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Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Однакові типи економічних систем; розглядати одні і ті ж проблеми; у дуже обмеженому масштабі; як у приватному, так і в громадських секторах;

перетворювати ресурси на товари та послуги; переслідувати (мету);

приводити до якогось результату; економічні стимули; спонукати кого-

небудь до дії; зіткнутися з неприємними наслідками; зазнати невдачі;

правильно/належним чином; одержати найбільший прибуток; придбати дві третини продукції; самостійність споживача; відкривати/починати свою справу; задовольняти потреби та бажання споживачів; з найбільш низькими економічними витратами; посилати важливий сигнал; звести разом покупців і продавців; обмінюватися товарами, послугами, ресурсами або грошовими коштами; позичати та нагромаджувати кошти; посередник; втручання уряду в економічні питання; визначати і запроваджувати громадські правила;

додержуватися закону і порядку; брак (дефіцит) або надлишок ресурсів; «ручне» (штучне) управління попитом; цінова дискримінація;


Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Different blends of traditions; commands and markets; to do smth in a unique way; to utilize market mechanisms; a handful of countries; to involve market forces; market economy traits; these differences occur; a high level of market freedom; to force people to be creative; to value smth most highly; the most beneficial course of action; to seek high profits; to search for the lowest price; to indicate smth; to provide too much of a product; in addition to selling resources; in the hope of making a profit; an inability to do smth; to act as agents; to become increasingly complex; to use a financial institution as an intermediary; to be the cornerstone of smth; to have the coercive power to do smth; to have a hard time doing smth; vital information for making decisions; to channel scarce resources; to receive economic rewards or economic punishments.


Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these

verbs in the text.

Deal, occur, say, result, mean, seek, search, get, purchase, start, make, send, bring,

become, go, tell, try, do, lose.

Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.


private enterprise


a structure which helps buyers and sellers get




together to exchange goods or services






public sector


a situation when there is not enough of something




that is needed








the ability to do something well without wasting




time or money








the policy of limiting the amount of food, fuel, etc.




that people are allowed to have when there is not




enough for everyone to have as much as they want








an amount that is extra or more than you need








a business that is owned by individuals or other




companies, not by the government








something that encourages people to do something,




especially to work harder, spend more money, etc.








a supply of something such as money, labour, etc.




that an organization or a person has and can use








a person or an organization that helps other people




or organizations to reach an agreement








the part of the economy of a country that is owned




or controlled by the government








complete independence








getting involved in and trying to influence the

















a helpful and useful effect that something has








all the people living together in a single house or




flat/apartment, considered as a unit








the money that you make in business or by selling




things, especially after paying the costs involved





Ex.5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).

to make

an important signal

to satisfy

vital information

to start


to send

an economic decision

to exchange

law and order

to borrow and save

a high profit

to play

consumer’s needs and wants

to maintain


to provide

a great role

to make

a new business

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps in the following verb collocations with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.

To deal ____ the same economic problems; to do something ____ a unique way; to utilize market mechanisms ____ a very limited extent; to turn resources ____

goods and services; to result ____ the greatest efficiency; to be compatible ____

individual freedom; to produce goods and services ____ sale; to search ____ the lowest price ____ a given product; to benefit ____ the efficient use of resources; to direct production ____ goods and services people want to get; to produce goods and services ____ the lowest economic cost; to bring buyers and sellers ____ ; to conflict ____ individual freedom.


Ex.7. Choose the appropriate word or phrase to complete the following


Households, most compatible, labour, surplus, borrow and save, purchase, bring together, in a unique way, economic incentives, shortage, competition, to a very limited extent, define and enforce, businesses

1.Each economic system deals with What? How? and For whom? problems ____.

2.In some countries, market mechanisms are utilized ________ .

3.Free enterprise systems are ________ with individual freedom and political democracy.

4.In the free enterprise system ________ help people answer What? How? and For whom? questions in the most beneficial way, e.g. low prices for goods or services for consumers and high profit for producers.

5.________ , one of the components of the free enterprise system, own most of the

country’s economic resources and with their wages and salaries ________ two-

thirds of all the country’s production.

6.One of the resources that households have is their ________ , which they can sell to businesses.

7.Another component of the free enterprise system, ________ , performs the role of organizers.

8.Markets act as agents which ________ buyers and sellers ________ .

9.Financial markets are used by both households and businesses that want to

________ money.

10.The main role of government in the free enterprise system is to ________ the rules of society.

11.The situation when there are more goods than demanded is called ________ . When the opposite occurs, it is called ________ .

12.Another economic incentive in the free enterprise system is ________ , which stimulates businesses to make the most efficient decisions.


Ex.8. Combine two parts logically to make complete sentences.


All economic systems have


in each nation’s social values and










Free market or free enterprise


consumers’ needs and wants.


economic systems








Economic systems reflect the


unpleasant consequences or so-called




economic punishments.






Free enterprise means that


different blends of traditions,




commands, and markets.






Entrepreneurs, who are guided


employees to produce more and


by the economic incentive of


producers to use resources more


profit, create businesses which












The promise of profit stimulates


is provided by the price system and










When people fail to make good


have a high level of economic


economic decisions, they may












In the free market system,


losses for businesses and low salaries


economic “punishment” may


or unemployment for workers.


take the form of








Entrepreneurs constantly


have the opportunity to own and use


discover new and better ways


economic resources.






A market is any place or any


that buyers and sellers can exchange




goods, services, resources, or money.






In the free enterprise system, the


in the hope of making a profit.


vital information for decision-












Ex.9. Look through the text again and replace the words in bold with the

linking words and phrases given below.

Even though/although, to a limited extent, therefore, instead, in addition to,

however, in essence, on the other hand

1.In a free-enterprise economy, nobody forces entrepreneurs to be creative and productive. Rather, business people themselves choose what is best for their business.

2.Most countries in the world have a high level of market freedom. That is why, their economic systems are frequently called free market or free enterprise systems.

3.All economies deal with the same economic problems – What? How? and For whom? But they do it in their own unique way.

4.In some economies, such as Cuba, the market mechanisms are realized only in certain limits.

5.Despite the fact that markets are not necessarily people, they act as agents to bring buyers and sellers together.

6.Besides selling their resources to get profit, households also act as consumers.

7.Even if the market system is characterized by the absence of government interference, the government still plays an important role.

8.If a business is profitable, there is an incentive for other people to join it.

Alternatively, if it suffers losses or pays low wages, there is an incentive to change it for another one.

9.The role of government in some aspects is so important that, in fact, it acts as an umbrella under which the free enterprise system operates.

Ex.10. Translate into English.

1.У світі існує безліч типів економічних систем, які відповідають на головні питання економіки - Що виробляти? Як виробляти? Для кого виробляти? -

своїм особливим чином.


2.Економічні системи відображають відмінності в соціальних цінностях і цілях суспільства.

3.Високий ступінь ринкової свободи називають економічною системою вільного підприємництва.

4.Виробляючи товари і послуги, необхідні для суспільства, система вільного підприємництва призводить до найвищої ефективності або найменших витрат економіки.

5.Економічні стимули допомагають людям вибрати найбільш вигідний спосіб дій.

6.Якщо люди приймають неправильні рішення, вони можуть зіткнутися з неприємними наслідками, такими як втрати бізнесу або низька зарплата або навіть звільнення працівників.

7.Учасниками економічної діяльності в більшості систем вільного підприємництва є домашні господарства, компанії, ринки і уряд.

8.Домашні господарства володіють більшою частиною економічних ресурсів країни і на свою зарплату купують дві третини всієї продукції країни.

10.Нездатність заробити прибуток є сигналом для компаній про необхідність використовувати свої ресурси більш ефективно.

11.Ринок - це будь-яке місце або спосіб, які допомагають покупцям і продавцям обмінюватися товарами, послугами, ресурсами або фінансами.

12.Як домашні господарства так і компанії використовують фінансові ринки для позик або накопичення грошей.

13.Наріжним каменем системи вільного підприємництва є відсутність втручання уряду в економічні питання.

14.Уряд забезпечує дотримання закону і порядку і охороняє право людини на приватну власність.

15.Система цін є важливою інформацією про попит на будь-який товар і про його нестачу або надлишок на ринку.


16.Конкуренція також допомагає направити ресурси на виробництво товарів і

послуг, які споживачі цінують більше за все.


Ex.11. Ask questions to which the following statements may be answers.

1.Yes, they have to deal with the same What? How? For whom? problems.

2.No, they have different combinations of traditions, commands and markets.

3.Because they reflect differences in their social values and objectives.

4.They are often called free market or free enterprise economic systems.

5.Because people are free to decide what is best for them to produce and to buy.

6.They are profit for businessmen, high prices for property owners, low prices for consumers, and high salaries for workers.

7.They are households, businesses, markets and governments.

8.They can sell their resources and act as consumers.

9.It is the ability of consumers to influence production, directing it toward the goods and services they want to get.

10.These are people who start and run businesses and are organizers and innovators.

11.They act as agents to bring buyers and sellers together.

12.There are three categories of markets − resource, product, and financial ones.

13.Yes, it still plays an important role in a free system. 14.Its main role is to define and enforce the rules of society.

Ex.12. Answer the following questions.

1.Why do societies answer the same economic questions – What to produce? How to produce and For whom to produce? – in a different way?

2.Why most modern economic systems are called free market economies?

3.What does free enterprise mean?

4.What motivates people in their free decision-making?


5.Why are economic incentives important?

6.What forms can economic “punishments” take?

7.What components does a free enterprise system consist of?

8.Why are households referred to as Owners?

9.What is consumer sovereignty?

10.In which way do businesses act as Organizers?

11.What does efficiency in business mean?

12.How and where do buying and selling activities take place? 13.What is a market?

14.In which way are resource, product and financial markets interconnected? 15.Are free enterprise systems absolutely free from government interference? 16.Why can government be called “an umbrella” under which the free enterprise

system operates?

17.What is the linking function of the price system? 18.What are surplus and shortage?

19.In addition to the price system, what other incentives help the free enterprise economy function successfully?

Ex.13. Make a presentation of the topic “Free-enterprise system”.


Ex.14. Write a plan for a summary of Text A. Start with

1.Uniqueness of economic systems



Ex.15. Write a brief summary (25-30 sentences) of Text A.


Ex.16. Write an essay about advantages and disadvantages of the free enterprise economic system (100-150 words).


Ex.17. Discuss the following questions.

1.Why are social arrangements such as markets and property rights necessary?

2.“The economic system of tomorrow is mostly likely to be quite different from the economic system of today.” Do you agree?

3.According to polls, most US economists who classify themselves as liberal favour less government involvement in the economy than the general public does. Can you explain these different approaches?

4.A market system is based on consumer sovereignty – the consumer determines

what is to be produced. Yet business decides what is to be produced. Can these

two views be reconciled? How? If no, why?



Ex.18. Scan the text bellow and give headlines to each paragraph.

If markets and market systems are so efficient, why let the government tamper with their actions at all? Why not adopt a strict policy of what is called laissez-fair and allow private markets to operate without any government interference? (0)___________

National defense is one example where the role of government is indispensable because the defense of a nation is a type of good that is completely different from oranges, computers, or housing. People do not pay for each unit they use, but purchase it collectively for the entire nation. Providing defense services to one individual doesn’t mean that there is less defense for others because all people,


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