg, two protective envelopes are formed.

На... раньше

Then the pulsar should arrive at periastron 0.04 second early.

На расстояние [см. тж. Действовать на расстоянии]

The atoms move back and forth over a distance that is ...

The stud should be screwed into the plate a distance equal to...

the rolls were separated by this distance ...

pilot tunnel was driven ahead of the main tunnel for a distance of 9 ft.

Streams of incandescent hydrogen are shot out from the Sun's surface for distances of thousands of miles.

mercury falls (for) a short distance within the tube.

grinding heads can be moved transversely through a distance of 6 ft.

На расстоянии [см. тж. Находиться на расстоянии]

An image of Saturn made at a range of 162,000 kilometres shows ...

The distance through which the force acts...

This explains how panicles can act on one another at a distance.

The picture was made from a range (or distance) of 700,000 kilometres.

На расстоянии вытянутой руки


The nonuniformity must vary slowly over distances of the order of...

The marker is readily visible at 100 ft.

We shall be able to detect tornadoes at a distance by means of radar. The dial is boldly marked and can be read

from a distance.

The telemotor provides a means of moving the control valves from a distance. Within a few feet of the obstacle ...

На расстоянии вытянутой руки

Hold the instrument at arm's length.

На расстоянии до... километров от

The spacecraft passed within 700 km of Venus' surface.

На расстоянии ...друг от друга [см. тж. Расположенные на расстоянии... друг от друга]

The grooves are d apart.

The two detectors are placed (or spaced) 100 ft apart. The holes arc spaced at 10 ft intervals.

На расстоянии от

The retarder is installed (at) 100 m from the surface.

The resistance measuring bulb can be located at any distance up to 3000 ft away from the instrument.

The switch is closed except when a descending cage is within a fixed distance of the shaft bottom. The pilot-static tube is located a considerable distance from the airspeed indicator.

The transmitters were positioned at various distances from the ground track of the satellite. The flame, seen at a distance of a few kilometres, may ...

A diffuse source of radius rd is situated distance f from a fibre.

На расстоянии ... от Земли

The two galaxies appear to be about three million light years away.

На рисунке не показан [см. Не показан].

На рисунке показан (или приведен)

Figure I gives radiation lengths as a function of atomic number.

Figure 2 illustrates (or demonstrates, or shows, or depicts, or exhibits, or displays, or presents) a system that...

A simple design is illustrated (or shown, or presented, or displayed, or depicted) in (or on) Fig.


In Fig. 10 is shown (or Shown in Fig. 10 is) the circuit of ...

Referring to Fig. 17, we have the following pattern:...

На самом близком расстоянии от Земли

Mars when it is at its closest, is briefly brighter than Jupiter.

На самом верху

At the extreme top ...

На самом деле [см. тж. А на самом деле это не так, И это действительно так, Фактически]

Now it is time to admit that the spacing between ... is not in fact constant...

На самом же деле

What actually happens is that the accelerated proton keeps moving and ...

На сжатом воздухе

The press can be operated on air alone for low-energy forming work.

На складе [см. Иметь в запасе. Иметься в наличии. Храниться].


На складе [см. Иметь в запасе. Иметься в наличии. Храниться].

На случай

The large quantity of water contained in an economizer provides reserve space in the event (or in case) of a sudden boiler overload.

На случай аварии

A 150 kW Diesel alternator is provided for emergency use.

На современной ступени развития

It is not possible, in the present state of the art, for a single-stage rocket to reach the speeds required.

На солнечной энергии

A solar powered water pump ...

На солнце

Unshielded thermometers in sunlight may indicate temperatures far above that of the air.

На... сравнительно мало влияет

The threshold and saturation voltage levels are relatively unaffected by temperature variations.

На среде

The organisms are easily grown in the laboratory (up)on simple media.

На стадии (или ступени)

At this stage, there is very little increase in the resistance. The process is still in the experimental


На стадии проектирования

At the design stage.

На станке

The valve seat must be machined in (or on) a lathe.

Only one spindle at a time will be operated on this machine (or machine-tool).

На станке можно установить

The machine can take (or accommodate) a workpiece up to 4 ft long and ...

На стене [см. Настенный].

На стойке [см. Смонтированный на стойке]. На столе [см. Настольный].

На стыке между

Modulator-demodulators are needed at the interfaces between the communication network and the terminals and the data-centre equipment.

На судне [см. На борту судна].

На суше

On land, geothermal gradients have been measured in deep mines and boreholes.

На схеме показан (приведён)

The diagram (re)presents the three-component system.

На счётчике

This monitor provides a continuous indication of level on a meter.

На теоретической основе [см. Ставить на теоретическую основу].


На теоретической основе [см. Ставить на теоретическую основу].

На территории университета

On the campus of Columbia University ...

На топливе [см. Работать на топливе]. На трение [см. Потери на трение].

На углах

The centres of the atoms are supposed to lie at the corners of a cube.

На угол [см. тж. Повернуть на угол]

The coil was capable of rotating through 180° about an axis.

На... указывает [см. Указывать на].

На уровне

The cold water cistern is fixed at a high level.

Raise the gauge to a height at which the sharp edge of the notch is exactly level with the top of the valve connection.

The surface of the liquid is flush with the floor of the tunnel.

Oxygen could have been maintained at a level of about 0.02% of the total composition of the atmosphere.

For electrons in the same principal level ...

On the molecular level, diffusion is the result of...

На уровне глаз

The vacuum gauges are mounted at operator eye level.

На уровне земли

The airflow measured at ground level is due to...

There is a chain-operated conveyor at ground level.

На уровне моря

At sea level.

На уровне полёта

At flight level.

На фоне [см. тж. Вырисовываться на фоне]

The telescope photographs the flashing light against (or on) the background of the stars.

We shall discuss these findings against the backgrounds of the trends shown in the preceding decades.

Any measurement must be made against a background of this noise.

На фото

The board shown in the photo ...

Shown in the photograph is ...

На ходу

The adjustments can be made while (the machine is) running.

На холоде

Potassium reacts violently with water in the cold.

На холостом ходу' [см. Работать вхолостую].

На целых 10 процентов

Small quantities of tin increase the ultimate strength of the cast iron by as much as 10%.

На... частей


На... частей

A solution of one part cleaner to three parts water...

На частоте

A charged particle can oscillate at any frequency. Stations transmitting at different frequencies ...

The signal was received on a frequency of 20.005 Mc. Amplitude modulation is used on frequencies below 30 Mc.

На ... число

As of March 1, 56 plants were under construction.

На что указывает

The ammonia hydrate is a weak electrolyte in aqueous solution as indicated by an ion-ization constant of 1.65 x 10-5 at 25°C.

На шарнирах

A hinged bracket.

На широких просторах

In the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean...

На широте

These deposits are located in the middle latitudes.

На шкале

The pressure is read directly on the metre's dial.

The critical angle is read off on the scales.

На электроде

Chlorine is formed at the positive electrode and sodium hydroxide at the negative.

На этой стадии

At this point, a comet comes under the influence of Jupiter.

At this point (or stage, or juncture) we needed a new procedure.

На этом фоне

Against this background ...

На этом этапе

At this point (or stage, or juncture) in our research we began efforts to verify the existence of...

На этот вопрос нельзя дать определённого ответа

The answer to this question is not known with certainty.

На 20% эффективнее, чем

Q1 g of manganese in the form of ... is 20 percent as effective as (or 20 percent more effective than) the same weight of iron in the form of...

На юге [см. На востоке, западе].

На 2/3 длины заклёпки

Drill a hole about two thirds of the way through the rivet shank.

Набирать высоту (авиа.)

To gain height (or altitude).

As the airplane climbs,...

The pilot attempted to gain altitude during takeoff.

Набирать скорость


Набирать скорость

To gather (or pick up) speed.

Набирать энергию

Here the electron has more time to gain energy.


Benzendrine produces effects similar to those seen (or observed) when the sympathetic nervous system is activated.

The term amoeboid movement refers to the type of movement seen in animals.

Наблюдаемый объект

The object under observation.

Наблюдается тенденция к

The trend has been toward bigger and more sophisticated airplanes.

Наблюдатель видит

The equivalent image appears to the viewer two or more limes during a rotation of 360°.


No appreciable change in the rate of work hardening was detected (or observed). Excessive vibration was noted in the suction line.

Наблюдать за [см. тж. Следить за]

During rocket firing the test stands can be viewed through a periscope.

The mine fans can be watched (or observed) from the central power station.

Наблюдать за ходом реакции

To follow the course of the reaction, ...

Наблюдаться [см. тж. Иметь место, Происходить]

Another major effect of topography is seen (or observed) in lowland sites. Naturally occurring infections caused by ...

have been seen in cattle, rodents,...

Very little wear is evident (or observed).

The above effects were noted after irradiation of about 107 r. These absorption bands do not occur in the vapour phase.

Frog skin exhibits (or shows) a potential difference of 20-90 mV with the inside positive. An interesting situation obtains in connection with an externally healed cathode.

These sources are not found in rich clusters of galaxies.

High-output cardiac failure can occur, but is only seen infrequently (med.).

More than simple bonding between amino acids was evidenced in these reactions. Also present in the spectrum were lines not familiar to me.

Наблюдаться в

Complex conservation is exhibited also by the same system.

Наблюдаются признаки

All coast lines show evidence of repeated rise and fall of the land relative to the sea.


Graphite softening is a corrosion effect often noted (or observed) on cast iron pipes.

Наблюдение [см. Беспрепятственное наблюдение над, Данные наблюдений, Находиться под наблюдением, Тщательное наблюдение].

Наблюдение без приборов

Non-instrument observation.

Наблюдение за солнцем и звёздами


Наблюдение за солнцем и звёздами

Solar and stellar observations.

Наблюдение с земли

The two stars are quite hot, as judged both from the rocket spectra and from ground -(or earth-

)based observations.


Most asteroids with a diameter greater than 50 kilometres have now been surveyed.

Набор [см. тж. Ассортимент, Ряд, Серия]

The laps are available individually or in six different sets of various sizes. The plate holds an assortment of filters.

Набор данных

A set of data.

Набор запчастей и принадлежностей

A spares and accessories kit.

Набор термопар

A set of thermocouples.

Набросать общую картину

We have sketched the broad outlines of plate tectonics.


It is likely that this range extends considerably.


The next generation is certain (or sure) to discard this model. Such a deposit is certain to be of glacial origin.

Наверху [см. тж. Внизу и наверху]

The most oxidized carbon is at the top.

Control gear is housed in a compartment on top of the machine. The operator sits atop the welder.

Наверху, внизу

The heat source is at the top of the system rather than at the bottom.

Наверху таблицы

The electrodes at the top of the table have a tendency to ...


A charge (or batch) of 5.5 g of ... was placed in a glass tube.

A weighted sample (or specimen).

Навести [см. Наводить]. Навивать [см. На который навит].

Навигационные средства

Navigation aids.

Навинчивать на

Screw the complete assembly onto the threaded clock spindle. Screw the union nuts on to the valve bodies.

Навит [см. Намотан на].


Навит [см. Намотан на].

Навитый на

A heating coil wrapped around the col

umn established a stable gradient of temperature.

Наводить на мысль

This suggests that...

Наводить на правильный след

The event that happened to put us on the right track was the finding of...

Наводить на фокус

The radiation is brought to a focus on the front face of the plate.

Наводить напряжение

The changing flux will induce an alternating voltage in ...

Наводить порядок в [см. Приводить в порядок].

Наводить телескоп на звезду

We pointed the telescope at (or toward) the star.

Наглухо скреплять

These two surfaces are held securely together by the clamps.

Наглядно [см. тж. Исключительно наглядно]

The difference is conveniently illustrated by expressing ...

In describing the slate of positronium and quarkonium it is more illuminating to specify the orbital angular momentum,...

The figure illustrates this difference dramatically by comparing the butene isomers. This latter type is illustrated more emphatically by the example of diamond.

It is more informative to use a three-dimensional plot.

These considerations are summarized pic-torially in Fig. 5.14.

Наглядно демонстрировать

This has been clearly demonstrated for methionyl-accepting types.

Наглядно иллюстрироваться

This statement is readily illustrated by the operation of a refrigerator.

Наглядно указывать на

The peak intensities are descriptive of the relative amounts of each ammo acid ...

Наглядное изображение

Figure 5 is a pictorial rendition of the

proportions of crystals and liquid as a function of temperature.

Наглядный [см. тж. Яркий]

The term ... is more descriptive (or illustrative).

A dramatic proof of this is provided by ...

A pictorial model ...

A lively (or vivid) presentation of these ideas ...

Наглядный пример

A graphic (or vivid, or striking) example of what can be achieved with the plastic repair process


An illustrative example is furnished by Table 6.

As a pictorial (or graphic) example we consider flow around a convex wall. The green paramecium provides an apt illustration.



There are two clear examples of tissue-specific alterations in ...


Each pump is capable of delivering (or supplying) 510 tons of water per hour. The air was provided by a blower.

The grout is forced (or pumped) into the voids in the foundation rock through holes drilled into the rock.

Наготове [см. Быть наготове].


The Academy bestowed the prize on the discovery of...

Нагревание [см. При нагревании].

Нагревание до ... градусов

Alkali halide crystals may be additively coloured by heating to several hundred degrees Centigrade.

Нагревание с помощью лазера

The feasibility of laser-heating a small dense plasma to thermonuclear conditions is discussed.

Нагревать до красного каления

To heat to redness.

Нагревать на [см. Повышать температуру на].


The acid heats up considerably.

Нагреваться до белого каления

The fuel cups attain white-hot incandescence.

Нагретый до красного каления [см. Накаленный докрасна]. Нагружать предварительно [см. Предварительно нагружен].

Нагрузка [см. Выдерживать нагрузку, Для большой нагрузки, Для малой нагрузки, Нести загрузку, Под нагрузкой, Полезная нагрузка, При расчётной нагрузке].

Нагрузка на

Loads on the transformer secondaries ...

Нагрузка при разрушении

Load at collapse.


Bearings are used at all load-carrying points.

Над [см. Алгебраическое действие над, Непосредственно над].

Над водой

An overwater flight.

Над головой

The star was directly overhead.

Над катализатором

Dehydrogenation of a reduced azulene over a platinum catalyst...

Над... расположен

These strata are overlain by a sandstone layer.