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книги / Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы Пермского края

47.82 Mб

northern, central and southern. A characteristic feature ot all plicative structures ot the salt depth is a linear form on the plane and western facing (Verset:-:).

The rupture deformations are weakly developed in the deposit; the most frequent among them are cracks. Cross cracks are grouped into fold cracks, rupture cracks and cracks of indefinite genesis (Kudryashov, 2001). The presence and the charac­ ter of large disjunctive dislocations (ruptures) on the UKSD is a topic of hot debates. Some researchers are of the opinion that the main fracture structures of the deposit are over-thrusts, others believe that they are sub-vertical relatively long ruptures like shifts/ slips, faults and thrusts. The main rupture structures of UKSD, according to the authors adhe­ ring to the conception of over-thrusts, are three zones of regional over-thrusts —Troitsk, Solikamsk and Ussolye. This conception is officially approved and included in the «Rules on mines protection from flooding.., 2004».

The whole above-salt stratum (excluding the aeration zone) is water saturated, and the water­ bearing complexes are weakly insulated from each other. The underground waters are mostly fresh, hydro-carbonate magnesium-calcium, calcium-mag­ nesium (M up to 0.6 g/dm3). Waters that are lying lower are mineralized, for the most part of chloridesulfate and sulfate-chloride content with minerali­ zation of 1.6—14.0 g/dm3, on a larger depth they are

substituted with chloride brines. The boundary between fresh and mineralized waters is located at the depth of 100—150 m.

The workable horizons of sylvinite ores are the strata KpIIk10, КрИ, АБ and В (of sylvinite content). The KC1 in sylvinite ores is 15—45%. The impurities are MgCh and insoluble residue. The conditions of ground in the strata mining are complex, the cause of which is an intensive inner-salt folding, poor roof stability in headings, the presence of zones where ores are substituted by salt rocks, the gas-bearing of the salts and instantaneous outburst of salt and gas.

Eleven places of the deposit have been prospec­ ted in detail; their total area is 1055 km2 (28% of the potassium bedding area). The reserves of the remain­ ing part of the deposit were calculated for the cate­ gory C2. The prospected reserves of sylvinite of all categories amount to 56 billion/mld tn, including 15.9 mid tn sylvinite (gypsum) of A+B+Q categories.

The salt extraction is performed by mining. The system of exploitation is a chamber one with inter­ vening pillars. Automatic miners perform the ore breaking; blast-hole drilling is used more rarely. The extracted ore is separated by floatation and chemi­ cal techniques of mineral salt production. The total amount of sylvinite of categories A +B +Q will be sufficient for the work of the potash producing en­ terprises of Verkhnekamyie (Upper-Kama) with an annual capacity of 30 ml tn and the extraction of 50% of the underground stock for 245 years.

Salt rock

Perm Krai possesses inexhaustible resources of salt rock, only the salt rock reserves of So­ likamsk depression amount to 4.65 billion tn. The state balance has registered the reserves of two deposits (Upper-Kama and Shumkovsky) with the total reserves of A+B+Q categories of more than 19 mid tn.

The Upper-Kama (Verkhnekamskoye) Salt De­ posit encloses more than 99% of the estimated re­ serves of salt rock in Perm Krai. These reserves are concentrated mostly in the depth of underlying salt rock, in its upper package to be exact, located between the MГ stratum roof and the foot of the syl­ vinite zone in the potassium deposit (the descrip­ tion of UPSD is given in the section «Potash salts» ). On the whole the quality of the useful mineral is low (the NaCl content varies in the range 89—98%, I.R. —0.3—7.0%, CaS04 —1.2—3.4%) and that does not allow it to be used for producing food (common)

salt. But in the center of the upper package of under­ lying salt rock (U1SR) at mining fields of BPIMO-1 (Berezniki Potash Industrial M ining Office), BPIMO-2, SPIMO-1 (Solikamsk Potash Industrial Mining Office) and SPIMO-3 there is a series of closely adjoining layers of salt rock of the quality satisfying the requirements to the food salt.

Shumkovsky deposit of salt rock (Kishert dis­ trict) is situated in the western part of Sylvensky Pre-Ural foredeep. The productive stratum of the deposit is a constituent of Koshelevsky suite (Iren horizon of Kungur stage of the lower-Permian). In the original rocks section we can distinguish several strata, including (from bottom to top) — underlying clay-anhydride stratum, salt rock stra­ tum, salt-bearing clay-sandstone stratum, over­ burden clay-anhydride stratum and marl-sandstone stratum.

The salt rock stratum 64.25—82.95 m thick is off-

Kishert and Porokhovsky places, whe;^ w- .*;vn expect to discover several sulphur mauiû:sir'4*».s whh the native sulphur cornent oi ne

and the speculative resources of 10 nil m "ч field.


The State Balance has registerd the reserve' of d:--solved sulphur at oil-gas pools of Perm Krai

.Kisky, Kokuisky, Tulvinsky and other fierls)


: ::■ mount 4.2 ml tn. The sulphur resource: at

-v: : - not exploited.



Thirty-five fields of useful materials (fire clays, flint clay, dolomite, quartzite, marshallite (dust quartz), chromites have been found in Perm Krai, the named raw materials can be used as refracto­ ries. The dolomite reserves, suitable for the pro­ duction of resinous-dolomite refractories have been registered in the Basic Balance as flux raw materi­ al (see the section «Flux»), the majority of them is concentrated in the deposit Belyi Kamen (White Stone). Marshallite found in Perm Krai has been originally used in glass production, and its descrip­ tion is given in the section «Resources of glass raw materials». The chromites description is in the sec­ tion «Chromium».

There are 26 known fields of fire/apyrous clays in Perm Krai (Kishert, Gornozavodsk, Oktyabrsky, Krasnovishersk, Chussovoy, Gainy, Kochyovo, Lysva, Yusva districts, the territories subordinate to the town of Alexandrovsk and Gubakha). The reserves of Sedinsky (Kishert district) and Ust-Igum (the ter-

ritory subordinate to the town of Alexandrovsk) de­ posits have been included in the State Balance. The confirmed resources of clays of B+Cj catego­ ries at Sedinsky deposit amount to 1.32 ml m3 and 0.16 ml m3 for the C2 category.

15 fields of flint clay have been discovered in Perm Krai (all in Gornozavodsk district), including two non-com m ercial deposits — Svetlogorsky and Kolykhmatovsky. The author’s reserves of Svetlogor­ sky field for the Ci category amount to 142 thou tn, the reserves of Kolykhmatovsky deposit for B+Ct categories are 49.0 thou tn and 60.0 thou tn of the category C2.

Among several quartzite fields the largest is non­ commercial deposit Vizhaysky Kamen (G orno­ zavodsk district). The average chemical content of quartzites (in %) is S i0 2 — 95.97; A120 3 — 1.43; Fe20 3 — 1.0. The refractoriness is 1760°. The predicted resources of P2 category amount to 8.0 ml tn.

Resource o f wood-pulp

and p a p e r industry

There are six fields of useful minerals which can serve as raw materials for the wood-pulp and paper industry. Four fields are limestone deposits and two fields are clay manifestations (Velsovsky in Krasno­ vishersk district and Mestechko Stvor in Chussovoy district). Limestone fields include three deposits — Levoberezhnoye (Left-bank) (Mitrakovsky), Zhakshersky (both in Krasnovishersk district) and Chikalinsky (in Kungur district).

The State Balance of carbonate raw materials for the wood-pulp and paper industry has registered only Chikalinsky deposit. The useful material are organic and pelitomorphic limestones. The lime­ stone content (in %) is CaO — 53.27; MgO — 1.17; S i0 2 — 1.07; R20 3 — 0.46. The confirmed reserves of A+Ci categories amount to 7.9 ml tn. The mi­ ning-geological conditions are favourable for the opencast mining of the deposit.


Carbonate rocks (limestone and dolomite) and sulphate rocks (anhydrides), quartzites and fluo­ rites are the fluxes found in Perm Krai. The data

about anhydride are included in the section «Gyp­ sum and anhydride», the description of quartzi­ tes — in the section «Refractory materials».

There are many

b :ч ■ o f

Них carbonate raw ma­

terials in Perm K r a i,

bv.i >he

Summary Balance has

registered only ihre-.- :-f them —Belyi Kamen (lime­ stone and dolomite) L o b h o y Log (limestone) and Pashijsky Grebesboh (dolom ite). The total reserves flux limestone of A R-rC; categories amount to 39.2 ml tn and to 2.3 ml tn for the category C2; dolo­ mites of categories A-fBJrC| amount to 24.1 ml tn. Perm Krai is provided with the carbonate fluxes re­ serves for 180 years in limestone and for 215 years in dolomites.

There are eight fields of fluorite (Krasnovishersk, Orda, Uinsk, Kungur districts), three of which are represented by the fluorite mineralization itself (Postma, Tyoploye and Beriozovka manifestations), the rest are ratovkite manifestations. Ratovkite mineralization belongs to cavern limestone of Iren suite. The reserves of this type of flux, included in the State Balance, are absent in Perm Krai, but there are two very large manifestations — Postma and Tyoploye —with the speculative resources of cate­ gories P,H-Pj amounting to 8 ml tn.

Moulding sands

There are seven fields of that raw material in Perm Krai, situated in Chussovoy, Perm, Kishert, Gainy and Cherdyn districts, and on the territory subordi­ nate to the town of Alexandrovsk. The State Balance includes three fields (Gubdor, Belokamenskoe and Verkhne-Mullinskoe) with the total resources of categories A+B+C] in the amount of 15.9 ml tn.

The largest of the fields is Gubdor deposit, which is situated in Cherdyn district 18 km to the south­ west from the town of Cherdyn and belongs to allu­

vial upper-Pleistocene deposits of the first and the second of over-flood plain terraces of the Vishera river.

The sands are flint-quartz: quartz — 81—88%, flint — 7—12%, feldspar —0.8—7.5%, minerals of the heavy fraction —0.3%. The chemical composi­ tion is Si02 —95.74%, Fe20 3 —0.4%, Na20+K 20 — 0.68%. The confirmed reserves of sands of the cate­ gories A+B+C| amount to 9.7 ml tn. The field is not exploited.


G ypsum and anhydride

There are 269 known fields of gypsum and anhydride in Perm Krai, but manifestations and non-commercial deposits prevail among them. The fields are situated in 20 administrative dis­ tricts, 227 of the fields are located in Orda, Kun­ gur, Dobryanka, Chussovoy, Kishert, Permsky and Oktyabrsky districts, which makes up 85% of the total number.

The fields of gypsum and anhydride belong to Kungur stage of the lower-Permian. The gypsum content in gypsum-bearing districts amounts to 82.4—92.8%. Gypsum in high content is present in the deposits of Orda and Uinsky districts; deposits of Kungur, Oktyabrsky and Dobryanka districts have gypsum in low content. In Kungur district part of the deposits have gypsum with interlayers of anhydride and carbonate rocks.

The State Balance of gypsum for civil enginee­ ring and anhydride includes eight fields: Chumkass, Polazna (both in Dobryanka district), Sokolino-

Sarkaev, Yergach, Deikovsky (in Kungur district), Odinovsky, Yegorshiny Yamy (Orda district) and Selishchensky (in Chussovoy district) with the total reserves of A+B+C| categories in the amount of 56.5 ml tn, of which 35.7 ml tn are gypsum reserves and 20.8 mi tn are anhydride. The Sokolino-Sarkaev, Chumkass, Selishchensky and Yergach fields are exploited; they have the total reserves of gypsum and anhydride in the amount of 51.8 ml tn (91.6% of the total), including 31.0 ml tn of gypsum and 20.8 ml tn of anhydride.

The mining enterprises JSC «Yergach» (Sokolino-Sarkaev field), JSC «Gipsopolimer» (Chumkass field), «Uralgyps Ltd.» (Selishchensky field), «Knauf-Kungur Ltd.» (Yergach field) and SE (State Enterprise) «Uralsky kamnerez» (the field Yegorshiny Yamy) exploit the fields. The amount of gypsum and anhydride for the enterpri­ ses of Perm Krai (with the 1992 output of quar­ rying) is sufficient for the period of 57 years.

L im e sto n e for ro o stin g

to p ro d u c e co n stru ctio n lim e

There are three known manifestations and nine fields of limestones, suitable for construction lime production. The balance of carbonate materials re­ serves for producing lime bv roasting includes se­ ven fields — Gora Matyukovaya, Vsevolodo-Vilva (both on the territory subordinate to the town of Alexandrovsk), Severo-Sharashinsk, Sharashinsk (both in Kishert district), Gubakha (the territory subordi­ nate to the town of Gubakha), Bolshe-Sarsinsky

(Oktvabrsk district) and Chikalinsky (Kungur dist­ rict). The largest arc Sharashinsk, Gubakha and Gora Matyukovaya. The total reserves of this useful mate­ rial of A+B + C, categories amount to 111.9 ml tn, and 13.6 ml In for the category C2.The fields Gora Matyu­ kovaya (JSC «AVISMA») and Severo-Sharashinsk («Kishertnerud Ltd.») with the reserves of commer­ cial categories in the amount of 23.1 ml tn (20.6% of the total) are in the allocated fund.

K eram zite d a y

There are 37 fields of keramzite (haydite) clays, located in Gainy, Kishert, Kochyovo, Krasnovishersk, Lysva, Oktyabrsk, Solikamsk, Suksun and Chussovoy districts, and on the territory subordi­ nate to the towns of Alexandrovsk, Kizel, Gubakha. The Summary Balance of keramzite clays includes

seven fields with reserves of A+B+C, categories in the amount of 25.2 ml m3 and 10.9 ml m3 of the C2 category. The largest fields of this raw material are Santorsky (the territory subordinate to the town of Alexandrovsk) and Kostarevo (within Perm city).

Brick-tile m aterials

Clays. More than 250 fields of clays suitable for producing bricks and tiles are known, they are situa­ ted actually in all administrative districts and territo­ ries of Perm Krai, 77 ofthis number are deposits. The commercial deposits are of different genesis: allu­ vial (27%), deluvial (25%), alluvial-deluvial (22%), alluvial-deluvial (19%), lake-glacial (5%), eluvium (1%) and others (1%).

The total reserves of clays of A+B+C) categories amount to 111.0 ml m3 and 30.3 ml m3 for the cate­ gory C2. There are 15 deposits in the allocated fund with the total reserves of clays of A+B+C) catego­

ries in the amount of 33.3 ml m3 and 5.0 ml m3 of the category C2. These fields are exploited by 13 mining enterprises.

The largest clay deposits (with reserves of commercial categories) are Komarikha (Chussovoy district, 5854 thou m3), Kamenskoye (Perm district, 5730 thou m3), Taushin (C hernushka dist­ rict, 5278 thou m3), Balmashevskoye (Ordzhoni­ kidze district of Perm city, 4806 thou m3), Batur (the territory subordinate to the town of Krasnokamsk, 4577 thou m3), Kalinkin (Ussolje district, 4538 thou m3).

Sand-filler for brick d a y

Total number of fields of this raw material in Perm Krai is unknown. Deposits of sands of this type are Bukor (Tchaikovsky district, reserves of A+B+C) categories in the amount of 249 thou m3), Yeverzikovsky (Lysva district, reserves of A+B+C) categories in the amount of 206 thou m3), Mokrinsky part of Sedinsky field (Kishert district, reser­ ves of A+B+C) categories in the amount of 119 thou m3 and of C2 category in the amount

443 thou m3), Kashirinsky (Kungur district, re­ serves of В category in the amount of 77 thou m3) and a part of Nichkovsky field of clays (Krasnovishersk district, reserves of A+B+C, categories in the amount of 63 thou m3). The total reserves of sands for leaning of A+B+C) categories amount to 637 thou m3 and 443 thou m3 for the C2 category The JSC «Tchaikovsky KZ» exploits Bukorsky field of clays.

Mineral points

Perm Krai is rich in numerous mineral resour­ ces, which can be used as mineral paints —oxides and hydroxides of ferrum, ferriferous clays, gyp­ sum, kaolin and volkonskoite. Some of them have been described already: hematite in the section «Ferrum», gypsum — in the section «Gypsum and anhydride». But the main types of natural paint raw material in Perm Krai are volkonskoite, minium, mummy, ochre.

Volkonskoite is a very rare clayish mineral of the sm ectite group. The chemical composition of volkonskoite is not constant (%): SiCb — 38.0—47.0; Fe20 3 - 2.5-40.0; Cr20 3 - 11.90-24.95; A h03 - 3 .0 - 14.0; CaO - 1.5—3.5; MgO —5.0—9.0; S 03 - 8.0— 11.5; humidity — 11.0—20.0. As a rule, volkons­ koite is coloured in green of different shades: from bright-green to green-black, brown and black varie­ ties are more rare. The mineral is of exogenous ori­ gin, amorphous or cryptocrystalline, aggregates are solid, earthy and claylike.

The volkonskoite fields are known only in Russia (Perm Krai, Kirovsky region, the Republic of Udmur­ tia). The largest number of fields are in Perm Krai — 25 fields, six of them are deposits (Bozhjyakovsky, Selinsky, Krutolozhsky, Lapshinsky, Yefimyatsky, Samosadsky). All of them are situated on the right bank of the Kama river in Chastyje, Bolshaya Sosnova, Okhansk and Ochyor districts. Chastyje district is especially rich in volkonskoite, where almost all pros­ pected reserves are concentrated.

Volkonskoite is present in sands and conglo­ merates (rarely in clay deposits) of Kazan and Tatar stages of upper-Perm. Rocks enclosing volkonskoite are deposits of ancient river streams beds. Bodies of useful mineral are seats, small lenses and veinlets, pseudomorphs formed on the wood and (very rare­ ly) on shells of mollusks (shellfishes). The size of pseudomorphs can be up to 17 m long, 1.2 m wide and 0.5 m thick.

The thickness of productive strata is rather vari­ able from 0.1 to 11.5 m, their productivity is even less persistent, changing from grains to 19kg/m3. In spite of the reserves in small amount (from several to seve­ ral tens of tones) the accumulations of this useful mineral is classified as unique ones because the mineral is so rare.

The largest deposits of volkonskoite are Bozhjyakov, Selino (Chastyje district) and Kiprin (Bolshaya Sosnova district). A significant part of Bozhjyakov

deposit is located within the village Severnaya, which makes its commercial production very difficult.

Total estimated reserves of volkonskoite in Perm Krai amount to 240.6 tn, 69.8 tn of these reserves are volkonskonite of C, category and 170.8tn are of cate­ gory C2.

Minium ferrigenous (bog iron ore). In the des­ cription this useful mineral is named «ochre». Three manifestations of ferrigenous minium are estimated in Perm Krai —Solovinsky, Shudjinsky and Paltinsky. Solovinsky and Shudjinsky manifestations are situated in Yelovo district. Here red minium is pre­ sent among peat bogs in the form of interlayers 4—10 cm thick. The minium chemical composition is correspondingly (%): Fe0+Fe20 3 — 92.16 and 60.85; Si02 - 4.41 and 20.39; A120 3 - 1.15; P20 3 - 1.17 and 0.65; MnO —0.48 and 2.05. The minium speculative resources were not estimated. The mani­ festations are used from time to time by local inhabi­ tants. Paltinsky field is situated within Paltinsky field of peat (see the section «Peat»).

Mummy is clay coloured by anhydrous ferrum oxides into red colour. The Fe20 3 content in clayey mummy is 20—35%. Two mummy manifestations have been found in Yusva district (Kuprossky and Podvoloshinsky), where it is viewed in the form of a bed 2 m thick.

Ochre is clay coloured by hydroxides of ferrum with 18—25% of Fe20 3. The colour is from lightyellow to golden. 42 manifestations of ochre have been discovered in Perm Krai, they are situated in Beriozovka, Gornozavodsk, Yelovo, Kishert, Kochyovo, Kossa, Kungur, Suksun, Uinsk and Chussovoy districts and on the territories subordinate to the towns of Alexandrovsk and Krasnokamsk. Ochre of yellow, golden-yellow, red and brown is found in deposits of different age in the form of large seats, thin interlayers (10—20 cm) and lenses. Pigment is present in association with the iron ores. There are cases where ochre is deposited among limestone, gypsum, sandstone and loam. The lar­ gest manifestations are Servinsky (Kochyovo dist­ rict), Bakarsky (Kishert district) and Suksun (Suk­ sun district). The total speculative resources of ochre are rather significant (more than 50 thou tn). Some manifestations (Brodovsky — Beriozovka district, Zhuravlinsky-1 —Kishert district, Solovin­ sky and Shudjinsky —Yelovo district) were used by local inhabitants.

Facing ana wali Hones

In Perm Krai there are 129 fields of rocks, which to a more or less degree can be used for producing facing and wall building materials. These useful minerals are represented by three types ot rocks: igneous (26 fields), metamorphic (13 fields) and sedimentary (90 fields).

Igneous rocks are present as gabbro-dolerites (23 fields), teschinites (one field), granosyenite (one object) and pvcrite porphvrites (one field). Igneous rocks have increased hardness and long life, high decorative value: I class — 17%; II class — 40%; III class —43%. The reserves of this type of useful mineral are actually unlimited.

Metamorphic rocks, which are of interest, in­ clude marbles, marmolized limestone and dolomites (10 fields), ophicalcite (one field), hornfelfs (one field) and serpentines (one field). The decorative value of metamorphic rocks is very high: I class — 23.4%; II class - 37.8%; III class - 38.8%. The colour palette and patterns of stones are so rich and various, that it is difficult to evaluate stones by these characteristics. The rocks are easily sawn and polished. The average yield of natural blocks is 42—62%. The speculative reserves amount 13 ml m3.

Sedimentary rocks are represented by gypsum and anhydrides (eight fields), limestone and dolo­

mites (77 fields), sandstone (five fields). As for decorative qualities, sedimentary rocks are less im- pivssive visually as compared to igneous and meta- morphk rocks. The higher decorative value is chara­ cteristic of varieties with geods of irregular form and of different sizes, completely incrustated with large calcite crystals, seldom with brownish-gray arago­ nite fringe. Gypsum and anhydride are more deco­ rative, but the sphere of their usage is limited be­ cause of their low mechanical strength. The reserves of the depositary rocks, especially carbonate, are practically unlimited.

In spite of the fact that fields of facing and sawn stones in Perm Krai are so numerous, only the reserves of four fields have been prospected and estimated; the fields are a part of the place Kyrma at Bissersky field (Gornozavodsk district), Pikhtovsky (the territory subordinate to the town of Alexandrovsk), Bolshe-Sarsinsky (Oktyabrsky district) and Kamaisky (Kishert district). The re­ serves of Pikhtovsky field were estimated and ap­ proved in 1996, for the other fields — in 1959— 1973. In recent years many new large fields of facing and sawn stones have been discovered in Perm Krai, unfortunately, the prospecting of them was not made.

Building sands

74 fields of building sands have been discovered in Perm Krai, the fields are situated within the area of 21 districts (Barda, Vereshchagino, Gainy, Dobryanka, Karagai, Kirovsky district of the city Perm, Kishert, Kossa, Kochyovo, Kudymkar, Kueda, Nytva, Oktyabrsky,Ossa, Perm, Siva, Ussoljye, Cherdyn, Chernushka, Yurlino, Yussva) and three territories subordinate to the towns of Berezniki, Gubakha and Krasnokamsk. Building sands are represented by alluvial deposits, more rarely by eluvial and fluvio­ glacial deposits and in single cases by eolian depo­ sits.

The Summary Balance has registered 21 fields with the total reserves of building sands of A+B+Q categories in the amount of 76.6 ml m3 and 72.8 ml m3 of category C2. In addition, within Gainy, Dobryanka, Kudymkar, Ochyor, Chastyje, Cherdyn and some other districts of Perm Krai a series of

promising areas with significant speculative reserves of this useful mineral have been distinguished. So­ likamsk district is especially rich in building sands, within it three largest fields of Perm Krai are situated — Solikamsk (with reserves of A+B+Q categories in the amount of 29.8 ml m3), Moshevsky field (with the reserves of C2 category in the amount of 25.8 ml m3) and Teterinsky field (with the reserves of category C2 in the amount of 18.1 ml m3).

10 fields with the reserves of A+B+Ci+C2 cate­ gories in the amount of 72.6 ml m3 (53% of the total reserves) are exploited. Nine building enter­ prises quarry building sands, the largest of which are JSV «Perm plant of building materials and con­ structions» and JSC «Perm plant of silicate pa­ nels».