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Property Window Usage Patterns

Property Windows

Property Window Design Concepts

Property windows have several usage patterns.

Property sheets

A property sheet is modal with respect to objects—users can't change the properties' object without closing and

Properties for a

redisplaying the dialog box. Property sheets use a delayed commit: changes take effect only when users click OK

single object are

or Apply.

displayed in a


modeless dialog




In this example, the properties of a single object are displayed in a modeless dialog box.

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Multiple-object This is like a normal property sheet, but it displays only those properties that are meaningful to the collection of property sheets objects. Any setting changes are applied to all the underlying objects.

Properties for multiple objects are displayed in a modeless dialog box.


In this example, the property sheet displays properties of multiple objects. The mixed-state check box indicates


that some but not all of the selected files are read-only. Changes to this attribute would be applied to all the


underlying files.


This can be used when an object's actual properties are determined not only by the object's direct settings, but


also by all its parent objects' settings (for example, this is the case for Group Policy). The controls are disabled

property sheets because users cannot change them. The effective

properties for a single object are displayed in a modeless dialog box.

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In this example, the property sheet displays the effective Group Policy, which is determined by the object's properties and the properties of all its parents.

Options dialog boxes

Properties for an application are displayed in a modal dialog box.

Like property sheets, options dialog boxes use a delayed commit, so changes take effect only when users click OK. Unlike property sheets, options dialog boxes:

Consist of application settings, but not application attributes. About boxes are used to display application attributes.

Are modal to the application.

Rarely need an Apply button.

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In this example, an application's options are displayed in a dialog box.


Unlike property sheets, property inspectors display the properties of the currently selected objects. They use an


immediate commit (properties are changes as soon as users make changes), so OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons

Properties for

aren't needed.

the current


selection (a


single object or


group of objects)


are displayed in


a modeless


window pane or






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In this example from Microsoft® Visual Studio®, an object's properties are displayed in a grid within a modeless window pane.

In this example, a picture's properties are displayed in a modeless window pane. All the properties except for Size can be changed by the user.

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