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Инновационные процессы в исследовательской и образовательной деятел

4.56 Mб

Die Ergebnisse bezüglich übriger Turbulenzmodelle sind in der Tabelle vorgestellt.



R0 – Bezugsradius,

U0 – Anfangs-

α – Koeffizient der Aus-



geschwindigkeit, m/s


















Weiter wurden die Ergebnisse der theoretischen und empirischen Modellierung verglichen. Bei der Verwendung des k-ε-Turbulenzmodells zeigten sich größere Unterschiede in Bezug auf alle Parameter des Wirbelrings. Das SST-

Turbulenzmodell liefert eine gute Übereinstimmung in der Geschwindigkeit des Wirbelrings, dabei aber größere Unterschiede im Bezugsradius und dem Koeffizient der Ausdehnungsgeschwindigkeit. Bei der Verwendung des LESTurbulenzmodells ist die Nichtübereinstimmung im Bezugsradius gekennzeichnet. In diesem Bereich sind weitere Forschungen nötig.

Vom höchsten Wert sind für die durchgeführten Forschungen eine gute Übereinstimmung in der Anfangsgeschwindigkeit und dem Koeffizient der Ausdehnungsgeschwindigkeit. Das lässt schließen, dass der Wirbelring eine ausreichende dynamische Stabilität und Stärke hat.

Die weitere Schlussfolgerung besteht darin, dass die entwickelte Methode für die Untersuchung der gasdynamischen Charakteristiken des Wirbelrings bei der Verwendung des LES-Turbulenzmodells angewandt werden kann.


1.Зайцев М.Ю., Копьев В.Ф. О смещении пика в спектре излучения вихревого кольца // Ученые записки ЦАГИ. – 1998. – Т. XXIX, № 3–4. –

С. 83–91.

2.Зайцев М.Ю., Копьев В.Ф. О механизме излучения звука турбулентным вихревым кольцом // Акустический журнал. – 1993. – Т. 39, вып. 6. –

С. 1068–1075.

3.Храмцов И.В., Писарев П.В., Пальчиковский В.В., Бульбович Р.В. Моделирование формирования и динамики вихревого кольца // Вестник Перм. нац. исслед. политехн. ун-та. Аэрокосмическая техника. – 2014. –

39. – C. 127–144.


M.V. Nikonov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


This paper examines the main functions of volunteers as a social group. The article gives valuable information and detailed analysis of different points of view of Russian and foreign researches of the problem of functioning of the social volunteer group. The main types of functions of the volunteers’ group at the personal, intra-group and the social levels are examined and investigated.

Key words: volunteer; volunteers as a social group; the functions of volunteers as a social group.

In global practice volunteering has been a widespread phenomenon for a long time, and its importance in the development of society is highly appreciated at the international level. Many countries involve volunteers in terms of the project vehicle and implementation of government programs of the solution of important social issues. According to the Western and Russian researchers, the necessity in volunteers will be only increasing all over the world in the 21 century. The researches of the University of the George Hopkins show that the total amount of volunteers’ work-time is equaled to the work of 10.5 million people working full-time day. According to the results of the researches, the amount of volunteers in 36 countries is more than 131,557,000 people [1, p. 28–29].

The growing interest to volunteers as a social group makes us focus on its functions. But before the investigation of its functions, it is necessary to specify this concept. There are many points of view on this category. In this article “volunteers as a social group” is understood as an entitative, relatively united and an independent large social group. The dominant of it is synergy exercised by the people voluntarily, on a free-of-charge basis, with the purpose of the solutions of important social issues. This group is diverse in its social and demographic combination and has no distinct formal structure and guidelines – it is based on the universal human values and can be characterized by prosocial behavior, e.g. altruistic and helpful behavior as well as altruistic and selfish motives.

According to the given term three types of functions of volunteers as a social group can be distinguished:

1)Functions of the group, affecting the volunteer as a person in the process of group interaction;

2)Intragroup functions supporting the existence of the group and forming its basic guidelines, values and regulations;

3)External functions targeting the interaction with the society, other groups and social institutions.


If we take a detailed look at each type we can see the following:

E.S. Azarova focuses on two function levels of volunteering: general level (the intra-group) and personal level. At the general (intra-group) level volunteering executes integrative, stabilising, stimulating and standard-setting functions; at the personal level it executes cognitive, self-actualization, social adjustment and self-affirmation functions [2]. At the same time, volunteering executes certain functions that can be characterized by the outwardly orientation, e.g. the orientation on society (the so-called external functions).

O.I. Holina focuses her attention on the functioning of volunteers as a group in social and cultural scope. “Volunteering is focused on moral education, regeneration in the social environment of the universal human values of culture and morality” she writes [3]. According to O.I. Holina the external functions of volunteers are focused on the changing of the mindset and the orientations of society as a whole. The goal which is set to the volunteers as a social group is solving problems at the moral and cultural dimensions.

Attention is also drawn to the point of view of the foreign researches to the problem of volunteers as a social group. H. Anheier and L. Salamon believe that the UN considers volunteering in terms of its service functions: “voluntary service is called for more than ever before to tackle areas of priority concern in the social, economic, cultural, humanitarian and peacekeeping fields” [4, p. 6]. American scientists B. Heydzhin and S.D. Ross also point out that activities of the members of the volunteer group in relations with other groups, have the traits of service. “At mega sporting events such as the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup, organizing committees recruit a tremendous number of volunteers to help the athletes, visitors, and spectators by serving in various functional areas of sports, medical services, technology, environment, ceremonies, spectator services, and administrative services” they write [5, p. 61].

It is important to emphasize that H. Anheier, L. Salamon, B. Heydzhin, S.D. Ross primarily focus on the external functions of the volunteer group, but unlike O.I. Holina, they do not see the global public consciousness changing function in volunteering. The foreign scientists emphasize the economic and service aspects of volunteering. These arguments show the pragmatic view of the American researchers on volunteering. It may be said that volunteers carry out their activities in areas where the state is unable to cope with its functions and where their institutional arrangements do not properly work.

Turning to the point of view of the Russian researchers, A.A. Pokhomova points out the following functions from the point of view of the subjective (personal) approach:


1)Mindset function. A volunteer realizes the significance, the importance of volunteering, his or her role in this process.

2)Disciplinary function

3)Communicative function. Volunteering is related to the interpersonal communication.

4)Educational function. A volunteer receives diverse experience, including knowledge and skills necessary for carrying out a particular job.

5)The function of social capital formation. Communication forms the additional social capital.

6)Recreational function. Volunteering is a way of active and socially useful occupation.

7)Preventative function. Preventive effect on personal qualities of a volunteer, prevention and control of deviant behavior [6, p. 64–65].

In the context of the society (external functions) A.A. Pokhomova points out the following functions:

1)Axiological function. As a result of volunteering such personal qualities as solidarity, tolerance, understanding, flexibility are formed.

2)The function of advanced civic engagement. Volunteers are socially active people and are not indifferent to the problems of others.

3)The function of social adjustment. Adolescents and young people are often involved in volunteering. They form their personal qualities through volunteering facing different social problems and adopting social behavior samples of their elder counterparts.

4)The assistance to the solutions of social problems. Volunteering is aimed at searching and solution of the problems of social life.

5)Altering function. Volunteering is always aimed at changes and transformation of society [6, p. 65].

According to L.A. Kudrinskaya the main functions of volunteering are:

1)Formation and development of civil society, reproduction of societal values and traditions.

2)Civil social adjustment of a specific individual.

3)Integration of society through the associations of citizens, creating social capital.

4)Escalation of the defense of rights and interests.

5)Governance and collective solutions of various problems of society based on social innovation.

6)Committal of disadvantaged groups, their social adaptation.

7)The freedom of expression and social creativity of people [7, p. 17].


The listed above abstract theorems enable to point out the functions of volunteers as a social group at three levels:

1)At the personal level the group executes the following functions: cognitive, self-actualization, self-affirmation, mindset function, communicative function, the function of social capital formation and recreational function.

2)At the intra-group level such functions as integrative function, stabilizing function, stimulating function, standard-setting function, the function of social adjustment and self-administration are executed

3)At the external level the group executes such functions as the function of formation and development of civil society, reproduction of societal values and traditions, transformative function, the function of assistance to the solutions of social problems (services), integrating function.


1.Smith J.D. Volunteering, capital of the future? // The UNESCO courier. – June 2001. – P. 21–23.

2.Азарова Е.С. Психологические детерминанты и эффекты добровольческой деятельности: автореф. дис. … канд. психол. наук. – Хабаровск,


3.Холина О.И. Волонтерство как социальный феномен современного российского общества // Теория и практика общественного развития. – 2011. – № 8. – С. 71–73.

4.Anheier H.K., Salamon L.M. Volunteering in cross-national perspective: Initial comparisons // Civil Society Working Paper – 2001. – 10 р.

5.Bang H., Ross S.D. Volunteer Motivation and Satisfaction // Journal of venue event management. – 2009. – Vol. 1, is. 2. – P. 61–77.

6.Похомова А.А. Волонтерство в современном мире как социальное явление // Философия и социальные науки. – 2012. – № 3/4. – С. 63–66.

7.Кудринская Л.А. Добровольческий труд: сущность, функции, специфика // Социологические исследования. – 2006. – № 5. – С. 15–22.


A.A. Ogleznev, S.V. Zyryanov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


The paper considers the temperature testing data of fiber Bragg gratings with natural anisotropy. The presented results can be used for modeling and predicting the properties of fiber monitoring systems.

Key words: fiber Bragg grating, anisotropic fiber, temperature tests.

Creation and introduction of technical fiber optics for information measurement systems requires the development of a specific component base and, in the first instance, fiber optic sensors (FOS) of various physical parameters. At present, a general type of FOS are the sensors based upon fiber optic Bragg gratings1. It is a structure with a periodic variation in the refractive index of the fiber core, produced directly in the core of special photosensitive optical fiber (a single mode, as a rule).

The main property of fiber Bragg gratings is refraction of light signal in a narrow spectral range. The reflected wavelength ( ), called the Bragg wavelength, is defined by the relationship,

λВ = 2ne ,


where is the effective refractive index of the fundamental fiber mode and Λ – is the grating period.

In the simplest case, a Bragg sensor system is a single sensor connected through the optical coupler with source light and the detection unit detecting the wavelength change (1).

In the area of different fiber polarization devices, such as fiber optic gyroscopes and interferometer sensors, the Bragg sensor system needs testing the polarization state because stochastic variations of polarization can cause either measurement error or degraded operation of the fiber optic device. To maintain the light polarization state the birefringent fiber with intrinsic anisotropy is used in contrast to standard single mode fiber. The splitting of polarization and of the lowest mode into two orthogonally polarized components takes place in it.

As an example, Fig. 1 shows Panda, ellipse and Bow-tie fibers, in which birefringence is due to the shape and material anisotropy.

1 Агравал Г. Применение нелинейной волоконной оптики. – СПб.: Изд-во Лань,

2011. – 592 с.


Fig 1. Fiber with intrinsic anisotropy

Taking into account the special polarization and dispersive properties of these fibers one should note that the experimental investigation of the characteristics of Bragg gratings recorded on the anisotropic optical fiber for various applications is a vital scientific and technical area, it requires additional study and makes the proposed design relevant.

Since the Bragg wavelength (1) depends on the temperature and elongation of the fiber, the change in wavelength of the reflected signal Δλ can reflect the temperature change or strain value. It should be noted that for the telecommunication purposes such instability of the grating parameters has a negative impact.

In solving a linear problem of designing chain structure of FOS on a single cable, which is composed of Bragg sensors capable of separating the influence of temperature fluctuations from the impact of static deformation on

the sensor, it is possible to separate the thermal and mechanical tests.


The temperature dependence for



can be expressed by the formula




1 dn



B 2






T ,






n dT



where α is the thermal expansion coefficient of the core fiber (quartz glass). For orthogonal axes (slow and fast) of anisotropic fiber optic, Bragg wavelength will be different, because in the formula (2) each axis has different refractive index n corresponding to different propagation velocities of orthogonal modes.

Thus, physically uniform grating in anisotropic fiber gives two different reflection peaks. The corresponding range defined in the experiment for Panda fiber is shown in Fig. 2. The wavelength of the optical signal used in FOS is shown in the X – axis in nm.


Fig. 2. Reflection spectrum of the Bragg gratings in anisotropic fiber

Taking into account the dispersion delay between orthogonal modes in anisotropic fiber (2) and the temperature dependency of modal refractive indices n1(T), n2(T), the equation (2) can be written for both spectral components in the following functional form:

B1 KT1(T ) T; B2 KT 2 (T ) T


where KTi, i = 1,2 are modal coefficients of the wavelength variation sensitivity to the temperature change. Functional dependencies (3) imply that at temperature changes the distance between the peaks of the diffracted wavelengths and will be the value of the variable. The relevant experimental data for a range of temperatures (-40...+60) are presented in the Table below.

The distance between


at room temperature was 0,615 nm.









T, 0C








λ1, nm








λ 2, nm








|∆λ1–2|, nm








The further research into the experimental characteristics of fiber Bragg gratings in anisotropic fiber and various systems based on them can include:

extension of operating (temperature) conditions of sensor systems appli-


improving the accuracy characteristics;

simultaneous consideration of the temperature factor and strain.


D.A. Oparin

Perm National Research Polytechnic University



The paper deals with a new approach to prototyping as far as the existing prototyping methods have a lot of disadvantages such as high manufacturing costs, low operating speed, etc. A modular CNC system combining both subtractive and additive manufacturing technologies is suggested as a solution. It is proved that this approach will enable to develop a specialized CNC machine which will make prototyping easier and cost effective.

Key words: hybrid prototyping, CNC manufacturing technology, modularity, rapid prototyping.

Nowadays prototyping is extremely important since it is essential for new product development. It can be partly replaced by 3D-modeling and computer simulating. Nonetheless, a prototype is required for final testing.

Prototype production incurs high costs and is time-consuming as it involves a lot of different processing techniques such as milling, cutting, molding, etc. and each of them needs its own machine tool. Additive manufacturing technology (3D-printing) that makes producing a prototype faster can be a good alternative to it.

However, 3D-printing has a lot of disadvantages such as a limited range of materials available and manufacturing costs rising exponentially in relation to increasing the accuracy of prototyping and lowering its operating speed [1].

To avoid the limitations of additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies we suggest using CNC machine which combines different manufacturing technologies on one platform [2]. This can be achieved by means of modular platform architecture of a CNC machine.

A CNC machine consists of highly-standardized modules with different functions. Standardization is achieved by means of modules’ unified connectors and standard geometry. It means that every module can be replaced by another module of the same type. Modules are divided into four types – structural, transporting, functional and controlling. Structural modules make up the carcass and chassis of a machine. Transporting modules provide transportation of tools which tend to be functional modules. Thus, functional modules are the tools, measurement instruments and support systems.

A CNC machine is controlled by a central controlling module which is connected to any other controllable module as well as to peripheral systems such as PC. This connection conforms to RS-485 Modbus standard and modular


software and allows for plug-and-play modules functionality. Controlling software also has a modular architecture with subprograms corresponding to specific modules bound to a core program.

As the system advances in its development new modules will become available to perform already existing functions with better quality. At the same time the previous versions will remain as cheaper alternatives for customers who do not require the highest possible quality. This will create several “tiers” of pri- ce-to-quality ratio for the same functionality.

The combination of additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies will make it possible to create complex shapes that cannot be created by means of each method alone thus facilitating and accelerating the production process and reducing the amount of waste.

Thanks to modular architecture a CNC machine can be assembled in a configuration that will best meet the users’ requirements for both functionality and price-to-quality ratio. With the requirements being changed the platform can be reassembled in another configuration. By using the solutions matrix a set of hardware and software components is determined to perform a production task [1]. Modularity also simplifies repairing since a damaged module can be swiftly replaced for a new one and repaired separately while the machine can go on working. The capacity of a CNC machine to be easily assembled and disassembled allows it to be transported in compact form and assembled on-site. Alternatively it can be quickly reconfigured that implies not only the use of other tools but the change of chassis sizes to make it possible for the machine to operate on a larger or smaller scale.

The number of axes can also be changed, varying from standard 3-axis to more advanced 4- and 5-axis systems, allowing for the use of more sophisticated tool pathing technologies, such as the one described in [3]. This will make it possible to apply advanced, more precise and faster manufacturing techniques which are inaccessible for conventional machines.

Software follows a similar modular principle and this allows a user to get the required configuration.

In addition, it can be sold in modules so the users will not have to pay for the parts they will not use.

Combined additive and subtractive manufacturing technology was developed in order to avoid prototyping problems. The technology is implemented as a CNC machine with modular architecture to make it easy-to- use and of better quality. The system is made up of different interchangeable standardized modules which make it much easier to transport, assemble and reassemble the machine in any configuration required and to simplify repairing.