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SQLPLUS Environment Variable

SQLPLUS_FONT Parameter Description

The SQLPLUS_FONT registry entry defines the font face used in the SQL*Plus Windows GUI. It is located in the registry subkey, HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0. If the SQLPLUS_FONT entry is not created, or if it has an invalid name or value, the default face, Fixedsys, is used.

See "To Change the Windows GUI Font and Font Size" on page 3-13 for details on how to create the SQLPLUS_FONT registry entry and set the font face. See the Registry Editor’s help system for instructions on how to edit the SQLPATH registry entry.

SQLPLUS_FONT_SIZE Parameter Description

The SQLPLUS_FONT_SIZE registry entry defines the font size used in the SQL*Plus Windows GUI. It is located in the registry subkey, HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0. If the SQLPLUS_FONT_SIZE entry is not created, or if it has an invalid name or value, the default size, 16, is used.

See "Changing the GUI Font and Font Size" on page 3-12 for details on how to create the SQLPLUS_FONT_SIZE registry entry and set the font size. See the Registry Editor’s help system for instructions on how to edit the SQLPLUS_FONT_SIZE registry entry.

SQLPLUS Environment Variable

The SQLPLUS environment variable specifies the location of SQL*Plus message files. This environment variable is set during installation and has a default value of


You should not modify or set this environment variable.

Customizing Operating System Parameters A-3

SQLPLUS Environment Variable

A-4 SQL*Plus Getting Started

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 9.0.1