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Attending a conference

Study the necessary words:

to hold a conference

= проводить конференцию

expert panel meeting

= совещание специалистов

opening session

= открытие конференции


= председатель

to take minutes

= вести протокол

items of the agenda

= вопросы повестки дня

to present a scientific paper

= представить научный доклад


= докладчик

to take the floor/ to address the meeting

= брать слово, выступать

to put a question to the vote

= поставить вопрос на голосование

to solve the problem

= решить проблему

to decide the question

= решить вопрос

urgent/ pressing problem

top priority/ controversial problem

= проблема, не терпящая отлагательств

= важнейший/ спорный вопрос

on behalf of

= от имени

Read and try to reproduce the Chairman’s Opening Speech:

“Ladies and Gentlemen! I declare the Conference open.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and in my own name I wish to welcome the guests and participants of the Conference to St.Petersburg!

The first matter is to read the agenda and to explain briefly the work to be done and problems to be discussed: ... I wish you every success.

I am very happy to be able to introduce to you our honorary guests and our speakers. Professor Jones is the first to take the floor....”

How to lead the discussion:

1. Getting started.

Okay, are we ready to start?

Is everyone ready to begin?

Shall we wait for anybody?

2. Introducing the subject

The next item of our agenda is ...

We need to discuss ...

Basically we have two alternatives.

We can either ... or ...

company English classes

the paper work

company cars

a job vacancy

employ a teacher

buy another computer

rent them

promote someone

send the staff to a language school

recruit a secretary

buy them

contact a recruitment agency

3. Asking for an opinion

What do you think of that?

How do you feel about it?

What’s your opinion of that?

Have you got any views on this?

What’s your reaction to this?

4. Giving an opinion

In my opinion,

Personally, I think

It seems to me

As far as I’m concerned

As I see it,

I believe/ suppose

I don’t think*

the Government should

we should

there should

spend less money on defence

be private schools

nationalize telecommunications

be compulsory military service

invest in new forms of energy

spend more on education

increase salaries to our deputies

be state-supported hospitals

take part in peaceful negotiations

* Mind that the negative form is used in the first part of the complex sentence

5. Agreeing/Disagreeing

That’s right./You are right.

Great. Let’s do that

I think so, too.

I agree with you.

I completely agree with you.

That’s a good idea.

I don’t really agree with you.

I’m afraid I don’t agree with you because ...

Yes, that may be true, but ...

Well, I can see your point, but ...

I’m sorry, but it’s a waste of time/ money.

I’m not sure about that.

6. Encouraging everyone to participate

So, would you like to comment on what John said?

What do you think about Mary’s point?

Do you have anything to add?

What do you suggest?

Why don’t we

Shall we

Probably, we could

improve our English?

cancel the Conference then?

allow people to smoke in the building.

invite staff of all levels of the organization?

hold the meeting once a week?

ask for volunteers.

7. Clarifying

Formal: -I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I didn’t quite understand your last point.

I would appreciate it if you could explain I again.

- Would you be so kind as to repeat your last point?

Neutral - Would you mind explaining your last point, please?

- Could you please explain that again?

Informal - Excuse me?

- Please, explain that.

Highly informal - What are you talking about?

- What did you say?

- What?

8. Dividing responsibilities

Who is going to be responsible for that?

Could you deal with that?

Can you take care of that?

9. Reaching agreement and summing up

Do we agree that ... ?

So, to sum up, we have decided to ... .

I know you’re not going to agree with me but we have no choice.

We can discuss it later when we get the necessary information.

10. Keeping the discussion moving

Perhaps we should go on to the next point.

We have only ten minutes left, so we’d better move on.

Ex. 5 Read the essay and try to:

1 mark the points where a new paragraph begins.

2 write out verbs expressing opinions.

3 underline all link words.

4 render it in Russian.

It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase supposes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustable and economically realistic source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, barring accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station may be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever an anti-nuclear lobby says, it is naive to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear power stations pose a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties. Furthermore, it is questionable whether nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have been very costly accidents in the USA and in the Soviet Union. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the extinction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programs are proliferating. Such a proliferation assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.

1. Write the minutes of the discussion:

The subject (item of the agenda)

Advantages/ arguments for

Disadvantages/ arguments against


2. Try to practice “leading a discussion”. Give your opinions and ask for others’ views on every important statement.

3. Act the Conference “On the Uses of Nuclear Power”.

Roles to perform:

The Chairman

Those who support nuclear energy uses

Their opponents

Honorary guests

*You are expected and welcome to present your own opinions and arguments on the subject.

Improve your interpreting skills:

Ex.1. Colony in Space

Presenter: You've probably read one of those science fiction stories where a colony is established in space to solve the over-population problems on Earth. Well, a Japanese expert has come up with a scheme that sounds similar but which is apparently perfectly feasible using existing technology. But this colony is going to be in the middle of the ocean. Marilyn Evans has been finding out about it, haven't you?

Marilyn: Yes, one of Japan's biggest problems is, in fact, cramming its large population of something like 120 million into a very limited amount of space. Only 18% of the 380,000 square kilometres of its land can be used for living space, and in fact over three-quarters of its land area is mountainous and therefore it's uninhabitable, but now Kirohide Terai, who is Japan's leading expert on new technology, has set up a study group with some of Japan's most prominent industries. These include companies like Sony, Mitsui, Nippon Steel, NTT and Asahi, the TV and publishing group. Now, their answer is not the one that we'd imagine, a city in space. What they want to do is to build a vast steel metropolis 300 kilometres offshore in the Pacific Ocean. If it's a success, more identical cities could be built, each of which would be a completely self-contained habitat for about two million people.

Presenter: My word! And what would each of these floating cities look like?

Marilyn: Well, there'd be four decks, each five kilometres square with a gap of about twenty metres between each deck. Um.. .on the top deck, it's where people would live and work, there'd be housing, flats, offices, shops and entertainments, parks and...and probably an airport...er...to provide connections to the mainland, but of course y.. .you could go by ship.

Under that...um...on the next level down you'd have the transport system for passengers, which would be a computer-controlled driverless train system.

F.r...below that would be the industrial zone, which would be lots of high-tech companies: computers and electronics and so on.

And on the lowest deck there'd be the services, there'd be electric and gas and sewers, and the telecommunications. And of course a...a desalination plant to convert the sea water into fresh water. And we'd have electricity which would be generated from... from wave power, from the movement of the waves, which would provide all the energy that the city would need. And the only thing that would need to be shipped in to support the community would be food.

The whole thing would be built on 10,000 hollow steel cylinders. They'd be 50 metres apart but in fact they.. .they wouldn't be resting on the ocean floor, but floating: this whole thing would be out in the warm waters of the Pacific where the sea is several kilometers deep.

Presenter: Yes, but wouldn't the...the whole thing sort of bob up and down in the waves? Every...everybody would be seasick!

Marilyn: No. No no no. I3ccause in fact each cylinder would contain water to balance the weight of the structure, and the level of the water in each of the cylinders would be constantly adjusted by computers to keep the whole city floating in a.. .in a level, stable manner. In fact, there'd be no feeling of floating at all. It wouldn't be affected either by typhoons or storms because of its enormous size and because of its height above sea level. They've carried out tests in fact on.. .on models in water tanks, simulating the worst conditions imaginable and they've shown that it works.

Presenter: Yes, but surely the cost of something like that would be absolutely


Marilyn: Yes, it would, you're absolutely right. And to build it would require 60 million tons of steel, which in fact is over half of Japan's annual production. The scheme would be financed by an offshore fund which...which offered tax benefits to investors. There'd be no tax to pay and the idea is that Ocean City would become a tax haven and a financial centre for the Pacific Region. I mean it would probably even replace Hong Kong.

Presenter: Yes, but who would want to live there? It sounds terrible to me.

Marilyn: Well, they're trying to make it as similar to the mainland as.. .as they possibly can, I mean not like an ocean liner. There'd be parks and golf courses, horse riding and swimming pools. And...er...of course, lots of outdoor activities because a big attraction for people living there would be the climate: Ocean City would be to the south of Japan, where the weather is warm and pleasant. And they've chosen a spot where there are there are.. .um.. .few storms and not very much rainfall. Oh, yes, and it…. Of course it has one distinct advantage over living on the mainland in Japan. – there wouldn’t be any earthquakes!

Ведущий - В

Мэрилин - М

В: Вероятно, Вы читали один из научно-фантастических рассказов, в котором для решения проблем перенаселения на Земле была создана колония в космосе. Так вот, один японский эксперт представил проект, который кажется (звучит) похожим, но который, по всей видимости, представляется вполне осуществимым с использованием современных технологий. Только эта колония будет находиться посреди океана. Мэрилин Иванс пыталась узнать об этом, не так ли?

М: Да. На самом деле, одна из наиболее больших проблем Японии - это впихнуть свое многочисленное население, около 120 миллионов, в очень ограниченное пространство. Только 18% из 380,000 кв. км. японской земли можно использовать для проживания. Фактически более 2/3 ее территории - местность гористая и, следовательно, непригодная для проживания (ненаселенная), однако теперь Кирохиде Тераи, который является ведущим экспертом Японии по новым технологиям, создал научную группу из представителей самых известных отраслей японской промышленности. Среди них такие компании как Сони, Мицуи, Ниппон Стил, НТТ и Асахи, а также группу телевидения и печати. Сейчас их ответ не тот, что мы себе представляли - город в космосе. Что они хотят сделать - так это построить огромный стальной город (метрополию) в Тихом океане в 300 км от берега. Если проект окажется успешным, то можно было бы еще построить такие города, каждый из которых был бы абсолютно независимым местом проживания для приблизительно 2 миллионов человек.

В: О господи! И как выглядели бы такие плавучие города?

М: Ну, очевидно, будет 4 палубы, каждая площадью 5 кв.км и с расстоянием между палубами 20 метров. Э ... на верхней палубе, где люди вероятно будут жить люди, будет жилье, квартиры, офисы, магазины и развлекательные центры, парки и ... и по всей видимости, аэропорт для обеспечения связи с большой (главной) землей, но, конечно, можно будет добраться и на корабле.

Под ней ... на следующем уровне будет, вероятно, транспортная система для пассажиров, которая будет представлять собой управляемую компьютером железнодорожную систему без машинистов. Ниже будет промышленная зона, занятая многими высокотехнологическими компаниями: компьютеры, электроника и тому подобное.

А на самой нижней палубе будут жилищно-эксплуатационные службы: электропроводка, газовые и дренажные системы, телекоммуникации. И конечно, завод по опреснению воды - для превращения морской воды в питьевую. И очевидно, у нас будет электричество, которое будет вырабатываться из ... силой волн, движением волн, которые будут производить всю энергию, необходимую городу. Единственное, что нужно будет поставлять для поддержания жизни горожан, - это пища.

Все сооружение будет построено на 10,000 полых стальных цилиндрах. Межу ними будет расстояние в 50 метров и они фактически ... они не будут покоится на дне океана, они будут находится на плаву: по всей видимости, все сооружение будет находиться в теплых водах Тихого океана, где глубина моря достигает нескольких километров.

В: Да, но наверное эта ... все это сооружение будет прыгать вверх вниз на волнах? Все ... всем будет плохо!

М: Нет, нет, нет. Поскольку, на самом деле, каждый цилиндр будет содержать воду для поддержания равновесия всей этой конструкции, а уровень воды в каждом цилиндре будут постоянно регулировать компьютеры, чтобы весь город находился в стабильном плавучем состоянии. Чувства движения по воде фактически не будет. На конструкцию не будут влиять ни тайфуны, ни штормы из-за ее огромных размеров и высоты над уровнем моря. На самом деле, уже проведены испытания на ... на моделях в резервуарах с водой, воспроизводя самые худшие условия, которые только можно представить, и они показали, что устройство срабатывает.

В: Да, но наверняка, стоимость такого сооружения будет просто астрономической?

М: Да, Вы абсолютно правы. И на его строительство потребуется, очевидно, 60 миллионов тонн стали, что составляет фактически более половины годового производства стали в Японии. Скорее всего, этот проект будет финансироваться оффшорным фондом, который предлагает инвесторам налоговые льготы. Налоги платиться не будут, и идея состоит в том, чтобы "Город в океане" стал налоговым раем и финансовым центром для всего Тихоокеанского региона. Я думаю, вероятно, он даже заменит Гонг-Конг.

В: Да, но кто захочет жить там? Для меня это звучит ужасно.

М: Ну, они пытаются сделать его похожим на большую землю ... насколько это возможно, я имею ввиду не как океанский лайнер. Там будут парки и площадки для гольфа, выезд для лошадей и плавательные бассейны. И ... конечно, множество развлечений на свежем воздухе, поскольку наиболее притягательным для людей, живущих там, будет климат: "Город в океане" будет расположен к югу от Японии, где стоит теплая благоприятная погода. И они выбрали такое место, где ... где редко встречаются штормы и не очень часто идут дожди. Да, и ... конечно, проживание там будет иметь одно явное преимущество над проживанием на материке, в Японии - там не будет землетрясений!

Ex. 2. Interpret the following texts:

Text 1


На планете есть места, где слой (layer) озона уже уменьшился на три процента. А ведь его сокращение (reduction) на один процент вызывает (cause) ежегодный прирост (increase) раковых (cancer) заболеваний кожи (skin) на 6 процентов.

34 государства уже подписали соглашение о прекращении использования соединения (combination) хлора (chlorine), фтора(fluorine) и углерода (carbon) в кондиционерах и о сокращении имеющихся их запасов (storages) на 50 процентов. Однако, как утверждают многие специалисты, уже сейчас необходимо 85-процентное сокращение для того, чтобы предотвратить (prevent) дальнейший рост губительного (harmful) вещества (substance) в атмосфере.

Text 2