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15. Can we meet at the weekend then? - I ________ (spend) this weekend with my parents. Actually, I have no free time.

Ex.15. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1.Are you going to pick me up from work today, please? – Certainly, I will. I’ll be there at 5 o’clock sharp.

2.Look! Your cat going to catch the bird.

3.Wash your hands. Dinner will ready in five minutes.

4.Jerry expects he is going to get a pay rise soon.

5.When you going to get your hair cut?

6.We don’t go to Nicole’s party tonight because George is working.

7.What will I do with this application form? – You must fill it in and return to the office by Wednesday.

8.Excuse me, what time will Flight BA 577 from London arrive?

9.What are you planning to do this summer? – I will spend two weeks in June with my cousin in France. And then… We will probably go to Spain. I haven’t

decided yet.

10.Shall you do the shopping for me, please? 11. I’ll call you when I will finish work.

Ex.16. Translate the dialogue.

-Ти слухала прогноз? У неділю буде чудова погода. У мене пропозиція. Чи не поїхати нам на пікнік?

-Чудова ідея. Я приготую сандвічі, візьмемо овочі, що-небудь смачненьке.

-Може запросимо когось з друзів?

-Звичайно, буде тільки веселіше.

-Я збираюсь завтра зустрітися з Сильвією. Запросимо її з Ніком?

-Буде чудово, якщо вони складуть нам компанію (if they join us).

-Тоді я поговорю з нею. Гадаю, вони не відмовляться.


Ex.17. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous.

1.What ______ you ______ (do) at around 7 o’clock tomorrow evening?

2._____ you ______(wait) for me when the plane arrives tonight?

3.In an hour, you ____________ (sit) in front of your TV and I____________

(bake) your favourite apple pie.

4.Are you nervous about the interview? – Yes, a little. This time tomorrow, I

____________ (talk) to the HR manager.

5.We ____________ (have) dinner when the film starts.

6.Don’t phone them so early. They ____________ (sleep).

7.I ____________ (wait) outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then!

8.My father ____________ (work) the whole day tomorrow.

9.I’d better go out tomorrow because my sister ____________ (practise) the violin all day.


10._______ you ________ (take) your car to the meeting? – Yes, I think I will. Why are you asking me?

11.Do you think she ____________ (still work) here in five years’ time?

12.Steve, let’s wait! They ____________ (change) the guard in a few minutes. We can’t miss such a good view.

13.Just think, this time next Friday I ____________ (sit) in a Paris café reading Le Figaro.

14.You _______ (not read). You ________ (look) at all the pretty girls passing by. 15.What hotel ________ you __________ (stay) at?

Ex.18. You want to ask your friend or colleague to do something for you. First, ask them politely about their intentions for the near future and, if your wishes fit in with their plans, make a request. Use the prompts in brackets to make questions.


You want your colleague to give a book to Roger tomorrow. (see) -

-Will you be seeing Roger tomorrow? - Certainly, why?

-Could you give him this book?

1.Your colleague is busy photocopying a lot of papers. You need to quickly make a photocopy of one document. (use a photocopier for long)

2.You want some aspirin from the chemist’s. Claire is just leaving the house. (walk past the chemist’s when you’re out)

3.You would like your friend to buy Cola for you. (go out during the lunch time)

4.You know that Betty is going to the dentist. You would like to ask her to make an appointment for you. (go to the dentist after work)

5.Sue is going out with her boyfriend. You want to ask her to post the letter. (go by the post office)


Ex.19. Open the brackets and use the correct tense form in the following dialogue.

Situation: Stella and her family are going on holiday tomorrow morning. Now, she is talking with her sister Valerie.


What time are you going to leave for the airport?


At about 6 a.m.


6 a.m.? You __________ (arrive) at the airport terribly early!


I know, but we want to avoid the rush. We _____ (check in) as quickly


as we can, then we __________ (have) breakfast at the airport cafeteria.


Perhaps you’re right. Are you excited about the trip?


Yes, a little.

Valerie: I still can’t believe that this time tomorrow morning you _______ (sit) on


a plane to Malta. Lucky you are!


Yes, this time tomorrow….


Valerie: This time tomorrow evening, you __________(relax) on the beach and I

__________ (do) the ironing or something!

Stella: I only hope there _________ (not be) a delay of our flight, and we

__________ (not sit around) at the airport. You never know these days!

Ex.20. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. Explain your choice.

1.I’ve got toothache again. I see/ am seeing the dentist this afternoon.

2.I’m going to the supermarket. - You’d better be quick then as it is going to close /closes at eight o’clock.

3.I know exactly. When we arrive, she will pick/ will be picking cherries.

4.Is Janet coming to the theatre with us next Saturday? - I don’t know, but I’ll be seeing /I am going to see her in the fitness club tomorrow. I’ll ask her then.

5.I’ll call you as soon as I arrive /will arrive at the airport.

6.I’m sure when I get home my dog will sit/ will be sitting at the door waiting for me.

7.I doubt if she passes/ will pass her exams.

8.If you ask/ will ask Bob nicely, I’m sure he will help you.

9.Don’t call Amanda between 8 and 9. She will put/ will be putting her child into bed.

10.He will finish his course paper when he will have/ has all the material.


Ex.21. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1.Let’s hope they ____________ (repair) the road by the end of this summer.

2.The train ____________ (leave) by that time. We have to look for another way to get there.

3.He _________ (not graduate) from university by May.

4.Don’t say anything. You _________ (forget) me by then.

5.By Christmas, Patrick and his wife ________(be married) for 20 years.

6.My uncle _________ (retire) by the end of this year.

7._______ you ______(buy) a new printer by the end of this week?

8.By the time you get home we _________ (clean) the house from top to bottom.

9.I _________ (not complete) the report until 5 o’clock. Will you help me?

10.We’d better wait till the end of the month. Charles ________ (pass) his exams by then, so we’ll be able to travel together.

Ex.22. Say or write what they will have been doing by the end of this year. Be attentive: state verbs cannot have the Perfect Continuous Tense form.


My brother /run/ his own business/ five years –

By the end of this year, my brother will have been running his own business for five years.

1. Monica /design clothes/ three years.


2.My father/work for the same company/ ten years.

3.Elizabeth /be in this job/six years.

4.My friend Kevin/ study/economics/ four years.

5.They/ build their new house/ two years.

6.William Brown/train the Irish national basketball team/ five years.

7.The Greens /live in this house/ twenty years.

8.Martha /specialize in growing tulips/ about four years.

9.Helen /play the piano/over ten years.

10.Her elder brother Nick/play football/ five years.

Ex.23. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous.

1.Television began broadcasting in 1947. By the year 2017, people

____________ (watch) TV for 70 years.

2.Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, he ____________ (spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.

3.I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I ____________ (study) for nine months and I

____________ (be) in England for exactly one year.

4.By the time they arrive, we ____________ (go) home.

5.You only imagine! You ____________ (fly) non-stop for fourteen hours before you get to Kolkata.

6.In June, my grandmother and grandfather ________ (be married) for fifty years.

7.The party ____________ (go) for ages by the time we arrive.

8.You _________ (perfect) your English by the time you come back from the US.

9.By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we ____________ (drive) more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.


Ex.24. Identify the tenses, then match the sentences on the left with their functions on the right.


How long will you have been

a. a prediction about what you think,

studying English by the end of this

expect, believe, doubt, suppose, etc.,


may or may not happen in the future,


Don’t put too much in that bag or it

often with the words certainly, perhaps,

will burst.



Look! The lorry is on fire, it’s going

b. an action or situation which will

to explode.

definitely happen in the future and we


Will you be going out during the

cannot control or change it

break? – Yes, why? - Could you get me

c. a spontaneous (on-the-spot) decision

a bottle of mineral water, please?

d. promises, warnings, threats, etc.


The milk doesn’t smell fresh. I’ll

e. a form of request

pour it out.

f. an offer or suggestion, asking for

6. We’re flying to Cyprus next Friday.



The plane takes off at 9 a.m.

7.This time next Wednesday, we’ll be having an English lesson.

8.By the time we get home, the football match will have begun.

9.Shall I give you a lift to the airport on Friday?

10.Have you decided how to promote your products? – Yes, we’re going to advertise them on the Internet.

11.What are you thinking about? – My holiday. This time next week I’ll be relaxing in Miami.

12.Spring will set in early this year.

13.Don’t bother. I’ll tell Ann about it.

I’ll be seeing her at work anyway.

14.I won’t have completed all these forms before he comes. Will you help me with it?

15.In time, people will find an efficient way to dispose of toxic waste and even fight nuclear radiation.

16.I haven’t decided yet. Perhaps, I’ll buy this smart phone.

17.Now that I’ve got the money, I’m going to buy it.

g.an action which will be in progress at a stated future time

h.a planned action or an action which will definitely occur in the near or distant future as a result of a routine (almost the same as the Present Continuous)

i.asking politely about someone’s arrangements in order to see if our wishes fit in with their plans

j.prediction based on what you see or feel and there is evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future

k.plans, firm intentions to do something in the future or ambitions

l.fixed arrangements in the near future (we often know when and where)


n.actions which will be finished before

astated future time

o.emphasis on the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future

Ex.25. Choose the correct tense form.



Don’t sit in the draught or you ____________ a cold.


a) are catching b) are going to catch c) will catch d) will have caught


Ask her again. Perhaps she ____________ her mind.


a) will change b) is going to change c) will have changed

d) will be changing


They __________ Kennedy Airport by now and will be on their way to England.

a) will be leaving b) will left c) will have been leaving

d) will have left


We ____________ to London tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?

a) drive b) will have been driving c) are driving d) will have driven

5. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o’clock. By the time she gets here, we ____________ for her for two hours.

a) will wait b) will be waiting c) will have been waiting d) will have waited 6. ____________ to town today? - Yes, why? – Can I come with you?

a) Will you be going b) Will you go c) Are you going to go d) Will you have gone

7.I can’t believe that you ____________ on a plane to Malta while I’m driving to work tomorrow morning.

a) will sit b) will have been sitting c) will be sitting d) will have sat

8.Be careful, Tony! You ____________ the vase.


a) will drop b) are dropping c) are going to drop d) will have dropped

9. Cars of tomorrow ____________ using gas and they won’t pollute the air.

a) are going to stop b) will be stopping c) will stop d) will have been stopping

10. I’m afraid the train ____________ before we reach the station. a) will leave b) won’t leave c) will have left d) is going to leave

11. I can’t believe that by the end of this week we ____________ all our exams. a) will pass b) will have passed c) pass d) are going to pass

12.Just imagine! This time next summer we ____________ on a beautiful beach in Palma de Majorca.

a) are going to lie b) will lie c) will be lying d) will have been lying

13.When the mountaineers get back to the base, they ____________ in the snowstorm for two days.

a) will be b) will be being c) are going to be d) will have been

14) Tom will be very tired when he ____________. He will have been travelling for twenty four hours.

a) will arrive

b) arrives c) have arrived d) will be arriving

15. The film ____________ by the time we get there.

a) will start

b) is going to start c) will have started d) will be starting

Ex.26. Identify the mistakes and correct them. One sentence is correct.

1.I’m not sure but perhaps they are visiting us next week.

2.I won’t speak to him until he will apologize.

3.By the end of this month, she will be teaching for twenty years.

4.I’ve come out without any money. – Never mind, I am going to lend you some. How much do you want?

5.Cathy doesn’t study enough. – I know. I’m afraid she won’t have passed the exam.

6.She won’t have complete the balance sheet by Friday.

7.Any suggestions? What shall we do tonight? – I don’t know. Will we go to the coffee house we enjoyed last time?

8.The workers will have had finished the repairs by Friday.

9.Will you use the photocopier for long? – No, this page only. Do you have something urgent?

10.Don’t lend him your car – he’ll crash it. I know him.

11.If I’ll finish before you, I will wait for you.

12.I want to call Simon. – Well, don’t call him before ten. He will sleep anyway.

13.Nicole can type these letters as soon as she will come back from her lunch break.

14.What are your plans for the holidays? Do you go anywhere this summer?

Ex.27. Translate into English. You may need the following words and expressions: sort out something; turn on the heating; meet with an accident; apply to the University; delay a flight; move to a new flat; land

1. Не хвилюйся так! Я впевнена, ти складеш іспит.


2.Поквапся, за кілька хвилин починається урок.

3.Що ті збираєшся робити з усіма цими паперами?

4.Тобі допомогти їх розсортувати?

5.У кімнаті доволі прохолодно. Ти не включиш опалення?

6.Обережно! Ти ж потрапиш в аварію.

7.Не думаю, що вони складуть контракт до кінця дня.

8.У майбутньому, можливо буде лише одна валюта і зовсім не буде банків.

9.Тобі потрібна буде машина сьогодні ввечері? - Ні, а що? - Можна, я візьму

машину на кілька годин?

10.Подумай тільки, завтра у цей час ми будемо плавати у морі. 11.Можливо, через погану погоду буде затримка рейсу.

12.Батько говорить, що в жовтні буде 10 років, як він працює в цьому банку. 13.Дженіфер збирається стати адвокатом. Цього року вона буде вступатиме

до університету. Сподіваюсь, вона поступить.

14.Наступного тижня ми нарешті переїзжаємо на нову квартиру. 15.За кілька хвилин літак сідатиме.


Ex.1. Complete the sentences, using the following expressions.

Be careful! Have a good journey/holiday! Help! Hurry up! Look out! Sleep well.

Come in. Don’t forget… Don’t worry. Follow me. Have some (more)… Make yourself at home. Sit down. Wait for me!

1.I’m going to bed. – Good night! ______________________________________

2.Could I see Mr.Smith, please? I have an appointment for 3 o’clock. – Of course, sir. ___________________________, please.

3.____________________. – Thanks. I’ll phone you as soon as I get to the place.

4.________________________! It’s so slippery here!

5.________________________. We are going to be late!

6.________________________I can’t swim!

7._________________________ I can’t catch up with you!

8.____________________ coffee. – No, thanks, I don’t drink more than one cup.

9.I’ll be home late tonight. – OK. ________________________ your keys then.

10.Hello. _____________ and __________________, please. ______________ .

11.Jane hasn’t called yet! – . __________________. She will if she has promised.

Ex.2. Use adverbs always and never in the following imperative sentences.

1.Add salt to potatoes when you cook them.

2.Check the tyres before you drive a car.

3.Cook chicken when it's frozen.

4.Wait more than fifteen minutes for somebody who's late.

5.Unplug electrical appliances before repairing them.

6.Count your change after buying something.


7.Put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

8.Say “'I will love you forever”.

9.Pay bills the day you get them.

10.Apologise for things that are not your fault.

Ex.3. Change the following sentences according to the model.

Model:Will you stop whistling? → Stop whistling, will you?

1. Can’t you do something useful?

2.Won’t you stop asking questions?

3.Could you post this letter?

4.Would you hold this bag?

5.Can you get me some stamps?

6.Won’t you come in?

7.Will you take a seat?

8.Can you answer the phone?

9.Could you type this document today?

10.Won’t you come too late?

Ex.4. Decide which of the following imperatives sound too direct and make them more polite.

1.You stay here and wait for me.

2.Stop talking! I can’t hear anything because of you.

3.Take your seats, everybody, and let’s start.

4.Don’t ask me how to get to the railway station. I’m not from here.

5.Go to the traffic light and turn right.

6.Don’t you touch this iPad - it’s not yours!

7.Get out of my way and let me pass!

8.Give me your phone. I promised Jane to call her at 6.

9.Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

10.Take off your hat when you enter the room.

Ex.5. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1.Remember always what I told you.

2.Don’t tell anybody, won’t you?

3.Let he will call me tonight, and I’ll tell him about the results of the meeting.

4.The letter has arrived but let’s don’t open it until John gets home.

5.Shall we have a break for a cup of coffee now? - Let us have a break.

6.What cake shall we buy for Dad’s birthday? – Let me consider. I think I’ll bake a cake myself.

7.You don’t believe her; she never tells the truth!

8.Look never at me like that!

9.Let’s don’t argue about these obvious things.

Ex.6. Translate into English.


1.Не ходіть по траві!

2.Я ніколи не була у Франції, давай поїдемо до Парижа цього літа!

3.Ну сідай ж!

4.Ніколи більше про це не запитуй!

5.Почувайте себе як вдома!

6.Замовкніть, усі!

7.Не паліть тут, добре?

8.Обережно, ти можеш впасти!

9.Нехай він сам вирішує, що робити.

10.Поквапся, ми запізнюємось.

11.Не приходьте завтра, я буду зайнятий.

12.Не хвилюйтесь, усе буде добро.

13.Давай повечеряємо сьогодні разом.

14.Обід готовий, йди мий руки.

15.Завжди перевіряйте рахунок перед тим, як сплатити.



TEXT A: Forms of business organisation

TEXT B: Nonprofit organisations

TEXT C: Franchising


GRAMMAR: Nouns. Articles.

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527),

Italian writer and statesman


1.What do you think “an entrepreneurial person” means? Are you entrepreneurial by nature? Can you make decisions? How organised are you? Are you selfmotivated?

2.Have you ever thought of launching your own business? If yes, why do you think it is more preferable to be “your own boss” than to be directed and managed by somebody else?


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