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Be Principled

“I would advise students to pay more attention to the fundamental ideas rather than the latest technology. The technology will be out-of-date before they graduate. Fundamental ideas never get out of date.”

—David L. Parnas

In this chapter, I introduce the most important and fundamental principles of well-­ designed and well-crafted software. What makes these principles special is the fact that they are not tied to certain programming paradigms or programming languages. Some of them are not even specific to software development. For instance, the discussed KISS principle, an acronym for “keep it simple, stupid,” can be relevant

to many areas of life. Generally speaking, it is not a bad idea to make everything as simple in life as possible—not only software development.

This means that you should not learn the following principles once and then forget them. I strongly recommend you internalize them. These principles are so important that they should ideally become second nature to every developer. Many of the more concrete principles I discuss later in this book have their roots in these basic principles.

What Is a Principle?

In this book you will find various principles for better C++ code and well-designed software. But what is a principle in general?

Many people have principles that guide them through their life. For example, if you’re against eating meat for several reasons, that would be a principle. If you want to protect your child, you give him principles along the way, guiding him to make the right decisions on their own, for example “Be careful and don’t talk to strangers!” With this principle in mind, the child can deduce the correct behavior in certain specific situations.


© Stephan Roth 2021

S. Roth, Clean C++20, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5949-8_3

Chapter 3 Be Principled

A principle is a kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides you. Principles are often directly coupled to values or a value system. For instance, we don’t need to be told that cannibalism is wrong because humans have an innate value regarding human life. And as a further example, the well-known “Manifesto for Agile Software Development” [Beck01] contains 12 principles that guide project teams in uncovering better ways to develop software.

Principles are not irrevocable laws. They are not carved in stone. Willful violations of principles are sometimes necessary in programming. If you have very good reasons to violate principles, do so, but do so very carefully! It should be an exception.

Some of the following basic principles are, at various points later in the book, revisited and deepened.


“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

—Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist, 1879 - 1955

KISS is an acronym for “keep it simple, stupid” or “keep it simple and stupid” (okay, I know, there are other meanings for this acronym, but these two are the most common ones). In eXtreme Programming (XP), this principle is represented by a practice called “do the simplest thing that could possibly work” (DTSTTCPW). The KISS principle states that simplicity should be a major goal in software development, and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

I think that KISS is one of those principles that developers often forget when they are developing software. Software developers tend to write code in some elaborate way and make things more complicated than they should be. I know we are all excellently skilled and highly motivated developers, and we know everything about design and architecture patterns, frameworks, technologies, tools, and other cool and fancy stuff. Crafting cool software is not just our 9-to-5 job—it is our mission and we achieve fulfillment through our work.

But we have to keep in mind that any software system has an intrinsic complexity that is already challenging in itself. No doubt, complex problems often require complex code. The intrinsic complexity cannot be reduced. This kind of complexity is just there, due to the requirements to be fulfilled by the system. But it would be fatal to