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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Неразрешенный [см Оставаться неразрешенным].


Неразрешенный [см Оставаться неразрешенным].


This is useful in problems which would otherwise be intractable.

Неразрешимая задача

The determination of the optimal profile is an intractable problem.

Неразрывно связан с

Some of the most fundamental activities of life are inextricably entwined [or intimately associated (or connected, or linked)] with the properties of the lipids.

Inexorably associated with, Indissolubly related to...

Deep scarring of the land goes hand in hand with open-pit mining of ores.


This choice is not well advised (or is ill advised, or is unreasonable).

Нераспространение (ядерного оружия)

Non-proliferation (of nuclear weapons).

Нерастворимый в воде

If the amine is water insoluble (or insoluble in water),...


Such a jet of particles with a total momentum of 6 GeV will be recorded only in the unlikely circumstance that all the momentum has been invested in a single particle.


Exceptions to Veer's law are not uncommon (or not infrequent, or not rare). Gout and pseudogout are not infrequently encountered in the elderly.

It is not unusual to find 2 or 3 tanks for each product.

Нередко встречаться

This expression is not uncommon (or rather common) in the literature of chemical engineering.

Нерешенная проблема

An unsettled (or unresolved) problem.

Нерешенный вопрос

There are many other outstanding questions that remain to be answered.

Неровная поверхность

When travelling over uneven surfaces ...

Неровности поверхности

Surface imperfections (or irregularities).


The drawing shows how the glue fills microscopic irregularities between seemingly smooth surfaces.

Несколькими путями

The alkali bromides can be manufactured by several processes.

Несколько I [см. тж. В некоторой степени, Немного, Слегка]

The corresponding pressure ratio is some-what (or slightly) higher for real gases. The temperature changes somewhat when ...

The air pressure must slightly exceed the hydrostatic head.

Несколько II [см. тж. Один или не-сколько]


Несколько II [см. тж. Один или не-сколько]

Many clay minerals are composed of more than one (or of several) clay minerals. The ability of ... to punch multiple holes in one stroke...

Несколько десятков

Several tens of kilometres ...

Несколько иной

A somewhat different restriction is necessary.

Несколько напоминать

Milled cereals bear some resemblance to the beetles' normal environment. Stress corrosion is somewhat similar to pitting.

Fired enamels somewhat resemble [or resemble to some extent (or to a degree)] organic coatings.

Несколько ниже [см тж. Чуть ниже]

The metal is heated to a temperature just below the critical range.

The water level is slightly (or somewhat) below the level of the spray jet.

Несколько процентов

In lavas containing several percent оf water ...

Несколько раз

A single analyte atom may be ionized more than once during the laser pulse.

Несколько сбивает с толку

These examples are somewhat mislead-ing.

Несколько севернее

Just north of the equator ...

Несколько секунд [см. За несколько секунд].

Несколько снижать

If manufacturing costs can be lowered somewhat, ...

Несколько сомневаться в

The existence of/synapses was (still) in some doubt at the time.

Несколько сот(или сотен)

For some dielectrics k ranges from one to several hundred. A temperature of several hundred degrees Celsius...

Several hundreds of metres ...

Несколько тысяч

Platforms contain several thousands of feet of such deposits.

Несложный [см Простой].

Несмотря на [см тж. Даже при]

In spite of (or Despite) repealed attempts, no instance has ever been observed to violate...

Несмотря на всё

Life may succeed against all the odds in moulding the universe to its own purposes.

Несмотря на то, что

These colours are also being used despite (or in spite of) the fact that relatively expensive raw materials are sometimes required.

Несовместим с


The radiant power differs in wavelength, even though the monochromator is set to the same nominal wavelength.

The subesophageal and thoracic ganglia, even though near one another, usually remain distinct. Although most common minerals are relatively inactive,...

Notwithstanding the fact that ...

Несовместим с

The temperature and pressure in the thermionic diode cell were incompatible with a purely thermal collisional energy augmentation process.

The results of some of the experiments are

not compatible (or are incompatible) with the filter theory.

The phenomenon was (totally) irreconcil-able with the most elementary physical laws.

Несовпадение [см. Расхождение между].

Несомненно [см. тж. Бесспорно самый лучший]

These impressions in the lunar surface are indubitably craters. There is no question (that) the devices could be made much smaller.

Without question (or Unquestionably, or Doubtless(Iy), or Undoubtedly, or Undeniably) the major source of man's intake of mercury is his food.

This is far and away your best buy.

To be sure (соl.), the ratio of ... is 100 times greater in the sun than ...

Несоответствие [см. тж. Расхождение между]

Failure to meet the specifications .

A gap (or discrepancy) between estimated and observed ultraviolet radiation ...

There is still an unbalance between the development of these two branches of industry. To avoid an inconsistency between quantum mechanics and ...

Несостоятельный [см. Оказаться несостоятельным].


Carbon is incapable of possessing more than an octet of...


The failure of such methods to resolve energy differences...

The inability of the molecules to acquire...

Несправедливый [см. Оказаться несправедливым].

Несравненно больше, чем

The gravitational influence of Neptune on Triton is overwhelmingly (or incomparably) greater than...

Несравненно меньше

Early blimps were only a fraction of the size of the rigid airships of that period.

Нестандартное содержание

Then the analyzer signals that the molybdenum content is out of range for this type of steel.

Нестандартной формы

This facilitates the accurate machining of odd-shaped surfaces.


Sometimes the new part demands a gauge or jig that must be custom built.

Нестандартных размеров

When an off-dimension part has been produced, ...

Нестационарное состояние


Нестационарное состояние

The unsteady-state diffusion equation.


Non-steady-state conduction ...

Нести в себе информацию

This message carries more information than ...

Нести заряд

The fragment B-- bears (or carries) a negative charge.

Нести нагрузку

Both worms bear equal loads.

Нести потери

Certain losses in efficiency may have to be borne (or incurred, or sustained, or suffered). The resonator will suffer some loss.

Нести расходы

One must incur considerable expense in gathering the data to be used in the model. The development costs have been borne primarily by the government.

Несущая поверхность

The carrying surface of the belt.

Несчастный случай со смертельным исходом

A fatal accident.

Нет [см. тж. Не существовать]

For such gases an equation of state is not available (or is unavailable).

Нет большого выбора

We have little choice.

Нет в продаже [см. Имеется в продаже, Распродан]. Нет готовых рецептов [см. Для ... нет готовых рецептов].

Нет данных о том, что

The electron gives no evidence yet of hav-ing an internal structure (Пока нет данных о том,

что электрон обладает внутренней структурой).

Нет двух одинаковых

No two of the four groups attached to the central carbon are the same.

Нет единого мнения относительно [см. Нет согласия между ... относительно].

Нет единого мнения среди ... относительно

There is no agreement (or consensus of opinion) among mineralogists regarding the origin of ...

Нет конца

There is no end (in sight) to the continu-ing evolution of...

Нет недостатка в

Fortunately, there is no lack of examples of geosynclines being formed at the present time. There is no shortage of questions to be answered.

Нет необходимости

The chamber need not be removed. We need not go into the details here.

Нет необходимости останавливаться на


There is no need for a stiff pendulum rod. There is no need to mount the pendulum.

Нет необходимости останавливаться на

I need not dwell on the elaborateness of the network.

Нет ни малейшего сомнения в том, что

It cannot be doubted that this process contributed to ...

Нет ни малейшего указания (или признака)

There is not a grain of evidence to suggest the Triassic appearance of western Utah.

Нет никакого сомнения в том, что

There is no question (or doubt) that

nuclear power is a saving technical devel-opment.

There can be no doubt that ...

Нет ничего похожего на

There is nothing like tunneling in classical mechanics.

Нет оснований

It is beyond reason to hope for extraction of ferrous metals in significant quantities to provide substitutes for ore deposits of the continents.

Нет пределов

With more powerful radar systems there is almost no limit to the resolution that can be obtained.

Нет причин

It is unjustified to link these differences to chemical pollutants.

Нет смысла [см тж. Едва ли целесообразно]

There is no point in going through all the details of...

Нет согласия между ... относительно

There is no agreement among clay mineralogists regarding proper nomenclature for the halloysite minerals.

There is no general agreement (or consensus of opinion) among authors as to the details of this classification.

Неточная градуировка

Errors due to imperfect (or inaccurate, or faulty) calibration of the instrument...

Неточно применять слово

The word back-mixing is used (somewhat) loosely in the literature.


This assumption is inexact.

Нетронутый [см тж. Оставаться нетронутым]

In this way the country will be able to exploit untapped (or unutilized) coal deposits. A wide and virgin field is here open and ...


It is an easy matter to enumerate all six possibilities.

Нетрудно понять

There is no difficulty in understanding (or It is not difficult to understand) how these elements happened to be at the surface.

Нетрудно убедиться [см. Легко убедиться (в том), что].


Нетрудно убедиться [см. Легко убедиться (в том), что]. Неубедительно звучать [см. Звучать неубедительно]. Неудача [см. Обречён на неудачу].

Неудачный [см Не увенчаться успехом].

Неудачный вариант

Sodium cyanide would be a poor choice.

Неудобно пользоваться

This instrument is inconvenient to use.


A year ago it was decided that the training methods were inadequate.

Improper measuring technique is a common cause of erroneous conclusions about accuracy.

Неуклонно развиваться

Research in this field is making steady headway (or is advancing steadily).

Неуклонно расти

The need for this product will grow steadily.

Неуклонно растущий

Ever greater (or Ever-increasing) quantities of electric energy must be provided. The ever-growing application of air-borne electronics ...

Неупорядоченно [см. Беспорядочно расположены].


Such a crop failure can lead to famine.


Failure to take account of (or to take into account) this variation in the osmotic coef-ficient would cause false conclusions.

Neglect of this factor was responsible for the failure of early estimates.


The radar designers try their best to make their sets immune to enemy countermea-sures.


Every petroleum producing area in the world ...

Нефть [см. Давать нефть, Добыча, С нефтяным отоплением].

Нехватка [см. тж. Испытывается нехватка, Недостаток]

At very low temperatures no electrons will be excited from the valence to the conduction band because of the lack of thermal energy.

The dearth of the technological personnel...

A deficit of electrons ...

Drilling was discontinued because of lack (or shortage, or scarcity) of adequate equipment. For lack of new equipment we have to use old machines.

Нецелесообразно [см. Мало смысла. Нет смысла].

Нечто большее, чем простая случайность

This is something more than a mere incident.

Нечто вроде

Many so-called colour-blind individuals have trichromatic vision of a sort.

Нечто среднее между


In this respect the planet offers what amounts to an immense natural laboratory.

Нечто среднее между

Transfer moulding is a cross between compression moulding and injection moulding.

Нечувствительный к

Such amplifiers should be insensitive to system disturbances.

Неэкономно использоваться [см. Пространство используется неэкономно].


In such applications digital electronic hardware is inadequate (or ineffective, or inefficient).


The emf of the cell is implicitly included in ... terms.


The reason for the small size of the molecule

is still elusive (or unclear, or vague, or obscure).

Неясный [см. Неопределенный]. Ни [см. Как бы велик ни был].

Ни в коей мере не

This is in no way (or by no means) detrimental to the elements.

Ни в коей мере не связан с

These factors are in no way related to natural causes.

Ни в коем случае не

On no account must steam be allowed to enter the recorder. Guniting is not, under any circumstances, to be regarded as ...

Under no circumstances should error-rate compensation be used.

Ни в одном из

In none of the cases for which these calculations were done docs instability occur.

Ни в одном случае [см. Ни разу].

Ни малейшего сомнения [см. Нет ни малейшего сомнения в том, что]. Ни малейшего указания [см. Нет ни малейшего указания].

Ни ..., ни ...

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.

Ни один из

None of the materials under study is more than a few millimetres from a metal surface. One form of tin shows none of the typical metallic characteristics.

Ни один из двух

Neither of the two proteins demonstrated any exonuclease activity. Neither reactant is a charged species.

Ни один ... не способен

Creating such heavy particles is beyond the capabilities of any existing accelerator,

Ни одного из

The fresh solvent contains none of these compounds.

Ни разу


Ни разу

When these prominent neurons were stimulated, in no case was there an obvious motor response.

Ни то, ни другое [см. Не иметь ни того, ни другого]. Ни тот, ни другой [см. Ни один из двух].

Ниже I [см. тж. Значительно ниже, Падать ниже,Приводиться ниже]

Below this level there can be another domain.

Deactivation can drop the energy past the point of intersection of ...

The pressure drops below 3 mm.

If the skip is accidentally lowered beyond the lowest point of the chute's travel, ...

Ниже II

Such a coordinate system is assumed below (or in what follows, or in the following). The theory of cohesion in solids is discussed later (or below).

Ниже III [см. Вниз и вверх по течению от].

Ниже нуля

Below zero.

An icy minus-60 degrees ...

Sub-zero temperatures.

Ниже перечислены [см. тж. Перечислены ниже]

The liquid propellant chemical fuels are listed below.

Ниже по течению

Figure 4 is a photograph of the eddying wake downstream of (or from) a shock-induced separation of...

Ниже приводится

Below is a summary of ...

Below is shown (or given) the relationship between ...

Seen (or Illustrated) below is a complete pilot plant for...

Following are brief discussions of...

Ниже среднего

In an area with a negative magnetic anomaly, the earth's magnetic field intensity is below average

(or lower than average).

Ниже стандарта

They claim that the quality of the product carburized at over 1750°F is substandard.

Ниже точки замерзания

The average temperature here is below freezing.

Ниже уровня земли

Fume extraction channels have been provided below ground level.

Ниже уровня моря

Below sea level.

Ниже, чем [см. На ... градусов ниже, чем].

Нижеприведённый [см. тж. В последующих главах. Дальнейший]

The discussions which follow point out the meaning of...

The following study will be limited to a sharp-edge valve.

In the analysis of the data that follow (or given below) the logarithmic form is used.

Нижнее положение [см. В нижнем положении].


Нижнее положение [см. В нижнем положении].

Нижние слои земной коры

The lower crust is denser than the upper crust.


See bottom photo...

The lower row of the matrix ...

The lowermost layer of the soil...

Нижняя поверхность

The insecticides are sprayed on plants in such a way that the undersides of the leaves are also coated.

The undersurface of the crust...

Нижняя сторона

The lest piece has a notch on the underside.

Нижние слои атмосферы

These bands are absorbed by the O2 in the lower atmosphere.

Низ [см. Книзу, Снизу].

Низкая концентрация

When spherical particles are sparsely distributed in vacuum ...

Низкая точность

These methods have poor (or low) precision.

Низкие значения вплоть до

Values as low as (or Low values down to) 10-9 have been reported for solids.

Низкое содержание [см. тж. Беден, С низким содержанием]

These ores are low in metallic content (or have a low metallic content).

These bauxites are poor in aluminium.

Низкокипящий (антон. Высококипящий)

A low-boiling (anton. high-boiling) compound.

Низколежащий (антон. Высоколежа-щий)

These quenchers have low-lying (anton. high-lying) triplet stales ...

Низкопористый (антон. Высокопористый)

Roofing tile is of low porosity (anton. of high porosity).

Низкосортный (антон. Высокосортный)

Low-grade (anton. High-grade) materials must be ...

Никак нельзя отличить от

These molecules can in no way be distinguished from each other.


No pure substance has permeability approaching this.

Никакой другой

Every even integer is assigned one particular number and no other.

Никакой другой, кроме


Никакой другой, кроме

No body other than the Sun and the Moon can have any significant tidal effect on the Earth.


At no time (or Never) should thermoplastics and thermosets be stored in the same room.

Никоим образом не

This pressure was by no means the limit of what could be achieved. Not all chelates are volatile by any means.

This in no way affects the operation of the machine.

Никто не сомневается в

The importance of quantitative measurement has never been doubted.

Нисходящая (антон. Восходящая) ветвь [см. тж. Спадающая кривая]

We studied the falling (or descending, or down-tending) [anton. the rising (or ascending, or uptending)] branch of the curve.

Ничего не говорит о том, что

The fact that a particular isotope is "unstable" says nothing about how quickly it will disintegrate.

Ничего не даст

This analysis accomplishes nothing.

Ничего не знать о

We are still in the dark about the location of...

Ничего не упомянуто о том, что

No mention has been made of (or Nothing has been said as to) what happens to the shock waves when they reach the walls.

Ничего подобного не произошло с

Nothing of the kind (or of this sort) has happened to the first observer.

Ничем не оправдываться

The postulate had no justification except "to make the theory fit the data".

Ничем не отличаться от [см. тж. Совершенно не отличаться от]

Calcium carbonate in shells is a true mineral and is no different from calcite formed by...

Ничем не отличаться от нового

The repaired tool is as good as new.

Ничем не может препятствовать

There is nothing to prevent the electron from drifting parallel to ...

Ничтожная величина [см. На ничтож-ную величину, Пренебрежимо малая величина].


The pressure of the gas is (only) infinitesimally different from that of the piston.

Ничтожное количество

The process can be applied to minute amounts as well as to relatively large quantities. For micro amounts (or quantities) chro-matography on filter paper is used.

Ничуть не менее

This precision is every bit as important as the extension in energy.