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Научно-технический словарь

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The cable follows the rock face more smoothly and is easier to fasten.

Облегчать I

This made the erection of the steel lining much easier.

The lower pan is milled to assist (or aid, or promote) the inflow of air.

The weight of the torch has been reduced to facilitate the work of the welder.

Облегчать II

To lighten the construction of the aircraft, one has to...

Облегчать положение

Prescribing this medicine improves matters.

Облегчать работу

The instruments reduce the work load on laboratory technicians.

A simpler form of loading equipment is used, to lighten the work of the operator.

Облегчать решение задачи

Lowering the basic repetition frequency alleviates the problem.

Облегчать труд рабочего

There is the substitution of mechanical power for manual effort, which takes some burden from the worker.

Облегчение [см. Для облегчения]. Облегчение боли [см. Ослабление боли].


The possible build-up of ice on (or frosting of) the coil...

Облетать ... за ... дней

The satellite circles (or orbits) the planet every 1.77 days.

Облетающий землю

With the development of rocket technology it became possible to place magnetometers on Earthorbiting spacecraft.


Bearing surfaces on the reciprocating head are Teflon lined.

The strip is low-carbon steel faced (or lined) on both sides with nickel claddings. A lead-lined steel cylinder...


Several grams of plutonium-239 have been irradiated with neutrons.


The nuclear emulsion was exposed to monoenergetic neutrons.

Облучение [см. тж. Вызванный облучением, Под облучением, При облучении]

The air molecules were stripped of some of their electrons by exposure to X-rays.


Cool off the casing by wrapping cold wet rags around it (or by wrapping it with ... ).


The individual atoms can trade (or exchange) electrical charges.

Обме'р [см. Выполнять измерения, Делать измерения, Проводить измерение].


Обме'р [см. Выполнять измерения, Делать измерения, Проводить измерение]. Обмерять [см. Измерять].


Preliminary experimental results are extremely encouraging.


The exposed rocks...

Обнаружен [см. тж. Наблюдаться]

Some interesting data have come to light in the examination of ...

Coal is also found in Jurassic strata.

Several hundred polypeptides have been seen on such gels after electrophoresis of ...

No rock has turned up with an age of crystallization from its magma younger than 3 billion years. Carbon monoxide was first identified (or detected) in interstellar space by ...


The detection of tumours...

Обнаружение дефектов

Trouble shooting.


Another characteristic of the proteins revealed by in vitro studies was an ability to...

Обнаружено, что [см. тж. Установлено, что]

It has been found experimentally that ...

Обнаружено, что... происходит

F-centre luminescence with high efficiency has been found to occur in KC1 and KBr at low temperatures.


The booster pilot valve translates pressure changes sensed (or detected) by the balancing unit into output pressure changes.

The change in temperature detectable by this instrument may be less than 0.0001 °C.

Обнаруживается [см. Сразу обнаруживается].

Обнаруживать I [см. тж. Выявлять, Замечать, Находить, Что обнаружено]

Nozzles are checked to detect any defects.

This deflection is detected by a mechanical relay. Further investigation disclosed (or revealed) that ...

Copper was first discovered at...

X-ray film for pinpointing the smallest manufacturing defects ...

They revealed the presence of 20 similar stars.

Huygens made out (соl.) the fact that Satum was surrounded by ...

At the time he hit upon (соl.) a new method for grinding lenses. On Christmas night 1758 a comet was sighted.

Recent planetary explorations have uncovered significant differences in ...

He reported spotting two luminous patches in the night sky.

A recent study has uncovered an account of an annular eclipse.

Обнаруживать II

The recombination reactions display (or exhibit, or show) a zero or negative temperature dependence.

The length of the uniform flow region revealed several interesting characteristics.

Обнаруживать III


Обнаруживать III

The colour and texture of distinctive soils may serve to locate an underlying rock unit.

Обнаруживать дефекты

The tester detects internal flaws.

Обнаруживать неисправность

When a fault is detected, the carriage is stopped immediately.

Обнаруживать, что

Thus we have discovered that the molecular orbitals must be of the symmetry types a1 and b1.


The ablastic activity is found in the globulin portion of the serum.

Two interesting aspects of the dissociation process have come to light (or have revealed themselves).

The two types of chromatin are made evident by a large number of staining techniques.

Обнаруживаться в форме (мед.)

Thyrotoxicosis does not always present in the elderly with classical symptoms and signs.

Обнаруживаться у

Osteoporosis should be suspected when the typical symptoms present in any patient with a predisposing medical history.


For this edition the original figures have been brought up to date (or updated) and some new material added.

The minicomputer updates machine instructions.

Обобщать [см. Кратко обобщим].

Обобщать на

This rule can be extended (or generalized) to curved spaces of any number dimensions.

This permits the extension (or generalization) of the resulting equations to systems involving mixtures.

Обобщение на

The extension of the principle of evolution to the fundamental molecules of life ...

A useful generalization for (or to) the simpler elements is ...

Обобщённый на

One should use the following scheme generalized to other cases:...


Hematite is concentrated to 66% iron.

These crystals settle, thereby enriching the residual melt in silica, alumina, and alkalis. The concentrator will treat 60,000 tons of ore per day.


The UO2 is enriched to 98% in 235U.

As the solidification proceeds, the liquid composition becomes enriched with metal B.

Обозначать [см. тж. Означать]

Entropy is symbolized by (or as) S.

Standard electrode potentials are indicated by the symbol V°.

This term implies a dimensionless quantity. Molality is represented by m. Calling its mass т and its velocity v, the angular momentum is mvr.

Обозначать буквами


(Let us) denote the energies by 1,2,..., n. Letter t denotes (or designates) mobility. The area of the triangle is denoted by A.

The device is designated AN/SPS-35. This volume is designated as S.

US Air Force aircraft are designated by both numbers and letters. The subscript К identifies the force contributed by ...

The long and short records are labelled l and s , respectively. Ln signifies the natural logarithm.

In this formula X stands for fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine.

Обозначать буквами

The fixture plate В is lettered to correspond with Fig. 3.


Quantities of the sides x > 0 and x < 0 are specified (or denoted, or designated) by the subscripts 0 and 1, respectively.

The frequency is usually symbolized by the Greek letter v.

Обозначение [см. тж. Для обозначения]

The following designations are used: a = l/a,y = a/t and betta = c/a.

Adjacent lines of the six-phase system may be determined by the Roman-numeral labelling of the vector diagram.

Notation (or Nomenclature): С = specific heat capacity, G = rate of heat generation per unit volume, ...

The notation P(x, y) denotes a point P with coordinates (x, y). Symbols: T = temperature, To = undisturbed ground temperature.

The excitation of a three-axis magnetic dipole source is most conveniently described in vector notation.

Обойтись [см. Обходиться].


The earth is surrounded by an envelope of gas, the atmosphere.

Обоняние [см. Острое обоняние].

Оборот [см. Повернуть на один полный оборот, Полоборота, С малым числом оборотов].

Оборотов в минуту

The engine develops 340 hp at 1900 rpm (revolutions per minute).

Оборудован [см. тж. Приспособлен (ный) для, Снабжен]

The unit is equipped (or supplied, or provided) with a turbocharger The vehicle was fitted out with a pressurized cabin

The wheels are fitted with roller bearings.

The aeroplane is instrumented with thousands of strain gauges. The power unit incorporates standard electric starting equipment.

Оборудован для

The satellite was fitted out for X-ray observations.

Оборудование [см. тж. Аппаратура, Бортовое оборудование, Противопожарное оборудование, Технологическое оборудование]

This technique is not used as widely as UV due to the high cost of instrumentation.

Оборудование, снабжённое ЭВМ


Оборудование, снабжённое ЭВМ

The system makes it easy for even an inexperienced employee to operate computerized equipment.


The firm has developed a special transducer featuring a plug-in terminal for lead wires. Inexpensive lasers, aided by light-deflectors, will be key elements in scanning and printing terminals.

A glider thus fitted out was launched.

Оборудованный приборами

An instrumented enclosure ...

Оборудованный транзисторами [см. тж. Полностью оборудованный транзисторами]

A transistorized amplifier...


The view that ... is justified.

If this explanation is valid, there should be two other ridges ...

This conclusion is warranted.

Thus the earlier assumption is substantiated.


The whys and wherefores (col.) of the design of cascade control systems can best be presented in terms of actual problems.

Обоснованность [см. Правильность].


A justified assumption ...

Обосноваться на

At the same time more semiconductor manufacturers sought to establish a foothold in the rapidly expanding microprocessor market.


Some data substantiating the proposed sequence of events can be offered.

Обострять [см. тж. Усугублять сложность]

These factors may aggravate the hypergly-caemic tendency (med.).


Interest in the origin of life on earth gained momentum in the first half of the twentieth century.

Обрабатываемая деталь

The piece [or work(piece)] is made the positive terminal and the electrode negative.

Обрабатываемость [см. Способность поддаваться обработке].

Обрабатываемый материал

Speeds of working vary according to the material being worked (or machined).

Обрабатываемый обычным способом

These plastics possess physical properties unlike those of any other commonly machined material.

Обрабатываемый с помощью перфоленты

Fixtures made for one tape-run part...

Обрабатывать (см. тж. Действовать, Легко поддающийся обработке]

They can farm any piece of unclaimed soil here.

Обрабатывать всухую




The pickle plant handles (or processes) 100 tons of pickles a season.

The rods are machined on a turning lathe. Processes which work the metal by means of rolls ...

The life of limber depends upon the way in which it is felled, seasoned and worked. Cylindrical rolls are used for working flat stock.

More than 15,000 tons of sea water must be processed (or treated) to obtain one ton of bromine.

The machine will accept workpieces up to a maximum of 7 ft wide by 7 ft high. The electrolyte is next treated with zinc

Обрабатывать всухую

Do not machine dry except for very light finishing cuts.

Обрабатывать данные

The computer processes (or handles) data simultaneously from eight gas chro-matographs.

Обрабатывать землю

To work (or farm) land.

Обрабатывать на станке

In this department the parts are machined.

Обрабатываться в холодном (антон. горячем) состоянии

The material is cold (anton. hot) worked.

Обрабатываться на станках

Polyimides machine very well if proper precautions are taken.

Обрабатываться паром

Bones are steamed (or treated with steam) to remove gelatine.

Обрабатываться под выступы

The additional top plates are machined to accept (or accommodate) part projections.

Обработанная информация

Printers display processed information for the human user.

Обработанный на бесцентровом шлифовальном станке

Centreless-ground rods...

Обработка [см. тж. Без обработки, Грубая и чистовая обработка, Легко поддающийся

обработке, Механическая обработка, Не подвергнутый обработке после литья, Поверхностная обработка, Способность поддаваться обработке]

Machines are available for handling strip materials up to 3 in. wide.

Alumina is extracted from bauxite by digesting (or treating) it at elevated temperature and pressure with a strong solution of caustic soda.

The handling of goods at the railway junction ...

Surface treatment of the bearings...

The processing of the pan from blank to finished shell ...

Equipment used in processing of milk ...

Cobalt is precipitated as the hydroxide by treatment with sodium hypochlorite. The extraction and working of metals ...

Обработка воды


Обработка воды

Water treatment (or processing).

Обработка данных

Data handling (or treatment, or processing).

Обработка ... деталей одновременно

Four-at-a-time machining.

Обработка отходов

The chromic acid wastes are handled (or treated) in a different manner.

Обработка тяжёлых деталей

Such tools are used in heavy machining.

Обработка шлифованием

Abrasive machining.

Образ жизни

The way of living (or of life) of these organisms is totally unexplored.

Образец [см. Брать образцы, Испытываемый образец, Контрольный образец, Отбирать образцы, Проверка но контрольному образцу].

Образец для испытания па растяжение

A tension test specimen.

Образование [см. тж. Приводить к образованию, Распадаться с образованием, С образованием, Создание]

The displacement process leads to the production of interstitial atoms and vacancies. This prevents the occurrence (or forma-tion) of continuous oxide films.

These examples of shock wave production illustrate two methods which can be used for the generation (or formation) of shock waves.

Образование и нарушение хим. связи

Bond making and breaking ...

Образование... из

The formation of a compound from its elements ...

Образование поперечных связей (хим.)

Cross linking.


The surface generated by the rays ...

Образовывать [см. тж. Давать]

Hydrogen chloride forms ions in aqueous solution. The roof collapsed giving rise to a crater (geol.).

As the seawater evaporates, the remaining salt and water make up a brine that is denser than seawater.

Aldehyde sugars give rise to (or produce) sugar acids. The red and green images combine into a black image.

The three instruments form (or comprise, or make up) a signal generator assembly. As delta0Vz changes, the circles generate a surface, which ...

Образовывать волну

Thus, no severe blast wave would be generated.

Образовывать комплекс с


Образовывать комплекс с

The salt will complex (or will form a complex) with double bonds.

Образовывать сплавы с

Chromium is known to alloy with many metals.

Образовывать угол с

The angles which the ray forms (or makes) with the axis...

Образовываться [см. тж. В ... образуется, Возникать]

Neutrons are generated by the reaction between ...

A potential difference is set up at the membrane.

No lather can occur until this precipitation has been completed. A film forms on the surface of the commutator.

When hydrogen sulphate is passed into cold concentrated nitric acid, considerable heal is developed.

A laminar layer builds up (or is built up, or forms) near the leading edge. Aspartate arises (or is formed) principally by transamination of oxaloacetate. If a defect should develop in the cladding,...

The pipe developed a leak.

Too hard a wheel develops a smooth, glazed surface that will not cut. Steam forms continuously.

The West Antarctica ice mass originated as two separate icecaps. As a result, a black precipitate of silver ni-tride is produced.

A fog may appear in the gas if condensation nuclei are present.

Образовываться в результате

The amine arises (or is formed) by hydrolysis of...

The quartz pebbles were derived from long continued erosion of...

Part of the earth's atmosphere was derived from volcanic activity.

Образовываться из

The amphibians evolved from fishes and gave rise to reptiles (or the reptiles evolved from amphibians).

This expression comes from Eq. (6) by setting H' = 0.

ATP is generated (or produced, or obtained) from adenosinediphosphate and organic phosphate. These conglomerates are derived from weathered limestone.

Manganese nodules are formed from manganese and iron derived from ...

Образующие его

All its constituent molecules are stacked in...


The resulting (or resultant) paste is passed over roll refiners.

Образуя [см. тж. Давая]

These compounds react with water to give (or giving) simple hydrocarbons.

A number of elements combine with uranium to form (or forming) intermediate phases.

Обратимая (антон. Необратимая) реакция

A reversible (anton. irreversible) reaction.

Обратная величина [см. тж. Величина, обратная]

Provided A0 is non-singular, its inverse A0-1 exists.

The reciprocal of the volume (1/v) is ...

The reciprocal of electrical conductivity is resistivity. The converse of streaming potential...

Обратная зависимость [см. Находиться в обратной зависимости от].


Обратная зависимость [см. Находиться в обратной зависимости от].

Обратная пропорция

An inverse proportion.

Обратная реакция [см. тж. Прямые и обратные реакции]

A reverse reaction.

Обратная реакция по отношению к

The step CH4 (g) -> C(s) + 2H2 (g) is the reverse of the formation of methane from its elements.

Обращая сторона Лупы

The far (or back, or dark, or invisible, or other) side of the Moon.

Обратно квадрату

This pull varies inversely with the square of the distance to ...

Обратно пропорционален

The grain size of a casting is inversely related to cooling rate.

The amplitudes of the radial velocity curves of both components are in inverse proportions to their mass ratios.

The heights of the columns are inversely proportional to the two densities.

Обратно пропорционально [см. тж. Изменяться обратно пропорционально]

The gravitational force varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance. The intensity varies as the reciprocal of the diameter.

At constant temperature, the volume of gas varies inversely as (or with) the pressure.

Обратное можно сказать о

The reverse (or opposite) is true for (or of) left circularly polarized light.

Обратное отношение

An inverse ratio.

Обратное положение [см. тж. Имеет место обратное положение]

The reverse situation is observed only when ...

The reverse (or converse) is true in catalytic alkylation.

Обратное положение имеет место в отношении

The reverse holds good for the L-series.

The opposite situation occurs over the middle and low latitudes.

Обратный [см. тж. В порядке, обратном; Величина, обратная; Имеет место обратное положение; Противоположный; Реакция,обратная]

In the southern hemisphere the effect is reversed.

The series of reactions, which takes place in microorganisms, is the reverse of that used for cysteine formation in animals.

Stripping is the reverse of absorption. The inverse power dependence r -n ...

Обратный ему

This theorem, together with its converse, proves that...

Обратный поток

There will be a counterflow of electrons.

Обратный процесс [см. тж. Процесс, обратный]

Subtraction and division are defined as the

Обратный путь [см. На обратном пути].


inverse processes of addition and multiplication.

This is called evaporation, the reverse process being condensation.

Обратный путь [см. На обратном пути].

Обратный ход

Reverse motion.

Обращать внимание на I [см. тж. Следует обратить внимание на. Уделять внимание]

We call (your) attention to the extensive Supplement.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the new material does not ignite.

Обращать внимание на II

Special attention (or consideration) must be given to waves with a zero phase velocity.

Обращать внимание читателя на

The author calls (or draws, or directs) the reader's attention to the recent emphasis in the literature on ...

We have already called attention to the fracture zones that cut across ...

Обращать мало внимания на

Little attention is given to the reactive character of...

Обращать на себя внимание

The properties of water in biological systems have engaged our attention primarily because of our interest in cell membranes.

Обращать особое внимание на [см. тж. Уделять главное внимание]

Our principal concern will be with the

areas of molecular spectroscopy that stem from ...

We should focus (or concentrate) our attention on plastics.

(Particular) emphasis is placed upon accuracy.

Обращаться за помощью [см. Немедленно обращаться за помощью].

Обращаться исключительно осторожно You must handle these compounds with extreme care.

Обращаться к [см. тж. Заглядывать в, Переходить к, Пользоваться]

In the 1840s European engineers addressed themselves to the concept of axial flow.

To solve this problem we now turn to the finite-difference method.

We now direct (or turn) our attention to the above-mentioned systems. The reader may wish to refer to published papers in which ...

The interested student should consult some of these articles.

Обращаться к ... в поисках

Under these circumstances we should look at the electron theory for clues.

Обращение с [см. тж. Безопасное обращение с, Легкость обращения с] Bromine handling and storage ...

Обращён... к

The reproducing stylus presents a spherical surface to the groove.

Обращенный к

The area of an asteroid presented to (or facing) the Sun ...

Обращенный к Земле [см. Ближняя сторона Луны].


The wires are cropped by knives.