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4. Analysis of marketing strategy of the companies

As already was told: the leader of the market of smartphones in the world scale, whose share of the market makes 29% - Samsung. On the second place is Apple, the Steve Jobs's child, whose share — 22,1%. The third place is taken by Huawei of 4,9%.

To open a secret of success of three leading companies, it is necessary to consider marketing strategy of each company.

Marketing strategy of separate firms differs an individukalizm and originality. As a result of the analysis and the accounting of mnogoobkrazny external conditions of development they seek to apply forms and methods of administrative activity and work in the market, not iskpolzuyemy other firms. It allows to depart from canons of enterprise behavior and to choose original ways of development.

4.1. Marketing strategy of Apple.

As well as at all companies, marketing strategy and strategy of development of Apple underwent over time enormous changes. And the further we move to the future, the these strategy more change, opening the new directions and the markets, creating innovative products.

Today marketing strategy of Apple very interesting — as if the textbook on marketing and sales.

The company from the most initial level entices the user into the embraces. Initial level — acquisition of the simplest player from Apple — iPhone 2. This device is simple in use, is not expensive in the price and in connection with obligatory connection to synchronization to iTunes, accustoms the user to Apple firm smartphones because of ordered iTunes of library. Upon transition to more expensive smartphones, chance of that the user remains with Apple — 90-95%.

In general, the Apple approaches to creation of all the products with special understanding and passion since convenience of operation of devices demands convenience of work with programs, and Apple, in difference from all other competitors does not only devices, but also accompanying programs, thanks to which users пристращаются to Apple production! Programs as though finish a circle of convenience of operation that undoubtedly influences consumer desire of acquisition and using goods. The cycle is complete, the consumer is won in all possible ways.

4.2. Marketing strategy of Samsung

As for Samsung, the company uses Android for the communicators. Gadgets made by it have only marketing advance within "design" and "specifications".

But, because Samsung closely cooperates with Apple within production of accessories for it, it has certainly some trumps in a sleeve for production of own competitive devices.

The Samsung company spent record-breaking high $11 billion or 12,9 trillion wons for marketing activity in 2012, despite patent war with Apple, the The Korea Times newspaper writes.

It makes 6,5 percent from the income of firm in 200 trillion wons which it received last year and 38 percent more than a size of previous year. Also it was by 6,8 times more than 1,9 trillion wons of marketing expenses in 2005. The giant of electronics spent 1,15 trillion wons for researches and development in 2012 that made 5,7 percent from its sales. The figure for 15,5 percent exceeded an indicator of year before last and became 3,1 times more, than seven years ago.

Figures mean that Samsung began to pay more attention to marketing for the purpose of increase in the share in the market of smartphones and improvements of image of the brand. "Samsung emphasis on marketing became the main reason of such successful activity of the company last year", - told a source in Samsung, asked not to call his name.

"With the strategic models of the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note smartphones, on sale tens of millions, the company not so worries about formation of the huge marketing budget", - told a source.

Last year Samsung became the world leader on production of mobile phones, having displaced from the first place of Nokia. At the end of last year he also became the world's largest producer of smartphones. The company started increasing the expenses on marketing to 6 percent in 2008 when it overcame the financial crisis initiated by the USA and became the world player competing in Apple.

Before the share of such expenses fluctuated between 3,3 percent and 4,1 percent. Expenses on marketing include advertizing, campaigns for goods advance, public relations and sponsorship of the international actions. "Till 2008 of Samsung made usual household electronic appliances, but the company left in world leaders on sale of TVs after outstripped Japanese Sony in 2007. Since then it increased expenses on marketing", - told a source.

It is expected that Samsung will increase such expenses and this year to strengthen leadership in the markets of electronics and smartphones, and also further to improve image of the brand. "Samsung spent for advertizing on the way to a share gain in the market much", - told other industrial source.

Last year the firm according to world brands of Interbrand put a brand of Samsung for the ninth place in a global rating. For the first time Samsung entered into the first ten and overcame the next boundary which the company considers not as the last, working over the marketing plans.

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