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Авиационный английский язык Методические указания и контрольные задания №5. Для студентов ЗФ. Направление подготовки Аэронавигация. Профиль подготовки Организация бизнес-процессов на воздушном транспорте. (ОБПрВТ)

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Одобрено и рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом университета

Ш 87 (03)

АВАИЦИОННЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: Методические указания и контрольные задания №5 / Университет ГА. С.-Петербург, 2019

Издаются в соответствии с программой дисциплины «Авиационный английский язык».

Предназначены для студентов ЗФ по направлению подготовки

«Аэронавигация», профиль подготовки «Организация бизнес-процессов на воздушном транспорте».


Составители А.В. Ожигова, ст. преп., И.М. Степенко, ст. преп.

Рецензент К.М. Суворина, канд. филол. наук, проф.

© Университет гражданской авиации, 2019



1. В данных методических указаниях приведено 5 вариантов контрольных заданий. Номер варианта контрольного задания определяется студентом по таблице 1 в соответствии с его личным шифром (номером зачетной книжки). Например шифр студента ОБПрВТ – 0916.0531 - вариант контрольного задания 1.


Таблица 1



Последняя цифра шифра студента

Номер варианта задания



1 и 2


3 и 4


5 и 6


7 и 8


9 и 10




2. Контрольное задание должно быть написано четко, аккуратно.

Необходимо оставлять поля для замечаний и рекомендаций рецензента.

3.К зачету или экзамену допускаются студенты, выполнившие контрольное задание в соответствии с учебным графиком.

4.Для сдачи зачета или экзамена студент должен:

а) прочитать и перевести текст;

б) соотнести термин с определением;

в) выполнить лексические задания по тексту;

г) перевести предложения с русского языка на английский.


Вариант 1

1. Read and translate the text.

Baggage Handling System

Baggage handling has become such a significant element of passenger processing that the baggage system is of major importance to a smooth airline operation at the airport.

The baggage handling must be able to sort large numbers of bags quickly and with performance reliability. With larger capacity aircraft anticipated in the next few years, the automated baggage system will become the most critical system in the airport terminal. The baggage system to be installed must be considered early in the passenger terminal design process. Certain terminal concepts may require highly automated and costly systems, while others may need only simple conveyor belts. Where automated distribution and sorting systems supplier are contemplated, it is generally desirable to select the baggage handling systems early in the project. This will enable the baggage handling supplier to participate in the system and facility design process, thereby avoiding expensive redesign and time consuming delays during construction and commissioning. Baggage flow should be rapid, simple and involve a minimum number of handling operations. Baggage handling arrangements within the building should be consistent with apron arrangements and volume of traffic expected. Baggage flow should not conflict with the flow of passengers, cargo, crews or vehicles.

2. Match the words written below with their definitions.

Baggage, capacity, terminal, conveyor belt, delay, traffic

the area or building at a station airport or port that is used by passengers leaving or arriving by train or aircraft or ship;

to make something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected;


the amount of aircraft moving along a route;

the bags or other containers that you take your possessions in when travelling;

a continuous moving strip or surface that is used to transport objects from one place to another;

the total amount or number of things or people that something can hold.

3.Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.











1.Baggage Handling Service _________ a large numbers of bags every week.

2.The new airport terminal _________ was created by a new group of specialists two years ago.

3.The new _________ was officially made operational the day before and the conveyor belt broke down on the same moment.

4.We have 180 airports across Europe competing for the _________


5.At the large airports, _________ is governed by its own tower.

4.Translate the following sentences into English.

1.В аэропорту устанавливают новую систему обслуживания багажа.

2.Возможно ли сократить задержки в новом терминале?

3.Поток багажа в аэропорту сортируется очень быстро.

4.Конвейерные ленты расположены на первом этаже терминала А.

5.Пассажир рейса АВО132 не может найти свой багаж и сейчас он заполняет специальный бланк вместе с агентом.

6.Трансферный багаж будет оформляться заново у стойки регистрации.


Вариант 2

1. Read and translate the text.


When forecasting the perceived cargo tonnage it will be important to distinguish between the categories of cargo goods. Freight includes express and diplomatic bags but not a passenger’s checked baggage.

Mail refers to correspondence and other objects. In the forecast, the combined number of tonnes of freight and mail handled at the airport are taken into consideration. Scheduled and non-scheduled cargo traffic are considered together, as both are handled in the same cargo terminal area. Express freight will have a dedicated facility and apron area just as will perishable goods, and so it will be necessary to understand the split between these categories of cargo volume. Some of the key factors that influence the demand in cargo traffic are economic growth as well as the costs associated with air cargo. As the global marketplace expands, there is also a need to assess factors on the movement of goods on a broader base, such as domestic trade policies, elimination of tariffs on a worldwide level.

The combined tonnage of freight and mail handled at the airport should also be taken into consideration in the cargo forecast. Scheduled and nonscheduled cargo is handled in the same cargo terminal area. It’s generally not recommended to produce a cargo forecast by origin-destination or by route area, but rather by inbound and outbound cargo traffic.

2. Match the words written below with their definitions.

Freight, apron, perishable goods, airway bill, tracking, forecast

food products that decay quickly;

information that shows where cargo, or aircraft has been sent in order to

get it;

a statement of what is likely to happen in the future;


a bill of lading issued by an air carrier;

goods, that are carried from one place to another as part of a large group of things by ship, aircraft , train or truck;

the part of an airport in which aircraft are turned around or goods are put onto them.

3.Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.











1.International airport has the largest cargo operation by__________ of any airport worldwide.

2.In order to carry your __________ goods, we must ask you to complete this form.

3.A postal service may sometimes transport some regular _________ by air.

4.Modern airport terminals provide a lot of ____________ for passengers such as waiting lounges, snack bars and gift shops.

5.Most cargo movements are at night and ___________ is not extremely intensive at this airport.

4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Тонны груза и почты перевозятся самолетами нашей компании.

2.Выделенные средства на перевозку ценного груза уже отправлены нашими специалистами.

3.Что является ключевым фактором при отправке почты?

4.Наша компания занимается отслеживанием груза только до пункта назначения.

5.Грузовой терминал обслуживает только прибывающие и убывающие грузовые самолеты.

6.Самолет перевозит скоропортящийся груз: он должен быть отправлен вовремя.


Вариант 3

1. Read and translate the text.

Passenger Characteristics

Different flight segments have different characteristics and needs. The amount of individual passenger space required for comfort and adequate level of service is examined from the point of view of changing passenger behaviors and perceptions. Changes like these affect design attributes such as how much more queuing space might be required for passengers who use luggage carts and tend to carry a certain amount of luggage. Demand always exceeds capacity at some point, and providing space for the formation of a queue is part of terminal design. A fundamental question is: how much space is required to offer an economical level of comfort.

The answer should go beyond the study of operations research specialists and should be done with passengers behavior and expectations in mind. Passengers are one source of uncertainty and thus of fluctuation not only in demand but capacity as well. Queuing phenomenon at check-in counters is good example of this. The arrival pattern may change from flight to flight and from day to day. The time to process passengers also fluctuates and is not entirely under the control of the agent. Different passenger segments have different characteristics and needs. Space standards for a short-haul flight with passengers with carry-on luggage only should be different than for a flight mostly with passengers on two-week trip checking in two or three pieces of luggage piled on a cart.

2. Match the words written below with their definitions.

Queuing, luggage cart, demand, flight, agent, check-in

an aircraft that is making a particular journey;


a trolley (cart) used by passengers at an airport for carrying their luggage;

to wait in a line of people;

a need for something to be sold or supplied;

a person whose job is to arrange flight for passengers;

to arrive and register at an airport.

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.











1.People make flight reservations and buy tickets at ticket __________.

2.Airports used as hubs, may provide a high level __________ to attract new passengers.

3.Aggressive ____________ can be a major problem on board.

4.Many airlines serve less alcohol on board, or even no alcohol at all, particularly on ____________ flights.

5.The captain welcomes ______________ on board and flight attendants give them all information about flight.

4.Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Используя тележку для багажа, пассажир быстро может добраться до терминала.

2.Большая очередь возникла у стоек регистрации.

3.Агент контролирует время регистрации и помогает пассажиру с ручной кладью.

4.Пассажиры бизнес-класса идут на посадку первыми.

5.Стандарты обслуживания пассажиров меняются, в зависимости от расширения разных характеристик и нужд.

6.Вашей фирме необходимо перевезти определенное количество груза до конца года.


Вариант 4

1. Read and translate the text.

Checklist purpose

The airport checklist was designed so that the airlines could work with an airport authority to ensure that the new airport will operate smoothly and with minimal operating problems. A contingency plan is developed to offset any deficiencies. The checklist provides a tool to encourage constructive consultation between the airlines and the airport authority during the final stages of a major airport project. Based on experience at many airports, it is surprising how poor the communication between the airport authority and the airlines is on key planning information required to successfully complete the move to the new airport or into passenger terminal. Each airport will have its own set of potential construction problems. These could involve problems outside the jurisdiction of the authority, such as road access to the airport, or incomplete support facilities such as cargo terminals or catering buildings. Another problem associated with new passenger terminals, when airline offices and lounges are often not ready when a new terminal opens. This is usually a result of the airlines not having signed leases for terminal space in sufficient time for airline fit-out. The new rental rates should be agreed on at least nine months before the airport passenger terminal is to open. This will involve a series of meetings with the IATA User Charges group. Checklist information must be kept confidential, as sharing with third parties of information would create bad feelings between the airport authority and the airlines.

2. Match the words written below with their definitions.

Airport checklist, access, support, rates, deficiency, airline fit-out

the method or way ,to have the opportunity to use it;

a state of not having, or not having enough;

a list of all the things that you need to do, information that you want to


find out;

to help someone in practical way, to provide the right conditions, such as enough information (approval and encouragement given to someone or something);

an amount or level of payment;

the act of equipping or supplying with necessary or new equipment.

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.











1.Airside of the airport doesn’t have a big _________ for public.

2.The aircraft avoided thunderstorm activity and we landed at the airport


3.Before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport____________.

4.Airlines ____________ declared about new fares for Northern part of our country.

5.Poor _______________between potential airlines and the airport authorities can lead to a reduction in the air traffic.

4.Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Лист проверок помогает избежать задержек, связанных с открытием нового терминала.

2.Информация о задержке поступила 2 часа назад.

3.Какой конструктивный опыт приобрели новые аэропорты?

4.В аэропорту Москвы построили новый грузовой терминал и цех бортпитания.

5.Аэропорт заключает договор с авиакомпанией для дальнейшего планирования новых направлений.

6.Гладкая работа всех служб помогает пассажирам чувствовать себя комфортно.

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