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Read_and_Speak_English (1).doc
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1. Use the text to complete the sentences:

1. Newton’s greatest discovery was certainly the law of …

2. It was gravity which bound …

3. In the … Newton clarified all he had discovered about the movements of planets and their satellites.

4. In 1703 he was elected …

5. Among his discoveries were the laws of … which are still considered to be the basis of all calculations.

2. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. Where did he study?

2. What did he prove about the white light?

3. What were his greatest discoveries?

4. When did he die and where was he buried?

3. Be ready to speak about Newton’s life and his discoveries.

Text 5. James Watt

Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

a steam-engine – паровая машина

crank movements – коленчатые механизмы

a pressure gauge – манометр

horse power – лошадиная сила

James Watt (1736–1819) was born in Scotland. He moved to Glasgow in 1754, where he learned the trade of instrument maker, and also studied steam technology.

A primitive steam-engine already existed in Watt’s time. It had been invented by Thomas Newcomen at the beginning of the 18th century. But the Newcomen engine was not universal: It could work only as a pump.

In 1763, while repairing a Newcomen engine, James Watt found that he could greatly improve the machine. His invention of the separate condenser and the introduction of crank movements made steam engines more efficient. He also made some other improvements, and the new steam engine was manufactured at Birmingham in 1774. Several other inventions followed, including the double-acting engine, the centrifugal governor for automatic speed control, and the pressure gauge.

With his inventions James Watt provided some most important components of early industrial revolution.

James Watt introduced the term “horse power”. The power unit, the watt, is named in his honour.


1. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. Where was James Watt born?

2. Why was Newcomen’s engine not universal?

3. What made steam engines more efficient?

4. What other inventions belong to James Watt?

5. What term did he introduce?

2. Be ready to speak about Watt’s life and his discoveries.

Text 6. William Shakespeare

Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

a bubonic plague – бубонная чума

England’s greatest poet and dramatist‚ William Shakespeare‚ was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564‚ the exact day is unknown.

Shakespeare was earning his own living by the time he was 18. He wasn’t yet 19 when he married Anne Hathaway and they had 3 children.

Not much is known about what Shakespeare did in the years just after his marriage. A few years later he appeared in London as an actor and writer of plays. They were written in poetry.

In 1592 bubonic plague‚ a terrible disease‚ swept over London. For about 2  years all London theatres were closed. During that time Shakespeare began to write poems. Besides writing some long poems‚ he wrote more than 100 sonnets.

When the plague was over‚ the playhouses were opened again. New companies of actors were formed and Shakespeare began to spend most of his time writing plays. In the late 90s a new theatre called The Globe was built on the bank of the Thames. It was there that most of Shakespeare’s plays were staged at that time. He became a part-owner in the company for which he wrote. This company‚ known as the Lord Chamberlains Men‚ often put on a play to entertain royal household. Shakespeare prospered. He wrote some of his plays about early kings of England. “Henry V” and “Richard III” are 2 of these plays. They helped the English people to understand the history of their own country. Besides his historical plays Shakespeare wrote both comedies and tragedies. “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the most famous of his tragedies. Other tragedies are “Hamlet”, “Macbeth” and “Othello”. Among his comedies are “A  Midsummer Nights Dream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”‚ and “The Merchant of Venice”.

At the height of his success Shakespeare returned to Stratford-upon-Avon. There he died in 1616. He was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon. Thousands of people visit his birthplace and grave each year.

Answer the following questions on the text:

1. Where and when was William Shakespeare born?

2. When did he begin to write poems?

3. What historical plays written by Shakespeare do you know?

4. What did Shakespeare write besides historical plays?

5. Where is Shakespeare buried?

6. Have you read any of his comedies or tragedies?

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