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Graph Proc



Set options for a graph object.

Allows you to change the option settings of an existing graph object. When options is used with a multiple graph, the options are applied to all graphs.


Graph Proc:

graph_name.options option_list

Note: the syntax of the options proc has changed considerably from version 3.1 of EViews. While not documented here, the EViews 3 options are still (for the most part) supported. However, we do not recommend using the old options, as future support is not guaranteed.


Basic Graph Options

size(w, h)

Specifies the size of the plotting frame in virtual inches


(w=width, h=height).




Use solid lines when drawing in color and use patterns


and grayscale when drawing in black and white.




Always use solid lines.




Always use line patterns.



color / -color

Specifies that lines/filled areas [use / do not use] color.


Note that if the “lineauto” option option is specified,


this choice will also influence the type of line or filled


area drawn on screen: if color is specified, solid colored


lines and filled areas will be drawn; if color is turned


off, lines will be drawn using black and white line pat-


terns, and gray scales will be used for filled areas.



barlabelabove /

[Place / Do not place] text value of data above bar in


bar graph.



barlabelinside /

[Place / Do not place] text value of data inside bar in


bar graph.



outlinebars /

[Outline / Do not outline] bars in a bar graph.



376—Appendix B. Command Reference

outlinearea / -outlinearea

barspace / -barspace

pielabel / -pielabel

Graph Grid Options

gridl / -gridl gridr / -gridr gridv / -gridv gridcolor(arg)



[Outline / Do not outline] areas in an area graph.

[Put / Do not put] space between bars in bar graph.

[Place / Do not place] text value of data in pie chart.

[Turn on / Turn off] grid lines on the left scale.

[Turn on / Turn off] grid lines on the right scale.

[Turn on / Turn off] grid lines on the vertical scale.

Sets the grid line color. arg may be one of the predefined color keywords, or it may be made up of n1, n2, n3, a set of three integers from 0 to 255, representing the RGB values of the color. For a description of the available color keywords (“blue”, “red”, “green”, “black”, “white”, “purple”, “orange”, “yellow”, “gray”, “ltgray”), see setfillcolor (p. 453).

Sets the width of the grid lines in points. n should be a number between 0.25 and 5.

Sets the line pattern for grid lines to the type specified by index. index can be an integer from 1 to 12 or one of the matching keywords (“solid”, “dash1” through “dash10”, “none”). See setelem (p. 449) for a description of the available patterns. The “none” keyword turns on solid lines.

Background and Frame Options


Sets the fill color of the graph frame. arg may be one of


the predefined color keywords, or it may be made up of


n1, n2, n3, a set of three integers from 0 to 255, repre-


senting the RGB values of the color. For a description of


the available color keywords (“blue”, “red”, “green”,


“black”, “white”, “purple”, “orange”, “yellow”, “gray”,


“ltgray”), see setfillcolor (p. 453).












Sets the background color of the graph. arg may be one



of the predefined color keywords, or it may be made up



of n1, n2, n3, a set of three integers from 0 to 255, rep-



resenting the RGB values of the color. For a description



of the available color keywords (“blue”, “red”, “green”,



“black”, “white”, “purple”, “orange”, “yellow”, “gray”,



“ltgray”), see setfillcolor (p. 453).






Sets the background color of the graph frame. arg may




be one of the predefined color keywords, or it may be




made up of n1, n2, n3, a set of three integers from 0 to




255, representing the RGB values of the color. For a




description of the available color keywords (“blue”,




“red”, “green”, “black”, “white”, “purple”, “orange”,




“yellow”, “gray”, “ltgray”), see setfillcolor




(p. 453).








Sets the width of the graph frame in points. n should be



a number between 0.25 and 5.






Specifies which frame axes to display. arg may be one




of the keywords: “all”, “none”, or “labeled” (all axes




that have labels), or any combination of letters “l”




(left), “r” (right), “t” (top), and “b” (bottom), e.g. “lrt”




for left, right and top.








Sets the horizontal indentation of the graph from the



graph frame in virtual inches. n should be a number



between 0 and 0.75.






Sets the vertical indentation of the graph from the graph




frame in virtual inches. n should be a number between




0 and 0.75.







background /

[Include / Do not include] the background color when



exporting or printing the graph.

The options which support the “-” may be proceeded by a “+” or “-” indicating whether to turn on or off the option. The “+” is optional.

Data labels in bar and pie graphs will only be visible when there is sufficient space in the graph.

378—Appendix B. Command Reference


graph1.option size(4,4) +inbox color

sets GRAPH1 to use a 4 × 4 frame enclosed in a box. The graph will use color.

graph1.option linepat -color size(2,8) -inbox

sets GRAPH1 to use a 2 × 8 frame with no box. The graph does not use color, with the lines instead being displayed using patterns.

graph1.option fillcolor(gray) backcolor(192, 192, 192) framecolor(blue)

sets the fill color of the graph frame to gray, the background color of the graph to the RGB values 192, 192, and 192, and the graph frame color to blue.

graph1.option gridpat(3) gridl -gridv

isplay left scale grid lines using line pattern 3 (“dash2”) and turn off display of vertical grid lines.

graph1.option indenth(.5) frameaxes(lb) framewidth(.5) gridwidth(.25)

indents the graph .5 virtual inches from the frame, displays left and bottom frame axes of width .5 points, and sets the gridline width to .25 points.


See Chapter 14, “Graphs, Tables, and Text Objects”, on page 413 of the User’s Guide for a discussion of graph options in EViews.

See also axis (p. 217), datelabel (p. 262), scale (p. 433), setelem (p. 449), and setfillcolor (p. 453).


Command || Equation Method



Estimation of ordered dependent variable models.


Command: ordered(options) y x1 [x2 x3 ...]

Equation Method: equation name.ordered(options) y x1 [x2 x3 ...]

When used as an equation procedure, ordered estimates the model and saves the results as an equation object with the given name.




Specify likelihood: normal likelihood function, ordered


probit (“n” ), logistic likelihood function, ordered logit


(“l”), Type I extreme value likelihood function, ordered


Gompit (“x”).



q (default)

Use quadratic hill climbing as the maximization algo-






Use Newton-Raphson as the maximization algorithm.



bUse Berndt-Hall-Hall-Hausman as maximization algorithm.


Quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) standard errors.




GLM standard errors.




Set maximum number of iterations.




Set convergence criterion. The criterion is based upon


the maximum of the percentage changes in the scaled



sUse the current coefficient values in C as starting values.


Specify a number between zero and one to determine


starting values as a fraction of preliminary EViews


default values (out of range values are set to “s=1”).



showopts /

[Do / do not] display the starting coefficient values and


estimation options in the estimation output.




Set derivative methods. The argument keyword should


be a oneor two-letter string. The first letter should


either be “f” or “a” corresponding to fast or accurate


numeric derivatives (if used). The second letter should


be either “n” (always use numeric) or “a” (use analytic


if possible). If omitted, EViews will use the global






Print results.



If you choose to employ user specified starting values, the parameters corresponding to the limit points must be in ascending order.

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