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8. Выпишите из текста все слова, значение которых вы определили по сходству со словами латинского или русского языков и проверьте по словарю совпадение или расхождение их значений:

Summary. Case reports of 56 patients with a pseudocyst of the pancreas have been reviewed. Thirty-six of these patients underwent surgical treatment. In eight a diagnosis of pseudocyst was made at autopsy, and in 12 patients the clinical impression was never confirmed. Cystojejunotomy was the most commonly utilized form of drainage and had good results.

Analysis of urinary amylase levels in 25 of the patients was done. A patient with a pseudocyst may have normal urinary amylase values. It is more common to have an elevated amylase level which may be persistent but often returns to normal prior to surgical drainage. After surgical drainage of the pseudocyst, amylase promptly returns to normal.


1. Match the words to make fix phrases.

1. barrier 2. family 3. health 4. health 5. occupational 6. population- 7. work-

contraceptive hazard injury planning related risk wide

2. Study the words and phrases in the box. Match the beginning and the ending to make set pharases.







..start with …people think on…other hand to … extent on.. other hand ..real question is on…grounds that …would be great, except in ..sort of situation

3. Which phrase can you use to: - agree only partially with a point - begin talking about several points - compare two ideas - focus on an important part - give a reason for a point - mention an idea - mention a problem with someone’s idea - talk about certain circumstances

4. Look at the pictures. - How can advances in these areas improve public health? - Match each picture with a correct text. - Look t the texts A-F. Replace the words in italics with a phrase from ex. 2.

5. Read the extract from the Hadford University handout about public health in the us.

HADFORD university Vaccination Population-wide vaccination programmes resulted in the eradication of smallpox, as well as the control of infectious disease such as measles and diphtheria. Safer workplaces Work-related health problems, severe injuries and death have been significantly reduced in recent years, fatal occupational injuries around 40% since 1980. Family planning Access to family planning services has resulted in increased opportunities for preconception and counselling; and fewer infant, child and maternal deaths. Barrier contraceptives have helped prevent pregnancy and transmission of HIV. Tobacco use as a health hazard Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard has changed the promotion of use. Since then, smoking prevalence has decreased, and millions of smoking-related deaths have been prevented.

6. Match the words in italics from ex.5 with the following definitions. Use the dictionary to check words you don’t know.

Definitions A connected with work B the fact of being common C attempting to make something acceptable to people D controlling the number of children, using birth control E diseases that can be passed on (through the air we breathe) to another person F before conception G devices that stop someone from becoming pregnant or catching sexually transmitted infections H passing something from one person to another I a danger or risk to a person’s health J destroyed completely K related to the whole of the population L to stop something happening/someone doing something

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